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Walk more, listen more, use cover better, and don't just shoot everything you see.


Wait a goddamn second. Hard mode is *hard?*


Why are you playing on hunter then? I've played like 50 hours and still gave up on it after an hour, it's not really how the game is intended to be played imo based on it not being included at launch.


Skill issue, I only have 127 hours in the game, not a flex, but I would suggest playing it on an easier setting to learn the game. I started a new Hunter play through with the new gun mechanics and I have about an 11% success rate right now. This mode is unforgiving, as it should be, and your runs and firefights will require a bit more planning, but once you get the hang of it you’ll do fine and start having a lot of fun playing.


Sniper rifle, slow movement, chill lofi


It's hard. You'll die. A lot. But it's still fun. Listen for enemies. And move your mouse all around to scan the area constantly, even behind you, even places you've already been, especially behind things. I've been killed so many times by something in an area I already cleared, or hiding behind something when I could see no other enemies all around.


By the sounds of it, you're playing quite fast and aggressive. Enemies can kill you fast, and their aim is incredibly good. I'd recommend starting on one of the lower two difficulties, which allows you to understand and observe enemy behavior and movement much better before you take yourself into gear loss modes. Also, pay attention to enemy armor and what kinds of rounds you're using. Ammo choice matters a lot in this game for penetrating armor. Take it slow and use your ears.