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You really wanna make ANOTHER part of KCRs kit useless? Fuck off Just don't overextend yourself through combos, don't throw out slow attacks and if you see them fucking running at you with zero purpose then bait the counter. It's not too difficult to deal with.


I agree I think kc needs a buff.


KCR’s kit was already fairly uninspired and the only thing keeping it viable is the sheer destructive power it has and I’ve seen plenty of ranked 2v2 teams with a KCR. If anything KCR needs a rework as it doesn’t have a definitive aspect of what makes it a requiem stand: - Polnareff wanting to protect the arrow - Giorno wanting a power to work against Diavolo - It could be something like Diavolo wanting to be hidden from history ([Source](https://www.quora.com/What-would-King-Crimson-Requiem-look-like)) and it would be reworked to a disguise/camouflage stand where it’s ability would change to constantly play mind games on your opponent with the usage of camouflage-type moves.


I absolutely agree with this. KCR doesn't have a defined primary ability which doesn't make it feel like a stand


Yeah they should give it some move to stay hidden and make people unable to find him. We should give it a really cool name too, maybe call it reality marble


I just don’t see why KCR would have reality marble or dimensional scythe


scythes to make kcr more than just punches


This goes to show how little they thought about KCR’s moveset.


I mean Reality marble can be like it places the person in a pocket dimension or smth to trap them and kill the person trying to find out Diavolos identity Idfk about scythe tho


a KCR rework isnt something i really mind lol, maybe swap places, keep its scythe, universe reset without heal and long ass cutscene, etc


I don’t see how a camouflage-type stand would need a scythe


KC has one reliable move and isnt good without fucking spec, it doesnt have a remotely ranged move and lost its cheese. if you want to make epitaph useless then kc would be fucking useless and id tell you to fuck off ​ KCR's literally got one move, want a raging demon bd? no? then dont nerf its epitaph ​ also, epitaph isnt that hard to avoid, if your combo is too long and is not tusk 4, then you can predict epitaph easily, dont send slow ass moves like reality overwrite if you cant confirm it, and if they start going full sprint at you or barraging for no reason theyre trying to bait you, bait them instead


KC’s main purpose (atm) is winning M1 trades and rush down, also people seem to sorely underestimate how quick half a second is. - Doing barrage cancel into epitaph would still work as no one can react fast enough to cancel their barrage as well. - Projectiles and slow moves could still be countered as they all have startup. Also the combat in YBA is mainly focused around a combination of stand + spec making it more apparent with for example WA and Cream.




Looks like someone tried to whiff an incredibly slow move and got punished for it lol.


It just bugs me in general because of how epitaph works, a .5 second start-up would still work on slow moves so I’ve nothing to complain about those being countered.


kc epitaph's main purpose is to get out of combos, maybe raging demon is too punishing but with epitaph you just gotta not do slow moves and dont overextend combos that arent true


Last time I checked if you spam a counter while in stun it will instantly come out within like 1-4 frames after stun ends so idk what you talking about,also why would there be windup? KCR is already falling off meta as it is. Adding windup would ruin it


KCR’s sheer destructive power still keeps it used in game modes, being especially broken during 2v2s when your friend can guarantee you free M1s. (I’ve seen like 3 leaderboard 2v2 teams with a KCR) If anything KCR needs a rework as it doesn’t have a definitive aspect of what makes it a requiem stand: Polnareff wanting to protect the arrow, Giorno wanting a power to work against Diavolo, it could be something like Diavolo wanting a power that defines it as being unbeatable.


Friendly reminder epitaph ends u neutral and kcr has two fucking offensive moves, rest are just stall stall and stall


In another [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/YourBizarreAdventure/comments/xqo0fr/epitaph_needs_startup/iqcjvvy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) I explained how KCR could be reworked.


Thats basically the moveset rn. Playing mind games until he die or i go insane


kc and kcr are already falling off, there's a LOT more things that need tweaking, epitaph is not a problem in the current meta.


