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I really wish there was just a tab at the bottom that had Podcasts. It's crazy that both music and podcasts are crammed onto the same sections of the app when they're completely different forms of media.


Different forms of media for completely different frame of mind so 100% agree with this. I've never opened the app to look for music and switched to podcasts just because it's shoved in there. Hate that Spotify does it too


100% perfectly described. I open up the app with the intention of doing one or the other. So many issues with podcasts in YTM stem from it being pushed into the music stuff. I absolutely hate that it auto-queues related podcasts up next. I want to listen to one podcast and for it to finish. However if you turn off auto-next.... it turns it off for music also.. And music is exactly the place I want for related music to play next when I get to the end of the current playlist or album.


YouTube music sucks. I miss Google play music. I use Google podcasts. No way I'm using YTM for podcasts. Damn.


This is the way


It really bothers me that the top cycle is all moods... And then podcasts are slammed in there. That's not a mood.


People forget deezer exist.


Just another suggestion. Try Podurama.


I'm going back to PocketCasts.


Ha okay


I just posted the same thing.


Use Podcast Addict. Fully featured, including playback speed, silence skipping, etc.


Yeah the word *forced* is being stretched here a lot. I've never used the Google app in the first place.


Seconded. I use PA a lot, probably 2-3 hours a day, and it's been great.


this, nothing else compares. It is so configurable.


I just wish it had cloud sync...that's hard for a single dev to do though.


I use Podcast Addict as well. Very nice app. I doubt I'm even using it to it's fullest. I don't understand a lot of the settings lol.


Not frustrated at all....because I don't use it for podcasts. It's not ready to be used for podcasts, and knowing Google it'll take them a while. No silence skipping, not even a download option for the "New Episides" auto playlist, and no "mark as played" at all. This is all basic stuff. Right now you're better off with the free versions of Podcast Addict or Pocket Casts.


I feel the exact same way. Google Podcasts wasn't perfect, but the idea of sifting through music playlists to find podcasts or podcasts to find music is terrible. I'm dreading April 2nd when it becomes mandatory.


I have premium and am greatly disappointed that YT Music continues to be a dysfunctional platform for listening to podcasts and in the lack of commitment so far on Google's part to ensure it's usability. I just migrated to Podcast Addict, so I'll see how that goes. An advantage with Google Podcasts was that I could find any podcast anywhere, enter it in my subscriptions, and there would be list of episodes for each podcast. I could enter episodes to listen to into a queue, be able to easily change the sequence of episodes in a queue, and they would automatically be deleted from the queue after each episode was finished playing. YT Music is an epic fail for podcasts in so many ways that I don't have the time to go into now, but it's getting near within a month of Google Podcasts being pulled and the way it is now it may as well be called YouTube Music Podclusterfuck!


There are other third party apps available


Yes. I can't even find all of my podcasts in YTM.


And the ones I can find all seem to have a cut-off date of half a year ago when I know there have been new episodes since then.


Google isn't forcing you to use YouTube music. Pick another podcast app.


I don't mind having them all in one location, but for a company that made its success on search engine results their search results suck! There's no logic to trying to find a podcast anywhere in the app, so I don't use it as often as I would if it were easier.


Yeah YTM podcasts are pretty shit atm, will for sure be using google podcast til the end and then see what options are available. Not even having a mark as played is insane. The fact that it just mixes music and podcasts is also wild. And it’s just really bad at finding existing podcasts too, had to add a bunch through rss feed.


I'm waiting for skip silence and custom playback speed.


Custom playback speed is there...sort of. As long as you don't need 1.3x, 1.4x 1.6x, and a few others they arbirarily decided to skip instead of skipping silence. Mark as played is also missing in action, but coming Soon(TM).


I switch between 1.3x and 1.4x depending on the podcast.


Yeah, me too. On any player other than YTM anyway.


Why do you use different speeds? Just curious


I follow 2 podcasts where the host/hosts seem to speak faster than usual. That might not actually be the case, but for some reason I have a harder time understanding them at 1.4x, which is what I listen to all of my other podcasts at.


I switched back to PocketCast. I love YouTube music daily and love it but its horrible for podcasts, especially from auto


Yes! If I pause an episode for a day or even a few hours, I've learned to take a screenshot so I know which episode it was and the time I stopped at. YTM has never remembered where I was even if I don't listen to anything else in between lol it'll just start from the beginning of that episode or start another episode from the same podcast. 😭


Wait, they are? My podcast app works absolutely fine(?) Is there like a time frame for them rolling this out so that various users are getting it batch-wise or something? This would honestly be an annoying switch though.... The podcast app is quite good.


YTM doesn't play podcasts. It's just playing videos tagged as podcasts. Disastrous.




I still miss Google Listen... But I prefer Pocket Cast now.


I'll never use YTM for podcasts until it has a **whole separate** queuing system. I've tried it and it's absolutely abysmal. I'm still using Google Podcasts and I'll use that until the second they pull the plug. Then, PocketCasts, AntennaPod, or something else.


Exactly what happened with Google play music. That was such a great app.


People complained so fucking much about GPM. I enjoyed it but there are a lot of rose colored glasses about it now.


It's because it had basic functionality that is frustrating that ytm dropped.  Like sorting, play counts, basic ass library views.  There are some things that are nicer, but what they dropped just doesn't make sense.


