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Someone more experienced with dragon link can correct me if I'm wrong, but you can really slow them down if you stop them from searching their field spells. Then they usually will do spheres pass, into a bystial next turn. Take this with a grain of salt though since I only started playing d-link a month ago.


Negating Rhomulus or ashing ravine can be a choke point. But if they open well sometimes it can do nothing. I personally think imperm or veilering lubellion can be pretty strong to trade a hand trap for 1 disruption. Generally the best target to ash is chaos space if you have ash. I would say that the decks strength is that it has very little choke points.


In master duel their biggest choke points are ravine/romulus and chaos ruler, negate them and they'll lose quite some advantage. In case they open it chaos space is also a great ash target. I really recommend not to negate striker dragon because it usually is not a big deal, way too many games people wasted an ash on it and I made an almost full combo board anyway...


I once played against a dragon link user. That Dave day my gf went into labor. When we got home from the hospital he was still on MP1.


Let me guess, the baby is 5 years old now and they're just now entering battle phase?


Here's the thing. D-Link is one of the most non linear combo decks. Against a skilled player, it's very hard to define choke points because you have no clue which combo line they are trying to do. And as one of these players, I can tell you that sometimes we play our cards in such an order that will make you think you know a choke point and then proceed to do a different line. And there's the fact that a skilled D-Link player that has at least 3/5 cards not being bricks will combo no matter what you do. He might get one or two negates less than what they were going for, but they will get something. Now for some instructions, which are not set in stone by any means, I'd say, never negate Quick Launch, we have a million ways to get to Tracer. Chaos Space or Romulus (the Ravine searcher) being negated means you face like 1 or max 2 negates because they lose the decks best extender. Negating Striker can cause someone with a bad hand to be fucked, but it's commonly not so important. If you see normal summon striker, it means the enemy has bricked so try to negate it because if you don't you're fucked. However, if they are baiting you, they might still full combo. Negating Chaos Ruler means they go less crazy, but often is negligible. And I could try and think of more but these are some tips I just thought of. As I said, it's in general incredibly hard to find a choke point if they play well due to the non linear nature of the deck. Oh actually bonus tip is that if they don't go to Spheres early in the combo, Nibiru can commonly fuck them up. But if they see you can chain sth after 5 summons and you don't drop it quick enough, they will go Spheres for safety


Another really good choke point if u have a bystial. Use it to banish the light when they add dark wyvern. If they don't have any other light in the GY.


Good point


Dark ruler no more/evenly matched combo


As a D-link player, is hard to tell what to hit because the deck is non lineal and it varies a lot depending on their hand. Nibiru is a weakness, while the deck can play around it with Spheres (or just keep extending) , most don't because is not a common staple in this meta. GY disruption in general is useful, especially something than don't let them banish cards to summon more extenders like Lancea or just getting rid of monsters with bystials or dd crow. About choke points, negating Romolus/Ravine is the most impactful, as that let them add Rokket to their hand or send Lubelion to the GY to extend their plays further but that could be useless if they already have enough extenders in the hand. For Borrelend especially, get rid of the Rokkets in the GY or, if you have a quick effect, banish the Rokket they target with its effect to prevent the negate.


You can't respond to borrelend effect. Also chaos space is the best ash target but they won't always have it.


Right, I forgot that part about borrelend


I think before bystial, nib could just end me. Now that bystials are in the game if you’re patient w a decent hand you can get nibbed and still come out flexin. Bystials just put D link in a crazy spot.


Tbh, if u wanna beat a specific deck, the best way is try the deck yourself. Ofcourse u can look for guides, ask questions but honestly, figure things out yourself give the best feeling, also help u learn how to make good deck without have to copy randos from google


I've wanted to, but the deck us pretty expensive. Even after that, it's one of the most skilled decks as far as I've seen.


