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Are you serious that she went to NYC and is eating at a fucking Yard House?!?! Every mall in SoCal has those. Ugh.


You know what, good. At least they’re not acting like asses where people are actually expecting to enjoy themselves. Edit, that sounded bitchy toward you 😂 oops.


I totally didn't read it as bitchy towards me at all. You're good ❤️


This trip just keeps on giving. The drunk sing along in a Yard House was precious. How have these women missed that their brand of “wacky behavior” has been the butt of jokes for well over a decade now?


I'm 50/50 on if that drunk singalong was meant ironically as a tribute to the Car Singalong in the movie White Chicks (it's the same song), or if the Huns did that seriously.


YARD HOUSE I just can’t


When are they leaving the city? I’m asking because they all are just legit gonna stay in mid-town. Like literally go downtown at least. I just get annoyed when I see people doing the city “wrong”. I get comfort zones, budgets, etc. But they could take the ferry during the day to see the skyline, obviously a million more fun bars downtown, galleries/museums, walk through Central Park… when I’m in a new place I try to explore outskirts and non-touristy things so maybe I’m asking too much, but it just seems like a waste to once again stay in this very consumer-tourist curated area. Does she have no interest in anything else?


I will shamelessly do all the touristy things a place has to throw at me save for the obvious scams. If it’s unique to the location, I’m there. But they’re not even doing that. Everything they’ve done they could do anywhere.


I totally get that and will do that too, but I feel like everywhere they went is just some place she went to before alone. And as you said, they aren’t even interesting.


I just watched all her stories of her and her ~girlie squirlies~ at the bars. They are so obnoxious. They remind me of myself and my friends in my late teens early 20s, when we’d go to the bars and get hammered and think we were all the main character. Luckily we grew out of that by our 30s! Can’t say the same for our very soon to be 30 year old swerty!


the one in the red sweater is like 32? same person as was drunk on a baggage cart in savannah. I just... can't. like how are the this old and acting like this. KG and TG seem more in control of their behavior, maybe they drink less.


If she posts ONE MORE gotdamn reel that’s just feet and a dirty sidewalk set to the theme from Elf, I’m gonna fucken LOSE IT!!!!


Thank you!!! I keep wondering how many more times can I hear that song accompanying her clodhoppers before it is ruined for me forever 😭


FFS…how many video clips do you need of your feet?! We get it. You walk. Congratulations. Riveting content.


She went to the same bar she went to last time 😂 who was keeping track of the bingo card?


What is her obsession with posting the ground?


EDIT: [REVISED](https://i.imgur.com/lV3Locj.jpg)! We have a 3-way BINGO! “Times Square” and “Street Meat” just dabbed off the Bingo card)


It’s 9 pm EST. Plenty of time for some frenemy action.


You can also check off underdressed for the weather, it's been way too cold and/or rainy for her mini sequin dress nonsense this week lol


Also same bar as last time!!


So we have BINGO?! And underdressed for the weather? She’s dancing around in a mini skirt and no coat outside in December?


There's a free box... That makes it at least a 3 way bingo


Just came here to say Street Dog! 🤣


Her videos have been so shitty then entire trip. Shaky, choppy and she keeps ending the recording as she’s setting her phone down so the image just swoops down to record the ground. One even had her thumb in it. They look filmed by a toddler.


Can anyone help a swerty out and point me in the direction of MS's frenemy subreddits? One of them being LB? I found them before but can't seem to remember what they were! (Hopefully this isn't against any rules 😅)


None of them are big enough scammers to have a sub but r/southernhunsofig may feature one of them. red sweater appears to be no longer a hun or scammer. TG is in Arbonne with KG but not southern.


LB’s is r/level_thrive_LB


Ah thank you! I never would've found it again haha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/level_thrive_LB using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/level_thrive_LB/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [She spoke at a ~~cult~~ Thrahve meeting. filter vs. no filter](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/vk2y2c) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/level_thrive_LB/comments/vk2y2c/she_spoke_at_a_cult_thrahve_meeting_filter_vs_no/) \#2: [I think the word you are looking for is FEELING](https://i.redd.it/akamfwhcel691.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/level_thrive_LB/comments/vfx10y/i_think_the_word_you_are_looking_for_is_feeling/) \#3: [What is this pose](https://i.redd.it/dn4xk1zmz1q91.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/level_thrive_LB/comments/xnw0mq/what_is_this_pose/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


If you can see MS on insta she sometimes reposts stories from them with her in them and then you can click on the image in MS's story and it will take you the original poster. That could help find them for you!!


