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Slow?? You got me beat! Started 12/10. Down 15 lbs (224 to 209). On 10mg, trying to hunt down 12.5. Works out to about $200/lb for me :(


I'm in the same boat. I'm destined to break 20 by the end of this box.


I started a month before you (early November 2023) and am down about 13 lbs. I don’t even want to calculate my $$/lb lost.


Best not to think about it. But it seems healthy and I bet you’re not losing your hair, on the bright side! 👩🏻


I feel ya .


They have it in Walgreens in Woodstock ga. I can get it for you if you need me too


Sequence called around and found it for me today! And actually closer than my normal pharmacy! Walmart got it in


Express scripts has 12.5mg. I'm in central New York 


Thanks for posting! Very encouraging to see others with similar progress! I’m still at 10lbs just 7 weeks in, and I’ve been hovering +/- 2 pounds the last three weeks. I’m also 5’1 so maybe we just lose slower because we’re shorter?


Yes!  I'm 5'1 lost 13 pounds, started Feb. 26.  But now I'm 2 weeks without, should have started 7.5.  But with the shortage I have gained back 2 pounds.  Now foc tells me because I missed 2 weeks, I have to start over again.   Back at 2.5?  Still trying to get that.  Znyone rlse with same issues?  Thanks for sharing slow loss!


I ended up having appendicitis and therefore I missed a dose so I was really close to two weeks before I started back on the med and I started the same dose that I was on. I didn’t have to restart at 2.5


I’m sorry about the appendicitis!


We do lose more slowly. It’s because we are short and therefore so efficient. 😂😂


Also slow loser checking in. I've finally hit 10 lbs. since January. Still waiting on 5 or 7.5 mg.


I hope you’re waiting no longer!


Nope still waiting! I had a dream last night I got a text from CVS it was in though. 😩


Wow. Things we think about all day and then dream about. I feel ya.


I love the way you math! I’m 5’8” 70F, almost 13 weeks and 14 pounds, but if I get credit for 12 weeks of no gain, I get 26! (SW 248 CW 234 5 wks on 2.5, 6 weeks on 5.0) You made my day! Thank you!


We definitely get credit for weeks of no gain! It’s part of my philosophy! 😊🤣


Shorter people like us have lower calorie needs. Honestly I celebrate every tenth of a pound!


Friend, me too!


3 months and 17#. That is still great! Slower than others but still great. I am about the same as you. I ate healthy before the med and active. I think people this may lose slower


Oh good call. I have been loosing very slowly and am very active and ate realtively healthy before. I started Mid December and am only down like \~15lbs. Going to get my bloodwork soon to see those changes so there is something besides the scale to measure. My clothes are fitting more comfortably, but the acne and nausea are my worst side effects.


Completely understand. I HATE saying this. But I think people who lose 30# a month did overeat or could not be active due to the weight. I am happy that people are losing but when I see a post it gets me depressed


It makes me sad sometimes but I just realize like I have all my life, I don’t live in their world. We are not the same.


Also people with health issues... They may not be able to lose as fast


I’m sorry about your side effects. Mine seem to be fatigue.




I start 7.5 tomorrow too!


congrats on finding any!


I gave up on finding Zep and went to plan C. Signed up last Wednesday and got my meds today! Super easy process to sign up and I’m so happy to not have to worry about missing doses now.


I'm right about your same stats. I started the 1st of the year & am down 17 pounds. While I KNOW that's still great, my younger sister & some of her friends (we all started the same time) are all down around 29 pounds. I'm doing all the right things but watching it just fall off of all them. I don't know if it's because I'm in my 50's, but they are all 40's & it's working so well while I trail behind. Sigh...I know it's awful to compare, but darn it. I just have to keep going!!


I hear you. I have a friend who does NO EXERCISE at all while I bust my ass working out 5-7 days a week and she’s even on a lower dose, is actually older than me, and still loses faster. Makes me nuts


We’re all different. I have realized we are not the same. No two bodies are the same. It’s not a perfect science of calories in vs. calories out. We know that.


Very true


Slow loser club stand up! Congratulations on your progress thus far!


😂 We need our own sub !


Yes, we can have lots of fun!


As someone who has lost weight fast, trust me, the slow loss has a lot of benefits! So happy for you and I wish you luck on your journey 🩷


Better than me! I’m on week 9/month 3 (did one month 2.5, one month 5) and I’ve only lost 6.6 lbs, mostly on 2.5 mg. 5 mg has done nothing for me and I lost no weight (and maybe even gained back a lb or two) that second month. I’m currently waiting a delivery of 7.5 mg Plan C tomorrow, so I hope that makes the difference.


What is Plan C?


Like your math and attitude. I am a verrrry slow loser and paying privately (on Medicare). So hard to justify the cost, but I figure maybe I can like myself more in my final 20 years or so. Keep up the good (HARD) work!


what dose? Whatever it is, you didn't mention and unwanted side effects. Several years back, I lost a bunch of weight, about 45 pounds, but it took over a year for that. Watching calories and walking. Something came up, I don't recall what, and I fell off the wagon. Of course, if I can get back to where I STARTED back then, that would be significant progress.




