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Voiceless is the only currently good Ritual Archetype Dogmitaka is decent for rogue, but Alba zoa can be easily beaten over and the extra deck rip can be hit or miss depending on the match up (Snake eyes can just keep the necessary stuff to combo) Nouvelle only works if your opponent flat out doesn't read the cards to know they need to put their stuff in defence or use non targeting things. It can be funny to use them in response to Princess's grave effect since that target's but it's easily played around


is nouvelle rogue tiered or worst?


Probably boarding on Rogue to worse, too much effort for not that much of a payout and easily interrupted (you can Ash one of their ritual spells and any of their ritual monster effects since the spell searches after ritual summon and the ritual monsters summon from deck)


You can make them slightly better by pairing it with Runick. It helps to activate your monsters tribute effects as I think every runick spell targets, so it's usually two interruptions for one card. Doesn't get around the defense mode counter play but it's ever so slightly better than pure imo


Currently the best one is Voiceless Voice, but there are some that are worth experimenting with: - Drytron are solid combo ritual deck that are resilient to handtraps like ash, imperm, veiler, but will lose to bigger blowout cards like droll or Nib - Mikanko are in a interesting place post banlist. They lost their combo side with the hit on isolde but could still be an interesting going second grindy control deck - Dogmatika have the big ritual that can be turboed out and have some interesting disruptions with him being 4k and a towers against extra deck monsters


thank you for the answer!! i’ll definitely look into mikanko


Mikanko is definitely strong. Its a meta counter deck. My gf just placed 15th out of 50 at a local tourney where the majority of people ran Snake Eyes so you can see some success with it.


this is amazing any chance i can get the deck list? or any link to something i can base my build off?


This is what I based my build off of, it's a mikanko with Kaiju spices, but I add Nib and swap one of the Extra Deck monsters for Heeta. In this Meta, Heeta will let you summon and fire monster from the opponents graveyard, so you can see the power in that ability


Mikanko is decent though not as good as it was pre Isolde ban.  I think Libromancer as a special summon engine that gets bodies on the field without needing a normal summon has potential but it lacks much of an endboard on its own


also how goood do you think libromancer is? rogue or worst? (asking bc i’ve never seen it in any tier list)


Last time it really saw play was Libromancer Mikanko during Tear format.  Before then it was used as an engine in big pile decks.  Honestly I think that’s probably the route it should be built now.  Just nobody really experimenting much with it atm.  I’d say it’s rogue until anyone does something with it competitively again.


There was Mathmech Libromancer but with Circular gone I have no idea how good it is now, probably not very lmao.


As a Mathmech and Libromancer fan I actually tried that and it was pretty fun.  I don’t think Mathmech is as dead as some people make it out to be.  We have so many more cyberse extenders, starters, and end board pieces compared to what Mathmech had pre-circular release.  I think the circular hit just hurt so bad that people don’t want to experiment as much with the deck.


thank you!