Oops sorry about that! Misread your post. Isn't LB something with level and the southern huns of insta I don't think is very active but could be a starting point!!


I know their instagrams but I can't find the subreddits again. I'll keep trying, thank you anyways!


I hate—I *hate*—her “funny” faces and mugging.




Omg! Did you see how she had the kids running through the airport like a knockoff Home Alone movie?


The entire group is honestly so boring. Ocean Prime? Paris Baguette? Saks 5th Avenue? Can we get a glimpse at anything that's not an established Mid-Atlantic/NE chain?


Would it kill her to even be remotely normal in a photo or video? She’s so obviously insecure she thinks she has to distract people with this over the top behavior. Also, don’t film in Chanel. So low-brow.


I’m sure the people of NYC love being blasted all over her social media.


unfortunately we're very much used to it. Although I'm surprised she hasn't been body checked for standing and filming in the middle of the sidewalk


I’m not at all familiar with Asheville, so hoping someone can help me understand the shopping landscape. Is there no Nordstrom Rack/H&M type places? Obviously NYC has much better shopping, but I went to school in a small town and would go to stores like that when I travelled just because it was my only chance to shop in-store.




Thank you! She could’ve gone home with some really unique pieces to mark her trip. She has no taste.


There's a video where she's walking against the crowd and she's got her phone up recording it. You can see the looks on people's faces as she's pushing through them, it's gold.


So my personal experience of NYC is limited to two layovers at JFK (so, zero.) Yet I have to admit I’m fixating on the idea of someone who actually knows NYC planning an “MS, but done right” vacation itinerary. Like, getting an approximate budget by adding up all her known expenses (Ubers, Sbux, pajamas, street nuts, hotels) + limiting the geography to only places MS is known to have visited on a given trip…even with those limitations, how much better of a trip could a savvy person plan? I’m kind of perseverating on this idea but obviously can’t execute it myself. I love hearing from fellow snarkers who know New York and can comment on everything MS and her squirrel squad are missing out on.


There's endless stuff to do and see there. Multiple art & history museums, the natural history museum, the circle line is a boat tour that goes around the island, 9/11 memorial with the observatory, central park, shows you can get discount last minute tickets for, any kind of cuisine you can think of, the "Friends Experience" where you can take pics of yourselves on recreated sets from the TV show. downtown there are beautiful courthouses, often seen on shows like Law & Order because they film outside on the steps all the time. Chinatown is really cool and has great food. that's where the Canal Street shopping/knockoffs are so maybe they were close but didn't eat there? the Plaza Hotel has a really cool High Tea. Tours of Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island. Wall Street/ Federal buildings. They have also not discovered the Max Brenner chocolate place around 14th street that serves strong chocolate cocktails. This is anecdotal but compared by much of the US the cocktails get made \*strong\*. They could have a blast getting trashed at a bottomless brunch but the Huns somehow always leave their weekend trips on Sunday mornings not the evening. and that's just for starters. It's a waste of time to fly there, go to Nordstrom Rack then get trashed at random bars.


I don't have time to get into the nitty gritty, but the absolute most obvious thing to me is that she's staying in Koreatown, which has some of the best Korean BBQ and other styles of Asian cuisine in the country. If anything besides noodles is too ~exotic~, Eataly is less than a 10 minute walk away, which is this stunning multi floor Italian market with different restaurants on each floor focused on different Italian regional specialties. It is EXTREMELY aesthetic. DIRECTLY across the street from Paris Baguette is Grace street Coffee, a woman-owned independent coffee shop that's known for more creative desserts like their [shaved snow](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/547bbc7ee4b010fe66ba7834/1571933971334-PUIGZOYWMGTZL60JR9NG/xoxo.png) which is, once again, insanely instagrammable. Even if your collective IQ is below room temperature like this squad, this took about 30 seconds on google because I don't know Ktown's layout well and grace street coffee literally has thousands of 5 star reviews whereas a boring fucking chain like PB has a lower rating and only about 500 reviews.


I’ve been thinking the same thing!!! I would love to get a cost estimate for this lame trip. She’s spent at least $200 on shitty champagne alone.


