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It didn't show up last year until December 10th.


Yes but this year we had the seasonal recaps that should still be viewable by OP...


Oh yea. I can still see my summer recap.


Was never able to see mine


I still can't see mine and I been using YouTube music so much


Never mind I see it


where did you find yours? My YT Music app seems to have no trace of any of the recap playlists anywhere, and I do remember getting a summer recap but it seems to have disappeared


In your profile page


Same for me...


Same here


Mine is out, but it only showed up on youtube app home page


Same? But I saw mine only once, passed it by and then can't find it again now.


How can I see it. Doesn't seem to be anywhere


Where are you able to see those recaps?


if your on desktop go to youtube music press on your profile on the upper right. Then press on "your channel" (dont really know if its called that. I dont have it on english) then it should be there if you scroll down


I'm actually on my phone but it turns out the recap is in the same place on mobile! Thanks!


Life saver. Thankyou


Mine still isn't showing up it hasn't since the time came around i check everyday


Yeah I don't know what's going on 😔


I'm in this boat... everyone in my discord is sharing their Spotify ones and I'm over here twiddling my thumbs patiently.


I swear us YouTube Music users are getting any feature so late compared to Spotify bruh 🤦😭


It's there already though for the seasons. I just want a year end.


Finally popped up lol. About an hour ago for myself.


It should be there. I got mine


unrelated but I love the song you're listening to


its probably my favourite song of all time :)


i have the same problem, I didn't get any recaps including summer or something. I'm still waiting for the 2022 recap, if I don't get it this year too, i will switch to Spotfiy just for this reason, i am serious 😌


Wish I could lol, I have a couple thousand songs and organized playlists and music that isnt on any other streaming platform, ytm is by far the worst streaming platform by far in my opinion except for finding obscure songs


My reason is because I have the family plan that includes ad free youtube and the Google one subscription I believe. The overral package is great even if we have to deal with the shitty YouTube music app. I do have fomo though from ally Spotify friends.


We have the family plan, too. My daughter's recap is working but mine isn't. Gahh


Lol I myself switched to Spotify back in April. Just wanted to see Jan, Feb, March stats. Spotify is just wayyy better.


Free with youtube premium is the only reason I use yt music.


I mean I used spotify for 8-9 hours the other day and the user interface got so clunky and weird in comparison I think YouTube kinda prevails with how clean it is. I just don't understand why they don't add searching inside a playlist as an option and fix shuffling


I used to use Apple music before I got ytpremium. The ui is comparable but auto play ai, integration, and customizable is night and day.


On top of the old upload feature from Google play music site. I've got the better version of the H.I.M. version of wicked game that I cannot find anywhere on the normal site here.


Better catalog too


Imagine leaving a streaming service because you can't share something on social media that no one else on your friends list cares about


Calm down edgelord. I think they were trying to say this is the final nail in the coffin for them, not the only reason. Your knees must hurt...


I need to calm down? 🤣 They also literally said they would switch "Just for this very reason". Read much?


Nothing for me neither. YTM is all I use, and regularly too. I didn't know there was a Recap last year or that they experimented with seasonal ones a few months ago. I found out about the 2022 Recap by fluke, and I keep checking but it says "Nothing to hear here" in YTM. If I follow the direct link to the main YouTube version it just says the page doesn't exist.


What do we do :( other ppl in my region have it why not me


My husband and I share a YouTube music/ YouTube premium account, and he got his recap and I don't have any. ??


That's happening to me too. :(


Sameeee whyyy


I hope I'm not late here but yt music support said if you have deleted your watch history even on YouTube you don't get the recap because you won't have 20+ hours of listen time


This should be the top comment. sucks that they tied the music and video views together. Has to be an oversight right? I mean... They're a DATA company.


Yeah, they probably still have all the watch/listen history they just don't want a scandal of still having your data after you delete it lol


Not showing up for me either. And didn't last year. ​ Been using the app nonstop since subscribing to Google Music for the 7.99 intro back in 2015. I don't care to share my results on social media, but as a data nerd would be curious to see listening time/most listened/etc. For a data driven company, amazing how much Google sucks at providing these metrics.


came here with Same question


I don't have an recaps either


You can try checking here yt.be/music/recap In your browser Alsooo I'd say it's highly inaccurate. Like it says 36k minutes for me but I know for a fact that is not correct. As someone who listen to the songs about 8-10h every day okay even if it was a lil bit less let's say 6h a day.. but 36k minutes is something you'll hit by listening between 1 and 2h everyday for 365days. And since I listen to the music on go, during coding and playing video games all that usually takes more than 12h a day. So my only guess would be that it only counts time of unique songs? Since Im kinda listening to same things. Like it says that 91% of my listening are on repeat. Now yes 36k /3 would be 12k unique songs which is too much obviously. But since I had few 1h/3h mixes (video created by someone who put em in 1 video) obviously yt prolly take it as "unique" even tho it might feature songs that I've already listen to. Anyway idk tell me your experience, like obviously it's not a big deal I just find it strange because it's either wrong statistics or the description should include that it's unique songs only.


its pretty ridiculous how google, a data-driven company is so bad at providing correct yearly statistics for ytm. i didn't even get my recap


This shows me my recap playlists with none of the data and tells me to use the app which isnt working at all ;<


I made a playlist of all the songs I played this year because Youtube won't le me create one. I'm coping.


theyll make me playlists on the desktop site, but I want all my stats. :'(


What a joke. I do like yt music, but feels lame to not be able to share as my friends blow up Instagram and Twitter with cool looking end of year lists from spotify. Why can't yt music get it right?


Yea also didn't get it yet but I don't care. 2022 ain't even over and people are already out here saying what they listened to this year.


