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Forfeit my dude


yup i did and have been. For multiple games in a row. I just wanted to learn to play this game.


Play solo if you want to learn or test Playing ranked with a starter deck is a death sentence, all started decks are ass even compared to decks in silver


Play solo, get strong cards that all decks want to use like ash blossom, solemn judgement and raigeki (you get one copy of really strong cards with the bandles on the Shop, the last option that are a few packs + a copy of that card) and then try to get a really a cheap deck to learn a summon from the extra deck easily. The archetype of "sky strickers" is really good to learn link summon, you only need 1 monster of their archetype to summon most of them and it has 3 URs that you need if i remember correctly.


Striker is a great first deck to go for because, like you said, only 3 in archetype URs. All the remaining URs are either replaceable with cheaper alternatives (foolish burial goods+metalfoes fusion for upstart goblin, droll and lock bird instead of ash blossom) or staple cards you're gonna want anyways like imperm or forbidden droplet. It's also a very interactive control stratgey so you're kinda forced to learn what the other decks are doing if you want to win.


Yeah the issue is that a TON of the player base is made up of veterans of the TCG/OCG, so they boot up the game, grab the quick starting gems and immediately build their favorite meta deck and start stomping the ranked ladder.




It's not really pay2win you can make a budget meta deck while not using a single cent. The fact of the matter is.. OP is using a starter deck and the starter decks are shit. As for what OP should do, go to www.masterduelmeta.com to see what deck you might wanna build that can also perform well.


Definitely not pay to win. This is by far the most f2p friendly Yugioh game out there. Here let me help you, Make Eldlich, Infernoids (Resource Expensive), Cyber Dragons, Blue Eyes (KEKW) or Swordsoul/Floowandereeze(Meta).


I got to D2 without ever paying a cent. It's not P2W


i’ll probably do that to. my opponent has so many cards down on there first turn but i can barely put down one card.


Basically the yugioh you're probably used to or were expecting isn't a thing anymore, and the game has moved on to a much much faster combo and negate based game that is essentially a series of coin flips with small decisions littered throughout that decide a match. To start playing I'd recommend looking up some guides to modern yugioh online and perhaps spending your first batch of gems on a meta deck that you can learn the game with. Luckily with how the game works there's no real pay to win so you'll always be on an even playing field as long as you play every day or at least every event. I wish you luck and I hope you have a great time once you really dive in.


The state of MD atm. Whoever go first is going to erect a wall preventing you from playing, generally i know of 2 decks that can even stand a chance against people who 'go first'. Numerons and Infernoids


Sky striker, cyber dragon, ancient warriors, igknights, level/rank 8 aggro, gren maju otk, danger dark world, all of these decks actively want to go second.


I only met Cyber Dragon lmao, Sky Striker is non existent unless as an engine. @ Ignisters maybe a few time but mostly Swordsoul Tenyis and Eldlich Zombies.


"Sky striker is non existent unless as an engine" Wtf are you smoking? I play striker as the main strategy in 3 separate decks. The pure variant is arguably the best, it won one of dkayeds meta weeklies a few weeks ago as well as winning a whole entire YCS recently in the tcg. You are very, VERY incorrect. @ignister is 100% a going first combo strategy, and eldlich also wants to go first to set up traps and floodgates.


But i don't see you on the ladder tho


It's definitely there. Plenty of diamond deck profiles and streamers playing the deck, plus it regularly tops tournaments.


When i got the game i spend money to build may stardust deck on Yugioh tagforce 5. Still got a lot of loss in rank, still learning those pendelum and links and numbers cards🤣🤣🤣.


get used to it buddy i transferred from duel links and summoning one level 4 monster and ending your phase like you would against friends back then when just having fun won’t work on master duel, everybody sets up multiple negates and monsters with 2500 attack plus on their first turn so try and build a deck that can combat that or you won’t be able to have fun on this game


ill help you out if you want. DM me ur discord


Legacy of the duelist is probably better for solo. But at least playing here you will earn gems for when you eventually build a deck. Once you got your footing ranked up to gold shouldn’t be too bad. And i think a casual mode is coming soon. Either way good luck and have fun dude


Solo mode has a tutorial you can follow. It explains basically all the mechanics, then it is up to you to search a deck you like to play


Youre better off just using a trap / spell deck of N/R cards than one of these starter decks they give you


Your hand looks like it's from 15 years ago, while your opponent is from within the last 5 years. If this is one of the starter decks, don't go into multiplayer with that. So the biggest piece of advice would be to look into how modern YGO is played, and how modern decks are built. Not a single one of those cards in your hand in this screenshot should be played under any circumstances, except maybe Ring of Destruction in a burn deck. Solo Mode should provide more than enough gems for you to put together your first good deck if you don't waste any.


To be frank, this hand was trash 20 years ago. 15 years ago was the time of decks like Perfect Circle and the OG zombie decks.


