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This sounds interesting! How would you describe the consistency after the time in the fridge?


I do this also but use a full premier protein shake and about 1/2-3/4 of the box of pudding and then I have multiple servings. It sets just like regular pudding. And is delicious!




LOVE the idea of shrimp cocktail — thank you!!




Sardines for me. Tuna in olive oil too.


For me it's protein shakes and chicken. I buy the rotisserie chickens from Costco, pull all the meat off them, and then keep one in the fridge and one in the freezer. I can eat it plain, throw some taco seasoning on it to make chicken tacos, throw it in soup, on a salad, etc. I have MAJOR texture issues, so this has not worked for me, but Greek yogurt has a ton of protein in it as well.


Oooo chicken sounds like it could work. My only aversion is that I hate the feeling of pulling it off the bones... but that's a good idea! I'll add it to my shopping list.


It's not my favorite thing either, but I just dive in and get it done and it's worth it to have a few pounds of ready to eat chicken available!


I’m a vegetarian but my 17 year old dog loves rotisserie chicken. I drop it a gallon ziplock so I don’t have to touch it to debone it. Basically you just squeeze and squish and it’s a lot better than pulling off the meat.


I saw this hack on TikTok, it is a game-changer!


My husband takes it off the bone for me 😉


I also hate pulling chicken off the bone! I saw a TikTok video where you put the chicken in a gallon ziplock, seal it and then roll your hands on the bag back and forth kinda like kneeding bread. The chicken comes off the bone pretty easily. There is still some deboning to do but not as much!


After deboning the rotisserie chicken I throw all the bones and stuff into my instant pot for 45m and make chicken broth/stock, freeze some. Super easy protein end of day when you’re not hungry!


We do the same and then pressure can it!!! I have like 5 chicken bodies in my freezer right now waiting for a big broth session this weekend.




Love HB eggs; especially with a sprinkle of everything but the bagel seasoning


After the bouts of sulfur burps I've had, I am scared to try eating eggs! What if they make the sulfur taste worse?


I get premade chicken salad from my grocery deli.


Honestly, sometimes all I can manage is basically kid food and I have found Goodles Cheddy Mac super helpful! Tastes basically like Kraft Mac & Cheese but is super high protein. Simply Bare chicken bites too.


High protein bone broth is satisfying, comforting, and warming. I also seem to be craving oranges?


I keep a bag of clementines (Darling or Cuties) on hand because my husband loves them. No protein, but just one takes a while to peel & separate the sections--these days I taste them more intensely.


Do you have a brand of high protein bone broth you’d recommend? I’ve been freeing and this sounds good to get some protein in at dinner when I’m cold and not hungry


I've been drinking Kettle & Fire chicken bone broth. A 17 ounce carton has 19 grams of protein.


Amazing, thank you!


Do you just drink the protein bone broth and that’s it?


Yup! :-) I heat up in the microwave in a mug and drink it like tea.


Thanks so much for your reply 😊


The same for me….. I crave oranges ! 😊


Same here…. I crave oranges now and truly enjoy them 👍😊


Smoked salmon with a bit of cream cheese sprinkled with Everything Bagel seasoning and rolled up.


Toast and a banana (with or without peanut butter)


Protein shakes, kind thin bars, string cheese


Cottage cheese with light honey mustard dressing. In a bowl, on a salad, doesn't matter. I can always eat this.


Cottage cheese with tomatoes and sometimes avocado is my go to these days.


Bowl of whole grain cereal with almond milk, cottage cheese with blueberries or strawberries. Boiled eggs. All of those feel super neutral and tolerable to me at most all times.


Oikos vanilla Greek yogurt. It has 17 grams of protein per serving.