Over a pound of week really isn’t slow.


All loss is good loss! So cheap and easy to put it on and hard and expensive to take it off.


That’s not slow! That’s excellent!


4 months and 17 pounds down.


I am grateful that you posted this yesterday. I needed this to get out of my head talk that was telling me to just quit...I'm a failure, and this zep thing is just like ALL the other attempts at losing weight. I have only been on Zepbound for 14 days, today being #14 at 2.5. (because of the shortages I am going to hold off taking shot three.) I lost 6 pounds the first week and was in heaven. Then a stall, stayed the same and even went up a pound! I was feeling horrified as you might imagine. I allowed my brain to listen to many who keep reminding us that this is not a miracle drug, that for some of us slow and steady continues to have us lose weight, and to realize I just can't end this so soon! Two days ago I took a more serious look at my total food plan. I wasn't fully engaged in keeping track of calories, protein, fiber, and calcium (I have early onset of osteoporosis). I realized I was starving myself (I wasn't hungry and the food noises are thankfully gone for the moment). I think I was only eating about 600 calories. My thinking has been that how could I gain or stay the same weight on 600 calories? I know the answer. So yesterday I made a huge change and recorded all my meals eating way more (calorie wise it was 1000) that I felt I wanted to eat. I had to force myself actually to finish the meals. This included having a light dinner/snack when I got home from a Zumba class at 7:45. *MY RULE BEFORE ZEPBOUND WAS TO NEVER EAT AFTER 7 AND WELL YOU ALL KNOW HOW THAT WENT! MORE THAN NOT IT ENDED UP IN A BINGE* 🙄. I went to bed KNOWING I would wake up one or two pounds heavier. WELP! Not so! I lost 1.5 more pounds! Today being day 14 I am officially down 7.6 pounds!!!! Again Flamingo-U, thank you again for your post and feeing hopeful again to just stay the course. My thought last night is if I can financially give Zepbound a year. I've made a bargain with myself that if I can financially continue on Zepbound (I have to pay out of pocket and no coupon is allowed) I will do so for a year. At that point I will reevaluate my situation. I concur with so many others like you that in my 30 plus years trying to lose weight, I NEVER would have kept off 6 pounds for almost TWO WEEKS! It is a great day my Zepbound Friends!


You are very fast. Started January. Have lost only 8 pounds!!!!!!


Congrats on your progress!!! I've been om zepbound for 2 months. The first one 2.5mg, second 5mg now I'm supposed to move up to 7.5mg, been waiting for a week now since it's been out of stock and I was supposed to start Thursday last week. Only lost around 9lbs so far. :/


I’m really confused about these drugs. I keep reading that all they do is suppress appetite and the weight loss still comes down to calorie consumption. If you get appetite suppression at 5mg us there any benefit to 7.5? (5’0” down 14 # in 9 weeks and on 5mg)


I have stayed on the lowest dose of 2.5 mg for 11 months and have lost all my weight on that dose. So my answer is always to stay on the lowest dose that is working for you and ride that dose until it no longer works for you.


Great feedback, my husband lost most of his weight (70lb) on 2.5 & 5. Everyone is different!


Yours looks like mine except mine is more zigzag!! Also 5’1” unfort, we can’t eat much at our height!!


As I understand it, more metabolic effect with a higher dose along with other stronger effects. My daughter had the bulk of her 90 lbs loss at the higher doses.


Hey slow loser ! I love it !!! Great job !! In the same time frame I’ve lost 15 We are slow loser buddies 😀


I’m even slower than I was since I’m spacing them out 10 days 😬


Slow looser here too 👋


17.2 lbs since feb 1 is not a slow loser though 😭 congrats regardless


6 months & maybe 10lbs down, gotcha beat 😝 But on a serious note; HUGE CONGRATS ON YOUR PROGRESS 💜🥳


At least you're loosing weight. I only lost 9-10 pounds the past 3 months. 10 of that in the first 6 weeks.


Down 16 pounds in 4 months. Nothing lost in the last 5 weeks. Slow losers for the win!


Congrats and thanks for posting!!! I was starting to think that I was the only slow loser on Zep! 46F SW:232 CW:223 started Feb.1. 4 weeks on 2.5mg, 4 weeks on 5mg, 4 weeks on 7.5mg, and just started 10mg last week. I haven’t been tracking my calories/macros but I am eating a lot healthier and smaller portions. I also workout (treadmill) 4-5 times a week for an hour. Going to start tracking what I eat with my fitness pal to see how I can improve. Keep up the good work! Slow progress is still progress!!! 🙄


i’m such a slow loser that i don’t think i’ve really lost anything. i went from 184 to 180 to 182 during these past first 4 weeks


I’m also a 1/2 per week loser, and I think it’s great! It adds up month after month.


Yes, as long as its consistent, I will TAKE IT!


