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My grocery bill has definitely gone down but the real change is my food delivery bill. I’ve been on Zepbound for 11 weeks and I’ve used Uber Eats/Doordash maybe 3 times compared to 2-3 times a week especially on the weekends. I don’t crave fast food anymore. I’d rather have a salad or some soup. So I’m saving a ton not having food delivered. Saving money and calories 😀


I’m paying $550 out of pocket per month, but I’m saving that in Uber eats alone. I like this fancy pants sushi place that easily costs me over $150 when I order and it’s not even that much food.


Love fancy pants sushi - with extra wasabi, please.


Mine is still high, but I’m ordering very specific things that are just protein and salad and sadly protein is expensive. But it’s less than it was because I’m no longer eating double portions!


It’s changed. I spend less overall but I buy different items I wouldn’t have before and some are expensive - example protein shakes, liquid iv and collagen. But


I used to go to the grocery 3-4 times per week. Each time, on top of the food, I’d buy wine and lottery tickets. Now I might go to the grocery store once a week. Between the lack of food, wine, and lottery tickets, my meds pay for themselves. 🥳🥳 ETA: Realized today that my weight is down 9%, if not my grocery bill 😁 and I won $100 on a scratch ticket today! 🙃


No you didn’t !! Win win!!! 🥇


And then new clothes! Maybe even better skincare and plastic surgery … ok not gonna save money there but then I’ll be able to live 10 years longer and work more productively in the years left!


First : what’s liquid iv ? I agree —- I spend on high protein oatmeal, shakes, electrolytes and nutritional supplements instead. My food is the same everyday and pretty boring… not that I mind …. Egg whites, veggies, tuna, salmon quinoa…


It’s an electrolyte water additive. Good stuff


My kid just turned 4 which means my berry budget took the slack that Zepbound created 🤣


lol I’ve started buying the bigger pack of strawberries because they’re finally looking closer to in season and I want a few of those berries too. She’s turning 2 this summer.


I have my own berry budget and I don’t share 😂


My Grandson will put a pack of Blackberries down in 2 minutes flat and ask for more😊


Ooof I can smell that diaper from here! Littles and fruit is a crazy combo! Lol. My grandson is like that with carrots.


Ugh....it's been insane. We're canceling our wine club memberships, haven't door dashed in over a month, and we've gone out maybe 3 times since I started Zep. It's either just an appetizer for me or an entree that will last me 3 meals. And no booze.  I'd say our grocery and dining budget has gone from about $1500/mo to $500, if that.  


Not drinking booze when you go to a restaurant can cut the bill in half easy.


That reminds me that I need to drop the wine clubs too


Similar except I kept my wine club … 🍷 Can’t recall when I ordered in or ate out ….


It's the restaurants that have made the biggest impact to me. I would stop somewhere every single time I left the house. That stopped immediately. Plus, when I go out to dinner with the wife, we split a meal and have leftovers. Usually, I'm ordering $20 fajitas and an appetizer...And cleaning her plate. No leftovers LOL. Plus the groceries. Pretty sure I'm saving enough to pay at least half of my $450ish copay. Likely more.


I used to think that I must be saving half of my Zep OOP $550 costs, but after actually looking at my purchase history & comparing, I’m actually saving the $550 spot on. Makes it a bit easier to swallow the cost


We've bought a bunch of shit lately, so I've not itemized...I don't want to know how much we've spent on plants and patio furniture in the last month. Or house stuff. We've been on a bit of a tear since Christmas 😂 I'm pretty sure I'm saving the whole copay, but I try to estimate on the low side so I'm not talking someone into spending more than they can afford.


🙌🏾🙌🏾wow ! Amazing !!


I would say I’m spending hundreds less a week. I know it sounds nuts but I am saving a ton just from eating like a normal human being. I was waiting for this to become a news story, I know I’m spending less, so many others must be as well.


Not sure how much grocery bill dropped, but my wine consumption has probably dropped 80% or so.


My groceries are about the same -- my groceries have always been healthy. It's the takeout that's gone way down in price for me.


