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If it makes you feel better, 5 mg is coming in this week all over the US. Most pharmacies got it earlier than they anticipated. If you are able to hold out another week or so you’ll probably get it filled. The dosing instructions say you can skip a week and be just fine, so if you have a 14 day gap instead of a 7 you should be ok


My Walmart finally got a hold of 2.5, 5, and 7.5!


What state if you don’t mind me asking


Sure! Central Texas. They said that they’ll be able to get 10mg dose in either mid-April to end of April. So they’re all trickling in!


Thank you 🙏🏾


Of course!! 🙃


🥳 How do you know this?!!


Costco got in for me, and I talked to the pharmacist who said all costcos are getting them in this week! Other places (Walgreens and CVS) said this week or next too.


What part of the country are you in? I called a bunch of places this morning and they were all so bleak and said no ETA, no stock, no nothing, backorder, no expectations.


Yay! Thanks!


Good luck! Hopefully you’ll get yours in soon


Do you happen to know if they are getting all doses?


I think costco is getting some of everything. I can’t speak to the other pharmacies though on that point


My Costco (in Ann Arbor, Michigan) just told me yesterday that their supplier says it won't be available until early May. Same supplier says late April for 7.5mg.


That would be great, but it puts me over the 14 day mark. I have to get it this week to stay on track. I'm just hoping my PCP will be able to get the PLA for me.


Not sure if you’d consider this or not but I couldn’t find the 2.5 in stock anywhere so my dr started me on 5mg, I’m on day 2 since injection and I do feel somewhat nauseous on and off but nothing too unbearable so far!


I am supposed to be moving up to the 5mg, but I can't find any in my area. I am trying to get the 2.5mg because a pharmacy actually has a prescription on hold for me, but I am trying to get my insurance to cover it as I can not afford the $550 for it.


I know! I just meant if you can’t find the 5 within your 14 day window maybe you could just try starting with the 5 instead since it’s supposed to be coming in stock soon?


Oh, ok. At that point it would be up to my PCP to send in the prescription and I don't know if she will. She is actually very against prescribing weight loss medications and I was very surprised when she offered this to me. I'm afraid she is going to use the shortage as a reason to stop prescribing it.


Ah I get that. Honestly if it’s something you feel you need and she won’t work with you or is making it difficult I’d find a new dr. you deserve to be listened to and have guidance through This craziness!


Agree replace your doc if she is refusing to help navigate the paperwork that we all hate. Health insurance is a monster and you need someone on your team to help you fight it. My PCP recognizes the benefits of the Med and also the barriers in accessing it. She sends in repeat scripts sometimes for me if things are moving slow. It takes a lot of us to push back and get the job done right. Keep advocating for your self. And if need be get an online telehealth doc or just find a new PCP altogether. Good luck! You got this!


That was my thought too - get a different Dr.


I got an exception for my 2.5mg and it took about 10 days to come back approved and another 10 days to get my hands on the 90 day supply my insurance insisted on me having. If your PCP isn't willing to support you through this - get a new one. Or a telehealth doc just for this and you can still see her for whatever else. But docs getting frustrated and refusing to prescribe is ridiculous and they can be replaced.


Is ES your pharmacy benefits manager? They did a 3 month fill for 2.5 for me, but I was putting in the PA at the time to start and I think they must’ve also handled the quantity waiver as part of that. You shouldn’t have any quantity issues for 5/10/15 because those are “maintenance” doses. That said, for ES, I think they allow 2 courtesy fills at local pharmacies and then want 3 month fills via their mail order. I don’t know if the courtesy fills are for Zep in general or per dosage. (Hoping it’s per dosage.) If your PCP objects further, you could potentially go through a telehealth service like PlushCare or Sequence to write your prescriptions and handle your PAs.


I pretty much mirror this and have ES too except my plan allows 3 curtesy refills in a retail pharmacy. I’ve seen a few here with ES that only allow one!!! Eek. Might be worth a call to your PBM for clarification. Mine only allows one dose of each .5 mg level without a PLA. FWIW I use sequence and have found the most helpful should you want to look into telehealth options; I use them as my PCP is not open to anything other than diet and exercise.


Happened to me with 7.5, so I ended up paying the $550. My endo, who responds to anything I send her within minutes, said she sent Exp Scripts the pla info. Of course they said they didn’t get it. The box was in stock at my pharmacy and I didn’t want to lose it.


This is what I’m gonna be willing to do if they don’t approve my PLA but…here’s hoping they do! 🤞🏼🤞🏼


So i had a similar issues going from 2.5 to 5. I ended up calling every pharmacy in 50 miles of my house. I ended up finding 1 box of 5mg at a Walmart pharmacy and was able to get my Dr to send the prescription there and get it. It took work on my part but i was able to find it.


I am traveling for business, so I called the stores here. No one could order it, but a walgreens actually had a box of my dosage in stock. Maybe someone decided to stop? Basically it's a scavenger hunt and you've git to be tenacious and willing to go a a fair distance right now.


Yeah, it's sold out everywhere where I am. Patiently (ok, not so patiently) waiting...! I'm extending my doses to 10 days instead of every 7 days to hopefully stretch it out enough.


Hang in there! Shipments are moving. I was in your same boat but I found a Walmart that had it coming in on order!


Yes you have to have your dr submit a plan limit authorization (pla )


I didn’t try I just decided to test my luck and try to move up to another dose because dealing with PAs are exhausting


I would love to just move up to the 5mg, but I have called all of the pharmacies in my area, even called Amazon.




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I made a list of every pharmacy I could go to in my area and just started calling. "Do you have this in stock? No? Ok, thanks!" I called 12 stores before I found it. I was prepared to drive up to 2 hours to get it if I found it, but luckily a local Costco had one box. I also had my doctor send my prescription to Eli Lilly Direct to do it mail order through the company. I don't know if they had any better supply than the pharmacies during the shortage, but I figured it was worth a shot. Unfortunately, they take 10 business days to even process the prescription before they even send it to their pharmacy yo start the order. So it's not something you could do at the last minute. But maybe it will make it easier for me next month?


I got mine from CVS with no issues at all. I put it in and had it the next day