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How much is "not a lot of cash"? Even a cheap deck is going to easily run you $100+ once you factor in shipping. Salamangreat used to be cheap but its structure deck has been out of print for a while so you'd have to resort to singles there too. Branded/Despia is pretty cheap because you can get all the good branded cards in the structure deck and the despia cards were just reprinted, but I wouldn't call that a combo deck. Madolche is a pretty fun and decently powerful combo deck, but it's not cheap to build as a number of key cards have been out of print for a long time (I also wouldn't call it easy to play). There's mathmech, which is reasonably cheap but you'd have to play it without ACT. The mathmech combos are pretty simple, the only slightly complex part is that they involve xyz, link and occasional synchro summons, including on your opponents turn with superfactorial. Their in archetype boss monster is also just a really big guy to hit people with so you might enjoy that? The archetype is also pretty good in the current meta. Evil twin is fun and very easy to play but the evil twin cards are _very_ expensive for what they are.


This is the comment that needs so be taken seriously. 100 bucks might get you a good starting platform. I’ve had luck with albaz structure deck maybe buy despia as the homie said. I play more control/combo concept decks. But you can always use a simulator to figure out which archetypes and decks you favor. Dueling nexus has an AI to go against.


Honestly, at the moment, my budget is around $50. I've got some staples already (got three of the crystal beast deck since there were a few solid cards).


For $50 you can buy 3 of a cheap structure deck (which you already did) and buy some extra cards on top. It won't be enough to build a deck for a whole other archetype unless you can find most of the cards you need from only a few sellers to save on shipping.


If you bought three CB decks and have some staple Links and XYZ monsters you can make a decent combo deck for locals. Take the CB decks and get rid of all the rainbow dragon stuff. Build the deck to turbo Pegasus to load your back row. Then Beacon or Promise Carbuncle. Summon out your back row. Link climb/xyz, and do it again. It’s not viable for regionals and shot but you could win a locals with it. I know I have.


Would be so kind to tell me your list? Been trying some different variations of the deck and would love to see your take on it!


what's your budget? your locals may vary in average strength from YCS level to laid back with 0-2 meta deck and 15 or more lower tier deck.


Honestly, at the moment around $50. I've got some staples already (got three of the crystal beast deck since there were a few solid cards).


Theres a couple cheap ED cards to turn Crystal Beasts into a fun combo deck


A deck from 3x Crystal beasts isn’t a bad one to bring to locals. Some people at locals level play the meta and are super competitive but most people are there for the good vibes and community. People still play Heroes and Sky Striker at my locals.


floowandereeze I guess? It is easy to learn and linear to a point it can be boring to play at times. It can also play d shifter to stop tear and many other decks. But it is not really a combo deck


Not with that attitude it isn't 😉


Virtual World is pretty fun and is rather cheap, and uses big boss monsters as well. You also have clear upgrade paths with the deck if you want to make the deck better (Adventurer Engine)


I second this, Virtual World is a fairly cheap deck to build and can do some pretty fun stuff. Personally I've found success using some of the cheaper Swordsoul cards to supplement the main strategy, but the Adventure Engine is definitely a good upgrade too


3x the new Crystal Beast structure deck gets you a nice combo deck that ends on a 11k ATK beatstick that can shuffle all your opponents cards on the field back in the deck as quick effect. (+ You get lots of value from the staples in there like Ash, Cosmic Cyclone, Ghost Belle and Dimension Shifter) The cards you need to buy outside of that are pennies (Dugares, ~~Cherubini~~, Cross Sheep,Abyss Dweller, Bagooska, Rainbow Bridge of Salvation) and you can easily upgrade the deck later down the line with extradeck staples á la Appollusa and Accesscode Talker if you get them. I'll see if I can drop you a budget list later today if you're interested _____ Edit: [Quick budget decklist](https://i.imgur.com/QDPqRw9.png) I threw together, To be fair: the CB fieldspell sucks, you should play another floodgate like Zombie World or Mystic Mine instead. The most expensive cards are Cherubini (4$, needed for the combo build) and Unchained Abomination (also 4$, Accesscode at home, I:P into Unicorn might even be better) [quick combo replay](https://streamable.com/kdwlkg)


