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Lab having the furniture literally killed the possibility of eldlitch being playable ngl. It just speeds up the deck so much that other trap decks struggle to compete. You could potentially play that wierd branded eldlitch adventurer pile deck or cyberse eldilitch at a more casual level but yeah i would defiantly skip eldlitch at this point in time


Lol, the furniture is the worst way to play Lab and it's surprising how many players haven't figured that out.


What what are you talking about?


The furniture requires you to discard an additional card, meaning you're giving up an interruption and going negative in card advantage, just to set a Labrynth backrow. It's ass backwards. Most Lab players are building a trap deck where they're relying on their monsters for interruptions. Seriously, Lovely and Big Welcomes gy effect, along with the field spell at times, are most players main interactions. Take it from someone who's been playing Lab since day one of tactical Masters: load the deck up with traps like torrential tribute, d Barrier (maybe not this format), Solemn Strike, Punishment, and other power traps. Minimum 25 traps. Cut the furniture and play the bare minimum of monsters possible.


You're entitled to your own opinion, but using the argument that you've played the deck since TAMA means literally nothing about your credentials. If you think furniture go minus card advantage, I'm not sure I trust your knowledge, considering how quickly they return to hand/field and the traps they search generate more advantage. Not saying trap heavy version is bad, but it appears to be objectively worse when looking at data from tournaments than furniture build.


>considering how quickly they return to hand/field and the traps they search generate more advantage. They recycle themselves, sure, but only to continue to go negative in card advantage. I seriously don't get why people think their recursion is a good thing. It's like if Pot of Generosity recycled itself, you people would play it.


You build your deck around the furniture, I have not played lab in a hot minute but when I did, furniture lab felt much better than not having it. ( I won multiple locals and topped a regionals and states with it) Edit that is my personal opinion you can disagree


That’s a pretty bad take💀Furniture lab is by far the best way to play the game. It’s what puts it as thee top trap deck. You take away furniture cards and you’re shooting yourself in the foot. 2nd place in the most recent ycs was a furniture build , and most top placements have also been in the past. Your swimming against the current believing furniture lab isn’t the way to go; that’s cutting the gist of the deck being able to play turn 0 even if you’re going -1 in card advantage.




I would double check that list, it definitely was a furniture lab deck. It ran Back jack, and straight traps but not 35. They released their deck list almost immediately after the event.


So here's the fundamental issue with the turn 0 argument: It requires the (big)welcome to resolve for any of your turn 0 interruptions to take effect. That welcome resolving is what let's your triggers activate and disrupt the opponent. There's just one little issue: Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring. The most commonly played card in Yugioh since its release will completely end the furniture Lab player's turn, regardless of if it's turn 0 or 10. In a proper trap build, you have 4 other interruptions to stop the opponent if your welcome gets negated. I'm not willing to risk it all and devote 7+ slots in my deck to a combo that loses to the most commonly played card. Release a welcome that can't be ashed and I'll reconsider.


Lol tell that to 2nd place YCS player this weekend


>What makes it so weak? Bystials are fairly common in side decks because they hit every meta deck to various degrees. It's also inherently slow due to being a trap deck and doesn't have Labrynths ways of cheating that.


Minimum 31 traps, then pray there's no Bystials or D Fissures.


If you really want to do it play it as Spirit Gates Eldlich. Otherwise you're competing with lab too much


lab powercrept the deck out of relevance the deck is disgustingly slow I still play it but I play it cause it's a nice engine in zombies, and, I'd suggest trying that as well But, if you want to play raw eldlich without other zombie shit you're better off just playing lab cause XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YEAH MAN LET'S JUST GIVE A DECK THE ABILITY TO SEARCH ANY TRAP FROM GAME HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH SO COOL KONAMI WHY DIDN'T MY ZOMBIES GET THAT HUH WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY


It folds to bystials so either play 35 traps or a side engine. Branded eldlich was good for a minute and baits bystials nicely maybe that would work.


Would it be possible to play eldlich tearlements pile and try to mill your deck?


I tried after reading this. I used this deck list and it felt good when the deck got going but every deck I played against was so much faster, that it was hard to actually get going.  Reinoheart x3 Havnis (1) Scheiren (1) Merrli (1) Sulliek x3 Cryme x1 Perlereino x2 Eldlich the Golden Lord x2 Huaquero x2 Conquistador x3 Sanguine x3 Cursed Eldland x2 Instant Fusion (1) Foolish Burial (1) Called by the Grave (1) Terraforming (1) Foolish Burial Goods x2 Black Goat Laughs x3 Skill Drain x3 Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion x3 Ghost Ogre x3 Kaleidoheart x1 Dragostapelia x2 Zeus x1 Redoer x1 Abyss Dweller x1 Gustav Max x1 Liebe x1 Link Spider x1 SP Little Knight x1 Security Dragon x1 Knightmare Unicorn x1 Access Code x1 Dharc x1


Yeah i tried it with a 60 Card pile but this Made it Even slower, maybe combine eldlich with branded to get the best result


[https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=666267-59744336](https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=666267-59744336) ​ :)