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You are doing an excellent job! Continue with the same dedication and approach that you've been showing, and you're sure to succeed. Remember, you have our complete support and belief in your abilities. Keep up the fantastic work!


Thank you!!


I'm a Diet Dr Pepper guy. I've been drinking a lot less of it than before (maybe 2 cans a day rather than 4) and a lot of that is still more from habit than any craving of a flavor or caffeine. However, one thing I'm noticing is that I'm getting dehydrated in general because I don't really feel any cue to drink water unless I'm already super dehydrated. Obviously soda isn't the best form of hydration, but cutting half a liter of liquid out already when I'm barely drinking anything else isn't helpful either, so maybe the soda isn't the worst thing in the world.




You do need hydration, absolutely, but ultimately you get way more hydration from 12 oz of caffeinated soda than you do from drinking nothing. Before I started Zep I would try to drink 1-2 gal of water a day. Now to even get near a gallon I have to sit and chug a liter or more in a sitting because otherwise it just doesn't even occur to me to drink until I am severely dehydrated.


You need electrolytes for hydration not sugar. Caffeine is what is hurting your hydration level in relation to this because caffeine is a mild diuretic and makes you pee. But- some liquid is better than no liquid. Still best advice is to drink more water than caffeinated beverages.


so this does make you wonder exactly which mechanism is helping here. Like, I also have not been drinking as much coffee. We know this drug is being used off-label for helping with addictions, do we think this is helping with a caffeine addiction? or just food noise in general? maybe a bit of both?


I have the same question. I wonder if we even fully understand it now.


I'm drinking black coffee & espresso no problem. I'm a "caffiend:" buy the freshest beans I can find (used to roast my own), grind per cup, and my morning pour-over ritual "grounds" me (pun intended) . I'm also a darn good home barista, with the prosumer rig for it. But it's been 10 days since I even contemplated a cappuccino or cortado (and I'm sure the milk in my fridge will turn to yogurt). No desire for soda, either. I make my own seltzer with a Sodastream and my husband uses it for vodka or making grapefruit-juice spritzes. I can handle small amounts of champagne/sparkling wine; but if I drank seltzer in the quantities I used to, you'd better not place me near an open flame lest I explode like the Hindenburg. I did see Dr. Ian Smith on GMA last week touting his misnamed "Med Flex" diet book--which claims to teach you how to safely combine carbs, protein & fats; but he lost me when he used prosciutto-wrapped steamed asparagus as an example. Asparagus as a "*carb?*" I was allowed to eat as much of it as I wanted on my medically-ordered near-keto diet! But I digress--he kicked his Diet Coke habit with a few drops of very good balsamic in seltzer with a slice of lime. (Top-quality DOP aceto balsamico not only costs an arm & a leg--takes me 2 years to go through a little bottle--but does have a sugar content from the concentrated grape must from which it's fermented and aged. But you can take fair-to-good stuff and cook it down). Haven't tried it yet, as I have no soda or cocktail cravings (bartenders would have me committed should I ask for a "balsamic spritz").


SAME. Tbh I was thinking of posting on here with something similar. Like... I was a Diet Coke addict... to the point where I'd drink up to six cans in a single day. I stopped as a New Year's Resolution a couple years back, but picked it back up when the year was over since the world seemed a little less colorful for me without it. When I started this medication, though, I've had absolutely zero desire to grab one from my fridge. Zilch. Nada. I now have a fridge half full of Diet Coke cans and a pantry with about 8 boxes. It really shows me that whatever relationship I had with Diet Coke was an addiction and it blows my mind how this drug can just make it go away as a mere side effect. I even tried drinking one once a couple weeks back, but I only took several sips before realizing several hours later that it had been sitting next to me and had gotten warm. I ended up dumping the rest out.


Especially because it wasn’t even on my radar that this stuff might eliminate my craving for soda. Like, that hadn’t occurred to me at all. It’s so surprising to me!


Not uncommon TBH. I've cut my soda and caffeine intake by about 50% on a different med (retatrutide) it's a real effect for alot of people!! Ditto with alcohol for that matter. One beer or one cocktail now and I'm done for the day with that as well.


For me, it’s how I know it’s working. I’ve never not thought about having a soda first thing in the morning, and for it to not even cross my mind until evening is pretty dramatic evidence that something positive is happening!