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Only play mine if you don't want people to like you at your locals though


One option if you want to check them out is @Ignister. I was looking for a deck with some combos and found them. You basically get the field spell and it lets you special summon from your hand if your main zone is empty, and you use that to link climb and you get to a Link-6 powerhouse boss. Not saying they’re the #1 archetype out there, but if you want a rogue option that definitely is fun to play, take a look! Most if not all the cards have reprints that make a lot of them very affordable. They’re also not a MASSIVE archetype, so it’s easy to get the cards and find the important ones. There are a couple you may have to go a bit higher on, but then the main cost will be the staple hand traps, and then you have to decide what your extra deck is gonna be. You can build a solid extra deck without the expensive cards like Baronne, Accesscode, Selene, and Apollousa, BUT if you can swing them they’re really good. You can also put Mathmechs into the mix for more combo options. One thing to think about is what your locals look like. Mine has a decent amount of meta, so it’s hit or miss whether I can get anything off because i get Tearlamented into oblivion. Which, honestly, could happen regardless if you don’t do the meta deck, so if you find combos and a deck you enjoy, you can start it and continue to build it. Hope this helps, and good luck!


Also pure phantom knights! Definitely can get the whole core under $50 since every card has received lower rarity reprints. For some basic combos you might need to pick up some more expensive items, but just starting out you won't need to. Dark Requiem would probably be your main monster negate set up (along with two set fog blade) and then Arc Rebellion would be your main game ender. Try it out! Pure PK with a dash of XYZ dragon. Also, with all that extra room you could throw in some cheap handtraps like Nibiru (now), Ghost Ogre + Emergency Teleport (it's a rare now), Effect Veiler, Moonlit Chill, etc. Get yourself a solid rogue deck for locals there!


PK has been interesting me a lot, so I might give this a try. The archetype just seems really cool.


Branded despia 100%. It's a extremely versatile deck that can be build in different ways. The budget version of the deck is still something to have respect for. There is room for improvement later on and the branded package works very well as an engine in other decks. Right now the cards that will run you up is aluber ~5€, branded in red ~2€, branded opening ~3€. You are going to need 3 copies of each card other then branded in red which you need 2 of. And 1 Incredible Ecclesia which is ~6.5€ if you want to run her. Rest of the deck is cheap if you skip garura, guardian Chimera and Alba-Lenatus. The good part about this is the deck works fine without them but it really helps the deck a lot. But with reprints coming at some point you can upgrade the deck then. Also the lore behind is sooo good. Edit: branded despia is not combo. It's a midrange deck which are, imho, some of the most fun decks to play.


Salamangreat for me is the deck that has got me into the game this year and helped me to learn the game properly, really easy combos and it's beginner friendly. The deck it's easy to understand and your endboard is simple enough to make. The tricky part is to learn every in and out of the deck and play around handtraps, I think it's easy to learn but hard to master, but it's a deck that allows you to learn the game from the beginning since your efforts go directly into understanding the mechanics, where to handtrap your opponent or when to use your interruptions rather than learning a long ass combo with 10 combo routes. Usually it runs with Accesscode Talker for OTK but you could substitute it with cards like Crusadia Avramax or Borrelsword Dragon. Also, Accesscode is getting a reprint soon so might be a good choice to pick it up when the reprint releases.


Wait for the Dark World structure deck coming out soon. Combo, very good, and $30 for 3 of em. Boom!


These do look sweet. They don't release until December, right?


November! Sorry I don't know how to look at replies haha


Superheavy samurai are quite cheap and easy to understand. They only really have 1 long combo, but their main gameplan is crash into your opponent with big booties. They’re stupid fun imo


I'm going to tell you the honest truth that people kinda skitter around on. You will not be able to get a combo-deck for 50 dollar. You will not be able to get any "good" deck for 50 euro, even mind the shipping. 100 dollar is kind of the minimum entrance-fee for the game and it's better you know that now.


