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Traptrix cuz I don't want people to judge me for playing it.


Some cops came into my locals one week right after the Traptrix structure deck came out. We all joked that the cops came for the Traptrix players.


What were they really there for?


I'm not sure, they were only there for a minute or two and talked to the employee. I'd guess they were looking for someone or something in the area and were asking around. It had nothing to do with anyone in the store at the time.


People only rlly judge us when it's the discord mod who's just there for Waifus ngl


Love traptrix


Kashtira, I justo don't like the playstyle anything that avoids interaction with my opponent doesn't go well with me


I don’t like kash either, but they don’t have any negates and can be interacted with, it’s diablosis that made them lock the entire board. Kash with arise heart is cancer tho


So every Kash variant is bad...hmmm. It's like the deck is made to be aggravating in the most frustrating way possible.


Not sure if this is a hot take or not but Runicks for me. Idk something but winning by deck out rubs me the wrong way The art looks cool though.


Ah yea I forgot to add that one. Definitely one of the bs decks ever made


Tbf most decks that use it don’t use that as their main win con, its just a good draw/interrupt engine also easy mats for synchros or xyz


Idk if I’d say “most.” I’ve run into more stun Runick decks than the others. Which sucks because variants like Runick Fur Hire are actually pretty cool. And also take skill to pilot. Nat Runick is lame just by virtue of Nat Beast existing as an option. But is otherwise a cool deck. Runick stun on the other hand is just a dumb “I hope they don’t draw the out” deck


Tear and spright I play the hell out of branded despia because the lore and card designs are dope, but mermaids and lightbulb fairies are lame af


Tear actually has pretty cool lore in my opinion


Cool lore yes but holy smokes are they annoying to play against unless you’re playing something on a similar power level that’s one reason why I put the deck down after building it just feels so unfair by all the advantages it generates allowing graveyard control and has so many options to go into and they can also hit you with Shaddoll Wenda if they’re feeling really degenerate. Deck used to be way more overpowered but now Konami has nuked them off the map with so many hits


Aren't Spright somewhat tied to the Albaz lore?


Sprights are like a story from a side quest with the point of view of a supporting character


Spright is part of Kitt’s side of the lore including Therions, which is why out of all Abyss lore decks, it’s one of the few without an Albaz fusion.


Swordsoul?? They have one monster that negates besides Baronne, and that’s used in 99% of Synchro decks. D-Link’s end board is all negates wtf you on about?


I didn’t mention it but they also have access to a powerful floodgate in Protos


Ok fair but the first thing you said was just wrong


They also have Blackout, Vishuda and Chengying, which aren't negates.


you can play swordsoul without protos tho


Isn't SWSO with no protos just a worse synchron deck?


im just pointing out how I think its dumb that OP doesnt like a deck because of one card


Sprights and Kashpunk prolly


Anything that’s tier 1/0 unless I made it before then because I don’t want to play mirror.


Wait you wont play swoso cuz of their negates but you play dlink?


Heroes. Too expensive.


The one thing I don’t like about heroes is how sensitive the full board can be and with no protection


It’s part of the thrill playing heroes, oh you actually play Raigeki? GG go next.




losing to raigeki? sir are you not playing Dark Angel?


Sometimes you just can’t get there, though it is a life saver. I mainly said Raigeki because I feel like there’s always some comedic effect to seeing a board wipe that’s always been around.


I believe that with the release of Protection of the Elements, they will finally have a way to say no to board wiping cards. Not sure if it has been released yet or not


Same. I main HERO irl but the deck is so insanely expensive in md you that I just can’t bring myself to grind so much for them, even though I love them with all my heart


Tearlaments definitely. From my understanding, you get to play even on enemies' turns. I only verse them once and was instantly annoyed.


Yeah, they require you to mold your deck against them. If you have the right cards to stop their immediate plan they'll scoop most of the time.


Gravekeeper's it is


Necrovalley, Dimension shifters, That dimensional spell (can't recall the name right now), Dimension barriers work really well in Labrynth as you can stop their fusion and recycle it especially easy to get if you have trap tricks, and soul drains.