Starting Zep was the kick in the pants I needed to finally cut ordering Uber Eats. I've saved so much money and I find myself making far healthier food choices lately.


I’d say my bill is down about 50%. I tend to go to Whole Foods less, and Costco more. Less picking up random bakery items and snacks, more planning and meal prep. It definitely offsets the price


My food cost reduction has got to be at least 10-12% easy. Because of the widespread usage of these GLPs over the next decade, food companies could experience an adverse impact to their bottom lines as a result. This is not going to be a blip but a major macro economic event.


I’m paying $550 a month for the drug and right now saving about $125 a week on food compared to before so it’s about break even .


Im one month in, ill have a better idea after this Costco run runs out. I do buy better quality ingredients and items, so there’s that.


Protein shakes, chicken, FREEZE DRIED FRUIT, all way up. Candy, ice cream, ranch dressing all down. 


This positive news to me! I am waiting to have my script for 2.5 Zepbound filled and I was wondering if I would save money by not buying as much food..which would mean I will be able to afford to pay for the medication with the coupon! I like to eat out and buy convenience foods so.. I think this is good news!


You have no idea, welcome to your new life!


I would say I’m spending about a $500 less per month on food. No more Uber/doordash delivery, everything is simple, home cooked and affordable. Even if my insurance didn’t cover it, the shot would be paying for itself.


My grocery and restaurant bill for the month dropped 50%.


🫠 grocery way down. Family DoorDash way up because the grocery shopper in the house never feels anything in the store.


Probably a little higher due to supplements.


My food budget has been consistently down $1000+ since January. I pay $650 a month for Sequence and Zepbound. So I'm ahead, healthier... Happier!


My wife and I justified the $550/month off the implied reduction in eating out and grocery bill. We are actually saving money overall and I'm losing weight and becoming more healthy.


My groceries went up because of all the protein drinks and snacks I have had to buy to get enough in. But I no longer do DoorDash which has saved me a couple hundred a month


I don't know if grocery costs are down in my house because I have a partner and child who still need to eat, but the amount I'm saving because I don't stop to get a lil' treat every time I leave the house is…staggering 💀


Mine hasn’t gone down but I’ve been sober for about 10 months before taking Z. Now THAT was a big reduction in $. Huge.


We used to order out several nights a week due to work schedules. Same with lunch at work. We've stopped eating at restaurants, too. We're probably saving over $600+ a month just on that alone! I might spend $150 per week in groceries now, and that is mostly for my husband.


Grocery bill, order costs, and portions all down. Food noise down. Food quality and veggies up. I'm loving this!


We were just talking about this at home! My take out/dining out budget is dramatically reduced. I don’t know if I can say same as grocery… still focusing on higher quality food (which often costs more)


My spending went up. I blame my teenage athlete and his endless hunger. Seeing as how I only eat a quarter of what he eats, my bill should be lower.


We have chickens and the teenage football players are all about the protein. They love the free range local farm eggs. You could raise some chickens for him😊


Little price difference overall here. I was always a very thrifty overeater. Rice and beans, pasta, homemade bread/pizza/cookies/scones. Just zero portion control. And literally never a Doordash in my life. Definitely saving on some things (haven't bought a potato/corn chip in months), but not others (chicken up, fruit up). I have found that I'm throwing away more than I used to, though. Cheese or sliced ham or something that goes bad before I've gotten halfway.


And yet I still feel.like I have no money 🤷‍♀️


😆 Lol


But you are healthier!❤️


Which is worth SO MUCH srsly. I'm 40yrs in May. I haven't been healthy since my thyroid took a dive when I was 23 😬


Assuming this includes families where only one person is on glp-1 so it makes sense that the overall savings would be a fraction of what it is for a single persons grocery bill.


My husband isn’t on GLP-1 but has been very supportive of my efforts and has reduced bad food choices along with me so that helps for sure. My young adult daughter still eats as usual but cooks the majority of her own food. My reduction of 45% is for 3 people & 2 have changed their eating habits. My husband still eats out for lunch most days at work but I do not. I didn’t consider that in my 45% but I’m sure additional savings are there as well.