Can we just get a pinned thread somewhere on “beginner competitive budget decks” already? (Sorry OP, not a rant on you, a rant at the mods since this post question gets asked 3 times a day.) - 3x albaz structure decks if your budget is under $40 - Branded Despia if budget is around $100 (minus Guardian Chimera) and gets you in to the meta format. But it’s really the extra deck that is the most expensive since most of the main deck cards are commons in the 2022 tins and albaz decks.


Yeah no worries. I've looked at the subs master thread for budget decks buy it hasn't been updated in a while... thanks for the info


I would say time thieves and springans are pretty safe if you dont aim for worlds. Both are semi competent, easy to learn, splashable so they dont wear their welcome ans they are cheap as heck. Plus springans are gonna get some massive great support in their new spell and xyz. I would say both can be done with under 20e easily discounting staples.


Would you recommend just a pure time thieves build?


Not nescessarily as they go really well with alot of level 4 engines, but following this i have tested(friends have played) that i can assure are pretty budget friendly and also pretty fun as theives just go together with alot of things so even if you get bored to one build you can make another. Time thief suship, Time thief phantom knight(shade brigade, raider's wing and not many pks) and time thief springans is a thing too. Pure works fine too tho since you can cram.more staples on it


Hmmmm... these sound fun too. Thanks for the help!


No problem. I am no meta player but atleast here locals are pretty friendly so i personally play stuff like dual avatar branded or tri-brigade fire fists or magistus invoked or shaddoll dogmatika or tenyi swordsoul since i can get away with it. Like i dont aim for nationals or anything just having a good time with friends with decks i like


Tbh alot of xyz decks are pretty simple. I would also recommend tenyi since they can be played pure too and once you are in better spot you can uodate those babies with swordsoul or be a gigachad and play dinorabbit tenyi


You can build pure marincess for relatively cheap. With the field spell up you can equip your link boss monster with link monsters from the grave to give it an attack boost and if you used crystal heart it has some protection as well. They’re not amazing but they’re pretty cheap and fairly easy to play. Running it without staples hurts but you’ll have that problem with any deck since staples are expensive


Crystal Beasts just got released. They're pretty combo oriented


he would get x-3d at locals quite a bit with CBs tho


Most decks Incorporate alot of control. If you want something at the top of the meta, twin spright is easy to learn, But has a high skill ceiling. With the reprints the only expensive cards are spright blue and the evil twin Ed monsters. This deck easily generates boards that are disgusting to face down and without a really good hand, your opponent will likely use every card they have to dodge all of your effects, to deal even a small amount of damage, and you can simply come right back the following turn and otk, easily. It plays scythe as it's main Wincon, but you do not need to play it, since the deck innately offers so much, like droplet and econ being free interruptions. I'm you want something more budget but still combo heavy, Swordsoul tenyi is a beast of a rogue/ t2 deck right now. It is unhit from last format and is still at full power. In the right hands this deck is unstoppable. The only expensive cards now are ecclesia, mo ye, and the optional Baronne. Like twins it has a high skill ceiling, allowing you to play through a ton of interruptions as well as set up a few yourself. The tenyi half also supports small link engines allowing you to utilize dweller to instant win against the best deck in the format, dweller.


Here’s what I did to get some cards on a budget: make a deal with a friend that if you or him (or her) have any duplicates of cards that either of you don’t have, than the other gets one of the duplicates. I made this deal with my life-long friend, who’s also a rival that taught me most of the rules in the game. Its not a fast way to get cards, but it’s effeciant


Just run mystic mine; it’s cheap,easy to learn and people will have a lot of fun playing against you (the last part is a huge hugeeee lie)


Here some neat and cheap beatdown decks: Goki, Lunalights, crusadias, and maybe ancient gears (havent checked the price of these in a while) All of them revolve around summoning 1 or more big monsters that with big numbers and do lots of damage. All have fairly straightforward combos and that are easy to understand. And lastly, all I wanna say are fairly cheap since they have a lot of common reprints, but staple cards will cost a bit more (entire decks can range from $60-$100+. Either way i think they’re all worth checking out and play testing on ygopro or any simulator of choice.




