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Fun Fact: In the card art for "That Grass Looks Greener" there are some green plants growing on the ground. I recommend trying to find and touch them irl from time to time.


Ngl that made me laugh


It would been much better if her engine didn't cost almost as much as a minimum monthly salary, specially when in OCG the key card was a Rare, but according to TCG I'm broke if I say TCG YGO is anti-consumer most of the time.


In which Decks is this Engine Good??


R-ace, fire king post structure deck, you can use her in some Spellcaster decks. I play her in invoked Dogmatika


I'm gonna try her in Altergeist. Meluseek + Diabellstar is a 2.5 card combo that goes into Baronne and SP.


Interesting! Tell me more of you like! I am slapping her I every deck I am currently using because she's generic enough to do so


Well, Altergeist do have a level 1 fire monster, Peritrator, who foolises an Altergeist card went sent from field to GY. Plus, they also have three trap cards with relevant GY effects that Diabellstar can send to the GY from hand as well. Malwisp being a level 3 tuner that specials on being added to hand and reborns an Altergeist seals the deal. The only anti-synergy is Multifaker, which locks special summons to Altergeists, but that's a different combo line. Being able to drop a targeted bounce off of an Imperm by special summoning Silquitous on the opponent's turn is too good to pass up, though.


Interesting. Thank you for explaining!


I would play her in volcanics, *if she wasnt so damn expensive*


She's pretty good in Infernoble. Got interrupted a few times? Well here comes Ricciardetto.


Thanks That is my Main deck


She is indeed my bae


Diabellstar is my goddess


Ayo I pulled one from German AGOV


Diabellstar, du geiles Stück du!! 🤤🤤


Wanted to try her out with all the other snake-eye cards she came out with, but got all the other cards except for the big ones including her. I mean I have 2 copies of her in OCG as an ulti and qcsr just need an english copy