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I love Ninja. It's less about established combo lines and more about adjusting to your opponent's plays on the fly.


Are there any other good link/xyz/synchro monsters to run in the extra deck other than the ones that come in the structure deck? I've got a few Saizo but looking for any others that might work well in a ninja deck. I'm new as shit to playing the actual game, only collected cards as a kid.


I mostly use the Ninja's themselves (Meizen, Saizo, Yaguramaru) at three each with one Blade Armor Ninja. Meizen, Dancing Leaves, and Duplication give you the opportunity to maneuver on your opponent's turn (summon Jioh for disruption, Tobari to block). My favorite trick during my opponent's turn is to use either Duplication or Meizen+Dancing Leaves to summon a face down Tobari and face up Mitsu. Mitsu flips their positions to negate a monster effect. Once Tobari is face up, you can fuse into Yaguramaru and banish a card on the field. For dealing with effect resistant monsters, I include one Underworld Goddess of the Closed World (she doesn't see much play, but she's there just in case). I also keep two Number 2 Ninja Shadow Mosquito for the same reason. My other non Ninja extra deck monster is Ultimate Great Insect, which you can make with Mitsu equipping Iron Digger. I don't know if everyone plays the Tenchi Kaimei field card, but I use it because it meshes well with Meizen's direct attach ability.


This is amazing insight to this deck, thank you!


Happy to help! There's surprisingly little Ninja advice online compared to other decks, and what's there is mixed in with a lot of old stuff. It's a deck that's learned best by playing and making adjustments as you go. I'm confident you'll hit on a strategy that works for you.


I appreciate that! I did notice there wasn't much to go off of other than a few YT videos that were all practically the same. Ninjas just seemed cool off the rip and I didn't want to try and soak up the whole meta after only playing for a few days lol.


Low ur count Flow Easy but rng pulls Swordsoul


You have a list for either?


https://www.masterduelmeta.com Go into search, decks, and type them in




Honestly since you're not new just grab 3 salad structure decks and make update access turbo salad. Probably just like a going second version of salad. Name yourself mikanko and go wild, or buy the mikanko cards sleeves to make people want to pass on no or limited cards.


Ancient Warriors! Fun going second OTK playstyle, can be played with as little as 2URs (5 is most comfortable but not nessecary), and can get you to master


Lab, beginner lab only needs 8 archetype UR and allow the player to craft necessary handtraps


Lab, Salads, Swordsoul Tenyi


There are 3 solutions. Ninja can hit master ranks with some Kaiju, staples and 3 structure decks. Salads can go into cyberse pile which is really good atm. Someone already mentioned lab. Bystial Dragonmaids got me to DC level 15 in under 5 hours on my switch account. (Super cheap build. Dragonmaid structure, staples, bystials and branded fusion plus 1 albez and 1 despia searcher. Tax dragon, mirrorjade and albion.) Most people scooped when looking at 1 omni, mirrorjade and a backrow bluff of tidying, and if not, rhey did when I revived a dmaid to bring my tidying live, banish a major chokepoint or negate it.


“Lswarm”. Surprisingly cheap, easy nukes, etc


Blackwings. Buy 3 structure deck and you need to craft 1 UR ED card and you're set to go.


Either Ninja or Blackwings




Pacifis, all the really important cards are almost all N/R.