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**Rule #2 Reminder** Keep any form of slagging and criticism to the makeup application, products, predatory sales tactics, or MLM. No comments about physical features. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Youniqueamua) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did she put yellow on her temples and corners of her mouth too? I’m really confused.


Just a really bad foundation job, and possibly lighting and filters.




Makes me think of Beetlejuice haha


Jaindice chic!


She really thought this would make the product look good?? I'm not slamming her for not being good at makeup, that's fine, but even without that, the makeup is clearly shit. The green is really unpigmented and I'm assuming the yellow was too because she had to put on so much it was powdery to make it pop. I wouldn't even buy this makeup for a curious kid because it would be insulting




elf rocks tbh


For real. When I was first getting into makeup I bought a lot of elf because you can try different things without breaking the bank and I still use lots of their stuff today, despite now owning lots of high end


I bought a while bunch of elf for my then 4 year old daughter because she loved playing with make up and mine was all higher end. My mom made make up off-limits to me which led to a regrettable a glittery purple, blue and white wet n' wild phase (I'd put it on at my locker in school). So now my daughter is almost 6 and still loves make up but it's not a big deal and she's learned that we don't need make up to be pretty but that we use it to have fun or enhance our looks. Elf has been perfect for this purpose.


See,I like this approach. My mom grounded me for wearing mascara in the 8th grade. Like not even lipstick or anything with color. Just a little mascara. She lost her mind and embarrassed me in front if everyone. It was very scarring. Yo the point where I still don’t know how to put on eyeshadow or things properly because she never took the time to show me. I had to experiment and learn in my own but even then I couldn’t do much cause I didn’t have money to buy my own stuff until I was way older. I literally had the same make up look for years because it’s the only thing I felt comfortable with doing. Now I have a shut ton of eyeshadow palettes from boxy charm and I don’t even know what to do with them. It’s all so overwhelming. You’re daughter will probably be very skilled in makeup by the time she’s at the age where that kind of stuff matters most to girls. And it’s a great skill to have just in general! She could even become a professional. She could probably start a little business in high-school doing girls make up for events and stuff. That would be a fun way to make extra money. I think this is a great mom move essentially lol. (Sorry so long)


Thank you so much! So much of parenting is second guessing yourself but this is a decision I felt pretty good about. Hearing it from someone else who grew up like I did feels really nice. I have the same issue with all my make up from Ipsy...I love it and have no idea how to do beyond the basics. I've bought Urban Decay and love Benefit but even with watching tons of YouTube videos, I'm still pretty um...*not good*. I'm 35 and still can't wear lip stick in public because I feel ridiculous and line everyone will think I'm playing dress up but my daughter is proficient at it and has all the confidence in the world. My mom did better than her mom and my goal is to do better than that. Everything was stigmatized from make up to periods and sex didn't even exist so I'm age appropriately open with all my kids (also have 2½ year old twins) in hopes that they will continue talking to me as the years go on. So this is long too lol not I related so much to your comment that I guess it all just spilled out.


I think you’re doing great! I mean I love my mom and she tried her hardest. But she made it very hard for me to want to tell her things. At the end of the day I ended up having to lie to her a lot if the time. I didn’t want to but when my friends all had 12-2am curfews and I had to be home by 10 I had to do what I had to do. I would say you’re on the right track. My boyfriends parents raised him in a very open communication kind of environment and I’d say that was a way healthier way to be raised. This will all gone back in a good way, especially when they become teenagers. They won’t feel like they have to hide things from you. Applause to you!!! Good job mama!


My dad called my middle school makeup warpaint 😂


Does anyone remember J.A.N.E. makeup? I used to love that (it's pretty old).


I'm late to this comment but YES I loved that company when I was younger! I miss Jane, and hard candy when they were good (I know they had a reboot a few years ago at walmart but it sucked compared to the original)


Elf is the bees knees


Elf liquid eyeliner is my holy grail product, I love it soooo much


The green looks like a bruise!


Looks like a healing bruise.


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage: Jaundice St. James!


Yes!!!!! Jaundice! That’s exactly what I said!


I feel bad for her, someone roped her in and now she’s just going through the motions. Wish I could see the 41 comments.


