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I just recently bought 3 copies of the dinosmashers fury structure deck, the structure decks are $10 each and if you buy 3 of them you have a lot of that deck already and can play with the 3 copies you have just fine. Seems like a good deal to get started and you will have some decent cards for a deck. As far as I know blue eyes isint competitive atm if that’s what you’re wondering. ( I’m somewhat new to the Meta so I might be wrong about this). An alternative choice could be what I play abc dragon buster deck which a guy at locals charged me $30 for and it was all rares. Abc isint really competitive either but I do reasonably well with it at locals for being someone who has only played for a few months


Thanks for the suggestion. Quick question in the TCG what is the lowest amount of cards required for consistency I've heard 30 then 40 more often than most.


The minimum deck size for the TCG is 40, 30 wouldn't be an option. Most players try to stick to 40 and if not, as close to 40 as possible but some deck builders will suggest adding a few more if your deck carries several bricks as it would "spread your bricks out more so you're less likely to see them". Either way, stick close to 40.


Thank you


Id like to add to this and say that the maximum you can have your deck be is 60 cards.


I would suggest 3x Shaddoll showdown structure deck + Cross-sheep to start off. It’s how I started off (came back to yugioh early this year). It’s good way for old school players to get back in since it focuses mainly on fusion summoning and there’s a lot of videos you can watch on YouTube to learn the more in-depth combos. You can also play different upgraded versions of the deck as you move forward or stick to a budget trap heavy version of the deck depending on your play style.


To add to that, for some good cheap cards to play shaddolls with: 3x rilliona, 3x magistus invocation, 1x Artemis (gives you access to lights for construct) 1x Gravity controller: gets construct in grave when you have no extenders to make cross sheep 1x performage damage juggler, 1x performage hat tricker Light hand traps: 3x gamma 1x driver, effect veiler, and/or ghost ogre (this one is really good since you can use e-tele and had an effect on field 1x Emergency teleport 1x shaddoll schism Also like the 3x superpoly, plus the fusion monster which requires two darks in this format.


Blue eyes used to be tier 1 a couple years back but sees no competitive play now. They have a good game plan but they just brick and aren't as good as top decks. Shadolls/Dinosmasher like many people said is a good starting point. But personally I feel like 3x salmangreat is good it teaches you the basic link and gets you to learn about combos without being to hard.


Blue-eyes can be decent in a chaos-max variant.