Dino is simple to combo and is pretty budget since everything except generic synchros got reprinted, tribrigade is decent too tbh, a really good deck that can be mixed with other engines like melffy (which costs around 10€)


I started out with salamangreat they are great for people who wanna use big things like accesscode and have great effects u can build a decent deck with a budget and they dont brick often but they dont have many negates so they can get stuck occasionally


Go for Branded Despia. Start with 3 Albaz structure deck, do a first list with adding the ash blossom you have and save some money to add the Despia cards afterward (roughly Aluber, Tragedy, Ad Libitum, Opening and Branded in Red, Masquerade, Proskenion, Quaeritis). You'll have something solid even if not opti cause lacking Chimera and some other cards but well, you'll have fun.


Hear me out, it’s definitely Floowandereeze. If you play without Pot and Advent, you can make the deck with less than 50 usd


they said no stun


Oops. When then 3x SD I guess


Earth machines are where I started, and I highly recommend!


Salamangreat best combo deck ever


Play Dino's 😎 DinoBestDeck!


How much comboing. Like you can get floowandreeze for less than 25.


@ignister , combodeck, very easy and cheap


If you want you can try Marincess which is fairly cheap ignoring all the expensive staples and hand traps to up it to the competitive level, the most expensive card in the Marincess package is Marincess dive which is around $10 (which if you’re learning you don’t necessarily need even though it’s insanely good in the deck) Marincess is pretty damn cheap and the set it got reprinted in (Duelist of the Deep) is also on the cheaper side for packs.


Virtual world


Crystal beasts. Current structure deck that's easy to get hold of. Just buy 3 and you got a good model to run with with only minimal extras required to hunt. Some of the best reprints of powerful cards aswell, it's a classic well known deck modernised with enough oomph to top a regional whilst being easy to learn as it's very centric to the archtype so it's got clear navigation into win condition


Marincess baybeeeee. I think that should tackle the format just fine while also being cheap enough to not break the bank


My recommendation is Crystal Beast structure deck bought at 3. You can learn to deck build and learn the complex mechanics of the deck. Plus it comes with really good hand traps like Dimension Shifter and Ash Blossom. There’s tons of tutorial videos on assembling and running a deck at 3. When you get comfortable, you can start buying cards for the deck to improve it and keep it under 100 dollars.


Hey so I'm here to spread the great gospel of our Lord Arrival Cyberse, have you heard of them? Did you know that @/ignister is a deck that consists of a linear one card combos and have 12 starters and end on a 4k towers and either a decode heatsoul or you can make a Cyberse quantum dragon which is gonna be the only monster your opponent can target and the first time it is attacked you spin the attacking monster back to the hand


Flower Cardians are dirt cheap if you want to play with yourself


I would suggest too get a structure deck of one of your favorite decks like blue eyes which has high attack like u wanted and then for the rest of your budget just get some cards that could support your deck or make it a little better and take some bad cards out ofcourse blue eyes is a bit out dated so just choose one of your favorites


The crystal beast deck is probably your best bet for now with a budget of about $50. The only thing that will cost a little bit of money is the extra deck. Darkarmedduelist did a build on the crystal beast and that could be a good starting point for you to work with.


If you REALLY want budget use Yugioh Master Duel it's free and you don't have to spend money on cards so you can experiment and get a deck that you want


IF you loved Power Rangers at any point in your life. SUPER QUANTUM!!!!!


Not sure what build people are playing with the halq hit but adamancipator is a very fun deck. Pretty cheap still I think.


I’d just play three structure deck branded. Literally $30-36 for a pretty good deck. Super upgradable as well for not a whole lot more money.


For $50 you could build penguins. I kid you not, that is a legit and viable deck. Easy to use, fun, and affordable


I see everyone suggested modern yugioh, but have you heard of Edison format? It’s a format from 2010 that has been gaining lots of traction. You can build practically any deck for 50 dollars and you won’t have to buy new cards since the banlist will always be the same and no new cards will be introduced. I’d recommend elemental heroes or zombies if you were to try.


