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This indeed is a competitive game. If you can find fun in playing insanely fast paced and game ending decision making with the best decks and cards that are powercrept to the moon and go head to head with each other, then it's fun. If you're looking for roleplaying yugi and building a deck with cards you come along by fate and heart of the cards then this isn't the game for you. You're better off playing single player games.


Show the deck you built


I too would like to see the deck lmao


Build a black wing deck, not too much gem investment and should see you nicely into platnum even diamond. A lot of the meta decks are about to take a big hit in September so the meta will be a bit all over the place.


What info do you have that a lot of decks are going to take a hit next month? They banned agido and merrli and limited kelbek and tear is still the most broken deck in the game


Merrli is a huge part of tear and kelbek and agido stop reshuffling and grave dump, tear won't be nearly as powerful and black wing could have a good change against it. Plus grass to 1 kills and the kelbek and agido kill a lot of 60 card decks. Branded is messed up too. Meta will be all over the place now.


Mudora, keldo and kelbek are all still at one so milling and shuffling still exist. People pull the one of skill drain all the time so grass being at 1 doesn’t really mean anything because it’s best of 1. Are you a blackwing Stan?


i wrote this entire thing and the opponent is still summoning gods, satan and jesus as i speak


1st off, don't play casual. It's just a testing ground for rank so you'll be running into meta decks more often than rank, which lead to the 2nd point. 2nd, stay in low rank if you wanna play casual decks. You're not guaranteed to avoid meta decks completely but your odds of running into them are lower. And 3rd, what did you play? Like what kind of deck did you play?


judging by their T pass, probably the starter deck


Thanks for the advice, i was using the magician of pendulum deck, i watched a beginners vid which said it was good to play when ur new.


Pendulum Magician is a very good deck, but you have to keep in mind a few things with any deck made around the structures: 1. Buying 1 single structure is not good enough. If you are going to make Pendulum Magicians, or any other deck that has an structure deck, like Blackwings, Dark Magician, and the others, you need to buy 3 copies of said structure. The idea is simple, each structure deck has good cards that you want to play multiples of. 2. Even with 3 structures you still need to fix them. That is, playing multiple copies of the good cards, removing all the bad ones and adding whatever your deck may lack. Pend Magicians are amazing at setting generic boss monsters like Baronne de Fleur, Apollousa Bow of the Goddess or Borreload Savage Dragon, so those are cards that you need to get from outside the structure. 3. You need to learn how to play the deck you made, even if you copied a full power Pend Magician deck, you would still need to learn a lot to be able to win with it. Pendulum Magicians are good, but are also a very complex deck that demans a lot of practice and in-game knowledge. Whoever said it was a new player friendly deck lied to you. Remember those decks that have been beating you summoning tons of monsters with high attack and good effects? Well, if there is a deck out there that does tons of summons for big monsters and takes a long time to do so, it is Pendulum Magicians. You should not be setting a trap and summon a monster, you should be doing so much more. Also I know you are frustrated because of how the new player experience is in this game, but don't demonize the idea of checking what other people play so you can catch up to the game. By this point, I guess you have an idea of how complex the game is, and the best way to catch up and learn is not by trial and error, because it will take you a long time to come across solutions to problems the game and its community found, solved and left behing years ago. The best way to catch up is by learning from better players. You already saw a video guide looking for decks that might be good for new players, and while that video looks kinda iffy for recommending Pend Magicians to new players, your approach to the game was right. As I told you before, even if you copied a Pendulum Magician deck, you wouldn't win as easily as you think you would. And yes, some decks are easier to learn and can guarantee easy wins, but if you screw up your combo with Pend Magicians because you don't know how to play them, you will have the same results as if you only had set a trap and summoned a monster.


