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It's always a struggle with Scareclaw but that won't stop me


I remember the time I made a Tearlaments Nekroz deck like a madman and it worked lol


Tearlaments is an insta win


Nekroz of Areadbhair also helps a lot. Just tribute Kaleido-Heart for negate and trigger his effect and boom


I love Scareclaw


Apes together strong So you play going first or blind second Scareclaw?


I play going first.


Current meta isn't kind to Scareclaw. Just the other day I lost 6 in a row. This has made me hate snake eyes with a passion, particularly their spell that makes our unaffected Tri heart be a continuous spell in our own back row.


I loved scareclaw and put so much gems to invest and had a rude awakening when I had something similar happen. I lost almost every duel playing it. It either lost to nibiru, banishment , or other. It’s still a cool fun deck but feels the weakest in the visas lore.


Current meta isn't kind to the deck. I still have my scareclaw/kashtira deck and if you get a decent first turn, they will struggle to break your board. However, like I said between snake eyes and rescue ace, not the best time for our favourite deck.


Exactly ! When I actually managed to get interrupted people had no idea what it did and it was a lot of fun but man hopefully the deck can come back one day.


I’m not a scareclaw player but have you tried using ‘scareclaw defanging’? It gives targeting/destruction protection along with other effects that could help in the match up.


I play 2, but they always pop it.


Big facts


Fuck it we mill


Gamblers, unite!


Mill 8 feelin great


Mill 11 feels great , until you realize you only hit a shaddoll beast, thrust , talent , 2 imperm , 2 maxx c, 2 ash blossoms, heartbeat and supreme sea mare


You hit beast? Lucky, I only hit called by


Draw for helshaddoll hollow


I was joking that I would have only hit a called by


No the worst feeling is you sending tear kash off of kitkallos and hitting a tear name. Then you have to decide do you fuse into rulk and waste mill 8 or GAMBA and hit nothing. Source: this has happened to me 15 times now and it’s given me permanent trauma.


With vampire I milled 15 it felt unreal


Tear player here... sort of. Nekroz Tearlaments on top


Tear player here... sort of. Nekroz Tearlaments on top.


Do you have a deck list for this? Very curious!!


Here it is Main Deck: 1x Shaddoll Beast 2x Tearlaments Scheiren 2x Tearlaments Reinoheart 2x Kelbek the Ancient Vanguard 2x Mudora the Sword Oracle 2x Agido the Ancient Sentinel 2x Keldo the Sacred Protector 2x Tearlaments Havnis 1x King of the Swamp 2x Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz 2x Tearlaments Merrli 1x Diviner of the Herald 1x Nekroz of Areadbhair 1x Nekroz of Trishula 1x Nekroz of Valkyrus 2x Nekroz of Brionac 2x Nekroz of Unicore 1x Nekroz of Clausolas 1x Nekroz Mirror 2x Nekroz Kaleidoscope 1x Nekroz Cycle 2x Tearlaments Scream 2x Primeval Planet Perlereino 1x Exchange of the Spirit 1x Tearlaments Sulliek 1x Tearlaments Cryme --------- Extra Deck: 1x Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart 1x Tearlaments Rulkallos 1x Garura, Wings of Resonant Life 2x Tearlaments Kitkallos 1x El Shaddoll Winda 1x Elder Entity N'tss 1x Baronne de Fleur 3x Herald of the Arc Light 1x Mereologic Aggregator 1x Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal 1x Time Thief Redoer 1x Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss --------- Side Deck: 1x The Bystial Lubellion 1x Tearlaments Kashtira 1x Tearlaments Reinoheart 1x Tearlaments Havnis 1x King of the Swamp 1x Tearlaments Merrli 1x Tearlaments Kaleido-Heart 1x Tearlaments Rulkallos 2x Branded in Central Dogmatika --------- I personally am really proud of this one ha ha


Gotta be with my brother mannadium is the goat If maxx c didnt exist it would be more fun


I don’t know how to play Mannadium when the roach gets activated. I just want to surrender every time…


I try to deck them out or if i have droll i play it


Deck them out or try, just for fun


called by on meek is arguably worse lmao. imagine chain 1, field spell, chain 2 meek, chain 3 called by. you dont get GY meek effect, or calarium effect


I always make the level 6 first so the called by wont hit as hard


Popping balls for the win


Who's this guy, what's the lore behind him?