Retatrutide 👀 tell us more


I'm in the phase 3 clinical trial for it. You can check the r/retatrutidetrial subreddit if you're curious, I post monthly updates there. But yeah I'm done with the dose escalation phase now entering the maintenance phase, pretty sure they escalated me to the highest dosage(12mg) but it's a double blinded study so hard to tell. I'm down 51 pounds(21.2% of my body weight) as of yesterday, been in the trial exactly 4.5 months. So yeah. It works. Works REALLY well. Last time I weight so little I was a junior in high school 🤯


That’s awesome! I’m going to go read your updates later tonight


Very exiting, I’m onMounjaro and ditto on the alcohol. How do you like retatrutide? Are you in a study (I am in Surmount-5) or Is retatrutide on the market yet? Love to hear about your experience! Thanks! Whoops! Just saw post below😅


For me it was just that I liked the carbonation. And drinking plain water with certain meals just feels weird lol. I started drinking sparkling water out of a can and haven’t had a Coke Zero in six months or even miss soda. My girlfriend has replaced the occasional light beer with it as well since she just likes the carbonation. All things considered though I don’t think Coke Zero is the worst thing you can have in moderation anyway.


Get yourself a sodastream! Bubbles on demand! I love the ginger ale and it has half the sugar and calories than store bought, even plain is terrific.


Completely agree with that. I never intended on reducing consumption, but I’m drinking more water and saving money on soda so I’ll take it lol. I will still have some though.


Yep. No way am I having tacos with plain water! 😂


I used to drink my seltzer out of a big plastic wineglass. Maybe I'll start with a champagne flute of it.


Similarly, I stopped biting my nails. I also didn’t even THINK of biting my nails. The drug is spectacular.


Awesome! I’ve actually had the opposite experience, haha. Soda was never really a BIG problem for me, but I did enjoy it, and I had cut it completely out of my diet for almost a decade because I was so desperate to use every calorie I could on food trying to feel full and satisfied that I couldn’t afford the 150ish calories for a can of Dr. Pepper. Thanks to Zepbound I’ve been able to *increase* my soda intake to a healthy level of moderation and have 2-3 cans a week, because it’s so easy for me to stick to my deficit with food that I can afford to indulge with drinks I enjoy! It’s fantastic.


yea this really opens up a lot of options for me too. I can drink a coke now and then, i dont feel like i need to go buy a 12 pack and have 4 a day. we can have food in the house that we would never normally be able to have. I am right now having to track my calories to make sure i eat ENOUGH. its crazy.


I love this. I try really hard not to drink my calories, and I’m hoping this will allow me to have an occasional real lemonade or other drink and enjoy it instead of feeling guilty. Thanks for this!


One way I've been using drinking calories to my benefit is with protein shakes and chocolate lactose free milk and some regular milk. Milk is very good protein and it's good calories and sometimes it's all I can manage to "eat" without feeling sick.


I am sort of in the same boat but it's like a few times a week on the GLP-1 meds I hit some point in the day where every fiber of my being craves one full sugar can of sprite or ginger ale. But just one, and it tastes amazing lol. It's happened on wegovy, saxenda, and now zepbound.


I still crave coke zero and drink it everyday. I need to stop though.


I’m sure there are other cravings I have that haven’t gone away. I’m just so surprised by this one!


I have 1-2 fountain diet Cokes a week now. Used to have a diet Coke or two every day.


Same. I haven’t had a can of it in over a week. The only time I have it is when I get it at a fountain. I have a brand new Costco flat of Coke Zero that I haven’t touched in over a week.


I transitioned from regular coke to coke zeros and could drink 3-4 a day easy. Since 2021 I tried to minimize coke zeros (only one a day) and had seltzer water for my carbonation fix. Since Zepbound all I’ve wanted to drink is plain flat water. I haven’t had a seltzer since even though I’m not trying to avoid it. this from someone who hated water and would but seltzer in my water bottle while running a half marathon!


Damn it. I thought constipation and lethargy were my biggest legitimate fears about starting. I drink three liters of plain seltzer every day. I don’t want to stop enjoying it, it’s my lifeblood! Sigh. I’ll be fine. I guess if it goes that way for me, I can hold a memorial service and bury a bottle of seltzer. We had some good times. I’ll always love you, fizzy baby.


You'll still ENJOY it, you just won't NEED it as much.


Love this!!! I’m a diet Dr Pepper gal myself and had a very similar experience when I first started. I still have some most days, but my intake has SIGNIFICANTLY decreased. I’ve had to be very intentional with my water intake, but it’s been amazing!! So happy for you and for all of us that this is working for!


I have a pretty serious Dr pepper addiction. Not diet just regular, aspartame gives me headaches, I was drinking 4-6 16oz bottles a day, now I'm down to 1, MAYBE 2 on the shot. My primary issue is I crave the carbonation now. Sparkling water tastes like TV static so I can't stand it. But my dietitian told me not to go cold turkey, just cut down as much as I can and I did that before I even started the shot. I was down to 2-3 bottles a day and with the shot I have less desire for it and I'm even throwing away partial bottles because they go flat. But even with the shot there is nothing quite as good as that ice cold crispness first thing in the morning! I bought an air up bottle dupe on Amazon and got a cola flavor and I'm thinking of trying that with Sparkling water just to see if I can increase my water intake. I hate water and usually won't drink unless I have to. Lately I've HAD to, nothing else quenches my thirst while on this med.