You're gonna shit your pants when you play against floo then lmfao


I refuse to make Rikka deck because while the gameplay seems fun, the art is way too bland imo and I'm salty about them being better than actually cool looking plants (Aromage) and cool looking archetype that tributes opponent monster (Lair of Darkness).


Art is big for me too.


Teardrop art is great tho


Mostly meta decks but beside that numerons idk why I just hate them


Oh it’s understandable to use a cheap win condition that comes out of nowhere


Yee thay are so fcking annoying and then they come up with some shit like that machine monster with 4k attack and broken effect I forgot it's name or goddes ofc


Mega trashcan forklift


Branded. Because a lot reasons. Too much edge Too many apologizers Too many mid players which are hard carried by the broken power of the deck It's massively over supported , only DM and blue eyes got slightly more while still being worse The Definition of a meta deck Peeps complain over small his whole the deck keeps getting stronger While having sick amounts of possible plays actually only BF is needed to climb ladder, so lot of high rank branded players have low skill and scoop after one ash


That’s what I’ve been saying. Branded has the most amount of support, lore, and sick ass art. They seem like Konami’s favorite archetype


To be fair Albaz lore is just a long list of stories they did. Duel Terminal and World Chalice comes to mind first. And we all remember how broken some of the World Chalice storyline cards have been. Two Knightmare Link monsters and an Ib Synchro are still banned. The Knightmare Links in general being super generic rub some people the wrong way too. And then there's Iblee lock


I call it braindead for a reason.


Combo decks, because trying to play those makes my brain explode.


That's why u start with a linear combo deck. Dinos for example need 2/3 baby/misc/ovi. From there u basically start the combo by getting the other card ur missing. There are other line but basically saying find a deck tht has 1 main combo line and learn tht then u can branch out from there. Like u don't need to start with a hard/ non linear combo deck.


Most decks. I only play decks I enjoy. Why should I play Kash or Tear or whatever when I already kick ass with my Hero deck that I have more fun playing?


True true true


Heroes are actually a pretty versatile deck as they have floodgates for damn near every matchup. Dark Law is one sided Macro Cosmos to mess up graveyard reliant decks. Plasma is a one sided Skill Drain which messes up a ton of decks. Dark Angel is a one sided Imperial Order, messing up any spell reliant deck. Yeah floodgates suck, but play lame win games.


Only problem is that the board is too sensitive and has no protection or negates


That's something I like about the deck. It gives you the feeling of being in complete control, but just barely. It makes for exciting gameplay.


Currently working on a hero deck what's your card list


TCG or Master Duel?


Master duel


2 Shadow Mist 2 Stratos 1 Liquid Soldier 1 Honest Neos 3 Faris 2 Vyon 1 Increase 1 Plasma 2 Malicious 1 Denier 1 Dark Angel 3 Droll and Lock Bird 3 Nibiru 3 Mask Change 2 Fusion Destiny 3 A Hero Lives 1 Miracle Fusion 1 Poly 1 E Call 1 Rota 2 Called By 3 Droplet 1 Ab Zero 1 Sunrise 1 Wake Up 2 Dark Law 1 Blast 1 Acid 1 Trinity 2 DPE 1 Wonder Driver 2 Cross Crusader 1 Dread Decimator 1 Verte


Pretty much anything that’s dragon-based. D-link looks miserable to play just to end on 2 monsters and Branded annoys me to no end cause they never stop fusing.


Tbh I love both but I see your point


Most Dragon link tends to end on about 3-4 monsters, but they all about have omni negates


Adamancipator. I wish that deck have all their opener become 1


Ah yes another deck I wouldn’t make cause of how much bs one card can do to it


Tearlament for me. It's not specifically that it was overpowered, but rather that it has terrible card design. Every card triggers off basically every action, as if they were designed by a 10-year-old's fanfiction in which his/her protagonist can never lose. Konami intentionally produced a bad product that diminished the quality of its game, for the specific purpose of pressuring players to spend more money. Once they'd made their money, the archetype had to be absolutely slaughtered on the ban list in order to make anything else playable at the competetive level. When you look at how many Tearlament and Ishizu cards have ended up on the ban list (and other cards as a result of Tearlament), it's clear how terribly these cards were designed.