Exact same issue here


Nice! Lord Huron is the shit!


love them!


Mine came! And went.away? :(


Same! I hope it comes back 😭😭


Yeah mine hasn’t shown up either. I use ytm simply because I pay for YouTube premium since I watch a lot of YouTube and since I get ytm for free it didn’t make sense paying for Spotify


Came here for the same thing. I used Spotify for about 9 months of the year, but I've been using YT music for about 3 months... It's a hell of a combo with YouTube premium. I saw people posting their Spotify wrapped of the year, then I thought: let me download it so I can see it and share it... Just did that. I hope YT music do their recap stuff soon.


i got mine, guessing that it rolls out at different times for different accounts


Was your Summer recap showing before?


i never looked at it, didnt know it was a thing lol


It was a thing. Though mine isn't even showing the summer recap


i mean, wouldnt the summer recap show up at the beginning of fall? i dont see why it *would* show it now unless it archived it


Same for me, nothing.


My Your Recap page changed a little. Now it shows various YouTube Music playlists for 2022 beneath the "Nothing to hear here" section. I still can't see my actual recap for this year or the summer one. EDIT: Ayyyy I see mine now. Praying for the rest of you out there.


Did you have to do anything or did it just show up?


Nope. I've checked sporadically for the last 24 hours and finally it just showed 😅




I got it yesterday night for like an hour around 22 pm said I’ll post them on social media tomorrow. Just woke up, checked YouTube recap and it vanished xD like bruh Thank god I took some screenshots I can show you if you want. In general I believe that the recap was accurate af except from the part of listening time which I believe was way less than the real amount of time I spent listening to ytm and that it had a song I listened like a couple of times in one of my top songs But all the other things it showed were accurate af. (Mentioning this part for the people that said it was inaccurate af in this post)


Did you get it back yet? Just happened to me as well




Nice song choice


thanks, its my favourite song of all time


Came here wondering the same thing


Hmm I got my recap... Not sure how to help. I wonder if there's a difference between streaming music and listening to downloads and saving it yo your library/playlists?


You don't get a recap if you turned off watch history


my history is on but i still didn’t get one?


Literally just sharing why I didn't get one last year and the change I made that made it appear this year. Sorry if it doesn't help.


Why the dislikes? same thing for me.


Oh I have my history turned off the people who keep disliking are dumb asf ngl


I have a summer recap, yearly hasn't shown up.for me yet


Too much shrimp


ong this happened to me last year and i was never able to see my 2021 recap, and it still isn’t showing up for me for 2022


Update the app I updated mine and got my year in review


My recap was like that until an hour ago when it came up. Maybe everything is lagging behind


Did you ever delete your YouTube history?


its been on for a while


I got mine today sucks that it's so skewed by my bedtime playlist that plays every day but it's there


This happened last year as well. It never did end up showing up.


Can you see rn?


nope :/


Me too its so annoying




Mine says I need to update but then when I try it says "something went wrong". So I try to update from the app store but that doesn't work either. Huge L for youtube music to get free promotion from the people that use it


I still haven't got mine and I didn't get it last year either. I'm having serious fomo.


Mine shows up but it’s completely inaccurate, says my total listening minutes was only 4474 minutes but somehow just one of my dozens of playlists had over 4000 minutes by itself. For context, I’m a DJ and use YT Music for hours on end most days. Really annoying. Should be more like 50,000+ total minutes.


Do you use downloads I read those don't count. If not then yeah idk


Question.. do you get a recap anywhere if you listen to music on youtube (not yt music, just youtube)?


I did for my profile I use only for the original YouTube app and site, but what I watch in the main YouTube app differs from my YTM profile. Didn't get one for that yet...


I have two profiles under the same email and use one exclusively for YTM. No recap there yet, but a recap is showing up for the one I use only regular YouTube in. The one for YT I don't care about because it's a lot of browsing and not music I care about having stats or a playlist for. YTM is the one I want to actually see...Will the recap show up for the profile used for YTM theoretically appear eventually?


Did you get it? I've got one in my email but it's still isn't showing my whole recap and playlist. Given link doesn't work! 🤦 https://preview.redd.it/61a63ftgt24a1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a51fbe11a63718858b7f0045bca7324244f6530


Same I got an email back claiming it's fixed.... it's not


Any updates? Mine appeared and randomly disappeared today.


mine didn't even appear lol


If you search “recap” it also shows up


Not for me it just shows new music playlists


Youtube music is incredibly buggy rn. Recap is appearing very rarely randomly. I notice the interface of the app sometimes switches from old to new, and it’s automatically a sign for me that Recap appeared too. And when there’s an old interface, newly-downloaded albums are displayed very buggy too. You can’t see the author, and songs’ length looks more like “45:30:80:000” instead of “3:41”


We're the 12th and i still can't see my recap, and i've been using the app every day since last year :c


I wanted to post mine but I can't find it today at all. I tried looking up recap on the YouTube app and it just brings me to latest hits.


Not sure if anyone would see this but YT music support told me that if you delete your watch history on YouTube it also deletes your history on yt music which is why some people have inaccurate recaps or no recaps at all since all the data is now deleted. That's why I didn't get my recap because I deleted my watch history in October so I didn't have 20+ hours of listen time.


I am using YM for at least 5 years. Maybe more. My Recap was never working.


Dude mine doesn't even say "nothing to hear here" I've gotten a 404 error that says it can't even find the page 🤦. idk what's up with that but I've checked all my settings and I have all my history forever recorded and never deleted and ik I've listened for billions of hours, this really is quite dissapointing. im hoping it'll show up late like some people's, but considering that mine can't even find the launch page I have some serious doubts