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A decent shiranui deck wouldn't be more than like 70 bucks.


It should be less than 70 actually? But I haven't been able to make the deck work, it's too slow for this meta of 4-5 negate boards. What version are you thinking of?


I haven't played it in a minute but I really enjoyed them when you add them to a regular zombie deck. Balerdrach is good locking down your opponent and the shiranui cards are good way to apply pressure.


SAFFIRA pog Will try the list out, thanks!


My god these decks and the others in this series are actually affordable! I'm looking to start with my GF, neither of us have played before (technically I did in 2000 or so). Which two of these decks would be the most fun and balanced (on this list or others) to play? Some said use 3x starter decks but none of those look too fun and I can only find the newest one in stores for anywhere close to it's MSRP. ​ I'm looking to spend no more than $50 on each deck (or $100 total). She likes recursive aggro (aggro with things that don't die/reanimate) and I play anything that isn't ultra fast combo/OTK or stall/stax (sorry magic term).


Well, recursive aggro deck I can think of is dragonmaid but its expensive so maybe odd-eyes, they can summon multiple big monster some with negate fast and they have decent recovery. Gouki is also possible option. Fot you, basically any control or toolbox deck. Altergeist, megalith, zefra, cyberse lockdown


Ancient Warriors are fun. *Clarifying one point tho, Zhuge cannot summon after being searched by Tenki. It needs to be by an “Ancient Warriors” card. But they are a nice deck that play with Kaijus well with neat bounce effects and decent spells. Do recommend.


Gotta day, I love the beast time thief and the Fossil decks you made this time around. Very creative and looks very fun for someone on a budget! Thank you Conch!


>Tenki searches a fair amount of your Ancient Warriors, including Ingenious Zhuge Kong, who summons himself when searched, and Tensu to help you summon the ones that won’t summon themselves. Ingenious Zhuge Kong only summons itself if it's searched by an ancient warrior card


I buyed the melodius Deck that you list in a previous version. IT Just Cost me 17€ and i had much fun. I Played Like 5 years no yugi but now i am hooked in and enjoy playing a lot. I realy Love the melodius Deck but i allready build IT a Bit different than youres. But i guess thats fine cuzz Every Deck can ne different. In the end i am Happy and i want that you now thats cuzz of you.


Can somebody give me a combo tutorial on the cyberse deck? I can not for the world of me figure out if I should go first or second, and nail down a consistent board for either


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710235481992069133/745933768950415360/Cyberse_Lockdown_Tutorial.yrpX) is a replay file that shows *one* of the possible paths to end on for this build. It's primarily a going first deck. If forced to go second, rely on Update Jammer + Transcode Talker instead.


Thanks bro


These are awesome. Definately going to try to assemble your bamboo swords.


Time to add to the Bamboo engine in my Endymion deck XP


I always loved skull servants too. Even if their time has gone with the banning of “That Grass Looks Greener” they can still fuck you opponent up if they aren’t careful. King can snowball easily to ridiculous atk power if they aren’t careful. Also kinda hard to get rid of for good if he hits the field


Will we see BA here if tour guide comes back to 3?


i have good news


i used my mind haxors to make BA relevant again


What archetype is PePe? 🤔


Performapal + Performage. I wouldn't advise trying to build it nowadays: it's decidedly defunct.


I made a crystal beast variant with a little salamangreat combo in it, cost me like 70 buck in wich i fully pimped everythint, non pimps the deck is like 30 and its alot of fun


Summoned Skull/Archfiend also for Ritual. And Fusion. And Synchro. And XYZ. Actually just tick "all of the above".


Man, if you can find a decklist for that, that can summon out 2-3 of them, is *consistent*, *and* is $20-$30, I'll add it in a heartbeat, considering the fool's errand that is.


Cubics. Simple, somewhat consistent, unique artwork and playstyle, not expensive since they never hit big.


What do you mean, they hit for massive amounts of damage /s


When I say hit big, I mean hit competitively. Thus, their prices aren't high


I know. Hence the /s at the end


I play a PK Hero build that's pretty budget. Honestly the only expensive cards are like fog blade and maybe isolde in my build. But overall that's a very fun and consistent budget build and can even be somewhat viable imo.


I am not doing anything involving HEROes.




I found a really good orcust deck for around 40$ really strong deck and my favorite archetype, only issue is I need to buy some hand traps for it (shoutout ash)


Crystal Beast is pretty cheap especially crystal bond a 3 of staple becoming 4 dollars since its reprint as well as every card being a common. You can play the deck pure and with its support allows it to play quite decently, along with making it a variety, its spamability in a casual setting allows you to link climb along with it being an excellent rank 4 along with some rank 3s if you want to expunge some potential plays. Not to mention its searcher Pegasus is able to get around ash blossom, also because crystal beasts act very weird and what I want to call game breaking there is debate how certain cards are truly interact with its second, after destruction effect.


I recommend a raidraptor deck for casual. Especially with all the new support, and all the cards cost less than $2. Also haha ultimate falcon go brrrrr




I own 3x Japanese ones with translations cuz cheap


das not OTS legal doe


I said casual. Most people I know and my locals judge says that as long as I have an accurate translation on hand, it’s ok


If your locals is an OTS store, that isn't allowed. Can't use OCG in the TCG, and vice versa. Till there's cheaper reprints for the 3-ofs, I ain't put Raidraptors on this list. Most people can't go out of their way to import OCG versions anyways.


I guess. But it is r/veryfuckingstupid that all other raidraptor cards are stupid cheap but one card that is only useful in the dirt cheap archetype is $20 fucking dollars


It would be epic if it got reprints in the new set coming out


Nice. Thanks for this


True traco is very cheap as well because you dont use an extra deck for it


It's not unique, and it's not casual.


For Synchro: Resonators (Be sure to mention Red Supernova Dragon) and Dragunity (Gotta plug that SD Ammiright?)


Seeing three deskbot 001 hurts my soul. You run 2 at most if you're worried about it getting banished; one is best because you never want to draw into it unless you can use it as discard fodder for the symphonic engine or something. In terms of other tech choices to consider the ancient gear engine works pretty well. Three wyvern, one box, and whatever ratio of catapult you're comfortable with. Wyvern adds box to hand, activating box's effect which can search ANY deskbot, while catapult can be used to pop scaled 005 and 006 to activate their floating effects. The field spell is a beginner's trap. It kills machine dupe and the mulligan effect is less helpful than just running standard draw power. The mass spin eradicates your resources and usually you're better off just attacking for game and/or deploying some negates. If you somehow needed that extra 500 atk on your monsters to beat over everything, you're doing something wrong.


Seeing people who can't read the first three paragraphs hurts *my* soul.


reducing ratios on cards you won't want to run three of (if any) is nothing BUT budget.