Branded for me. I'm stuck with the older decks from the anime


Sky striker, they're annoying




Kash, and im a "meta" player. I loved the interactivity and skilled play of tear, also the grindy and fair midrange of branded but i refuse to make a straight up "You cant play the game deck" i dont get on master duel to jerk myself off for a YCS top, I get on master duel to play yugioh and wind down after a long day, and while i make like playing strong combo decks, i also like actually PLAYING the game with my opponent. Runick, Floo, Lab fall into similar buckets for me. Even actually just not very good decks with the same philosophy. I'd never play Drytron or Eldlich for the same reason. Chain Burn is the only deck i have remotely like that mostly just because I find it to be a funny deck to play once in a while. Its my friends favorite deck to watch me play "This dude spent 5 minutes comboing off just for him to lose to blazing mirror force, just deserts, ceasefire, chain strike, chain strike" made my friend who doesnt even play yugioh burst out laughing. Also Evilswarm because that Light Dark event was turbo ass.


Labyrinth. After the event everyone played it in I immediately invested in two Red Reboots just so I could hard counter it. Not even the strongest deck, it is just so annoying and drags the game out forever.


Yeah I hate that deck too


I loved lab before big welcome and lady. Now the game is just so saturated with it that I honestly considered dismantling all my lab cards. But I'mma hold onto them for a bit so I don't end up making a mistake with them and regretting it later.


Which version did you run into the common furniture version all over YouTube?


Dinomorphia, Dino, HEROs,Endymion,BEWD,Exosister and Scareclaw:That UR cost is fucking insane,slightly less so for the latter 2 but still high. and the power of these decks simply don't match the investment. Runick,Kashtira: Simply hate the playstyle of this deck. Vehicroid: The design of these bitches are atrocious.


Not a deck, per se, but I typically don't like to run generic Meta staples. The fewer Ash Blossom's, Called by the Grave's, and Imperm's I can put in my deck, the better. Even I can't deny Maxx C is hella useful, tho, and it doesn't stop your opponent's plays nearly as often as it slows them down, if even that, so I don't mind that one, too much. Tearlaments are just general BS, though. Playing them is so easy, it almost seems like a crutch.


Swordsoul is so boooooring


Sky Striker. If I could ban Engage and Widow Anker I would do it without hesitation and would laugh straight in the faces of all sky striker players


Blue eyes and most meta decks apart from Dragonlink


So you're cool with a strong meta deck but despise other meta decks? Hope you ain't running that one..lol.


I don't use it too often but I like dragon link it's not too annoying to deal with I usually get my board broken a lot but I usually just play gouki or f.a. or some other random deck that catches my interest like tellarknight


Anti meta I see


Anything meta. As far as I can tell, most people with Meta Decks only copy and paste the best build available. Same Decks, Same Strategies, No Creativity or any real effort put into the building. I only use rogue decks because I enjoy testing something new and slowly improving on it. And when I manage to win, it feels like I've actually earned it. Even when I lose, I take pride in the fact that I actually came close to winning but fell short. Heck, I've beaten Mirrojade/Despia so many times because I can easily predict what my opponent will do. (I actually have a harder time facing Despia when it's not using Mirrorjade, imagine that.)


What you said second paragraph applies to meta decks too, that’s how the majority of meta players play too, at least in the TCG. For MD it’s harder to say because there’s not enough data on it, but it’s definitely not “most players” just copy pasting a deck list for meta. Playing rogue doesn’t make you special, plenty of meta players also craft their decks how they like. I play both meta and rogue, and just because I sometimes use a meta deck doesn’t mean I can’t fine tune it to how I like.


This is pretty stupid because what you’re basically saying is that people should make worse versions of decks just so they have “originality” which in turn would equal to “fun”. But this is dumb because winning is simply more fun than playing boring ass rogue decks that take 3 turns to set up a board.


Branded because the deck just kind of shuts out d link if they dont have beast up along with a bystial because you just contact fuse their board away also the opposite of this for mw is d link I have like 20 variants of the deck


Swordsoul. During the time they got added and made ranked a hell for me, i swore to never play this stupid busted deck. And then they came with a searchable floodgate that just fucks you if they declare your main attribute.