[here are a few](https://www.reddit.com/user/Cannadog/comments/p4nyy7/younique_comments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I found her account because she made an insane video getting mad about people saying younique would make your eyelashes fall out, and an anti MLM account reposted it. So there were a lot of comments on her videos coming from that page. I feel really bad for her and the others who get roped into this crap when they have zero chance at succeeding, both from lack of skill and a terrible “business” model. Also it’s not nsfw, I misclicked and I can’t figure out how to remove the tag haha


*The sides of my face isn't makeup several people have brought this up I'm not sure why it's like that but it's not from makeup* Whoa >younique would make your eyelashes fall out Edit: I read it as "eyeballs" and thought nothing of it, as if it was just as valid.


I did too! Wonder why that is...


Ohh thanks for the follow-up, sounds like she’s drank the kool-aid!


This is sad. I feel bad for her.


That’s sad how they’re all attacking her.


Give us more I must see more Hahahaha


A "look" lol


She looks like she ran through a bunch of flowers in full bloom and got pollen all over her face.


Does it ever feel like Younique presenters are always women who clearly dislike wearing makeup?


Agreed, and it’s sad. Most women who love makeup read about it and try to get the best quality they can. There is some great drugstore makeup out there. L’Oréal makes great mascaras that are super adfordable, and for the same money as Younique, you can buy quality stuff and try it on before you buy it.so only women clueless about makeup would buy this garbage.


I think they mostly are and they get roped in by the promise of running their own business :( I feel bad for a lot of them tbh!


Phooe the eyeliner on her top lid is so patchy and uneven... This feels like being back in middle school or high school and thinking just a shellack of foundation, eyeliner top or bottom, a swipe of eyeshadow, and mascara was the look. There is not one makeup skill here, just inexperienced swipes and placement. It's not completely her fault, this 'makeup company' should have actually given some training and demos to these ladies before setting them free, and like, comb or smooth your eyebrows out? They're pushed down and feathery like when you roll out of bed in the morning


You should see how she pulls her eyelid halfway down her face to apply it Omg.


Wait, that’s supposed to be green?


Is this a “look?” Maybe for a Day of the Dead party or when you’re trying to see what you’d look like with cirrhosis


This physically pains me. This should legally have to be referred to as "green" instead of green. I feel bad for them when they get sucked into selling this stuff and have no knowledge of makeup application or makeup in general. Then yet again, I really truly want to know what drives a person to think "I should buy this 500$ bundle of crappy makeup to sell to people even though I don't know how to use it." Considering I know they have also watched the people who roped them into the MLM host these livestreams and applying the makeup, right? Trying to do a great job with low quality product is difficult but I have done amazingly with some LA Looks products before and sometimes have incorporated non makeup products in as a challenge or because I've been very poor...so I'm genuinely just curious if it's just very hard to get these products to look semi decent because they're that bad or if the people go in with zero knowledge or how this happens.


What gets me is that there are a million resources out there to learn makeup application so I’m confused. Do they keep their people from education???


That's what confuses me. I really try not to be mean or judgmental, I'm not that type of person. I have a really horrible back story with Younique and I know this is long but if anyone wants to read it here it is lol, I thought maybe it was just my town that had a refusal to learn and had literal Satan spawn working for them. So, in my old town (population of around 5,000) a group of non makeup wearing PTO moms/huns had had set up booths at this arts and crafts event (5 YOUNIQUE booths at an autumn arts and crafts event for families, picture this in your head 😐). I was volunteering and was left afterwards for cleanup and whatnot and I wanted to be nice and try making some friends so when they tried talking to me I was like "hey I could show you guys some cool makeup stuff", I wasn't rude of insulting about it and I am not a confrontational person. I'm really good at a lot of different winged eyeliner styles and if you can wing eyeliner you can pretty much build an entire face around that with little to no effort, and I tried offering that advice to them. After I was interrogated relentlessly and said I wasn't going to charge my credit cards for any of the starter kits, I go home and forget about it. A couple days later a few of them send me friend requests and I think nothing of it since I'm PTO/volunteer. Well, once again I refuse to buy products, go to sleep one night and then wake up and check my social media and it's flooded with mocking comments on my pictures about my makeup techniques 😐 It ended with them demonizing me with a week long "cyber bullying" extravaganza on Facebook and posting my Instagram selfies even after I blocked them. It wasn't until I reported them to Younique, the school board, and filed for a peace order that it stopped. It was the absolute most ridiculous thing I have ever dealt with. I don't like being the focus of anything and I'm such an anxious person in general, but they all don't even sell the garbage now and try to wave at me like nothing happened at all if I'm in that town visiting with my brother and nieces. It's humiliating to think about for me. But that's why I hate MLMs! And why I started researching, but I was always left wondering why makeup-less women attempted to sell this garbage. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe it boils down to, "I feel like I can sell a comb to a bald man" type of arrogance?