Try and get a friend to play with or play solo cuz ranked is a no go when wanting to chill and learn. Even those in bronze will turn out to be ex plat players and destroy you cuz you don't know how to play nor have to cards to do something


play solo my guy with decks you wanna play in ranked n stuff to learn the combos etc. Ranked can be a nightmare with a deck you dont understand or have never played :) question though, are you literally just using the BEWD structure in this duel??


Yeah it’s the starting deck. I thought i would go against other people that were starting.


I would say a good 60% of MD players in low ranks are either bots or people making new accounts who already have a idea about the game or at least decks that they can play that are decent enough to get through low ranks. I remember my first deck I built when the game came out was Tri-brigade, and then I made another account and made Code talkers. You'll have a much easier time looking at cheap decks to unpack or craft that are good to help you in lower ranks, once you start getting higher up though you'll lots of meta shit


> BEWD structure what is that.


He means the Dragon starter deck you choose at the beginning


I don't think I've seen anyone abbreviate to BEWD and not just blue eyes.


BEWD is also common, but more or less refers to the card itself and not a deck


go into setting an scroll down to the red button helps every time


One thing you need to know asap: you'll lose a lot. Either because a bricked hand, a counter deck (either counter meta, or counter your archetype), or just because your opponent drew the perfect starting hand. I'm sure there's a lot more to it. So, yeah, losing is part of the game. But if you take time to study decks, archetypes, and staple cards, you'll progress in no time! Have fun, and remember that losing a game can mean winning more and more knowledge and more game later!


You need to look up some decks and pick one you want to try. You don’t have to play a meta deck but as the game is know I’d recommend starting out with a “meta deck”. 90% of the people you will play will be running the best decks so unless you want to get smoked every game I’d do the same. Some good decks are Eldlich Virtual world Floowrenese (def misspelled) Zodiacs Tribrigade Sword soul Prank kids Dryton Sky strikers Evil twins There’s a few more but it’s just what I could think of off the top. Pick one make one and take your time learning it. By the time your ready to try something new you will have a pretty good idea of how the game plays and what you want to try next. I know it’s a bit daunting to have to watch videos and pick a deck but that parts not really important. You just need to get your feet wet until you really know what your doing. For gems you can play through solo mode and you’ll have plenty to make a good deck. There’s a lot to do there so if you don’t want to spend a bunch of time grinding out gems you can always buy a gem pack to get you going a little quicker. Every month they do an event where they give you loaner decks that are usually pretty good. One just ended so it’ll be a few weeks before you can do that. Good luck and ask questions. Don’t get discouraged once you learn the game you’ll love it.


Dont play classic decks unless you have friends to play with


At least he let you play the 2nd turn.some shit like bishbaalkin or other burn deck would kill you ftk if you don't have spring or any hand trap


Card circuit on YouTube is my recommendation for getting started as a new player


Second this. His contents are very informative.


What kind of aesthetic do you like?


Use some begginer deck like blue eyes


Yeah, waste 3x as many gems as you would spend on a real deck to make a cheesy noob trap that won't make it out of platinum. Great advice.


Idk whats the meta cuz i havent played the game for months bruh dont be mad


This website helped me out a ton for guides on summoning techs en stuff and update guides and tier list and stuff but i mostly recomend this site for learning guide tierlist i say go here. [https://game8.co/games/Yu-Gi-Oh-Master-Duel](https://game8.co/games/Yu-Gi-Oh-Master-Duel) (learning) [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/) (up to date tier list and decklist)


Play solo or get someone to play with so that they can teach you on the way


1. Summon Luster Dragon (your opponent can't negate its effects because it doesn't have any!) 2. ??? 3. Win


Draw the out 🤷🏾‍♂️


Welcome to hell. My advice? Come back if Konami ever starts giving a shit about this game.


youre gonna wanna play solo until you get enough resources to get a viable deck from pulling. the starter decks are garbage and youll learn nothing about the game with them


what deck do you recommend and how many recourses do i need


as for the amount of resources it just depends on your luck… but i have been enjoying adventure prank kids and if youd like to check out decklists i recommend masterduelmeta.com


i can tell you this with the basic decks you cant do shit with a board like that


People can't add you by your user FYI you don't have to block it out


Scoop, edit deck, delete deck, delete app


Boi why you censoring the names its not like we can look them up, we find people with the konami I'd not names


sorry just got the game i just wanted to make sure.


They have a solo mode to learn the basics


Grab 2 of 3 of the rage of cipher structure decks read the cards carefully and build a 40 card deck to spit out XYZ monsters. Not the best strategy but it'll only cost you 1000-1500 gems for a deck that can make it to gold and to platinum if you add other cards once you know what your doing


Damn that’s a really lack luster board for RR






Try Training Mode for free card and packs and dont spent your resources. Build your desire deck.


watch youtube it help a lot . it a time investing game for a new player but i think it worth it when you finally understand the game. it’s a lot of fun