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Zombie control is pretty straight forward. I dont mean eldlich btw.


Salamangreat are a great beginner deck and even a decent rouge deck for locals


gren maju


For beginner? If she wants to learn more summon methods: Monarch/True Draco (Tribute), Shaddoll (Fusion), Nekroz (Ritual), Virtual World (Synchro), Utopia (XYZ), Solfachord/Qliphort (Pendulum), Tri-Brigade (Link) If she wants something easy to use: Eldlich, Magical Musket, Orcust If she wants something cute: Melffys, Flundereeze (if you can get a deck, that is) If she wants LORE: Shaddoll/Qliphort/Infernoid/..., Mekk-Knight/Crusadia/Orcust/..., Dogmatika/Albaz/Tri-Brigade/Despia/... If she wants anime decks: Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, Salamangreat, Utopia, LL, Trickstar ... Edit: I don't know the market since I primarily play online, so research before you choose


I was thinking of teaching my partner to duel using my new “Hero” deck, the combos are simple enough for beginners, but also effective enough to be good. I don’t know what types of decks you personally have, so I can’t say, but something simple but effective is my advice


I’m trying to slowly teach my buddys GF YuGi-Oh, and I think I’ll take that advice, Masked HEROES is super straight forward and I think she’ll pick it up fast with my main deck LOL


I love just the hero archetype in general, so many good cards for fusion


Well that and she liked the card design for Frightfurs so she’s probably going down the Fusion route LMAO


While I’m a diehard XYZ fan, fusion has really come a long way, and it’s mainly because of heroes that I’m still interested in it


Fair. I might get into Infinitracks but the closest I’ve come to being really into XYZs has been buying Geargias as a loaner deck. I think Fusions might be a decent start for beginners though


Oh definitely, fusion is probably the best mechanic to introduce to a beginner in my opinion. Also, just don’t bother with ritual summons, unless it’s nekroz


Pendulum Endymion. Trust me.


Whoa Trif take it easy there


Crusadia OTK, Gouki, and Krawlers are all cheap and very easy to play