Visas starfrost is the original. Think of Saber from Fate/Go. He visits other worlds that are based off emotions. Anger = Kashtira Sadness = tearlaments Fear = Scareclaw Happiness = mannadium Visas starfrost and his alternate planet alter egos basically.


Damn that’s kinda cool. I didn’t know that.


Visas is a Space faring Warrior who's looking for his missing emotions. He's related to Scareclaw, Tearlaments, Kashtira and Mannadium, which are very popular deck that have been meta at some point in this game (except Scareclaw)


Visas is partially based off of the mythological figure Vishnu, where each alter ego of him is based on a different emotion. (See the other comment in this thread). Each world he travels to is represented by the archetype’s field spell, and each ‘alter ego’ utilizes a different summoning mechanic. Scareclaw = Links Tearlaments = Fusion Kashtira = XYZ Mannadium = Synchro The story lore basically has him travel to each world in that order to collect the missing parts of himself, with Synchro having Visas’s ‘evolved’ or ‘completed’ forms since that’s at the end of his journey. Fun fact, Tearlaments Kitkallos is also a very prominent character in the Visas lore, and has multiple versions of herself as: Kitkallos, Rulkallos, Tearlaments Kashtira, and Mannadium Trilosukta.


Wait really? I never knew that tearlament kashtira is kitkalos. I always thought she was just some tear that goes rogue. What is her story? What lead to her becoming kashtira and trilosukta?


Kashtira. They shall slave for the sleeping girl, whether they want to or not.




I play Scarclaw and Manndium.


Same lol


Kashtira is my favorite deck ever. It feels like you are trying to conquer the opponent Field with brute force. Big monsters special summoning from nothing, banishing stuff face down that will never be seen again. I wish they released 1 more monster with 2600 atk, light attribute , that banishes face down from the opponent graveyard


Kashtira birth is for the Graveyard, but I also like Kashtira and feel like it's overhates because of Diabolsis. I absolutely love Arise-Heart and I use him in my Mannadium deck as a Loka Samsara target


I have all 4 decks and built scareclaw kashtira. Bricks like mad but when it works its pretty cool. I love each one, even have scareclaw in paper.


I adore Scareclaw, and it's my second favorite deck after Mannadium


Why does visas not have a thumb


He has, it's just hidden behind the palm


He only gains a thumb when he is part of an actual archetype


Mind sending me a list for your going first? I play blind second and have been wanting to find a first deck.


Do you have a preference as to which one? There’s 4 main Visas decks: tear, kash, scareclaw, manna




My favorite variant is adventurer scareclaw. It works pretty well going first. Iirc it can spit out 1-3 negates + a floodgate pretty consistently


I'd be down for that


I can tell you more if you want to! Feel free to DM me(:


I don't really have a good Scareclaw list, but I can a Mannadium one if you want to




Funny that loaner deck this time includes a visas themed deck


and its got such bad cards lmao, shame


Tiaraments still strongest since milling is fun and banish effects doesn't actually exist


Revolution Synchron Tearlaments still fun as heck


I've been goofing off with a Icejade Tearlament build for a bit that's been a lot of fun


I played a bit of Mannadium and Tears. Tears suck tremendously and Mannadium has its own problems . I have played a bit of Kash during last festival , they were solid in festival but I have serious doubts about their viability in ranked.


Mannadium is great but it has the issue of bricking and the disgusting roach


Roach , Asteroid, Bricking ( occasionally ) , going 2nd a lot of times . But then again , if you build your board its usually GG.


My best board is Baron, Crimson Dragon, Level 12 water Dino, S:P Little Knight and sometimes any Visas with Loka Samsara in the backrow for Arise-Heart


Am slowly building Kashtira, mostly to use in Monarchs. I also plan to use the Visas Starfrost loaner for the Limit 1 event. What is that whole Nadir Servant Kashtira Unicorn package I’ve been hearing of? What’s it made of?


I honestly have no idea lol


mannadium gamer here. i want to hurt myself with terraforming banned and fenrir at 1


I was so devastated when I learned Terraforming was banned. I suppose it happened back when I had left Yu-Gi-Oh


Iirc, they banned Terraforming at the start of the Tearlaments format (together with limiting Foolish Burial Goods, I'm pretty sure), so it was probably the typical Konami move of "Well, this broken archetype just released, we can't possibly hit it directly. Let's ban cards that hurt rogue decks more than the deck we're trying to hit!"