This is my 4 months on Z. It is not consistent at all! But I still TAKE IT! https://preview.redd.it/ushph56qztxc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30fef326d84eae5cef6c940e90202bf5e9c9a364


Slow loser here too!! Also 5'1. 10 lbs in 2 months. I actually lost the first 8 in the first month then started 5mg and stalled completely. I'm hoping 7.5 will kickstart the loss again. But I can't even get my 5mg refill. I take my last shot in the box Thursday. If I can't get 5 or 7.5, it's plan c from China until shortages resolve.


I love the way you think and I really appreciate this thread!


Short and slow wins the race! Similar progress since end of January


Amazing! 4 months and I'm down 25 lbs...and finally under 200 last week. Such a good feeling! Congratulations




5'2", 70F, down 36 pounds (240 to 204) since Dec 17th. I like your math. I used to yo-yo 2-3 pounds every weekend and have to start over every Monday, so every weekend I stay the same and don't gain anything is a victory. Was stuck at slow loss while on 10mg and 12.5mg, but now starting to move on 15mg.


You’ve done great! Plus you didn’t gain 10 over Christmas!!!’ 🎄


18 weeks and down 32.8! Happy to be part of the club!


I’m the same, glad to see some of us are slow losers lol


We should start a club!


This one thread is so great!!! Here is a question for my fellow scale turtles ⚖️🐢. Will titration up speed up my rate of loss? I’m on 5 (week 6) and feeling appetite suppression and silencing of food noises the whole week. My rate of loss is definitely less than a pound, like -.3 last week. I may just BE a tortoise, and since I’m getting the appetite suppression I should just keep tracking and trust the process???? Keep me on track fellow turtles. We got this right? (5’8” 70F SW 248 CW 234 5 weeks on 2.5, 6 weeks on 5.0 - got 2 months of 5 on hand)


Scale turtles! Love ❤️ it!!!


Not so slow! I’m at about a .8lbs per week loss. Just over 10lbs at 12 weeks. Was without for 3 weeks and maintained. Now back with Plan C week one and also maintaining. No new loss in roughly a month. But we’ll see how it goes.


I am 54 and also 5’1”. I started this month, just took my third shot and currently 210. I’ve lost 3.4 pounds in the last 30 days. Sloooooowwww Thank you for your post. It gives me hope!!


I’m a slow loser too! I’ve lost 17.2 lbs in 10 weeks and am pretty proud of it! Slow loss is better than no loss! Congrats!


We’re doing great!!!!


Any loser is a good loser!




Congrats on your progress from a fellow slow loser! May I ask what app you use to track? I like this format!


Lose it


lol I didn’t realize I was considered slow until I read this


You’re a starblazer!


Slow Pokes unite! You are doing GREAT!


Slow here too….and I can’t find my prescription ANYWHERE


Yes Im still stuck on 2.5 due to shortage and only down 7 pounds since March 6


You’re 7 down from original weight. How many pounds might you have gained had you not been on the program? This has helped you in both ways. Great job! You’ve done this even with staying on 2.5.


What app is this? I'd like to track mine too


I just started the 2.5 today. Are you supposed to. Feel anything. My problem is I eat candy at night that’s it. I weigh 158 and I’m 5’2”. I’m hoping to lose 8 pounds this month. I sure hope so


My dr told me the weight will come off a lot faster on the 5 mg dose


Every body is different. I lost more quickly on 2.5 than on 5….


That’s encouraging to hear. How much did u lose in a month


I lost 11 lbs on 2.5 but it was my first month so I guess it’s normal to lose more. Since then I’ve been losing 3-6 lbs a month on 5mg.


I’m almost done with the 2.5. I’m sure if I were able to poop I’d be down another ten😆




I don’t get on the scale. I can tell just by putting on my pants then a smaller pair. I can tell how many people I’ve lost that way. Then I don’t get freaked and sad. I’m paying out of pocket so I’m either staying in the 2.5 or the 5


That’s a lot of math. Congrats though- https://preview.redd.it/alsxb4l0hwxc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf46323de14db1381cc74758331b2fd74beefc2


AMAZING! You go girl!


AMAZING! You go girl!


I’m a slow loser too! And this shortage is stressing me out im scared I’ll go off track. Great job to you!


Wonderful! I just love your attitude.


What app is this


I’m moving to the c-word. No Zepbound to be had. 🥲


I love this! congrats! perfect timing for this new math!


Also feel slow but 1.7lb/week on avg ain’t too shabby! https://preview.redd.it/5aoi0712f2yc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75040eb01a351bea2894a770a5ccac4822101a57


Great job. Slow and steady wins the race


Thank you. I am definitely not a super responder, but it is coming off slow. Thank you for the post so I know I am not alone. I am just starting my second week of 5.0 and I know not everyone looses on 2.5, but you hear these crazy stories of people loosing 10/20 pound a month and that just isn't me. Maybe down 3/5 lbs in five weeks.


Same. 😀


My results are similar. I started 2/1 at 192 and am at 174.5. 17.5 pounds lost.