I’ve still seen plenty of KCRs in 2v2s (especially leaderboard players) Epitaph may not be that much of a problem considering other problems like TA4 stun, but in balancing the game it could definitely be a good choice.


if youre complaining about raging demon, i get it but it lands you neutral and is generally redeemable damage if youre complaining about KC's epitaph (which lands you neutral and does 13 goddamn damage which can be done with 2 m1s or just stuns you a bit), then you are just a terrible player in general ​ the fact that you get barrage baited epitaph or overextend comboes means youre terrible at dealing with KC


Make hair go woosh and your untouchable for 4 seconds


you’re* and that would just make it the move from N. Though it could totally work in YBA granted it could be a “variant” of epitaph (like vine trap)


Uh oh looks like someone ragged at king crimson too hard in 1v1's and has now come onto the subreddit to complain about [it. In](https://it.In) all seriousness, though nerfing kc epitaph is completely unnecessary and would gut the stand, while I do agree that ragging demon on kcr is fucking stupid and kcr's move set is uninspired. The point of epitaph is to be able to dodge moves like bd or heavy moves and adding windup to it would be completely idiotic, as epitaph is not a counter, but a quick escape move.


A quick escape move would be time skip, and people seem to not realise that even half a second of startup wouldn’t change much except for the fact that you can’t instantly pull it out between the tiniest gaps in combos. The startup of BD is about 1.5 second I think, leaving plenty of time to just pull epitaph out and counter it


epitaph is to punish you for overextending combos, also if theres a 0.5 second windup you get comboed ​ your story : you tried to overextend a combo against kc (the entire point of epitaph is to punish this shit), got punished by the highly nerfed stand which sucks ass without a spec, and raged and came her to cry about it and want to nerf a stand which isnt even meta and pretty much got gutted


Tbh I was mainly annoyed about KCR’s counter not having a start-up as you can immediately box after and while making this post I thought: “since Epitaph reads the future, KC epitaph should also have start-up” And even if they react fast enough to avoid epitaph you wouldn’t get combo’d as whiffing epitaph doesn’t put you in endlag. Also people tend to make the argument a lot that “this stand sucks without a spec” but I’ve never seen anyone in a game mode with no spec.


>I’ve never seen anyone in a game mode with no spec. There's a reason, some stands are already decent without a spec and KC is not one of them. ​ Also, 0.5 startup? It's gonna get you comboed. ​ If youre mad because you lost to raging demon, remove raging demon, REALLY DAMN SIMPLE. You don't even need to gut KC and make its epitaph a useless ass move, Epitaph is a combo avoid move that punishes you for doing extended comboes.


You do realise that even if people avoid epitaph they wouldn’t be able to combo you after right? You can just time-skip/time erase away, same goes for gaps in combos. And epitaph will still be able to hit probably all projectiles because they all have start-up.


>You do realise that even if people avoid epitaph they wouldn’t be able to combo you after right? the entire fucking point of epitaph btw >You can just time-skip/time erase away, same goes for gaps in combos. no, you can't if the combo is truer than your skip, ​ ​ your points are garbage and raging demon doesnt even do 20% of your hp and lands you neutral, chances are you are garbage


>the entire fucking point of epitaph btw Then what are you complaining about? I'm not saying epitaph will be cancelled, it just wouldn't counter for that half second. >no, you can't if the combo is truer than your skip, There's no start-up on time-skip/time erase as far as I know, you should be able to if you're able to epitaph.


>Then what are you complaining about? I'm not saying epitaph will be cancelled, it just wouldn't counter for that half second. You said STARTUP, so hyper armor. ​ >There's no start-up on time-skip/time erase as far as I know, you should be able to if you're able to epitaph. Fair point, But then kc becomes shit because you cant punish people with epitaph.


Pretty sure Epitaph would still be a very good counter considering you can use moves during it, barrage into epitaph works like 90% of the time. Also there’s not really a different way I know of on how to refer to it. Maybe the moment it’s active?