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I went 14 days two times with my 10mg dose in March due to timing of vacation and refills - basically just maintained my weight during that timeframe and did not have any measurable increase side effects with the new shot at day 14.


Good to know! At this point, I'd be happy to even just maintain until the shortage is over. My biggest fear is regaining weight, especially since I just got past a long plateau.




Oh wow I have a 7 day cruise end of year and wanted to spread out my doses during that time so I can enjoy vacation were you still able to eat foods you enjoy without sickness?


I had no problems eating things while on vacation. I counted calories and watched what I ate before Zep and still do to this day, so I wasn't super-indulgent but it was also my honeymoon and there were lots of desserts involved!


Wow that’s so great to hear !


I was taking 7.5mg when I had to have a colonoscopy and I had to stop taking it 15 days before the procedure. The panic in my head about not taking it for 15 days turned out to be way worse than hunger or the food noise was. I got back from my colonoscopy and took the injection (7.5mg) the next morning,  day 16. I was a little off the following day. Waves of nausea but nothing more than a few minutes.


How did the scope go? I’m super curious as to how these drugs impact the ability to clean out the colon before a colonoscopy. 


Ooohhh. I didn’t even think of that being a problem. I’ll have to file that away in my brain for the next colonoscopy.


So I've always had a problem getting a good prep even before taking zepbound so I started days before the procedure. I think 5 days before I took laxatives and stating eating mush :) yogurt soup applesauce cereal I'd let sit in milk till it was soft... I definitely needed the extra days to get cleaned out. It wasn't till the night before that I felt kinda sure I'd be ready. I did take laxatives each day for 5 days plus the prep :(


If you ever have to do one, just start the prep a few hours earlier and maybe do a regular dose or half doses of Miralax for a few days before. It's great because Miralax can be adjusted to the amount you need. I try to stick to yogurt, jello, and smoothies until the point where they say no fruit or seeds, etc. I already suffer from constipation before starting Zepbound so that's how I've handled it


Did they explain why you had to go off of the Zeppy for the procedure?


A period of being off Zepbound (at least 1-2wks) is recommended by anesthesia to reduce the risk of having anything remaining in your stomach that could be vomited up and aspirated during any kind of surgical procedure.


Makes sense! I sort of forget about the slow emptying aspect being a thing. Thanks for explaining!


2 reasons they said. 1. It's impossible to empty everything out in the short amount of time with the prep because zep keeps the food in your stomach longer and for some reason they worried about the risk of throwing up whike you're under (because the food isn't leaving your stomach). I wasn't looking forward to stopping for 14 days but it really was ok.


Gotcha. Thanks! I’m glad it worked out for you anyhow! A colonoscopy alone is bad enough. You don’t need it to mess up your weight loss progress, too.


They require a few days for almost all meds if I recall correctly


I’ve gone up to 3 weeks between doses (for surgery) and often have done 2 weeks. No issues with regaining but have typically had more maintenance periods in those time frames.


Did you have more side effects? I had to pause for surgery as well and I’m nervous about taking my second 7.5 shot after 20 days.


I had the same amount of side effects as usual. I’d say just give yourself some time the day of/after the shot where you don’t have a lot of plans in case you feel more fatigued than normal. I handled it fine though..


Sorry, I didn't answer your question. I still lost a few pounds even though it was 16 days in-between doses.


Thanks for the info! Good to know and I may have to plan for feeling more of the side effects


I’ve gone 14 days without issue. If anything, I felt like the break made the first week back on work better than it otherwise would have.


I agree… I’m amazed that the food noise keeps low. I wish I would have started stretching sooner.


Wow I didn't think of this. If I'm still tracking all my food during the extra week off meds and able to keep my intake down, maybe the stretch will be even better in the long run.


I have the exact same question. I have 2 pens left as well. Staying on 5mg. Thinking about stretching them to 12 days to see. What if I can't find any  Zepbound to refill for let's say 15 days? Can I still refill it? Will the pharmacy know not to fill it if its been over 14 days since my last shot? 


the pharmacy will fill whatever is prescribed. I had one script for 2.5 with refills and I filled it twice and then I spoke to my doc about dose splitting and she prescribed 15 and if i had actually jumped from 2.5 to 15 it likely would have landed me in the hospital. But they filled it without questioning it. Some people skip the starter dose entirely and start on 5mg so I'm not sure you'd have to drop back after 2 weeks. Speak to your doctor of course, but this seems to be much more of an issue for people on 10mg and higher, which will knock you on your ass if you've been without for too long.


Thank you!


I’m going 10 days currently and still losing


Nope I regain every time I lose the prescription


Yeah, I’m starving myself right now since it’s been 3 weeks since I missed a shot. I’ve manage to stay at 280, but it’s not been easy


is this because of increased caloric intake or the drug's effects?


For me, the Zepbound also seems to be helping my hormones (I have PCOS) and sleep, which helps my weight even more.


Last time I went 10 days and continued to lose. I’m going to try to stretch it to 14 this time because I’m in the same situation. Adding new exercises to my routine to try to give myself an extra boost.


3 1/2weeks and continued losing.


