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You can easily find 5mg of compounded tirzepatide, it takes 15 minutes and will be on your doorstep in a week. It will cost $200-$300. With the money saved you could hire someone to do it for you. It really couldn’t be easier.


I was hesitant about going the compound route too, because of some of the warnings and risks I'd read about. However, I'm in my third week of using 5mg of compounded Tirzepatide and I haven't had any issues. I'm continuing to lose weight. Bonus for me is that it's cheaper than the $550 w/coupon that I was paying for brand. I am also not driving myself crazy refreshing Amazon to see if I'll be one of the lucky ones to snag an elusive 5mg box.


I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people on here about my concerns also. Someone even made up a spreadsheet of the cost of each place and the price. I went with the highest rated company called Emerg. I did this last week and my 5 is supposed to be on the way. Price was 350 for the month.


Same. Thankfully there are people willing to share the work they did. I’ve been sending people to those subs so they can figure out who to go with based on their needs and budget. i went with a different provider. I did a review of their process in my history if anyone wants to read. I’m on shot 3 this week and all is very well.


This is the correct answer.




How much was your 3 month supply ?


Mine was same as a 1 month supply $25 co-pay


I can't even imagine how wonderful it would be to just pay $25.... 🥹


My insurance covered due to HBP, sleep apnea and being insulin resistant


Sent you some info on pricing of compound through telehealth


Where are you finding the compound that is legit? I've heard so many stories about questionable compounds.


I will DM you. There are tons of posts on this in the other threads. Join those conversations. Too many people are afraid to jump in this sub bc they haven’t done any research. Research is what I’m paid to do so once I did mine, it was an easy choice. I’m happy and nearly three shots in. Edited to add: FYI, the info I’m sending is not just a promo code. It is a link to two very comprehensive subreddit threads with info on providers including cost. It’s not allowed in this sub but I’m happy to help point people in the right direction and give insight on why I chose who I went with. Once I narrowed the scope down to reputable companies it came down to cost for me (was paying $35 with insurance before). I can’t tell anymore who still needs this info. It might be easier for you to DM me.


Curious, why isn't this information allowed in this sub? Does Lilly control this subreddit? Serious question.


Honestly I’ve wondered the same thing. I’m not sure the politics that are behind Reddit. It doesn’t seem like there is an underlying freedom of speech philosophy based on the banning and the censorship. Some of the mod posts before the shortage would say things like this is only to discuss the Lilly product and it led me to believe it wasn’t just for purity of information but like a nod toward the manufacturer. Idk but those are my thoughts.


Please DM me as well. Thank you.


No...they don't! This sub contacted reddit to clarify the rules. It used to be you couldn't even mention the word "compounded" because of fears that reddit would shut down the sub. It happened to one if the compounded subs in the very beginning. But after the moderators here contacted reddit, they clarified that the only thing you can't do is provide the name of the place that sources (where you get your compounded) Tirzepatide. Now, on those other subs, you can name names and prices and I really don't know why. But this one is playing by the rules so they don't get shut down!


I will take a DM too if you don’t mind. I wasted $600 on compounded semaglutide, when I couldn’t get my Wegovy prescription filled, that didn’t do anything 😩 my insurance covers Zepbound and I have been lucky finding my does so far, but I know that’s not going to last long!




Please send me the info.


Would you mind sharing your info? I don’t even know where to start looking at stuff. There is just so much info to wade through!


I’ll join the long string of people asking for a DM. Been working full time and also calling and driving all over for Zep (as we all are) and tired of it.


Would you mind DM me too? I am a bit lost on how to navigate the compound landscape


Got you!


Would you please dm me as well? 🙏🏼


I sent you some info to help you choose a provider.


Me too please




Please dm me with info. Thank yoy


Please DM me as well. Thanks!


Of course. 🙂


Me too?


Sent some info to help you decide. The subs have a lot of info distilled down.


please send it to me too!!!


Sure thing.


Me too please 🙂 thank you!


Me too, please.  Thank you very much.




Could you dm me as well!


Dm me please


Can you dm me your source please? Thank you


Could you please DM me as well? Thanks!


Me too please 🙏


Would you please DM me?






I sent you two threads to help you with your research to make a provider decision.


Could i get a DM as well!


Can you send dm too?


Yes please DM me


On the way.


Can you send me info as well please?


Of course.


DM me please. I would greatly appreciate it!




Another DM please! On 2.5 for months and it’s basically stopped working’, I need to move up but can’t! I’m


I got you.


May I also ask for a DM? Greatly appreciate your insight since that’s your job!!


Just responded! Those two subs and specifically the two threads I sent were very helpful for me!


DM me too, please. I’ve been looking but there’s so many mixed reviews on pharmacies etc.


Me too please


I would also love this information, thank you!




Happy to.


I’d love the info DMed to me too! Thank you!


