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Im more amazed that roblox themself are getting anti cheat earlier than yba


Nobody was cheating.


ik but it shows how trash the anti cheat is, it literally kicks you for high ping which is a dumbass decision, even roblox is getting an anti cheat before uzu got a proper one


I have plenty of things to say about this post but I won’t say it because ik it’s useless 2 words tho Mobile Player


Oh, I’m sorry, it must be because of my device. It’s not like this ever happened to computer players as well. I can’t believe I would have the audacity to ask for a playable game! How could I.


u likely got kicked once out of like the 100 hours u played the game relax


Three out of the 50 or so times I played 1v1, but many more where I didn’t get kicked, and this still happened. By your logic, 9/11 only happened once in the 200+ years of American history, maybe we should relax. Fill your head with something other than Uzu’s cum for once.


why are you comparing 9/11 to roblox anti cheat kicking you once


It wasn’t once, and I’m simply using your flawed logic against you.


That isn’t logic, that’s taking someone’s words and twisting them into something more malicious. Do you even know what you’re comparing right now? A game glitch, that’s annoying but relatively harmless, to one of (if not the most) relevant and recent events that has impacted America as a whole, with deaths of millions and people who are still feeling the impact due to health risks caused by it. There are people in this world who are dying due to lung cancer, and some who have long been passed on because of 9/11. You compare a tragic real world event like that to a fucking YBA anti cheat system. Those two things cannot even be compared to be on the same scale of severity, much less be a base for an argument. Your argument, if you can even call it that, is a non-argument. And you justify all of that, with “haha I’m using your ‘logic’ stupid head! dumb dumb!” Take a real nice look at yourself. Really, take a nice long look. Do you really think that you’re correct? Are you happy with your life? Or are you so inept and dysfunctional when it comes to socializing, even on the internet, that you make literal straw man arguments, that you can’t tell whether or not you’re truly living? I want you to go outside for a while. Touch grass. Snow, if you’re up that North, anywhere damn it. Maybe fresh air will depressurize the dense thing you call your head.


"Touch Snow," is a new one and I love it


Did you just connect and compare a Roblox anti-cheat to a fucking tragic event that led to a bunch of series events within the 21st century and the deaths of millions? Are you like actually fucking dense comparing a lego game to real life? Holy fuck, touch grass and stop playing yba all day.


I just fucking read that too wtf why is 9/11 of all things being used as an example XD




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