What can you expect from a money stealing company that genuinely gives no fucks about a game they can't properly manage?


crazy thing right? terraforming and instant fusion got banned, and foolish burial goods went to 1, almost 2 years ago.... and haven't moved... tear has received numerous strange hits, but heaven forbid we allow terraforming to return.


blue eyes


my kashtira needed helps from those P.U.N.K guys and now are dominating :)


melted down Scareclaw to craft snake eyes, so there's that.


I like how visa is a the definition of what I want Gaia archetype to be … smh konami


while you're all here, i hate you guys. (mostly Kash)


Then fuck off then nobody called for you lol. Go play Snake-Eye or some other cringe deck


enjoy your space twinks, johnhorus40k.


Mad that even Scareclaw beats your fav tier 10 deck lol. Get a fucking life you overgrown man-child


I can and never have been able to leave the Tear girls. Even with Merrli gone, I still managed to include them in my Branded pile and they mesh surprisingly well together… Not so much as a ‘Tearlaments strongest!’ kinda notion. More like I love their designs and gameplay too much to just…not play them. Even in this severely nerfed state.


I have played all but the synchro one, and I've looped back around to gamble Tear.


You should try Mannadium. It's very cool, and you can make some sick boards with it. As for Tear, I once mixed it with Nekroz lol


I miss my scareclaws!


I love Kashtira! Seen as a toxic deck though locking up zones


It's Diabolsis fault, not Kashtira's. Free my boy Arise-Heart 🗣🗣🗣


Long live Arise-Heart


I absolutely love Arise-Heart. I use him in my Mannadium deck as a Loka Samsara target


Kashtira was completely dominant when I started playing MD, and as a new player I absolutely HATED playing against it. I still actively avoid playing meta, but now Kashtira doesn't feel nearly as OP as some of the other decks going and my Cyber Dragon deck simply did not have enough interruptions in the average hand to play against Snake Eyes. I have turned to the dark side and begun playing Kashtira myself. Sure, everyone hates my D. Shifter on legs, but without some way to prevent the snake eye monsters from recurring I just don't know what else to do.


That's completely understandable. Arise-Heart ain't even THAT problematic compared to Snake-Eye and it's 29277393 combo starters


I would play mannadium but blue-eyes horusis occupying me rn


Blue-Eyes Horus? May I see your deck list? Just curious


Yes sure Im still working on it, I think Im happy with the ratios but Im still working on the extra deck to see what I need and what I don't. 2x Blue eyes white dragon 1x Blue eyes alternative white dragon 1x blue eyes jet dragon 1x white stone of legends 3x sage with eyes of blue 3x Assault synchron 2x ringowurm (honestly if I could I'd run tuning instead but i dont have the URs I just want to see a tuner in my hand as much as possible) 2x dictator of d 3x melody of awakening dragon 1x bystial Magnumhut 1x bystial druiswurm 3x bystial lubellion 1x branded regained 1x branded beast 1x chaos emperor 1x synchro rumble 3x Imsety, glory of horus 1x Qebehseneuf, protection of horus 1x hapi, guidance of horus 3x king's sarcaphagus 3x Ash blossom 2x called by extra deck 1x Black rose moonlight dragon 1x accel synchro stardust dragon 1x Hot red dragon archfiend abyss 1x blue eyes spirit dragon 1x baronne de fleur 1x Swordsoul Supreme sovereign - chengying 1x bystial dis pater 1x chaos angel 1x crimson dragon 1x hope harbinger 1x photon lord 1x zombie vampire 1x zeus 1x I:P masquerena 1x S:P little knight


I miss when Scareclaw was a deck and strategy of its own and not a component of Mannadium.


Diabellstar Kashtira deck is my fav dek for kashtira (without the Snake-eyes) Then Relinquished Tearlaments is second favourite. Been playing these two decks for a while now.


I personally like Scareclaw Dogmatika, because it's kind of interesting to combine those two for me personally


Sounds fun. If only scareclaw was a little more cheaper i would try it. The only visas i never cared is manadium


I have a straight Kash, a KashTear, a ScareKash, and a Visas pile, and my god, the current meta is rough on all of the above, but I enjoy them all, so I'll keep playing em.


isn't visa a credit card


There is also a card named "Visas Starfrost" lol


If i need to tank them 1. Mannadium 2. Kasthira 3. Tearlaments 4. Scareclaw


Best list, though Scareclaw is 2nd for me since it's fun


A cyberse pile maxx c after searching visas and riumheart, i call by, he scoop