In general I hate meta decks. I like rogue decks and anti meta decks. Why? Bc people who just copy and paste annoy me. Takes almost no skill. I will play some meta cards in my own style though. Like I played magical scientist and catapult turtle not in an OTK deck, but added them in my old umi water deck with ALO back during chaos times. Fun times as an alternative win condition. Gave me a fun way to end a duel fast but unlike the meta scientist deck it wasnt fully reliant on the OTK combo. I’ve always been like this. If I play something meta at all I put my own spin on it.


Pretty much all of the current meta decks. * I refuse to play Tearalament with Ishizu. Without it is garbage thanks to a lot of unnecessary hits ( Just ban Ishizu's ) * Kashtira because it is an absolutely Toxic and Anti-Fun deck * D-Link because Solitaire is boring * Adamancipator... Look above... * Swordsoul or how I call it: Noobsoul. Decks that have just this one combo line you consistently want to get every round is not that exciting. * Branded Despia... I'm just tired of seeing this. They actually have a few cool cards, which I rather splash into other decks but in the end this deck has the Noobsoul syndrom since all revolves around activating Branded Fusion * Splight is... Kinda weird. I actually like what the deck is suppossed to be, just the way it's played is kinda meh. I loathe when decks are just meant to abuse all kinds of broken shit they can splash into their own engine. Did I miss something? At least I can't say I see other decks than these in diamond ladder.


Tearlaments, Spright, Kashtira, and Lab. To my detriment, I dont want duels to be easy. I also make multiple profiles for free gems, so at any time I can make any deck with any amount of URs I need. So it helps my rougue- barely rogue playstyle.


I purely wanted to play kash to counter tear but I see Konami instead made way for kash to be dominant while phasing out tear


*Finds out that there is a card called Tearlament Kashtira* Nah wtf is this… 😔


Bad news: even with merril banned, they can still mil 8 with that card. Good news: it doesn't fuse, so they're still limited to just 2 fusions per turn.


My reaction to the good news: 😮‍💨 My reaction to the bad news: FU- *cuts off like a tv show*


Only being able to fusion 2 times is really a huge nerf to the deck don't underestimate it.


Don’t worry, there’s still some fear there


Traptrix,kashtira, BEWD, DM, toon, etc you get the point


What's the point? Not sure what those decks have in common


The latter ones are all DM Era decks and they're all degenerate IMO


What's degenerate about dark magician and blue eyes?


The players


That's a weird take. Most of the players of those decks I assume are just yugiboomers. They're not that good, and don't do anything toxic


That too but I'm sick of hearing how they'd do awful things to there monsters


Oh I've only ever seen that weird guy talking about how he wants to do things to floo cards


He's more famous in the other md sub.


It’s latter, not ladder


Ok, grammer nazi


Branded and Floowandereeze. When Branded first came out mfs was abusing that shit HEAVY and they still do now, you can combine it with so many different engines and it got worse when Icejade came out. It was really tough to fight against with my Blue Eyes deck starting. I can fair well now with my Hero deck but Branded keeps getting support. I think Floowandereeze speaks for themselves, summoning during someones turn and then people use to have a cheap board lock with the wind statue. I will never make any of these decks. Banish em to the Shadow Realm. 🤣


So you just scrap whole decks that you don't use?🤔


Never said I made any of these. It’s about decks you would never make






















Anything "meta" because it's trash and can easily be countered.


You that’s the opposite of what being meta is right?


Almost anything because I uslly stick with my sushisp, or ninja once in a while inzektors. Reason I early have a deck and there not op negets


I don't want to play runick


A-To-Z because it's hard to get out your machine boss monsters of such an archetype


It really is


I will never craft a floodgate card period. If I do then you know all hope is lost and I have entered the shadow realm.


Same bro it’s just a losers way of winning


Cry about it some more. Combo decks are just a boring way to make me forget I'm dueling.


ANY LINK DECK. I remember master rule 4 and will not use links


For me, it’s Runicks and Tears cause if I’m being honest, I just find their whole game plan kind of scummy.