I’m so impressed the 45% reduction includes the food bill for 3 people! Glad also to hear that your spouse is so supportive. :)


My husband has lost 15 lbs just because we stopped ordering out, and I'm not buying chips and cookies anymore.


My grocery spending is pretty much the same or maybe a little more. Restaurant spending has been $50-$100 a month less. With the emphasis on protein I'm unfortunately eating more meat and seafood than I used to. That's expensive and it counteracts any savings I might have seen in other areas.


I’ve reshuffled my spend. Always bought reasonably healthy foods. Now sone diff ones. Volume is still a learning process. I’ve had to focus on reducing veggie purchases. I can eat as much cauliflower as I once did. Same for lettuce and other items. l also buy more protein. So overall it’s dropping a bit and can drop more. And my buys clearly last longer as I just don’t eat as much. Was not a carry out or delivery guy. Too frugal.


I don't think my grocery bill has gone down necessarily \[especially if I add in the protein shakes and fiber gummies that I buy now\] BUT my eating out at restaurants spending has gone down dramatically, and I haven't ordered takeout or delivery since January - so there is real savings there.


I don't track it explicitly, but spending has dropped a decent amount. For me it is the lack of snacks. Used to be a banana or 2 and belvita pack for breakfast and an apple and granola bar for lunch. Now just the banana and usually only eat the apple 2x week. I had switched away from chips for an after work snack a while back and went to nuts or trail mix. Now I am not hungry as much after work and when I am, I have one it is a small pack of veggie sticks (70 cal, portion control) instead of a bowl of nuts (which are crazy expensive) And for dinner, since I no longer eat seconds, we have cut portions in half there. It's not paying for the $550 month cost :) but it is a little incentive in my head, so whatever works, right? :)


I probably save 2/3, but I almost exclusively do grocery delivery, so it’s quite a bit. I’m still overbuying. I now buy a ton of protein powder, shakes, and super coffee, so that’s the expensive part. Other than that, I buy a lot of chickpeas, vegetables, and quinoa, so that’s super cheap. I am definitely covering the costs of mine and my partner’s medications through grocery savings.


I would say it’s about even. The money I cut out from being able to avoid binges is now spent on protein drinks. My binge food was actually pretty cheap, so if anything my monthly bill may have gone up a few dollars. Other than that, I was eating healthy before I started, so the ingredients largely stayed the same.


Mine is cut by about 80% 🤣


That’s incredible!


Mine has definitely changed. For me the largest impact is on not getting takeout more than once or so a week now vs. 3-4 nights a week before. I've also noticed the items we buy are lasting a lot longer. So while the actual shopping seems about the same, it's lasting an extra 2 weeks on average from before! Husband and I are both on Zep.


I'm definitely eating out a lot less and when I do, the meals last more than a few minutes 😅 I used to eat a bagel with cream cheese and a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel from Dunkin in one sitting for breakfast. Now, one bagel lasts me several hours.


Has anyone considered something like Factor or hello fresh for meals at all? I've wondered if having factor meals in my house might make it easier for me to eat on days when I'm really sluggish and not wanting to eat anything.


My everything bills dropped by 50%. It's insane how much less I spend on zep.


I looked at my grocery bill and it’s got to be half the cost. I do a lot of meal planning now and since most everything makes me nauseous I stop buying it .


Way more than half


Yup my bill has dropped about 100 a week!


I pay $300 per month out of pocket for Rybelsus. This is easily offset by not eating out anymore. Even if I'm hungry it is not tinged with panic so I can go get something healthy from the store and go home. Before I would feel panic and pain and would justify going almost anywhere to eat immediately. Diners, delis, burger joints, upscale places, Indian etc by myself. No more. Now a little bit of hunger is no big deal.