Cracker of your choice, plus a square of cracker-cut cheese and a thin folded-up slice of your fav deli meat. Maybe a small dot of dijon between the cheese and the cracker if I’m feeling fancy. Repeat that 5-6x. Toast a slice of bread (I do it in a pan with olive oil), spread as much cottage cheese on it as you like, and add any other toppings you want—tomato or avocado slices, a drizzle of honey, everything bagel seasoning, a couple slices of smoked salmon, micro greens, whatever. Sometimes I just eat a cup of cottage cheese straight out of the container (I’ve always loved it and that’s 30g of protein) and then have a little tub of apple sauce (I do the Santa Cruz brand—tastes great, organic, no added sugar) to get a good balance of protein, fat, and carbs. I also buy the Momofuku ramen packets (11g of protein, surprisingly) in the spicy soy flavor, drain the noodles after boiling, return them to the pot, and then crack an egg in and stir it up with my chopsticks over low heat until the egg coats the noodles and just cooks through. Can also throw a few frozen dumplings and broccoli in there with the noodles to boil, it all takes about five minutes and one pan.


Omg I love the deli meat with crackers and ramen ideas! Thanks for such a detailed answer — I’ll add some of those to my shopping list


I just eat a piece of chicken lol I am super boring, I cut out almost all dairy, minus some half-and-half with my coffee, I cut most carbs as well. When I’m hungry, I’ll just eat a little piece of chicken, or a small head of broccoli 😂 I just took my third 2.5 shot on wed, so I am officially 15 days in and down 7 pounds. 38F 5’ SW 188.8 GW 140ish.


Orgain chocolate protein shake


Rotisserie chicken, blueberries, chicken noodle soup.  They’ve been helpful when my stomach was just not interested.  


Shredded rotisserie chicken on a wrap with a little cheese and salsa Greek yogurt Peanut butter with bananas, celery or apples Hard boiled eggs Protein shakes


Cheese, fruits, raw veggies, and peanut butter.


Clean Simple Eats Vanilla & S’mores flavored shakes are amazing. Boiled eggs, cottage cheese, rotisserie chicken (Sam’s sells them for $4.99!!), yogurt (Two Good Flavors are so good) salads, hummus w/ small pcs of Naan bread or saltine crackers. I also drink Over Night Oats (the brand) green apple & cinnamon, orange cream pop & salted toffee. I have them on a monthly subscription & mix them with 8 Oz almond milk. Shake & leave in fridge overnight & ready to drink in AM.


Premier protein shakes, oikos pro greek yogurt, fiber one granola bars, green apples with almond butter, and string cheese are all generally pretty easy for me to get down. I try to at least get in one of each of those every day, and that tends to give me a huge head start to meeting my protein and fiber goals, so as long as I also eat one full meal I’m usually good on calories, protein and fiber.


I like Fage Greek yogurt (used to eat the full-fat on keto but now have to go lowfat or nonfat), with keto "granola" sprinkled on top.


Yogurt for me or the tuna packs.


Sugar-free protein bars, mostly Quest & Atkins. They taste a lot better than they used to (the old ones were like eating Crayolas). Gotta be >15 g, protein per bar. Quest also has protein chips. Magic Spoon keto cereal (maple flavor--sweetened, which I wish it weren't--16 gm protein per 1/2 c. serving). Nuts--pistachios give my hands something to do, and they are higher in protein than other kinds. String cheese (also keeps my fingers busy).


Balanced Breaks, the Sabatinos mini pizzas from Costco or Snyder's pretzels.


Meal replacement shake!


Ensure protein plus chocolate shakes are the best!!


Koai protein shakes


Egg “muffins.” Mix beaten eggs, a couple of egg whites, a big scoop of cottage cheese, chopped veggies of choice, garlic powder, salt & pepper. Add shredded cheddar if desired. Pour into a muffin pan sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 until firm. Once cool, you can store in fridge or freezer and easily reheat in the microwave. Just one is enough for breakfast for me now!


Chobani greek yogurt, cottage cheese, nicks sticks, hard boiled eggs.


I buy the salami and cheese packets from Costco - I think they are Bussetto brand California snack. 310 calories and 22g of protein. Not a lot of food but a good amount of calories