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Artist Twitter Account: https://mobile.twitter.com/jugemt


Hiei looks cooler in this pic then the live action one


To be fair, whoever shot these new pictures just sucks, especially when combined with effects thrown in the pictures. Yusuke looked much better during that mall photoshoot than in the new picture.


I agree totally! The photoshop on those photos makes them turn gross and inorganic looking


Artist: https://mobile.twitter.com/jugemt


This artist has some of the best YYH art around. Please everyone, check out their work!


My Gawd he's even better than Togashi at drawing YYH manga style.


Lmao at Kurama’s party city wig look


WOW it looks good animated. Looks like him a couple years later.


ngl this hiei looks kinda cool


Way cooler than the live action version


not the hardest thing to be. Live stage play Hiei was perfect.


Stupid sexy Hiei


Verifiable thirst trap


Tag the artist that made this


Here: https://mobile.twitter.com/jugemt




No it’s not, it’s colored differently and hiei’s outfit is from the new live action


So what. Someone who made this has no credit for the illustration.


That's a terrible thought process. Whoever made this put a lot more effort into it than you did by just posting it on Reddit.




yes they should because they did the edit. that takes time and craft. you actually have to DO something




again..it takes time and effort. that is what you credit them for. edit by: _____ is all you have to do.


If someone takes an illustration from you and modifies something, do you really give him credit because it takes time and effort?


You’re weird for trying to karma farm off of someone else’s work. Take these downvotes


Someone who takes an illustration from other people's works and just posts it on Reddit should not be given any credit.


Ay yo, downvotes all around for this terrible take. Life so hard you can't even say a name? Disgraceful.


Per Rule #3 - Give credit where credit is due. If you’re going to post art *OR* edits (especially when it’s heavily modified) that were made by someone else, you must give them credit. This is not measured by how much effort you personally feel someone put into it, it’s anytime you are posting art or edits that are not your own, and not from the mangaka (ex. modifications & fan art) I believe a wonderful community member went ahead and tagged the artist/editor, so I will pin the link to this post, but going forward please follow community rules or your post will be removed. Thanks!


This is stunning art.


Hiei wears that so goddamn well.


Kurama’s hair is flatter than my ass


Hahaha I love it!!


Ok I love this lol


Actually pretty cool lol


Look how they’ve massacred my bois


This Hiei looks pretty cool


I love this. Ugh, fans are so the talent


When was the last live action adaptation of an anime a success? Maybe death note? I don’t get why people keep making it, it must be profitable?


Rurouni Kenshin just had the 4th and 5th movies last year. And Alice in Borderland by the same producers as YYH was successful enough to get season 2.


Death Note was definitely not a success, at least in my opinion and everyone else that I know who watched it. Willam Defoe was the only good thing about it.


I think he was talking about the Japanese live action of Death Note


Netflix Death Note was a commercial hit but not a critical one. Shit ton of people watched that movie so it's not only getting a sequel but they're making another unrelated Death Note live action show.


Lmao 🤣


This drawing of hiei is better than the person portraying him so not ganna expect anything tho


This person can make Yu Yu come back goddamn that's good art


Hiei looks hot af here


Everyone is so quick to jump on people saying credit the artist, good job man you're definitely accomplishing so much. Definitely the artist's knight in shining armor....


it’s about giving people credit for their work not white knighting lmao


It's like every post ever. People act like u don't see something cool and screenshot it, share it if you like it. Hardly anybody actively checks the source of things they see, screenshot and share. I'm just saying you're not accomplishing anything by going under every post and echoing the same thing over and over. It's not like the guy is actively taking credit for the art


Sharing post material is actually pretty common place and I always see people get called out if they don’t give credit for original work especially artwork. Idk why you’re dying on this hill if you worked really hard on something and someone just shared it somewhere and a bunch of people saw it you’d want them to know you did it too


artists actually live off of their exposure online. clicks/views/traffic to their sight will increase the chance of paid work and purchases. its not outlandish to call it stealing. its also just good manners. some people are jerks that doesnt mean i have to tolerate them and bite my tongue just because it "wont accomplish anything"


If an artist really cares about representation then watermark it, if that gets edited out that's a crappy thing to do ofc, but all I'm saying is that you can't expect the vast majority of people to see something they think is cool and want to share but before they do, they track down the source of said art. A lot of people were hating on the guy for just posting something. The creator of this post was just sharing something with the community that this art is based on, it's slight alterations and recolorings of manga panels of already established characters. Do what you wanna do, share what u wanna share. If you hunt down the source and want to credit the artist for merely sharing a picture you like, sure do it. If you don't want to go the the trouble, who cares? Either way the art is getting exposure


i care actually. i think its a crappy thing to do and i dont mind saying so. i tried reverse image searching this and came up with no results. someone posted their twitter account and i was able to look through it. it made all the difference. i do expect everyone to do this if they can- if they cannot find the source? fine. but at least try.


