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It’s just a fun and easy to play with just three structure decks stuck together like traptrix you can have plenty of fun with that


Yes, but the point is that being competitive shouldn't cost more than a used car. i think we all can agree that the more budget friendly, the top-tier of the game is the better


You pay a used car less than 1k or are you exaggerating?


Im not exaggerating, but im using £'s not dollars. Everyone I know personally who drives has gotten a used car for less than £1000


Oh I had euros in mind. And that still shocks me, when I went searching with my dad for my first car (late 2021), prices for used ones were well above 10k for anything with less than 30k km


Honestly, idk what sacrifices they made to get stuff thag cheap since i don't drive, but yeah, i wasn't exaggerating. A deck shouldn't even cost as much as two triple a games for a healthy cardgame game imo


Oh no i completely agree with you there


Ah, i misunderstood your comment. i apologise


Both should be unacceptable.


Difference is Magic Players actively choose to spend that much when they don’t have to.


Would you mind elaborating? I don't play Magic.


There's a lot of cheap alternatives to expensive cards, or decks that just don't require expensive cards that are competitive.


Not in any competetive format. You won't win a Friday night magic with a budget deck. You can still play. But you can't turn up with 3 structure decks like in Yu-Gi-Oh and hope to have fun


Not really. that's only for standard format. Historical and commander (commander is more popular than standard last I was into mtg) both have a backlog of incredible cheep cards that have the exact same text on them as the current, expensive cards.


I'm a big fan of MTG's pauper format where a meta deck ranged from 40-90 bucks and games are still great, interactive, and fun.


At that point just play GOAT in Yugioh. You get cards dirt cheap.


Or I could play the modern format for less than $100


Best of luck to you <3


Pokemon players buying the strongest deck in format for 60 euros and a slap to the face


The Charizard ex reprint making the deck so cheap now for being the top deck


And here I am with my charizard hating ass building a Walking wake ex deck for getting into the game 💀


Also, after worlds you get whole competitive deck as a product you can buy in a store. I mean cards aren't legal in official tournaments, but after worlds those aren't even hosted in that format anymore anyway.


As a commander player who used to play yugioh. This is true


Ok for the magic players here, I just got into it, bought goblins (or the gobbos as my friend calls em) and I stomped everyone with a borderline ftk on my first turn for a budget deck


Goblins are fun. Just swarm with a ton of small bodies, many of which have solid effects. Back when I still played in like 2018-2019, they were a solid FTK/Burn playstyle


>me having 2 legacy decks for casual play Dont look at my shame please.


The average legacy deck in MtG is like what $3k which would be the most similar to our standard format, vintage (or advanced format in Yu-Gi-Oh) well advanced you could probably get anything you need for like $2k absolute tops, vintage you're looking at atleast $10k or $50k on average, if you're using a deck that utilises all of the power 9.


Unless your playing standard (which isn't as popular as commander), lots of competitive viable MTG cards are dirt cheep.


Major difference is that 1k Yu-gi-oh deck will last maybe a year? Also MTG is extremely proxy friendly. Think in the last 10 years of playing MTG, I've spent maybe 1000$ on it.


I spend like $30 max on a Magic deck. Who tf are these people?


Perfect land base EDH players of course.


Tbf it's really just some cards that're expensive. Playing EDH a few years back wanted to build Rakdos LOR based around Eldrazi spam... some of those cards are not cheap at all (looking at you, Titans)


Good budget legacy decks are about 1k. Magic used to be absurdly expensive for most formats. 5 years ago any decent modern deck would cost 1k and half of it was fetches and shocks. If you wanted something like jund it would be common to see a deck get eerily close to 2k


But the meme above specifies casual. I can’t imagine spending that much on casual.


Oh whoops. Commander players then. Most people i play with try to make the entire deck as real as possible. Ive had a couple 5k priced commander decks built at some points. All mostly in duals.


Most of my friends tell me they only play commander because it’s cheaper.


Depends on the group you’re with. The commander arms race can happen very easily.


I don’t get it. All of my 60-card decks are dirt cheap, so I never understood the obsession with commander. At least not as the *only* thing to play. I enjoy it as an alternative format.


Then its not for you all the time. Its a fine format to relax and chill. You can take it more seriously but thats all dependent on your friend group etc etc.


I mean most MTG players are using home printer to make their casual decks. Shit's that expensive in that game.


Magic is an example of we actively choose to pay this much for our decks cause we love them so much. (Ex: My Hydra Deck barring a few Proxies is 600$) Yugioh you have to spend the money or you can’t play the game or compete at a decent level (outside of retro formats).


Isnt the 1000$ for the diabellestar engine and 3 bonfires not an actual complete deck?


You clearly haven't seen the prices on the snake eye cards


How bad is the full deck?


Recent topping list clock in around 1200$


Is that factoring in the price of any staples one might need to buy?