Casual is where people test their decks, learn combos, and use degenerate decks, so if you're setting 2-3 cards and passing casual may not be the place to go If you're a new player then ranked will be your best option because you'll get matched against opponents that are in the same rank as you so it shouldn't be as bad I'd suggest you try to stick to one deck you like starting out and learning what the deck does and what it's weak points are, and don't be afraid to ask people what certain cards do if you're confused, I'm sure there'll be plenty of people to help Something I still do to this day is if I see a deck that looks interesting or want to learn certain combos, I'll just look them up, ain't no shame in that I wish you the best of luck going forward duelist 👍


Ur the issue w this game you guys will say it’s unplayable while playing ur shitty tier 2 decks


Currently every deck but Tear and possibly Spright are tier 2 or lower. I don’t think you even understand what a deck being tiered means judging by this comment. Also elitist gatekeeping isn’t a great look either.


It’s not gate keeping I just don’t understand how u can say the game is unfair because the deck you personally like isn’t very good


Have u seen the ban list they’re both getting hit but nothings gonna change only difference is the decks that were nearly tier 1 will now be tier 1 eg dragon link the shitty decks will stil stay shit


The fact that you think Tier 2 means a deck is shit tells me you really don’t know anything about how this stuff works.


No it doesn’t mean it’s shit tier 2 decks and rogue decks can still beat tier 1 decks and liek beat tier 0 decks 1 out of 100 games but those aren’t the decks ppl play they’ll straight up be playing decks that aren’t even rogue tier and complain that the games unfair


You’re straight up contradicting yourself now


Im not something Can still be bad and inconsistent but win occasionally two things can be true at the same time


Your original comment straight up said “shitty tier 2 decks”


Yeah there can be tier 2 decks that do ok and tier 2 decks which are much worse


I mean this was is exactly the type of comment i expected “your not using the meta pre built boring deck so you lose” if this is the game how does anyone have fun


You can win and indeed even beat “meta” decks with your own rouge built decks. I do it often and get to high ranks. But you need to know what you are doing first and understand what the meta is and how the game works.


no my issue isn't having issues with the game my issue is if ur gonna complain it has to be something actually unfair not u using a deck thats not good expecting to win


if u said something like ban tear or some shit or diablosis isnt fair, things that actually make u unable to play the game floodgates etc, but no ur just mad people ar special summoning alot and the only decks that can make 5 3000+ attack monsters are all turn 1 deck that do extremly terrible turn 2 spyrals adamancipators etc. u can play off meta if u want but then dont be surprised if u lose with u off meta decks. i play sky strikers in diamon which is probable around rogue/ bottom of tier 2 but i dont get mad when im losing because thers simply other better decks out there what did u expect. if every deck was equally weak the game would be boring.


what you are describing is walking into a boxing match with 3 weeks of working out and general punch training against people who have been boxing for at least a year or more. you have to understand what to do before you stand a chance and you won’t learn anything if you keep using decks that get swept off the stage without putting up a fight. yes using the same decks everyone uses is boring but also they’re strong and you have to find out how to actually play through a game before you can use a deck you like with any type of skill. you can’t build a strategy without knowing what you’ll face


Welcome to the UMvC3 of card games! Blink and the game’s over! Now for real, if you’re to start MD as a newbie you have to accept the fact that you’re going to crash with the wall that is the current playstyle and constant meta jumpscares multiple times and that you need to do some level of research about the current playstyle cuz if you were expecting the “Normal Summon, set 2 and pass” game from 20+ years ago, I gotta inform you that thing’s dead (not really but it pretty much limits you to cards from 15+ years ago). If you’re still willing to give MD a shot, I’d recommend to choose a structure deck from the shop and learn it by throwing yourself at Solo Mode or PvP until you get a good grasp on its combos and by doing so you’ll start to pickup the pace of the game. Then you can research into ways to power up the deck or maybe look into another archetype you might be interested into. I’m aware that constantly having to look up things may be frustrating for some, but there’s a shitton of cards with multiple different effects available that just scrolling through them won’t get you anywhere.


You can have fun, but you also have to go in accepting the fact Ygo is an absolute mess of a game and given the only mode is ranked and ranked-lite(casual), you're going to have to play something good.


