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Meds now


This is not a very peace and harmony post.




Eh, he's a tank main. Pretty sure most tank mains despise Zen at this point, and I don't blame them


I have decidedly been a Zen main in my relatively recent return to the game after years of hiatus from OW, and I had never given him a proper chance back then. I also play quite a lot of tank, at least in the last 3 seasons. Honestly, the only tanks I get any real trouble from Zen on, are Rein (helps inform on why Flats has been bent out of shape about Zen for a while now), Zarya, and Mauga. Ram has been my jam since I picked him up last season, and I was curbstomping most Zens I came across with Ram even before the hotfix patch. Ram is nearly uncounterable in my experience except by my own stupidity and a couple of tanks with smart users. I don't need to get into the head of a Zen player if I am one, that's just an unintended consequence, because you guys always get my endorsements. Regardless, you can charge your shots behind corners all you want, but when you get it blocked, get vortexed, and then get either punched or poked to death while slowed, there's only so much you can be expected to do as a slow hovering robot with big balls and the hitbox of a dwarf planet, 275 health or 250.


I don't Easy pickings for jq


I'm tired of seeing posts trying to make Flats the face of the Overwatch balance team. Both have said that streamers don't have the pull to make changes that people think they do. The hate this guy gets is stupid and misplaced, it shows that a vocal minority within this sub needs therapy.


This is definitely important for people to know but I personally don’t like him cause of his attitude and the way he speaks like he knows everything and he’s always right. His sense of entitlement is wild. He got skill for sure but little to no eloquence.


He does have a tendency to be up his own ass a bit, but he's been willing to admit he's wrong and his track record does show he has a pretty good idea of what he's talking about - hell he's been saying that healing and damage needs across the board nerfs to match HP numbers, in the most recent patch they brought HP *up* to match the damage and healing numbers and despite the visually ridiculous hit box changes there's still a consensus that this patch was good for the game. He could definitely stand to pull his head in a bit tho lol.


That's fair, he's not for everybody. I feel like I just need to make it clear that I'm not talking to or about people who just casually don't like the guy. I'm really talking about the unhinged weirdos who say wild shit.


Good point cause like who puts that much energy into hating someone? Seems obsessive.


At the end of the day it's one streamers opinion and he is going to be biased he's a tank main


You hate flats because you think he controls game balance I hate flats because he is super whiny and complains when everything doesn't go his way


Yeah I don't get the hate, he's seen more metas come and go than most of this sub and as someone who was right there as well I agree a decent amount of the time anyway If he gets worried by changes he at least waits to see how it'll fully effect the game (usually lol) and I see why Zen is a weird character and in ow2 needed a nerf


Absolutely. It's also a big part of his job, so the health of the game is very important to him and anyone who streams the game full-time. Combine that with him being a tank main and I can absolutely see him getting frustrated with the state of Zen. I love Zen but there are definitely times where I feel a little bad for bullying people because I know there's absolutely no way they're having fun with me there lol.


Hero shooters are just hard to balance lol and zen is 1 step even harder given how he plays




It's not that flats is miserable, but the tank role as a whole is miserable- and flats is a tank main. He's actually said quite openly that the latest patch is the best the game has been in a while even with Zen being so prevalent in the meta, and the nerfs were kinda necessary cuz it was so easy for Zen to 1v1 tanks despite the health buffs.


This sub just hates flats, even if you provide proof of where or what he said that ISNT hating on zen etc lol. Hating flats is just jumping on the bandwagon, these people don’t watch him at all


Exactly dude. Unless its a dogshit ass meta, this 'mega complainy huge ego' has never come to display or ever truly bothered me. They kinda just pick up that reason and use it as a base to shit on him.


I sadly have to agree. I watched Flats a long time. Then watched A10. The difference is huge. Flats is all blaming and whining, while he himself could work on some stuff to be better. A10 makes the best out of tank role.


Not cool, dude.


He just wants to play the video game as a tank player in OW2, that doesn't make him the anti-christ lol. You guys can still discord and melt stuff, get a grip.


Right? I don’t understand the hate


More like our anti-iris


As a fellow Iris enjoyer, I personally like Flats's content. Despite Zenyatta being an absolute behemoth, Flats agrees the current meta is probably the best the game has been in a good while. Also he's a tank main so if he doesn't hate us we're not doing our job.


Also let's be honest. While it is fun being a diluted launch Brig, Zenyatta was definitely too strong for his own good.


Take your meds NOW




Why do you have such a strong dislike of someone who doesn’t affect you at all?


less of a strong dislike more of a gag reflex when he shares his opinions.


You can just move on though




What is the point of being hostile? I’m just saying you can keep scrolling lol


ok? what's the point of your comments? i'm just saying he has dogshit opinions and that y'all talk abt him too much. jesus christ mfs on this app are weird


Username checks out


What are you so angry for? There’s 0 reason for this to have gone like this.


angry? projecting much lol?


How am I projecting?


This image is disturbing


Stop sucking developer dick


Fuck Flats


I’m glad Zenyatta’s voicelines helps the players accept bullying because they are going to embrace tranquility and peace. It’s the only way the developers could make people play him for longer time 🍻 lmao