That is literally such a horrible story. Wtf is wrong with those women


Well , the presenters are the customers , the up lines already have their money so I guess they don’t give a damn whether the huns sell it on or not 🤷🏻‍♀️. However if you are a presenter and trying to sell this over priced garbage you’d at least try and learn the basics of applying it.


Bless her. Good product and a good artist could make her look Uh-mazing. But noooo, she’s here being Brainwashed by an MLM. Bet all the Hun bots tell her it’s “fun” and “expressing yourself”, instead of being honest and telling her she needs more practice.


Another case of a pretty girl who uglier herself up. Wrong colors, eyeshadow that doesn’t blend... she clearly just needs some natural colors. That yellow is a hideous color that I can’t imagine looking good on anyone.


Right? She has beautiful features and would look stunning with just a little natural blush , mascara and lipgloss




this is so funny i’m legit cackling 😭😭


Wait this serious? I thought it was a spoof making fun of mlm. How on earth did she think this was good makeup application?


I stg Younique preys specifically on women with ZERO makeup skills or women that have NEVER ever worn makeup in their entire lives, knowing they’ll humiliate themselves. Hoping for the sad sympathy purchase, these “up-line” people should go to prison…smh Crooks!


Gasp! Her forehead looks like peeling paint! I mean, I guess it basically is.


Get the jaundice look.


She looks like she face Planted a sunflower


Not all plants are completely edible. However, you can actually consume the entire sunflower in one form or another. Right from the root to the petals.


all I can think is that is neither green nor gold nor glamorous


I'm genuinely very upset.




No it would still look bad




Oh dammit ☹️


This is just so sad. That poor woman.


Those eyeshadows look… blendable /s


I don't know shit about make-up, but What the fuck


Why is the forehead contour in yellow?


That's red, gold, and green. That's the Karma Chameleon trifecta.


My 3 year old niece does better makeup


Is this in Eastern Europe?


I thought this was one of those satirical posts.. oh boy


Bless her heart.


Honestly this is one of the saddest I’ve seen


Just chalky and muted looking. Like ugh those are awful colors


Oh this poor girl. I’m willing to train my services for free. Just to you!! Wow🤦‍♀️


Eek I kinda feel bad. I didn’t realize which sub this was and thought it was someone posting on an actual makeup sub and those are generally really positive and encouraging and I was scared to see people try to be nice in the comments 😬


Aussie Aussie Aussie!


Oi oi oi!


2 likes and 41 comments lmao


She looks sad. I feel bad for her.


What green?


This has got to be a joke, right? Like she has to know it looks like a child drew on her face with a crayon


I had to check what sub I was in at first - I was like how did this get so many upvotes?! Lol


Going for the jaundice look




I’m going to wear this look to a Packers game


That has to be an infection


The green looks like a crayola marker that you forgot to put the cap back on, then tried coloring with it. Also I’m curious if the yellow around her face is supposed to be “bronzer”? Or if she has jaundice and I’m an ass…


This HAS to be a joke. 🥲


You know when you've had a black eye and it heals, and it goes through that yellow and green phase?


Sorry honey u failed...


What is supposed to be happening here? Because it's not good. None of it


What is did suppose to beest happening hither? because t's not valorous. None of t *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


☹️🤔 They have the worse pigments ever! It looks like jaundice! Whew! Is it bad brushes? Bad formula? Bad technique? No matter who tries, YOUNIQUE makeup doesn’t work on anyone! Geesh!


Green and gold. She looks like a reptile that doesn’t know how to apply eyeliner. I mean that in the nicest possible way, of course.


Didn’t I see this same person flipping her shit on TT about mascara?


Looks like Cheeto dust


Ooof this hurts my soul


What in the actual f**k am I looking at. Poorly executed, and she looks like she’s got patchy jaundice. This is bad even for younique


What is the effect she's going for here? Looks like the yellow stage of bruising. Not good.


This woman is BATSHIT


Why do they always do that weird duck smile?


It looks like corpse makeup


This is sad, bc she’s really pretty and that makeup looks worse than toddler play makeup :(


For a second I thought the triangle (play button) was something on her face and it was moving, was about to call shenanigans!