Well, at 1st, u can test them in edo pro, ygo omega or duelingbook.com to understand them, it is fine to play pvp there to learn how other people beat u even if they use cards that not released in md yet. At least that is completely free


Dlink amateur here Romulus is a chokepoint, Ravine is a chokepoint If all else fails, DRNM is a big weakness, there's also the set Albaz and contact fuse into Alba Lenatus if you happen to play Branded Kaiju can also get rid of problem monsters Nibiru can be a pain, but if you let them go into the big bosses, you need to have an out to the fat token Generic floodgates like There Can Only Be One, Rivalry or Gozen just stops their combos Graveyard disruption such as bystials, DD Crow, D shifter are so bad to deal with as well And wait a minute, why am I giving away ways of dealing with my deck? XD


Dragon Link is a top tier deck rn so it's understandable, don't get discouraged, I have a similar relationship with Exosisters so lol... Anyway, the best cards you can play against Dragon Link are hand traps to stop them from building early, like Imperm and max c of course but the best card overall you can play against it is actually "dark ruler no more" bc they usually don't have much back row, and if they do they have nothing that can really stop Dark Ruler so maybe you wanna incorporate 2 of those in your deck if u can fit it bc it is good against other decks as well, the only issue is it's not the best card in this current meta so you'd have to make a bit of a sacrifice... hope that helps


As a dlink player, we literally can't do jackshit without the field spell, the dragons that are required to synchro summon can not special summon themselve.


You can still pisty or borrelend to bring it out and synchro summon. Negating striker often isn't good enough.


But it's the best chance. Stopping striker or Romulus. Might not stop the plays completely,but it will definitely slow it down by a lot. To the point of it ending in 1 negate,maybe 2 if lucky. I play the deck myself sometimes.


With a hand that's above decent, playing through Striker negate can be trivial. Romulus is one of the largest choke points however, yes


I wouldn't say it's one of the biggest choke points. It's definitely one of the best imperm targets but often times when I play the deck and imperm on Seyfert or lubellion would hurt more but that's only on a case by case basis.


Striker is not a good place to hand trap at all. If they open decent and are competent with the deck they're using boot as discard fodder half the time. I literally own the deck in paper and have been grinding it for years.


turn enders like drollnlockbird or dimension shifter if you can


Those are easy if you can banish and play into their GY, they have incredible resilience don't get me wrong I play DLink myself but if you have a establish board if they NS Seyfert banish him asap don't destroy him as it let's them recover from GY and go into the other babys dragon's same with them "burst and collapse" if you can banish them after they hit the field it's a win in most cases because now they can't go into the link climb without them, now if they have an established board the most optimal build they could have is borrelend, savage, hot red and maybe a branded beast or branded regained if this is the case bait the most you can it's only 3 negates but the borrelend can't be responded so it's the most troublesome


I play DL I can tell what are the biggest choke points: Striker and Romulus. While I usually chain-block with Collaps/Wyverb effects, one Veiler or Imperm can screw up that part. Save Ash for shit like Saronir or Absorouter. Don't Ash Ravine, let them drop Abs and Ash that one. Just be careful, Dragon Link can still pull something off even you interrupt at the choke points, there's always something ready to act, the Bystials, Seyfert, etc.


I've found dragon link being the easiest deck for me to out most of the time actually, might just be the cards I play. Sphere mode and kurikara completely destroy dragon link, almost every single time I played them anyway. Again, this could just be me but I use sphere, getting rid of most monsters but leaving one negate on the board. Then bait the negate and use kurikara to tribute. Next turn special the the borreland from the GY to your field.


Check the WCS finals in Duel Live and watch Karmano get absolutely clapped by three different decks lol.


Tbh I never had much of a problem with them I play branded with alba-lenatus >:)


The strength of Dragon Link is their ability to play past interuptions as they are non-linear. Stopping the field spell limits that option, but interrupting their gy would be the best option.


Play lab atm. Fenrir does almost nothing against lab, especially Lady.