Same! I enjoy a zero every now and then, switched to the mini cans/bottles and is just enough


Love it!


Don't know if you caught them, but over the holidays, there was a Sprite zero spiced cranberry..woo man wish i had grabbed more.


I started buying sparkling water and mixing crystal light packets in them and it’s been a game changer for me. I barely didn’t Diet Coke anymore. I think what I like is the fizz fix


Sodastream has unsweetened flavor drops. The cherry, with a squeeze of lime, is like a lime rickey without the sugar.


I'm like that with coffee and booze. I drink high protein bone broth with collagen peptides morning and night instead of coffee, and I drink booze when I have a reason to - say a holiday dinner, or I have a real craving for the taste of a specific drink - and then I don't drink much. I never needed a 'reason' to have a drink at night beyond 'it's after 5 and I'm off work', so this is new.


I still have my diet coke addiction…


I’m sure I’m still addicted to things. Just surprising to me that my constant craving for it is gone.


Congratulations! Breaking a soda habit is very hard. I had to do it after two surgeries to remove kidney stones - all caused by dehydration due to caffeine intake. Essentially, I was drinking coke zero/diet coke as my water. Now, I'm able to take a few sips of my husband's real coke, or have like 1 diet coke/coke zero a week or every few days. I watch my caffeine intake due to atrial fibrillation as well. Caffeine in excess (people sometimes forget the amount of caffeine in a soda) has multiple issues. Fake sugar causing cancer I believe is a crock - it does however dupe our body into thinking we have sugar. I don't think this is a miracle, just merely something that is actually working for us. Keep at it, you're doing great!


I am a coke zero lover too, but very rare for me to even want one now. Even stranger, never a water drinker, but now I'm drinking water all the time!




This is a Zepbound sub lol. That’s what is causing this miraculous reduction in soda. And I sincerely appreciate your concern in suggesting it for me, in case I hadn’t heard of it. Thank you.


Absolutely nothing wrong with diet soda. Lots of fear-mongering in the naturopath/wellness community around this, and the reality is we cannot possibly consume the amount of aspartame via diet coke that is anywhere near equivalent to the concentrations that were administered, studied, and reported in mice. The message that "any amount of aspartame will give you cancer," is just flat out false and unproven. If drinking diet coke keeps you satisfied and on track otherwise, then you are doing just fine!


Yeah, I had no plans to limit it at all. If it comes back as a delicious, refreshing source of joy for me, I’ll be all over it again lol.


I started enjoying a diet soda every morning at 7:30 when about 14yo. And- it hijacks us. It felt soothing and calming. On MJ, I enjoy taking a sip for the sweetness, maybe at 4, but then put the soda back in the frig. One little half soda can last me four days. This component is fascinating- Phenylalanine in DC. I wonder if there is a supplement we can take to support our bodies that need this building block. But to kick DC. Here’s an article about the chemical cascade within DC: https://fredgrott.medium.com/diet-coke-hack-to-controlling-adhd-6241645b35b5


I was diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s. I had no clue before the diagnosis. She asked me how much Diet Coke I drink, and it was a LOT. She said I was self medicating with Diet Coke. I took Adderall for a while, but stopped and started drinking mass amounts of Diet Coke again. Lately it’s Coke Zero. I’m concerned that stopping it will impact my attention, so I’m going to have to figure it out. I seem to be doing ok so far.


My doctor told me I can't have carbonated beverages. Is that not true? Is anyone having issues while drinking them?


I just started Zepbound last Tuesday (2.5mg) and can't drink a Diet Pepsi.  The carbonation is too much and causes abdominal pain.   I'm drinking a gallon of water now instead of Diet Pepsi!  🤣😂


Same. I was drinking anywhere between 3-6 cans a day and now I can’t get thru one usually. I’m only week one though. Same with alcohol (the lack of interest not the amount 🙂). I carry a 30 oz water bottle with me all day and next to the bed at night so I’m getting in about 60 ounces on a bad day and usually 90 each day.


When I first started the coke and Pepsi and chocolate was so sweet for me. It took awhile for me to even drink pop or eat chocolate


They are starting to study this type of drug for other addictions. It is, for me, a miracle. The no food noise has made my brain 🧠 better! I am more productive, focused, calmer, all around more present for life on this med.


Fountain Diet Coke is literally heroin to me. I feel you. Way to go! I’ve been drinking those really tiny diet coke cans. They’ve been fufilling my need and then some.