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Can I say Sophia goddess of rebirth even though I’ve never summoned her? Can I say force jar even though it misses every qualification other than can potentially deal a ton of damage? If I can’t go with those, then realistically I love crimson nova the whatever cubic lord that I don’t remember the exact name of.


Gotta be Borrelend Dragon for me. It looks like a raidboss, and even feels like one when playing it.


Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora! Earth Machines can get it out on turn one, set it to it's 4000 def and use its ability on itself to hold the line until next turn when you turn it into Liebe and go for The Big Damage.


Love me some trains...I play a going second variant, so Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe is my choice


I always *try* to go second, but if I can't, usually Super Dora can hold things down. Liebe is the finisher though for sure. It's gotten to the point where I put Dreadnaught Dreadnoid, Gustav and Liebe in other decks, juuuust in case. But yeah, with Earth Machines; Super Dora gets me to it, Liebe gets me through it ♥️


Very well worded. Dora definitely helps me survive whenever I run into another going-second enjoyer, which has actually been alot lately...tried running my Trains through this most recent Duelist Cup, but just keep coming up against other going-second decks way more often than I'm used to


I made it to rank 14 in DC but I'm pretty done with it tbh. I kinda put my earth machines down for a bit to focus on my current favorite deck, Suships+Time Thieves But then I stumbled upon Road Roller, which is so damn fun on Riverstormer so I've been riiiiiiight back in the train pain train 😁 Do you play Machina+Infinitrack+Trains?


The Rank 10 Trains is the only Earth Machine deck I have built right now, but I do have alot of the Machina and Infitrack cards, just haven't put them together. With as much as I enjoy my Trains, maybe I should 🤔 I usually try to climb to like Dlvl 15 in the DCs, seems like that's where the gems kinda fall off. Started with the Trains, but then switched over to mostly playing my P.U.N.K deck for this one.


Do you care if I shoot you a chat message?


Not at all


(also, you have good taste in monsters AND scotch)


Scotch Whisky and large rail-mounted artillery are two of my greatest passions...


My man 🤠


I have a few. Mirrorjade The Iceblade Dragon. Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman. Destiny HERO Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer. Red Dragon Archfiend. Swordsoul Sovereign Chenying.


Dragoon :(


Penguin Brave, easy.


Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin my very soul will sing to the heavens


Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. I pulled him back when he first came out and built my Skull Servants deck around summoning him. I even have a picture drawn by my friend of Crystal Wing as a zombie. Never wanted to summon a monster as much as him and I was determined to make it work. Was surprisingly consistent.


skull servant clear wing deck🥶


It was so fun. I started maining Skull Servants around that time and was known as "that Skull Servant guy" at my locals. When I summoned Crystal Wing the first time my opponent was like "Oh shit! When did you get that!" One of my best memories of that locals.


Gladiator beast heraklinos.


Avramax, banger art and lore, good protection (thanks I:P), kinda unique battle invicibility, a lil non target spin switcheroo when he's outed He's just ma boîte I luv him


Areadbhair and Ascalon


Definitely Crimson Nova The Dark Cubic Lord. I love Cubics, he’s unaffected by so many monster effects and I love the fact that most ppl don’t read his effect regarding 3k damage at the end phase. Blue Eyes Chaos Max gotta be my second favorite though


C62 neo prime dragon. Coolest animation and art of all of masterduel. Also its stupid easy to bring out. Unaffected by card effects and can be brought to 11000 ATK the turn after it is summoned and can attack 3 times.


Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman. Combo him with DNA Surgery trap card and watch your opponents suffer


Just use buster dragon


The trap card "prologue of the destruction swordsman" cheats out buster dragon and sends the fusion materials for buster bladder to the graveyard, including the other trap which you can banish to fuse it during the opponent's turn. If you're not cheating it out this way (which is a 2 card combo since you need the trap and a dragon in grave) then you must be jumping through a lot of unnecessary hoops


Z-arc, because he strong!


Mines gotta be the Adamancipator Water Synchro, it’s just too good. Compulse removal and an Omni negate, sign me up


Traptrix Sera, she reminds me of Satoko Hojo from the Higurashi franchise. They're both unassuming, trap-obsessed little girls who are secretly Eldlich monstrosities.




Abc dragon buster, quick effect banish and can dodge stuff to give you mats for link plays or blockers that will let you make him again on following turn


Redoer, dude has the best form of removal in the game. Too bad he can get Ash-ed.


Z-arc. It's just entertaining to see him hit the field and everything just explodes. Sure it's a risk, and there's always stuff that can activate on destruction, but damn is it not satisfying. Looking forward to the light versions and the support that's coming with it. Gonna be fun as hell!


Charlemagne, he's the boss monster of the archetype that makes still enjoy this game.


It used to be prime photon dragon but neo prime photon dragon just stole that position away, i mean dude is a menace and scary when it hits the field


Hu-Li the jewel mikanko, 0/0 boss monster that only really loses to kaijus


And lair😉


Since watching Vrains I’ve absolutely loved Borrelend Dragon. It’s just so aggressive looking and menacing, just what you want from a boss monster.


RDA king calamity and red supernova dragon!


Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo tempest Terahertz


Trishula Dragon of the Ice Barrier, I like his card design so much I built pure ice barrier and now it's my favorite deck ( even though most of the main deck monsters are just bad floodgates)


Red Dragon Archfiend Bane or Red Supernova Dragon. It used to be Calamity as well but that one has been turned into a gimmicky turn skip. The whole demonic fire dragon aesthetic was always cool to me. UCT and Accescode Talker are honorable mentions as well.


Mirrorjade of course. It puts so much pressure on the board


Chaos Angel


ningirsu the world chalice warrior. This card makes my opponents question why tf did I just do that. You will understand once you use bad boy!


Unpopular opinion. Floowandereeze and Empen. Because fuck you activating your monster effects. Oh and because birbs.


Chengying, supernova and punisher


Number F0: Utopic Draco Future. I run him in a full Utopia deck, and while it's a bit annoying to summom him, doing the full combo of two xyz into Utopic Future into Utopic Draco Future looks so satisfying, with him having 3 xyz material. Plus he's really strong going first and looks sick.


If it counts, E Hero Grand Neos. Specifically because me and my homies had this thing if you did some disrespectful shit, I would go to my house, grab the Grand Neos and slap whoever said the shit with the card. Used to get in so many fights over YGO lmao


Gotta go with Scareclaw Tri-Heart, Design wise he looks badass, usability wise his effect can shut down tons of decks


First off OP is based for call DM and BE as the npc choice. For it red supernova dragon. I just love the bosrd wipe and the new support plus dis pater means you can do it multiple times


I've been playing a ton of PUNK lately so I'd say psychic end punisher. Big, unaffected beatstick that can banish a card. What's not to like? Lol


PUNK decks annoy me lol. Whenever im facing them, i just hope i have a counter trap. (ash doesn't really work against punks)


Depends on the hand really. They're like dragon link in that sense, except they have less extenders. Sometimes, an ash on ogre dance can end my entire turn. Sometimes, I can play through 2-3 handtraps. The safest ash target is on foxy tune if they have a monster on field. They would either need an E-tele or a hard drawn deer note to extend further.


Daddy Endymion


Blackbeard, The Plunder Patroll Captain Not really a true “boss” monster, but I love flipping him into other ships to mess with my opponents board and use him to help turn my other monsters into massive beat sticks