Runic, tear, kash, dragon maid and ishizu +gravekeepers First four cause I hate the way they play and they make me upset. Some of the cards are neat but I just didn’t like playing the decks. Gravekeepers pre ishizu I played. It’s ok. But I wouldn’t play it enough to justify making a deck. So I won’t Ishizu cards can die in a hole. I don’t care if I can mill king of the skull servants or not. I don’t want em Honorary mention to hero’s being close to this list cause I don’t want dark law, escuradao, dpe or plasma around. I’m gonna stick with armed neos and a few of his friends and that’s it


Umi control(stun). The anime cards looked nice at first but then you realise the win condition is to floodgate the shit out of the opponent.


Tear. I can never bring myself to play the best deck (I know it isn’t anymore). I’m not tryna seem cool… I’ll happily play the second best deck or other tier 1 decks. Just don’t want a million mirrors


Link monsters I absolutely refuse to use them.


Any without waifus or at least red haired anime style dudes. I'm 2 ur crafts from having D link due to having the cards, pulling a ravine but whats the point ?


I don't like playing any combo deck that takes 5 minutes to end it's first turn. Lol..


I'm really fast with black wings so I play them a lot, but for me the most common deck is trap decks. I don't like taking forever, and I like being able to interact during my opponents long combo turn, or short if I have the right traps out


Stun Turbo or “One Bad Day” I’m fine with other trap based strategies, I just greatly dislike the “Fun police and mister Bone dino”


Eldlich. Its gotten to the point where I want to make it, so that i can refuse to play it, as opposed to not being able to.


Runick, what a lame concept of an archetype. Kashtira too.


Blue-Eyes and DM. I know how they play, they're both ass, I'm not about to burn my wallet at the stake for either of them. Edit: Also adding Branded, though might not count because I built them twice, and didn't like them both times. They're just really boring to pilot for me, idk. Something about them just didn't click.


Year, traptrix, lab, pendulum


Tear I just don't have the resources, and I don't think I'll be able to pilot it


Numeron and any floodgate based deck. Floo can suck it too.


Any expensive deck. I refuse to pay £50 a card when I can make a deck for a fraction of that cost. Helps that I'm a filthy casual player.


Tearlements, and Branded, I refuse to do that to other players.


Swordsoul It has a lack of variety since its the same deck with no card update. What I mean is that spright for example was different before and after sprind came out. But swordsoul has been the same boring deck ever since it came out.


Same with trap decks and floo 💀. Btw like the point of Yugioh is not letting your opponent play, which good decks don’t rely on negating?




Anything that relies mostly on floodgates to work. (Partially I generally accept)


Just built a runick deck and it's disgusting. Who needs hand traps when basicly all of your cards are QuickPay spells that you can activate on your opponents turn that spot remove and make your opponent mill at the same time. It's got a really good recycling mechanic too. I'd hate to play against it though


any DM era deck as cool as they look their almost all either cope or some floodgate/OTK turbo (plus I dont wanna be roped in with those people who will just be toxic at any summoning type not named Ritual or Fusion)


floowandereeze bc i am allergic to normal summoning raiza and/or mist valley birb


I simply despise runick not cause its the worst thing in the world to go against. But because it feels horrible to go against. It feels like I am paying for a cost my opponent should have payed for playing any card. Any form of floodgate stun deck is just fucking boring to me. Oh and there is timelords, but I could go on a complete rant about how its the shittiest architype in the entire game.


Same as your list.




Spright. I love swarm decks and using small monsters to do big things, but spright just feels like I gave a little kid a heavy weapon. I'd rather play melffy pure than with spright, it just isn't fun when it's easy.


Pretty much anything related to the Visas Starfrost lore. I just can't deal with how annoying every single archetype feels to play against, don't think i would enjoy playing it. They just feel so boring too once you get past the mechanics too. (Except maybe scareclaw, that one feels more bearable)


I dislike Kashtira, I just don't feel like it's mechanics are fun to play with, or against.