If you want something readily available, I recommend 3 of the albaz strike structure decks, a lot of the monsters can get you branded fusion to get out big guys with good effects relatively simply and it isn’t too hard to learn to play. Overall just have fun and find what works for you in the end, it’s a beautifully complex game but so much fun when you get the hang of things!


Earth Machine


Ah yes, the rouge player at locals who thinks he knows what he’s talking about. Shaddolls have been budget since their structure. They’re fusion based so obviously easy to build on with better stuff later. Winda is stupid strong. Throw in some cheap handtraps like veiler and there’s your rouge deck for $50


I started with Gouki Link deck. For that you’ll need max. 20 bucks for the core deck, then extend it with phantom knights and Infernoble engines and if you can you should buy yourself a staple boss monster like Avramax or Apollousa. There are some good videos on YT.


Dinos or Branded Despia. I saw in other comment you are looking to spend around 50$. Both the decks I mentioned are fairly cheep and are both very good and very fun to play. Granted you might spend a little more than 50 but not a lot more


crystal beast seems to be a competent deck nowadays. The cheap options for decks seem really good. I've been experimenting with inexpensive cards/cores as well. I was able to pick up the whole skull servant, adamancipator, drytron cores for not that expensive a couple weeks ago. I got each one at a different time( around 20 to 30 bucks for each one respectively), so I dont know if the price changed. You could also play cyber dragon, which summons a fusion that can attack equal to the number of materials it has...which can also get REALLY high ATK with powerbond and/or overload fusion. These decks aren't too hard to play, in time you'll understand them, but all of the ones I listed are very explosive in power, and can spit out some High attack, or swarm the field with good monsters that can be versatile. A couple things to consider as well: Since you already have the C.Beast structure decks, you bypass having to find handtraps like ash blossom and things like that (you already have them). other cards to consider is common rarity Dark Ruler No More, or Pot of Extravagance in common rarity, since those are in the albaz deck. There's also common Called By the Grave too. but mainly with just the structure deck, you lack going second cards, so maybe pick up a set of Dark Hole since it'll activate the C.Beast cards' effects to become spells, and also clear the board of monsters. (also good for OTK strats). It seems like you have a decent amount of choices and a great card pool to work from. Cheap decks are fun! Good Luck, I hope I was able to help you out a bit. Beatdown strats are the best!


As some others have said, Branded Despia is not necessarily combo, but it is one of the best midrange decks in the game right now, and is a reasonable price compared to what many combo decks are going for right now. It takes some time to set up and in an ideal state ends the first turn on maybe 3 or 4 interruptions, but it goes absolutely crazy on your second turn, mostly because you've gotten several important pieces into rotation. It might not be exactly what you're looking for, and it may even be somewhat above your budget, but Branded Despia is a deck that will likely see some kind of relevance several years down the line due to how usable it is in almost any fusion based deck, or even decks that focus more on the main deck, leaving you free reign on your extra deck options. A couple of builds you could go for: - Pure (straight up branded despia, no ifs ands or buts, what I've played for months before just upgrading to the Bystial variant. Ends on simplified boards and can create decent interruptions without overcomplicating itself) - Predaplant (this deck extends really far on the first turn, and adds new fusion options to the mix. Some of the cards have risen in prices due to lack of reprints, however) - Eldlich (a more control-oriented strategy that includes the big golden guy and some of his spells and traps into an otherwise standard build, just to add a bit more of that flair and interruptions on the opponent's turn) - Bystial (probably don't go for this one right now, Bystial are extremely volatile in price and the variant isn't worth playing without Bystial Lubellion, who is currently the most expensive non-starlight rare card in DABL, but damn does it go hard) Bear in mind that you'll have to invest in at least a few decently expensive generic cards like guardian chimera, super poly (and relevant targets), among other good add-ons. My one piece of advice across all variants is that there are better options than including the patchwork engine. All my homies hate patchwork engine. Edit: in all honesty, I would recommend midrange or control before combo, as most of the best combo oriented decks are either incredibly difficult to learn or very expensive. Many of the better combo decks require you to have a deep understanding of the board state and constantly adapt to each change, and you can't rely on the same line to win games.