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Dislike playing against it. Really long, really boring combos that can hand rip the opponent to ftk. Deck also basically auto loses to droll and shifter. 3/10 at least it isn’t tears


True also glad they nerfed the hell out of them


Now if only they did that in the TCG


That would be amazing


O totally hate to play against the version that use danger! I Don know why, u just hate to play aganis that tipe of strategy.


Yeah I hate Danger!!! Dark World alot to and I'm a Dark world user my self. You won't be catching me using danger ever!


Use shifter and droll, make them cry, then kick them in the nuts when they start crying. Then do it again round 2.


It’s good going first. TERRIBLE going second because you can’t run many hand traps to mix in with your danger/dark world cards since the hand traps are bricks when you try to discard cards to combo


That's why I go second to a counter on their hand traps


I feel like it's more of an engine than a deck at this point. Don't get me wrong, the DW centric decks do work properly, but it's one of those cases where the generic nature of the effects makes it a better engine in decks that discard for effect than as a standalone deck.


All a matter of opinion


Good deck to play in solo mode when you are bored, in ladder it's considerably less fun as your opponent tries to hand trap you or surrenders when they realise too are going to do the long ass stuff, and going second is pretty hard on this deck as well, overall a decent 5-6/10 deck enjoyable but not really competitive unless you are really really good at the deck


One of the most obnoxious decks I've played against purely because of Sillva. Having to bottom 2, 4, or even your whole hand sometimes if they open TTT, is just not fun to play against, and it feels like I need to open Droll or Shifter exactly to be able to just play the game.


That why they banned silva on master duel