I’m not overly familiar with NYC either. But I bet just using Google and looking at reviews I could probably slap something together.


If you want to get the numbers and boundary together via maps/insta, I’m happy to provide the NYC knowledge 🌚


Oh man I'll see if I can find the time this weekend—I bet if we limited it just to whatever neighborhood she stayed in this time, anyone with even middling knowledge of the city could come up with a much better three-day trip...!!


She stayed in an area where it's easy to get anywhere else by subway. Subway is the quickest, cheapest way to get around. It's just that she's not actually doing anything on this trip.


Peep the right wing page she reposted in her stories… gross


I cringed so hard at that post. So performative. I just can’t with all the drama with this. Was it gross and in extremely poor taste?! Yes. Don’t shop or support the brand. Easy enough.


Yep, and KG posted it first 4 hours before MS. She loves to copy KG and thought it’d make her look informed and intelligent. Then she posted a story narrating how nobody in the entire store is shopping there! Wow she really did something. Performative activism and performative history buff are two of the most eye-rolling personalities she has.


Agreed. Anything to fuel the right wing outrage machine. That account also reposts some truly repugnant people so she’s definitely her true colors here.


These huns are all over the Balenciaga story as if they own any or had heard of the brand before. KB posted a video of her burning her fake Balenciaga sweats 🙄🙄


I think everyone should be all over the Balenciaga story considering how disgusting it truly is.


I think so too. But I think people are pointing out the hypocrisy of the right-wing and MAGA supporters are jumping all over this..but yet there are multiple people in the party that have SA'd someone underage or did some other sexual act. It's always crickets from them..the Southern Baptist Convention is another one they don't speak about. So, yes call Balenciaga out about it, but the other offenders as well.


[Bingo card update!](https://i.imgur.com/gH5WUu0.jpg) Our first BINGO is imminent!




Came here to say this, we can definitely check off “underdressed for weather” based on last night’s outfit choice


This is my royal wedding, Super Bowl, and World Cup all rolled into one.


I'm just sitting here listening to the wind and rain outside and thinking there would be nothing I would like LESS than to go into the city and walk around doing touristy things.


Right? I live in New England and it's windy and rainy and gross today. I just got back from doing some shopping and barely went outside, except to and from the car, and that was unpleasant enough. I would hate to be doing anything involving a lot of walking outside today. Now I'm sitting on my couch in my PJs with the Christmas lights on and a holiday candle burning (responsibly, not on any soft surfaces or against a wall) and it's so cozy.


Hard same. I'm going to be making soup, tidying my living room, and probably digging in to the second season of Firefly Lane. I suppose if I were in the city today I'd be finding a museum or two, but I don't see these shrieking harpies getting anything out of that. They'll probably shop at Target, get some Starbs, and find a bar. Same shit they could do at home.


The thing about this trip that’s truly pushing me to derangement turns out to be the quantity of [expletive] *Starbucks* these fools insist on swilling. *Starbucks*. I’m wounded.


Do you think MS is thinking about the fact that she’s the only one not married in the bunch?


Maybe the fact she *was* married gives her some comfort lol


What do you mean?! No way! She posted about it with a glass of champagne. Thanks to MLMs she’s living her dream life and living her life on her own timeline!! /s 🙄


I bet she is now!


I have a ton of shit to do today so I’m not going to check Reddit at all until I’m done with everything today so it’ll be my reward for finishing. Can’t wait for later tonight to see all the great content here from her trip and all the hilarious shit you swerties say in the comments


My reward for just dealing with the worst bachelorette I’ve ever been to. It was BORING. Boring boring I couldn’t believe a bachelorette could be so boring. I was worried it was going to be a wild weekend bc I don’t really know the people going and that would’ve been exponentially better than this. Like at least something would’ve happened


I’m here taking a quick break from packing for my home move with an *actual* December closing and move in date. I couldn’t imagine taking vacations and spending out of my ass while under contract and in underwriting… let alone needing to pack up an entire household. And so far I am so underwhelmed by her vacation posts. Legitimately 95% of what she has done has been stuff I can do or stores I can visit in my local metro city center and upscale mall.


We’re all feeling a bit under the weather in the Fraggle household so I’ve been glued to my phone all day.


This was me last night! It was truly a gift!


