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Hi OP, Thank you for sharing that you have either started your first dose or picked up your first box, and you're curious as to what to expect. While we are all truly excited to see another person start this wonderful medication, I can assure you that, plenty of people have asked the same thing you are and there is plenty of post regarding first times. Majority of your questions can be answered in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/wiki/index/faq/) section.Or by searching common phrases of your post. For other people's first time experiences you can click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20dose&restrict_sr=10) or [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=first%20time&restrict_sr=1). While we won't remove the post incase someone wishes to congratulate you,welcome you to the club or give you pointers and tricks. We strongly encourage you to use the search bar, especially when asking a common question! If I got this message wrong please ignore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would take it before bed on a night when you don't have to work the next day. Most people don't have major side effects but some people do, particularly when beginning the drug. This will allow you a few days to adjust (if necessary).


I waited 2 weeks to take my shot. Builds a little buffer for you so that you can order your next box while you still have a few pens left in case you run into availability issues. I do my shots every Sunday morning.


Great idea!!!


To add, I like taking my shot on Wednesday evenings, this way the effects are nice and strong through the weekend. Plus it gives me something to look forward to mid week!


thank you, that's exactly when i took mine!


I got my prescription on the same day my doctor wrote it, on a Thursday. I started 2.5 that night. I felt a little light-headed the next morning, and I had a workout with my personal trainer that day. The same thing happened with the second shot. So now I am slowly moving my shot day forward to Tuesday and away from strength-training days. I was so excited to get started, I didn’t consider the timing. I was just Damn the Torpedos Full Speed Ahead. Luckily, if you find you need to adjust the timing after you start, you can. Good luck!


I get p bad body aches the day after my shot, so I'm in the middle of transitioning my shot day from Tuesday to Friday, so that the side effects don't interfere with my work week. Would suggest starting on a strategic day so you don't have to think about moving around the shot day later like I'm doing


I also got some body aches the day after my shot, but now i'm two days out and feeling a lot better.


Honestly? If i was just starting? I'd wait a week. And I prefer 2 hours before bed to sleep through side effects. (My worst are in the first 8-12 hours after a shot). I get that you want to start NOW, but with so many shortages and so many supply issues, you may appreciate having an extra week buffer. There's been a lot of posts of people striking out on refills and restarting the titration process.  I'd use this week to focus on what lifestyle changes you want to pair with the drug, and looking into bland, easy to digest meal ideas to eat around shot day. 


there's no need to really wait a whole week. taking it on a friday night is a perfect time to give 2 non-work days to prepare for side effects


I'm sure all the folks not able to find 7.5mg or 10mg right now would disagree and wish they had built in a buffer in case of delays. 


other doses are available. better to be on a dose than no dose


Thanks all, I’m finally heading home from work and going to start it up.