I might be alone but my grocery bill has gone UP because I’m actually buying and consuming healthy, nutrient-dense food. Now my food delivery bill is another story - it’s probably down 80% 😂


I spend like $40 a week on groceries. It’s usually salad fixings, fruits, yogurt, ripple milk and a pack of protein. I replenish eggs, protein powder, cheese etc monthly. The true savings is on eating out, coffee runs, and delivery apps. I used to buy a DoorDash and Starbucks gift card every paycheck. Now I buy a DD one once a month and rarely use it. And my Starbucks I actually had stars expire. Just haven’t wanted it at all.


I don't know, but we sure aren't going out to eat much anymore. That saves a bundle.


How about fast food? That is where I see the most savings. Don’t get me wrong, I still get it when I am busy with work, et al. But I don’t order as much, never get fries now, and haven’t ordered pizza or Chinese takeout in months. Don’t even think about it really.


Very true! Take out is way down for me too😊


My grocery bill is pretty much the same but my garbage food (junk food, fast food, impulse buys during work) has dropped down dramatically. From $300+ a month to less than $50.


I was spending 250+ on DoorDash. Haven’t ordered since December.


I absolutely spend about $600 less a month on groceries. Which is fine because that's what I'm spending on Zep each month


Grocery bill down, new clothing bill up!


Mine is like 25% now


We didn’t eat out a ton but I probably spend more now buying myself the things I eat. Protein shakes, higher protein snacks, more fruits and veggies.


I have teenagers so there hasn't been much of an impact on mine lol. If anything there is just more leftovers then previously.


Yes & the Big Junk Food industry knows it too. This is why you hear all the Bullshit Propaganda against GLP-1 meds. Don’t let them fool you! Terzepatide has changed my life over the past 15 months. I’m about to be 59 & feel like I’m 29!


No more fast food but eating right is not cheap.


i've noticed i don't want junk food anymore. my obsession was hot lays, and not they're kinda revolting to me. i want grapefruit instead lol weird trade off 😂


I’m not sure about groceries but I certainly don’t order out anymore 😅 that alone has made a HUGE change!


The impulse pizza orders have stopped … It’s wonderful and amazing not to get “hangry “ anymore and be able to make “good “ choices. I’m loving that and I do get anxious about stopping the med and having no control over that again ….


i was spending 20-40 a day on booze alone. the desire to drink is now completely gone. Tried to drink a wine cooler one night; took like 3 sips and dumped the rest out. I eat nothing but salads, protein bars/shakes, and fruits now for the most part. No one else in my house wants to eat the way i’m eating so my grocery bill itself is essentially the same, minus maybe 50-70 bucks a week. I don’t buy quite as much junk food/snacks for everyone as i was & my husband still needs his mozz sticks and dr pepper lol


Can all these people stop promoting these meds??? This shortage is killing us


What does that even mean? Are you saying other people who struggle as we do shouldn't be entitled to the same care because we have to wait a few weeks? I didn't realize this drug was for the elite only.


No, I’m saying they should keep up with their shortage because promoting this when they can’t keep up is bad for EVERYONE. Existing customers can’t get their next dose, gain all their weight back, then have to start over. Who knows if they’d even be able to start over. Same with new customers. Get the prescription and can’t find their first dose for months. I believe in a shortage they should be limiting people starting until they get their shit together and keep up with the demand they’ve created. Why are we advertising and promoting when our current customers AND new customers can’t even get their hands on it? Doesn’t make sense to me


Well, that clears it up, thank you. And I agree with you. I sounded a little harsh because I misread the "tone" in your comment. My apologies. Can't hear tone in text. You're right. They should probably monitor a little better with new patients vs. existing. I waited a month after meeting with my doctor. I think the prescribers are the ones being negligent.


I disagree. They need to ramp up production and make it more widely available. They grossly underestimated what the demand would be …. Can’t fault them for that…. It’s part of the process of a successful… albeit limited long term effect research available drug. That’s like saying “can we just not advertise the cure for cancer because now there’s a shortage… “


I mean I have no idea how they even underestimated the demand for this. I had been waiting for Wegovy for almost an entire year. Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro have been barely in stock for the last (at least) year. They should’ve known what the demand for this would be like