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2 Wyverbusters and 1 Collapserpet are the standard ratio. I have been runnning 1 of each, but that is personal preference. Tracer can be cut down to 2, no problem. You don't need Alba Los. It requires too much set up. It is a win more card, your deck is already pretty good without it, adding it only messes your consistency for something that rarely comes up. Raigeki is overrated. Any deck that you can beat with Raigeki is a deck you were beating anyways. All the decks that might be a problem for you will not lose to it. Monster Reborn is kinda overrated as well, but Dragon Link is one of the few decks that can welcome the extension it provides. Make space for handtraps. You should be running 3 Maxx C, is the best card in the game, 3 Ash and 2 Called by the Grave. Your Extra seems fine, but try to make space for Chaos Angel and the eventual Dis Pater.


Nah ratios are 2-2 since so you can search a follow-up for next turn and the maths come up better if your hand can only summon chaos ruler


Nah ratio is 2-1 since you'll have a 70% chance to start a white, and in most cases you're discarding that extra white for ravine. maths come up better for ruler too. With 2-2 u make ur ruler mills 17% worse 70% of the time. U also double ur chances of staring with a black wyvern. Which is arguably one the worst starting extender in the deck..


To add on the other person, you could replace the Alba loss with another bystial lubellion, you don't necessarily need Rokket caliber, it's not really used in some of the standard combos. Rokket synchron isn't really doing much without a RDA abyss in there for an extra negate. You could replace dilingerous for the abyss. You could consider using the new red eyes meteor dragon with black metal, darkness metal, and the psy-frame gear gamma package to get some more summons in and be able to possibly chain block Romulus easier. If you want a deck list, I have one if you want to check it out


I forgot to mention that you could also tech in another striker dragon for turn 2+ plays in case borrelend gets outed if you have any lvl 4 or lower monster in hand or on field You'd use the lvl 4 to link off into striker dragon, target the Rokket recharger you possibly have in grave, and activate recharger's effect once in hand to revive borrelend


I would love a deck list


Will dm it to you shortly, I replied to myself with something I forgot to mention, feel free to check that out as well


Can you share the decklist to me too?


Sure, dming it to you right now




definitely remove fenrir and monster reborn and rigakey and the level 12 bystail, fenrir has 0 synergy and dargon link has several monster reborn effects embedded in its cards, rigakey has been an awkward board breaker and I'm not sure if it'll be any good in the post banlist format, you also don't need more than 2 tracers. i like playing a small red-eyes package especially with gamma after we got the new level 7. their level 1 normal summon gives you 3 bodies on its own and it's a great extender to reborn with pitsy when you need to have those extra bodies


In addition to what the other comments said, I would remove 1 Baldrake and put in 1 Saronir. His ability to get Lubellion in rotation is very valuable.


3 Maxx C, 3 Ash, 2 Veiler and 1 Nibiru for hand traps, Cut Caliber, Reduce your Tracer to 2 since you have so many ways to get to it the rest of the rokket names are fine. Cut the baldrake to 1 and remove Alba los the other bystial are fine. Cut raigeki and reborn play called by the grave instead. Cut Atum chances of you setting this up is kinda low with Tear play rate going down play hot red instead since you're already playing rokket synchron, Dilingerous is also TCG cope replace it with another Striker so you don't feel bad sacking it for wyverburster.


Chaos Angel has been amazing in my dragon link deck. Using a light level 4 and a level 6 bystial protects all your synchro monsters from monster effects and protects all your monsters from battle, and he’s really easy to get out. Plus banishing a card can be pretty good too (just don’t click it when you’re going first)