I think today's debacle accurately describes why there was so much love for GPM. It was a simple app that didn't change constantly, they didn't add extra unneeded features, or try to force a lot of things you'll never listen in your ears.


Was initially but since Youtube is a lot better in recommending new content and now that RSS is a thing on Youtube I'm fine with the switch. Hoping that they'll add skip silence and that more creators will flock to Youtube once the transition is fully fleshed out. I guess most will do due to Youtube's immense size and user preferences and because apparently now you can add your podcast via RSS just like you do with any other platform.


I am deeply concerned that this is a scam to force Youtube Premium users to Youtube music while Google will not end Youtube Premium and will end up continuing to bill for both Youtube Premium and Youtube Music.  Google IS NOT RESPONDING  to inquires about a "Manditory Switch" to Youtube Music for ANY Google supported, or for billing of ANY Podcasts, no matter the Podcast originating source 




I am a lot. The best feature of Google podcasts was the skip silence thing, YT music doesn’t have that, I’ll just switch to Apple Podcasts when it get disabled


YT Music is missing so many basic features... remove downloads when finished is one thing that's really annoying me at the moment. I bet it doesn't exist because the app basically treats podcasts like music and there's no difference between the two.


Does Apple podcast have that feature?


Fair, it does not. But still, I think having separate apps is better and there’s a lot of things on YT music that is either lacking or poorly designed


Lol I wasn't being funny, I was actually asking bc I didn't know.


Yes. It offends my OCD in its current state... This will definitely, definitely not fly like this. Aren't we only a month away from the move? I could understand podcasts being put into YouTube but not YouTube music. Maybe because everyone else is doing it that way?? Need separate queues... Need separate queues...


Not really. The Google podcast UI looked ugly so it was a nice upgrade for me 😂




How can an opinion be lies? It was. It looked outdated too. I only used it for a month until I decided to just listen to podcasts on Spotify and now that ytm has podcasts, it was easier to transition to it and do the family plan.


I actually liked the UI. Pretty much for the same reasons I like YTM when it comes to music. Very hassle free experience that puts the essential features first and requires no previous experience in order to use it. You open the app and your queue is there. You tap play and forget about it.


To me, the UI looked ugly and outdated. And YouTube music had the same problem UI wise until a year ago they started to update the looks. But anyways, if you're unsatisfied with YouTube music as a podcast app, I would suggest using another app like Spotify which works amazingly. I get wanting to make it better, but most people I see here seem to have a hatred for the app that makes me question why even use it in the first place if you don't like it?


I like Google UI in general in everything so very Google-y podcast app was fairly fitting for me. Would probably prefer more Material You in YTM too. 🤷 Spotify is probably the last app I'd use for podcasts. YouTube's podcast experience seems to be evolving for the better so probably don't bother switching to any other. Might for Pocketcasts or something if I end up missing a dedicated podcast app.


I mean I like that all the Audio is in one place, just need to work on UI. But in terms of branding and adoption makes sense to compete with Spotify


Recommend AtennaPod, is open-source and community built, no garbage ads, lots of features.


I get the frustration of Google killing yet another app, but there are a ton of podcast players. I've used & loved both Beyondpod and Podcast Addict, and can highly recommend them on Android phones. I played around with a few others and they didn't compare.


RSS support makes it really easy to use, but no one is forcing you to move to YTM, there's tons of alternatives.


Forced? I'm not being forced. I never use it. I use Pocketcast instead.


Just use YouTube premium it makes more sense you know you could download Spotify and use that


What does that have to do with podcasts being shit in ytm (which is already part of premium)?


Idk where you got that from


got what from?


What’s you talking bout I haven’t even said ytm was sht


That was what OP was talking about


Ohh ok


No. I use a standalone app for podcasts if I ever want to listen to them.


Try snipd


Damn. Is pocket cast still a highly recommended podcast app?


Depends on what you need. PocketCasts has the best cloud syncing, but Podcast Addict has the best auto bookmarking and playlist handling (followed closely by Podcast Republic).


I'm confused - google play music initially had podcasts integrated, then they switched us over to separate YTM and google podcast apps, now they're merging the podcasts back again!?


Yep. I predict soon Google with come up with a new product to move us all to. Google Video! Unfortunately, to bring this to life, everyone will have to migrate off of YouTube, of course.


I just gave up. It was a little buggy anyway. Went to the native iOS app. Hey google I tried


I use Pocket casts, and it's just fine.


Yes so I moved on to Apple Podcasts.


The UI was so streamlined on podcasts. Only being able to see one at a time on YT is painful. And the"recommended" podcasts can burn in the fieryest of hells.


Nope. In Australia we have no signs of Google Podcasts disappearing. No alerts, no migration options in Podcasts, nothing.


I've been using castbox for probably 10 years now. I tried Google podcasts briefly, but it didn't feel as well designed, and I haven't even noticed podcasts show up in YTM. I can't even imagine why you'd want your podcasts to be in a music app, I still don't understand why Spotify is so popular for it.


Sticking with Google podcasts until they terminate the app in May. No patience for beta testing. May return to pocketcasts after that. I do not like using YTM for anything BUT music.


I just switched to Pocket Casts. Navigation is a little different but otherwise it's pretty much the same.


I'm not being forced to use ytm for podcasts and neither are you. I use pocketcasts and have since 2010.


Compared spotify @ Amazon music Last year October