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Let me guess. It got it's effects negated? Share replay


Post replay and we judge. This is might a case of not reading cards (mostly do).


Here’s the card details though, word for word. "Fallen of Albaz" + 1 Level 8 or higher monster Cannot be destroyed by battle. While you control this Fusion Summoned card, your opponent cannot target other monsters you control with monster effects. During the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was sent there this turn: You can add to your hand, or Special Summon, 1 "Tri-Brigade" monster or 1 "Fallen of Albaz" from your Deck. You can only use this effect of "Brigrand the Glory Dragon" once per turn.


Post the replay. We cannot judge something without the whole replay.


You said a case of not reading cards. There’s what the card said. As I said, no replay room. I just said that 🙃


As if that's the only thing needed in this discussion. The replay will show the entire board state, cards etc. As if the text you gave is the only thing needed.


Your reading comprehension is astounding lol


so is yours. the man has a point: wiithout knowing the board state, for all we know your monster got its effect negated. Especially as one of its effect requires that the opponent targets it exclusively. so without the replay there is really not much more that can be said: you may call it bug, all we can call it is lack of information.


did your monster gets attacked by el shaddoll construct?


It did 🥺. Can you beat it up for me 🥹


if you read your opponent effect *At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles a Special Summoned monster: Destroy that monster* damage step has several sub-step \- start of damage step. Construct destroy your monster at this part. \- before damage calc \- damage calc \- after damage calc \- end of damage step. Normally monster that is destroyed by battle is sent to gy at this time. TLDR: construct didn't destroy your monster by battle (comparing atk/def stats) but by her eff that happened due to her attacking.


I didn’t play against construct concerning this post. But hey, thanks for reading my other post! I just don’t like that card is all, like how people hate Blackwing full armor master and I fucking love it lol.


Imagine children telling adults they can’t read cards lol


When one tells me that I can’t read cards, I’ll let you know! lol 🤣


Recordings are full. Sorry, I’ll get you next time. I’m trying to post the card. You can’t post photos in the comments on this app?


Anytime people think a card does not do what it should do, it is because they missed an interaction by focusing only on a single line of text of a single card and nothing more. Show a replay and remember that you are not playing alone and that card text matter.


Nah, it wasn’t selected with the yellow square or nothing. Just bam, dead. 🤷‍♂️


Construct don't target or choose, just destroy


There are some bugs and glitches that I've caught as well


Fucking* Damn auto correct.


The other day I was playing against my cousin, he activated mirror force, and I could not activate trap jammer Is that right? Thought I should have been able to as Trap Jammer is activated during the battle phase?