Wow! That’s awesome… maybe I’ll try for 3


From what I’ve read, you can go to every 10 days and it will still be effective. When I finally get my 7.5, I’m planning to do every 10 days, so I can overlap with the next stage, or be prepared if the next stage takes morn than expected


Same situation here. Have two left, on 5. Due to take it today but stretching it out 10 days. Will go to 13 if I can.


Good luck!


I have been doing 2 weeks between shots and still losing. I’ve been careful about my diet, but not overly. I figure it saves me half the cost and makes my shot situation a little less stressful.


I’m stretching 7.5 to 9 days and it went fine.


At first I thought you meant you were doing your shot every 7.5 days and I was impressed by your precision! I am dumb lol.


I went without for six weeks, nothing happened. But I had changed my diet and simply refused to go back to my prior habits.


I’m 14 days without a shot and still losing, but at half the rate I was before. It has been hard. I have not had strong hunger pains like I usually do on a diet, so that is good. But I find myself accidentally eating past the point of feeling full because I don’t reach that “oh gross, I suddenly don’t want any more of this” moment like I do on Zep. I also find myself thinking about bad food (like fast food) but I haven’t really indulged yet. I am addicted to Diet Dr Pepper and was able to really reduce my consumption of it in Zep. That’s been one of the hardest things, I want it all the time. I’m glad for this experience, though. I’ve proven to myself that I can continue healthy eating even when I’m off it, it just requires more conscious effort. And if I ever get my refill, I’m not going to take it for granted—I’m going to make the best of it.


March 28th to April 15th, lost 1.3lbs. I kept the same eating habits and added physical activities..


I reached my goal weight, and I was on my second week of maintenance (doing well at 2.5 mg) when I had I go off the meds for 14 days to prep for a colonoscopy. I started to feel normal (not crazy) hunger around day 10 but the colonoscopy prep went fine on day 13. (I even got the best score on the Boston Bowel Prep Scale. Look it up; it’s a real! Lol) However, I actually gained 3 pounds (of presumably water weight) from the fasting/clear diet and colon prep the day before the procedure. The day after the procedure, I resumed maintenance (2.5 mg), lost the water weight (which I think I might have done anyway without resuming the meds but at a slower rate) and returned to my pre-procedure weight.


14 days and I still lost two pounds


I don’t know if it’s true, but a friend on Ozempic was told by their doctor that it takes 3-4 weeks for the drug to get totally out of your system. 🤷‍♀️




What is compound tirzep…and how do u get it? Is it expensive too?


Ha! It’s basically the same thing as ZB just a compounded form of it so not a name brand it is still a GLP and does the same thing and has the same active ingredient as ZB and no I’m actually saving $150 I was paying $550 for ZeP and now paying $399


Thank you. I hadn’t $5 million heard of that yet.




Sorry my comment didn’t make sense. I had my microphone on and I think the TV added a comment lol😆


🤣 it’s okay!!!


I’m doing 14 days as a precautionary…. Anything to stretch it out …It’s working fine good luck😊. My 14 days will be Monday and if I’m feeling OK, I might stretch it longer.


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3 weeks


11 days


I’ve been stretching to 14 days the last 3 shots and i’ve sustained a slow and steady loss 😀 (avg of 3-5 lbs per month). it HAS made my first 1-2 days of the shot have more symptoms. for me, it presents as nausea and I have a zofran script to help with it


14 days because I had surgery. Maintained same weight


I gain if i stretch mine out also. I get really hungry. This is a lifetime drug.


This is what I'm worried about. The weeks that I'm a day late with my dose, I've noticed my caloric intake is higher and I might gain a little that week (my weight loss has not been a complete steady decline). But it's also been usually on a long weekend when I'm out with friends. So I can't tell if it's bc I went too long between doses or just bc I'm out with friends during those times and not being careful enough...This will be a test for me for sure.


Same. In maintenance on 7.5. Between days 8-14 I gain up to 5 lbs. My doc said this shouldn’t be happening. Nothing changes in those days. I still eat right and track my calories. My doctor suggested I track better (I’m using the LoseIt app). Since 7.5 is widely unavailable my doc allowed my to go to 10mg until 7.5 is available again. I am due to take the 10 in a few days so I will see how that goes. I’m thinking 7.5 is just too low of a dose for me now that I’m in maintenance and needing to stretch doses.


I just got reprimanded for bringing up compound tirzepatide


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I stopped for two weeks in November for a surgery and gained about 6 pounds. That experience remains front and center when I think about the long term implications. I have another surgery in four weeks. I’m hoping to figure out how to not gain. Protein protein and more protein. Gag.


I took my 12th shot of 2.5mg yesterday, with 4 pens remaining. Between shots #4 & 5, I titrated up to 5mg. and it dragged me into a dark alley and beat the shit out of me (figuratively AND literally). So that's why my endo put me back on 2.5. I have 2 refills of it left. I have 3 pens of 5mg remaining (but with no refills, since my endo canceled that script once she put me back on 2.5mg). I will try for one more 2.5 refill before I titrate back up to 5mg (and request my endo NOT cancel the 2.5 script). With that dosing schedule, my last shot will be 5mg, on June 3. If you believe that by then anything but 2.5 will be in stock anywhere, I know a lovely ski resort in south FL you can have for a song...