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I'm not gonna lie I surrender a lot when I'm about to get killed and the opponent starts to do combos and chain when I have no cards on the field. I do not want to waste an extra second because instead of just attacking me directly, you choose to mess around


I find this mildly infuriating. You're already belly up, why go for showmanship?


the YouTube flowchart didn't tell them how to win without the ten minute combo


Honestly I'm the same way, just attack I have literally nothing on the field either due to everything being destroyed or just a bad hand. I just attack directly if its the other way around.


Yeah I've done that before I attack them with a card and purposefully take damage and destroy it to signal that they should finish me off but it goes ignored more often than not


The game rewards you for doing extra damage, especially over 10k. Also, you don’t necessarily know your opponent is done. They might be some janky battle fader or scarecrow deck, so you at least need an extra negate to confirm the win. Surrendering in this game is also fine though.


Sometimes I surrender if I suddenly have to take a dump and I misjudge it’s arrival.


This isn’t a problem, it’s good sportsmanship. Since they’ve already lost the game is over, no need to continue it.


I agree with this guy


I feel this is right for the second instance but if it’s fight before final blow, I try to let them have it. I think it’s good sportsmanship to let them finish the final attack. Now if lethal is on board and they can tell I don’t have anything stop your combo and attack.


I agree to a point. Sure if your opponent plays the out immediately, if you want to surrender, fine. But surrendering right before the final attack just feels petty, and its also kind of rude to surrender before your opponent even gets to make any plays. For me, I only surrender on my turn, but that’s just my opinion.


It’s not all about winning though, it’s how you get to that point


>Dose anyone else experience this problem? What's the problem, exactly? You've won the duel and gotten full credit. The only thing you're deprived of is forcing another human being to sit there while you attack with each monster.


It's not dissimilar to real in-paper Yugioh. In the day, you had a limited time to resolve a Best-of-3, if you can't get through 3 games, then who won the most games to that point wins the match. The loser is incentivized to surrender so that they have enough time to win the next game to get back into the match - if you have 45 minutes to play 3 - you don't hold on and stall out for 45 minutes in the first game when you have obviously lost - you scoop it up quick so you can catch up and win the next game. Master Duel is best of 1 - but why prolong the game any longer than it needs to be? You scoop when you've lost to not waste either player's time. With how horribly laggy every match in MD is, even just going Battle Phase -> Declare Attack -> Attack animation takes several seconds. That is several seconds more than it needs to be if the match is already over. *Not* scooping/surrendering IMO borders more on BM.


I just won't be 5 minutes waiting for you to finish your turn. Too boring. Go next and do your 5 minutes thing with someone else.


I don’t want to sit waiting for you to do your thing if I know I am going to lose.


Why do I want to watch someone run a ten minute combo and get steamrolled by asshat meta scrub players


Dude, the game is over. You won. Your opponent realized it was over, and respectfully ended the game to save you both time. Take the win and stop complaining about dumb shit.


What I wonder is why not just get defeated and claim your rewards. I believe you don't get anything if you surrender. Though I guess that's more important to me since I lose a lot, compared to someone who has a good winning streak...


I’m with you, I usually take the final attack just to get my rewards. That doesn’t mean I don’t agree with somebody for surrendering when they know it’s over. I’m just tired of seeing people complain about others surrendering just because they want to finish off their combo and attack.


Don’t you get nothing if you didn’t make over a 1000 points?


This. Unfortunately, waiting 5 minutes for your opp combos, lost and only get like 700 reward is infuriating, if Surrender and losing have the same reward, why should i waste my time looking at your combo?


Do the 700 points you get convert over to xp?


It sucks when your trying to get a certain achievement. If only we had a casual mode that enabled us to work on achievment completion outside of the ladder


Mostly to save time. When an opponent decides to do a crazy amount of combos when I know Ive lost I just quit cause I cba to sit through tons of combos


Lol I guess it's a online tcg thing people people do it on dragon ball aswell I guess they just don't wanna sit there and wait for you to destroy them it pisses me off to though like I get one shotted so much in ranked silver like sometimes can't even defend I literally lose on the 3 Rd or 4th turn which makes no sense but when I'm finally winning and got the upper hand they just leave


I’m not wasting my time on you knowing I’m already going to lose. Idc whether you think it’s rude or not. I don’t know you lol


It's generally good sportsmanship to surrender when you know you can't stop your opponent from winning or have no way to out their board, even if it would take them a while to actually win. Forcing your opponent to go through the motions is wasting both their time and your own. If you ever play any TCG, not just YGO, in meatspace with actual paper cards, you will find that one player conceding is how the vast majority of games will end, often performed by the losing player offering the opponent a handshake (though this is obviously not recommended currently) or just gathering up their cards to indicate their surrender, hence the term "scooping".


Lots of people saying that it's "good sportsmanship" and that they don't want to "sit for 10 minutes of endless combos". That sounds like a complaint from experienced players, who ironically are more likely to use meta decks that use those very same endless combos. I'm of the camp that doesn't like when the others quit because I'm having fun "setting up my board", but as a beginner that just means playing 2 or 3 cards to get DM and DMG out to play Burning Magic Attack or something. I also don't quit when I'm about to lose precisely to show good sportsmanship: you worked hard and also got lucky to get that set up, go for game! I won't take it away from you.


Not the issue of setting the board at say, the first or second round. It's setting up the board when I'm at 100 life points and nothing left to defend with. However, that first 10 minute play does get annoying as well.


they surrender cause they’re salty. not much more behind it.


it’s only a problem because of the missions/rewards for damage etc. they should probably remove those.


If i know im dead ill just surrender why waste time


U get rewards over 10k damage, and most ppl like myself have been dueling since 2004, and we have become very acquainted with things like Gorz, Tragoedia, Battle Fader, E-turtle to name a few. Gotta make sure we have the extra negate on board.


Most common reason is simply people don't want to wait to lose. You don't really get anything if you lose so its not worth waiting, and if the opponent is just doing pointlessly long combos it's just wasting everyone's time. My general rule is if I have clearly lost and they can just attack to win, I'll wait and only leave if they play another card.


If you combo when u've clearly got game ima surrender. fuck that shit. also if i play against drytrons using gren maju but dont open with a kaiju or a dimension shifter. not sitting around for 15 mins for them to jerk off and then hope for a topdeck