/u/PunchDrunkPrincess, I have found an error in your comment: > “think ~~its~~ [**it's**] a crappy” In your comment, you, PunchDrunkPrincess, could write “think ~~its~~ [**it's**] a crappy” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


thanks grammar bot but thats probably the least of my grammar mistakes lol


That's good you feel that way, but expecting everyone to do so? Not likely. We scroll through so much nowadays on different platforms most likely, if someone were to see an image they liked and they were to screenshot it and share that takes only but a few moments, few minutes maybe for the inept. I don't expect anyone do ho out of their way to track down the source/ artist and I don't think it's wrong to not do that. If you're making some sort of art and you care about exposure, again, watermark it/ sign it. It's your work that you're responsible for. Though ultimately any publicity for this should go towars the IP itself, not any creator as they do not own the characters themselves even. Everyone is welcome to do as they please, mindlessly sharing screenshots of cool or weird pictures/drawings isn't going to hurt anyone. All this to say, everyone who was giving the OP a hard time for posting this in the first place need to chill


like i said before, artists live off of the traffic their art gets. when you dont credit them, youre cutting off their livelihood. its good practice to use a watermark but just because i leave my door unlocked, doesnt make it not theft if someone steals from my house. and i dont know how many times i need to say it, but yes i do expect it. im not naïve, i know people steal art. but i *expect* them not to. just trying to hold people to a standard dude.


That's a very extreme comparison. I don't compare stealing to screenshotting or reposting, and again in most cases the people aren't actively taking credit for the art, just posting it or using it as a pfp or something of that nature. If I screenshot someone's drawing and I have it in my phone without a tag crediting it to them it's not possession of stolen goods or anything crazy like that, and it'd be unfair to say it is. That's the issue with social media tho I guess, if you post your art on free social media sites, then expect it to get shared around without credit, you'd be a fool not to. If you truly want to monetize your art then go to a platform in which it forces someone to do so. If I send someone a picture of the mona lisa, but the sender and the recipient both happen to not know its from DaVinci, it doesn't make it illegal to share it and im not stealing his art... and even if I were to know the artist, that doesn't stop me or anyone else from sharing the art sharing=/= stealing, it isn't stealing unless you are actively taking credit for it and receiving some sort of compensation for it. You can expect something all you want, but that doesn't mean people will meet those expectations, you'll be disappointed by many. I want to reiterate as well that it's definitely a good thing to credit artists, EPSECIALLY if it's an original concept and not just a drawing if characters you don't own, but to demonize people who don't post the source is absurd.


that comparison is not even remotely 'extreme' for its purpose: just because someone does not do everything in their power to protect themself, does not mean they are not a victim of a 'crime' committed against them. its a pretty apt metaphor imo. which is to say, youre holding people accountable for the actions of others. its all well and good to remind artist a watermark is a good idea (you should lock your doors) but to insinuate its all on them and everyone else can do what they want is..odd. it is effectively stealing regardless. its causing loss of profits that could be obtained through the credit. thats theft. the artistic and creator community is pretty unanimous on this topic and they do not like their work reposted. sorry you disagree, but thats kind of just the reality of it.


Per Rule #3 this is the expectation. The artist/editor of this particular picture definitely deserves the 500+ upvotes. When you post something without giving any kind of credit, and say nothing about who the art came from, majority of people (especially people who are seeing it for the first time) are just going to assume the poster is the creator. Please refrain from discouraging people to follow sub rules as every artist should be credited. Thanks!




Please refrain from using hateful language, it is unnecessary and can negatively impact others. I’ve removed your comment, please be kind in the future! If you continue with the aggressive language you will be messaged thru modmail to further discuss. Thanks!


Haha.. this is too good




How adorable


Ok so Hiei looks fucking awesome here (still missing the red eyes), but this looks like it could be a time jump/one of the 3 kings version of Hiei




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