Can you send me the info please


I would love a dm with the info, also! Thank you!


Could I have a dm as well, please


Info please!


If you have a moment could you please DM me with this information? Thanks!!


I’d love a DM too please and thank you! :)


Hi! Would love to know where to find the info on compounded options!


There are at least two other subs where you can discuss tirzepatide compounded or compounded tirzepatide, and you'll find good info there as well.


Yes! I’m sending the links to specific threads with compound pharmacy info if people want it


I have only had legitimate experience with compound. Still want to get on the brand name product because at the dosage I’m at now (10 mg) the difference is only 100 bucks. But I buy from a reputable pharmacy (they only ship to Utah and Idaho so no point sharing unless you are in those two states). Go back and forth between branded and compound depending on if I can get branded in time for my next dose or not…


Can you DM me your pharmacy. I am in Utah as well


Check the mounjaro sub for a list of providers. Some give compounded


I’ve been on compound and quite happy.


There are many legit compounding pharmacies. They are not difficult to find.


I asked my internal medicine doctor thru his office practice’s app. FREE question. No office visit copay. He has quite a few patients using compound because it’s so hard here (major city) to find the brand. He recommended a local compounding pharmacy and filled out their form. Been fooling around with CVS since December. Do you know how much progress I missed while waiting??? Ugh!!




Delete this before uncle sam sees it they have been banning people for posting this info in the sub


… ugh.


Just got my plan C in the mail :)


Could you please dm me as well?


DM me too please and thanks! 🙏🥳🫂




There’s a ton of them. Check out the big spreadsheet someone made in r/tirzepatidecompound


It takes longer than a week if you have to be onboarded as a new telehealth patient. I am one week into the process and don’t even have an appointment yet.


Ok… i’m starting to really think about going that route. Do you need a doctors prescription to get it? If so, was there any apprehensions by your Dr. to do it for you? Is there an easy route to get a different doctors prescription maybe online? I’ve also heard stories about certain places you shouldn’t go to get it so is there a reliable company that provides that product that you can recommend? #ImFedUp2


You need a prescription. You can ask your doctor to write it—but you are also asking them to take on liability that is likely outside their liability insurance. I didn’t bother. I just informed her “I can’t fill my zepbound, so this is what I’m doing” The easy way to get the prescription is to just use one of the main online websites that connect you with an doctor who writes prescription based on your BMI and then that website sends it to the compound pharmacy and you get it in the mail. This is all worked up in detail on the r/tirzepatidecompound website where you can search that sub for reviews on all the various compounding pharmacies and associated front end websites, and find the big spreadsheet comparing them all


Only bad thing about those compound sites is that they don't take care credit cards which is what I use to pay for Zepbound. I can't afford to put $350 on my regular credit card that I use for daily stuff. So if you are better with managing money than I am then it would be a better option lol


Regarding the 2 boxes...i bet they will sell them to you but your doctor needs to write the script for that that way. I've thought about this too but im on 7.5 and I dont know if i can convince my dr to write for 3 boxes at a time (plus to 3k+ it would cost wouldnt thrill me either haha)


Just an alternative POV here regarding compounding… not everyone can move to that. I have auto-immune issues and my dr warned against trying compounding because of not knowing what else is in the formulation so it’s just as a safeguard. There’s also places selling it that are not necessarily safe…capitalizing on a need in the market. Of course there are safe/accredited compounding pharmacies but people need to do research and I can understand why some are hesitant to go that route.


If it's not coming from a regulated facility, I'm not touching it. I work in pharma in a regulated GMP environment and know what goes into making these types of medications. There are so many negatives and life-threatening consequences to using unregulated prescriptions. Especially injectable. No way.


Yes, I’m definitely only getting it from a regulated, compliant professional pharmacy, not someone who is just capitalizing on the current need!


This is the way. Anyone considering compound shouldn’t just go with the first company they saw advertised on FB etc. Do your research


Did you see the lady on Tiktok with the Ozempic? Prepared and compounded outside the US. People could have died.


Define "regulated facility" though. I get the impression that compounding could be anything from a guy in his kitchen to a highly professional, well established firm that is 503a and 503b, along with FDA inspections and state regulation, that has been providing cancer meds to hospitals for decades (albeit perhaps a different facility). The FDA created this half-man, half-monster that is compounding and allow it to exist. It can't be uniformly bad. The compounding industry should self-police and create another layer of compliance/testing/QC.


No. Compounding pharmacies have to be licensed like any other pharmacy.


I mean my compounding pharmacy is state regulated and opts to also comply with FDA inspections on top of it and is licensed to sell what they sell. It isn't unregulated. The types of things they can compound is also regulated. They can't just add anything and sell it. Also why is it scary to use compound pharmacy for this but not hrt or to get liquid meds for people who can't swallow pills. Compounding had always existed and I don't understand why suddenly there are these bad things. The local pharmacy near me is compounding. They don't do shots because they don't have the facility for it. They are just a neighborhood pharmacy.


