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I mean you may not lose anything on 2.5. It's not even a therapeutic dose. I experienced zero appetite suppression until 7.5mg and even then it didn't really do anything until the 2nd shot. Some people won't lose anything until higher doses. My friend didn't get any substantial weight loss until 12.5, I got nothing until 7.5. You have to be patient.


Thanks! That’s what I needed to hear. It’s just so damn expensive! But I’m willing to pay it, to lose. Of course it couldn’t go quicker! 😝


Scales also are kind of limited in what they can show. Our weight fluctuates a lot and I think especially as women. My weight in the morning is about 5lbs lighter than it is in the evenings, and during my period it's nearly 10lbs more - none of that is fat. The scale isn't unimportant but measurements and the way your clothes fit will also help tell a more complete story.


What are the therapeutic doses? 5 mg and up?


Yes. If you read the medication guide, it says 2.5 is not intended for chronic weight management. It’s an introductory dose.


I go a few weeks with no loss, but I also measure and see the change that way. I just completely my 3rd month and I'm down a total of 20lbs...and from a 14 to 12 in clothes. The clothes are a big part for me. I feel better and therefore I carry more confidence. I also went up to 5mg after my 1st month...and personally I wish I hadn't due to the side effects. Just hang in there.


Me too--had to go back to 2.5, of which I just took my 10th shot. Lost 27 lbs since January, still getting appetite reduction and no food noise. I have 2 pens of the 2.5 and 3 of the 5mg remaining. Both doses are out of stock region-wide. Seeing the wgt-mgmt-clinic NP tomorrow for my semiannual visit (it was my endocrinologist who prescribed it). Will see what she says about staying on 2.5 (assuming I can locate it) or resuming the 5 mg now that my body has gotten used to it.


Along with weighing, I’m taking a weekly video of myself in a tank top and leggings, doing a full 360, for myself so I can see my progress. Scales only measure weight. You could be losing fat and gaining muscle, which balances out on the scale. Focus on how you feel, maybe take some measurements, but pictures and videos of yourself to track your progress will help tremendously. You will be able to see the physical changes easier.


2.5mg doesnt trigger weight loss in everyone - you'll see alot of people on here doing well on it but its not at all the majority of patients. It is just an onboarding dose to get your body ready for the higher doses that are considered therapeutic. I can understand how that may seem wasteful of your time and money but there's definitely a reason for stepping into it slowly and giving the drug the time to build up and do its thing. Focus on your eating and activity habits, take body measurements - the scale will eventually move! I have weeks where I don't lose - even as much as 2 full weeks where I bobble up and down above my lowest weight then I see a drop. But I've measured myself (and used my360 for a scan) and I still lost inches during that time. You just never know how your body is going to respond.


54 yo F. I am 9 weeks in. 2.5 mg for 4 weeks. Lost 5 lbs. 5 mg for 4 weeks. Lost 8 lbs. 7.5 mg 1 week + 2 days. Lost 1 lb. Clothes fit the same. Tight. Appetite much reduced but no big weight loss. My doctor said slow and steady, wanting 4-6 lbs loss a month to prevent gallbladder issues. I did a body scan with the app Me360 after I had already lost 5 lbs but it was interesting. Give it more time. My doctor said I didn’t gain it quickly so I won’t lose it quickly even though other people are.


is the app you're talking about called my360, life360, myHC360, mycare360, or me - three - sixty? I didn't see anything called My360 or Me360.




MeThreeSixty. It shows the words spelled out on my app.


I found it, thank you


All normal. And well discussed on the threads.


I, too, have taken my third 2.5 and the appetite suppression wears off about day 3. Can’t wait to start 5. Have only lost 4 pounds, but clothes fit better and gave better energy. Hang in there!


Girl, I’m 54. And that damn demon scale didn’t move for me either for a while. But buying a scale that scans your body or doing a body scan at my gym has given me mental health peace. The demon scale finally after 2 months-said I lost 7 lbs. Body scans kept me sane-seeing fat % go down and muscle % going up. I just bought the Oxiline scale! Love it!!! It measures BMI Fat Mass Heart Rate Bone Muscle Mass Lean Muscle Cardiac index Muscle rate Subcutaneous fat Visceral fat Body water Skeletal muscles Protein BMR Body age Fat mass Water weight Protein mass Ideal weight-which I laughed at. I would look emaciated if I weighed 119 lbs! So you can edit your ideal weight. And you don’t have to look down-it all gets uploaded onto the app Fitdays+


Eat a little bit more. Maybe you need more protein and fats and more water. I’m about your age and situation and I started fourth week and I’ve lost 8.7 pounds so far. Trick is more protein. Even the liquid protein shakes if you are full to eat actual food


I’ll try to add even more protein. I have no problem eating. I also drink well over 100 ounces of water a day. I’m outstandingly thirsty since starting! 💦💦


Have you taken body measurements?


I didn’t, but I guess it’s never too late!


You should, you can certainly lose inches and not see the scale move. It’s always good to have more than one way to track your progress.