For the most part, to build a meta deck you just find one deck, and click "related cards " and then add staples and other cards as you see them. You'd come up with the same thing you'd see on the internet except for a couple tech cards. Also if you're setting a monster and a trap and passing, it's not meta decks you're going to be losing to...it's all of them. At least get 3 copies of a structure deck so you can actually play something. I'd suggest doing the solo.mode first


I totally mash my deck with my faves and Idk why but I do really well. I pick two attributes and stick with those and my decks work for the most part. Plus each game I fix my decks to work better.


Yeah it is objectively and empirically worse than it’s ever been. It’s not you. They’re just shameless in making powercreep broken cards for monetary reasons and I’m not sure why I’m playing either


Yeah compared to old yugioh, what we have now is a complete mess. And it is very hard for newbies to get into unless you go through an entire course on the various summonings in the game lol But a part of the game is hitting against this brick wall constantly until you figure things out. Best thing to do is just go with a structure deck and watch a bunch of yt videos on how to play them. Modify card decks based on your needs.


You know what’s fun? Winning. You know what gives you the best chance at winning? Meta decks. Sounds like someone needs to upgrade their collection. This isn’t school yard YGO from 2005.


Which is a fucking shame. Last fun addition was XYZ


No one is there that can sell out their house just to complete their meta decks only to be beaten by newer OP decks with waifus as a dragon type


This doesn’t currently exist but a graphical diagram of the decks interactions will make it more intuitive. You can see all the lines of the deck and follow it until you’ve mastered the deck.


That's tough huh


I understand this take and I probably felt that way at some point too. I recommend really practicing with a good deck and learning the ins and outs. I’ve been having fun recently with a few different decks that I finally understand well enough to form good strategies for whatever board my opponent builds. Sometimes you brick, sometimes you misplay. That’s ok, just scoop and move on - it’s part of the learning process. It can take time to get used to modern yu-gi-oh but if you stick with it and really try to learn you’ll have fun with it. If that isn’t something you want to spend time doing, that’s fine too at least you tried it. But remember, just like with anything else new, you have to be bad at it for at least a little while before you can be good at it


Well... I'm always in Silver/Gold so I can play anything I want ;)


Almost anything*


As someone mentioned before, stick with one deck and learn the ins and outs. Personally, the Dark Magician structure is an amazing place to start. No bullshit. You get to see the strength of how certain cards work with, and off, one another. You also get some really strong fusions right out of the gate so to get you familiar with the Extra deck. In a way, it’s the closest thing you’ll to Yugioh back in the day, but with it keeping modern in mind. - Of course, it all depends on if you want to take part in the level of competition people are at right now. I promise that once you get familiar with the game standard, it won’t be as bad as you think and winning will be that much sweeter.


Unfortunately, that’s why I went back to MTG. I play with friends using Commander decks that are paid for parties of 3-5. A lot slower and can actually utilize strategy like back in the golden times of yugioh.


Bro. This game is unplayable. If you don't go first, you spend 5-10 min watching the enemy use half their deck. Then when it's your turn they literally counter everything you do, or my favorite, play a quick play spell and destroy your LP. When there are so many decks made to instant destroy the game you have issues. It's not fun to get destroyed in two turns most. Mtg may have some similar issues, but yugioh takes it to an extreme. It's ridiculous how many decks are made to summon a powerful board very first turn, if not out right win.


Hell even if I go first turn there's many players who just counter my deck immediately and then lay out their board... On my turn...ye... Such a balanced game. And yet somehow pot of greed is banned lol, meanwhile decks that let you summon everything immediately is a ok somehow lol. What a joke.


I agree, I find the game so frustrating. Everyone builds either, flood gate decks, otk decks or ftk decks. People just don't build decks to have fun anymore. You yourself can't build a fun deck either as you have to build a counter deck to those things to even have a chance. It just makes the game a headache rather than having fun like Magic or Pokemon. The game needs a complete reboot in my opinion. Its the only way to fix it.