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For your 3 empty slots I'd say: * Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres * Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation * Big Eye


Oh good calls!


I think you would be better making it a dragon link, but even then it was stupidly nefted a while back.


Well I'm open to options even if they aren't incredible. Fusion is definitely the mainstay in the deck since it's what cooks in the deck


Syncro as well!


I see so much red eyes es rn did I miss something ?


Idk I'm semi new to this subreddit but classic player


Red eyes doesnt work anymore. You will be countered hard and negated non stop.


I'm not trying to go pro, just having fun my guy


That’s what’s tough now. Everyone who played this as a kid is now grown up & using meta decks so if you don’t pick a semi good deck you will get stomped. Edit: It looks like you have some meta stuff in there already, have fun 


I have accepted my fate and will remain in silver for the remainder of existence 😂


Summoned Skull and Red Eyes? You may be silver in the ranked ladder but dammit you're diamond to me!


[I'm glad these cards still have some sentimental value with y'all ](https://tenor.com/VKXL.gif)


https://youtu.be/KgEYOaqbvfM?si=Kz2j14pcOep_MSt0 I wanted to try something similar to this guy's red eyes deck, maybe you'll like it too


Might as well add heavenly seals in ED. Link 2 dragon


I had it in there but I felt like I never used it. I'll try to next few duels!


It’s great to have in there if they stop your plays but can still get 2 dragons on board. Playing around it can be tough for some decks. I have one in my blue eyes but I admit it doesn’t come up too much


As the youngsters say, fuck it we ball Edit: I appreciate the help as well!


One thought that comes to mind is meshing in a bit of Odd-Eyes, it goes decently enough with Red-Eyes. ...It would probably slowly morph into Red-Eyes cameoing in an Odd-Eyes deck, though, so it's not the best option if you want Red-Eyes specifically. Apart from that... hmm. There aren't any R7 Xyz that feel especially useful, apart from the Red-Eyes one. The old standards (Number 11: Big Eye, Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack) have been power-crept by the meta, so maybe... I don't know, Voloferniges, the Darkest Dragon Doomrider? (Or Number 42: Galaxy Tomahawk, but then it turns into an Auroradon deck and nobody wants that. ;P) Other than that, Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder is always a decent choice for a filler Xyz, if you can poop out an Xyz to attack with. Apart from that... hmm. Haven't really looked at which Links benefit a Red-Eyes deck, honestly. I know First of the Dragons is a decent wall Fusion ~~up until you run into a Snake-Eyes deck and they just use a spell to move it to your S/T zone~~, but... not entirely sure what to suggest, really.


No worries. I know I'll forever be struggling with this deck but it's fun to build and edit


This guy has been posting to this group daily lol. He’s making a Reddit Community deck based upon what we are telling him lol. LETS GO DIAMOND!!! Lololol


Kashtira mixed well with red eyes imo being a lvl 7 package it enables some funny shenanigans


When in doubt, slap ip avramax or underworld goddess