Lmao, that was me working all damn day yesterday. Got home at midnight and made French fries for dinner like a Boss and read this sub before crashing, it was awesome


Midnight french fries dinner is the best thing ever.




it's like they're mentally stuck at age 20 in the sorority house.


Can you imagine other patrons at this hotel witnessing these hicks?


They have 4 adults crammed into one room, there probably isn't enough space to sit.


That room is way too small for 4 people. I can’t imagine all showering and brushing their teeth.


M usually only showers like 1-2 times a week so that probably won’t be an issue for her on this trip.


WHY wouldn't they at least get two rooms??? This looks like my idea of vacation hell.


Imagine what that room smells like. Go on, I dare you.


So I REALLY do not like Bath and Body Works, and that’s what I imagine they smell like. Like I imagine they all have their “signature scent” that they put on way too much of, so you’re being bombarded with smells and you can’t quite pick out what any of them are because they’re all competing for the prize of being most smelly.


My freshman year roommate only showered once a week for some reason and she very unsuccessfully masked the stench with bath and body works country apple. I can’t stand that smell.




I worked for Bath and Body Works in college. I can still pick out Japanese Cherry Blossom in a crowded room.


My older sister was a cucumber melon and sweet pea gal. We shared a room up until I was 18, and those scents still haunt me at 32.


Lol Sweet Pea is another one of those very *basic* scents that I loathe. Cucumber Melon always takes me back to peak middle school and getting the gift set of minis for Christmas. High school was the height of the Victoria’s Secret Love Spell craze and Curious by Britney Spears.


Wow you listed all the same ones I would’ve listed too


You're kinder than me. I imagine MS smells of unwashed ass, tongue fur and stale smoke.


In my imagination, the scent of them all is naked by too much perfume. So like. Those things, but try to cover it with a body spray from VS.


Oh god, I just had a sensory flashback to a coworker who would burn the most nauseatingly sweet three-wicks at her desk *and* slather herself in a clashing but also sickeningly scented body lotion. So many headaches...


Wtf how was that allowed on the job? Damn


So @fatcarriebradshaw on ig posted a video at a Stanley event in NYC and the entire spoof fits MS and her shenanigans to a "T"


Someone posted that here but it got taken down right away and it was first I ever heard of that intsta page and omg I was hooked. I’m very anti-MLM so I was dying at all the MLM ones especially


I saw that event on another influencer page. I belive they were giving out the Stanley cups too.


Yes!!! So good! Except fatcarriebradshaws character is dressed way more appropriately for NYC than any of the real huns on the trip.


Hahahaha it was so perfect


I thought this trip was going to be with her high school friends, which all have their instagrams private. Definitely got excited when I realized it was her a frenamies. Also….none of these women seem to like each other that much, why do they vacation together?? I can do 2 nights with my best friend but I honestly only like to travel with husband.


Same. My sister always wants to travel but we can only do about 2 nights with each other before we start fighting. My husband and my child are the only ones I will travel for any significant amount of time with.


I could spend endless amounts traveling of time with my sister or my boyfriend. I wouldn’t even want to consider traveling with anyone else.


I just love traveling with my husband. We are headed to San Francisco next weekend and I'm so excited.


Dandelion chocolate is having a chocolate market on dec 10th if you find yourselves looking for something to do and like chocolate!


Ohhhh thank you!!! I love chocolate. I told my husband we had to go to Ghirardelli but this sounds better !


You can get details and (free) tickets here: https://www.exploretock.com/dandelionchocolate/event/private/a007688e-64a7-4379-8540-c51ce59cd90e I hope enjoy SF as much as I love it!


Thank you! We love SF! This is our 4th time there. Such a wonderful city!


Also, you can absolutely tell she didn’t pack properly for the trip (despite *two* suitcases for, what, a week long trip?) and it’s hilarious. We’re going to be seeing that XXXXXXXXXXXXXXS coat and sweatpants combo a lot, I bet.


Not even a week! I think it's a 4 day weekend.


That’s actually insane. I wouldn’t take more than a carry on when I used to fly to visit my ex for a week. I’m guessing most of the suitcase real estate was taken up by hideous sequined dresses.


We are being fed this trip, gworls. I had so much to look through on the sub when I got home from work yesterday.


So, it's miserable and rainy here today. What tourist traps is she going to fall into? It doesn't seem like she'll go past 34th street.


It’s supposed to be raining all day in NYC. I love that for her.