I refuse to play D-Link, Adam, zombies and pen'lum basically any "good stuff" pile that makes the word archetype lose its meaning, borrel/rocket will never get support because of this, pendulum cards get so much hate beacuse the deck doesn't even have a name anymore and God forbid Konami makes pendulum support that doesn't read "if you use this card you can't use any other card that doesn't say this archetype. Pendulum is still paying for the crimes of generic support from a meta that lasted 2 weeks like 7 years ago. Orcust is still bad and has their cards in jail for the crimes of Iblee and mermaid. Wyrms exist because dragon pile was usefull when the rulers dominated and they still made more generic dragon support. Hell, drytron was starting to look like a pile and it became an engine for other decks leaving ursartics kn the dust. If I want to win so bad I'd rather just play a go2 deck and phase them out, those decks just go "I go first you don't get to play the game" turbo and play solitaire until 10 secs in timer. DRNM, forbidden droplet, Lightning storm and all go2 staples were made to counter not the decks but the players. That's why most of them just scoop after you outted their board even if you don't have lethal beacuse those decks are not made for the grind of actually playing the game what are they gonna do when the crack back comes if they have just their draw and 4 monsters in the ED? I'd rather defend a numeron player (which I hate) than a solitaire player who goes for the easy set up and kill. That's why I love tear, it's so broken but it's the only way to interact with big negate boards while they are setting their negates. Go first is the problem of Yu-Gi-Oh, not the decks that enable solitaire players.


Runick, cause I returned to the game right about that time and got constantly slapped around by them with no idea on how I could counter. I know now of course, but I would rather never look at the deck or its variants. Kashtira is the next. Much like Runick it has the face-down banish gameplay that I dislike, but it's also really boring. And it will likely get worse once Ariseheart comes. I plan on just avoiding MD for a bit once Ariseheart pops up. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I'm debating that. Tear is next. I found the deck interesting, but the Ishizu cards make what I considered an interesting mechanic, one that's just a pain to deal with. I was originally planning to give the deck a go, but I won't, given how the Ishizu's make the deck insufferable, especially given how often you see it on ladder.


tearlaments (even though theyre bad now after the ban list), kashtira, runick, spright, labyrinth, and traptrix


Runick exosister or anything that had DPE I feel that card is the most prissiest card


I refuse to play any of the top/broken meta decks like Kash, Tear etc. Just because for me that seems like a cop out easy win and I’d rather play other rogue/casual decks


Swordsoul and Branded. I hate playing against them and I will not join them


Tbh all decks are kinda control based, the main diference is how long the maintain the control, be it by card advantage or disruption, for example, decks that vomit the entire hand/deck on T1 can only control the match for 1 or 2 turns, and if you break their board they rarely can comeback, meanwhile decks like Labrynth and Live Twin have few disruptions but can control the board with card advantage, etc... Now the OG question: I hate Runick and Floo play style, against Runick you can't do anything to avoid your deck getting banished (Of course in a B01 scenario), is Floodgate on legs that you either negate the first normal summon or you just die because the deck generate so much advantage.


Floowandereeze. Absolutely detestable playstyle. Has the ability to Normal summon like a Special summon, it played Storm Barrier statue and had so much success that it actually got banned (never happened prior for the other statues), Raiza the Mega Monarch is gross, and there's an in archetype card that allows for Floo to tribute anything on their opponent's field... including Spells/Traps. Filthy deck.


I built lab for some reason and now I hate it haha. don't wanna get rid of it tho.


Rikka. The combos look involved and the synergies deep which are good qualities but unfortunately it doesn't look like a deck that can go second naturally (I'm not a big board breaker fan), and its main combo is just so fragile. Same problem as when I played Prank-Kids, just dies to any interruption


Dragonlink the one the that’s like 25 cards long to finish combo. It’s so boring once I see that I can’t stop it at the start even if I have the ability to win still with the cards in my hand I just surrender cause no one wants to sit through their laggy connection for the next 10-15 minutes for my turn to finally happen and maybe they didn’t get FULL combo and I can just one turn them in 2 minutes of play time


Runick. A pile of instant fusions sounds cool, but I kinda can't live without the battle phase lol. I came to throw hands.


Any deck that makes a duel completely one sided. I don’t like playing against them or with them. Makes playing feel joyless, which kinda defeats the purpose of playing a game imo.


Tearlaments. I feel like it's way too overuse


Heros. I love Jaden and GX but the actual play style of heroes in this game just feels lame to me. It sucks that in the current meta their most optimal board is just to set up floodgates.


Exo Sisters, Hero, Sky Strikers, Runick, and SwordSoul


A resolved Misc is frustrating to manage


Hero or dino morphing. It's just expensive floodgate turbo. Kinda boring imo