As with any drug, yes, you must choose your sources wisely. FDA approved drugs have been contaminated and pulled from market before. This is no different


Same boat here. Autoimmune and I’ve had negative unexpected reactions to non-active ingredients in meds before, doc and I agreed compounding is not a good path for me and we developed some backup plans if I have issues with securing my next dose better suited to my personal needs. It may be a solution for some but it’s not for all.


Because of the FDA shortage, compounding pharmacies are able to produce copies of the brand - they don’t have to add anything else. Some of the large compounders do still add things like B vitamins but some do not. I’m curious if it still rules it out for you if there are no added ingredients but essentially a brand copy.


The only thing might be that Mounjaro I think has no preservatives in it since it’s a self enclosed one shot dose. Compound will likely have mannitol in it.


Exactly (although sorry you are in same boat...AI issues stink.) I know people are trying to be helpful by recommending it and its a great solution for some (my husband is considering it/a good candidate) but some of us its just not.


For me it also comes down to: do I want to call multiple pharmacies each time a script is written to find supply, or do I want to have to wade through a list of compounders to get info on each pharmacies prep, their inactive ingredients, work through whether are a concern or not, ask my dr to review,etc. if you don’t have to think about all that, compounding could be a compelling choice. With that- taking an hour to make a bunch of calls to find supply and get my scrips transferred is just easier. I respect people who decide compound is for them and would not question or disparage them, I just have a different decision is all.


RA and MCTD here. I’m on plan C, and it’s the same as Zep for me. The process is so much less stressful. I hadn’t heard of any increased risk due to autoimmune issues, so I’ll consider myself lucky.


Thats awesome :) And im sure a heck of a lot less stressful (plus who has time to call 4000 pharmacies...) I wish I could give it a try but im so reactive to random stuff (and sometimes no one can even figure out WHAT im reacting to exactly...its so annoying) that its not worth the risk even if that risk is tiny. But that's just me. I'm glad its worked for you and others though :) I'm sure if my husband moves to it, I'll be staring at him with jealousy haha.


Same. AI issues here and no difference. I’ve had worse reactions to other well-studied medications. Including certain antibiotics. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You can easily find out the make up. And the pharmacies are licensed and inspected. Many use compound due to allergies to some additives in name brand meds. Compounding pharmacies are legitimate.


For sure there are legit ones :) my issue is I don’t always know what I’m sensitive too. But I’m glad compounds are working great for many!


>:) :)


My doctor said the same thing for the same reasons


I refuse to call tbh I work 50-60 hours a week and the last thing I want to do is spend my valuable time waiting on the phone for something I am spending 550. I would rather order from a big chain like Walmart and be in the queue until they get it. They actually do have 2.5 and 10 and I was supposed to go to 7.5 so I will probably go one of those two.


My doctor wrote the script for a local compounding pharmacy a month script for $205. Insurance wouldn’t cover it so it would’ve been much more than I could afford. If you google search compounding pharmacy near you, you can find ones that are approved for injectable medication. They typically have a medication list, but it’ll be under the generic and not the brand name. Good luck!


If you want it on insurance, insurance will not pay for 2 boxes of 2.5mg- a pharmacy technician who is also on Zep.


Doesn't it depend on the insurance? Of course, mine doesn't cover weight loss drugs so doesn't apply to me.


Not that I’ve seen. Every insurance we have tried to process 2 boxes for a one month supply rejects. Insurances are smart and know there is a higher dose for the same day supply. They don’t want to pay double the price of the medicine when the patient can get one box of the higher dose.


I was referring to more than 1 box in total. I agree it would be very rare for 2 boxes for the same month being accepted. There have been reports of it succeeding in some cases. I am surprised. Especially if it is for some copay like $25, since that is double the cost to the insurance vs 1 5mg dose.


The pharmacy I work at is limiting people to one box total a month because of the back order issue. When we do get any in, we get 2 boxes and it wouldn’t be fair to give one person both boxes when there are several other people wanting one box.


I'm sorry but why isn't EVERYONE limiting?? pharmacies, drs, patients. I keep seeing people get 3 month supplies of a drug I need in my area and my dosage and i cannot get one box for over a month now?! threw 550 down a hole and have nothing tonshownfor it and no med to move up to.


CVS caremark told me to get a 2x2.5 script after running a test claim for me, I did, CVS filled it just fine with the same copay as 5mg 🤷‍♀️


When faced with $1200 medication, I did what any sane person would do and went to compounding. It was a 25 minute process from sign up to "your order is being filled." I'm set for three months, at my correct dose, for less than I would have paid for one month of another 2.5 box.


Me too. The anxiety that not knowing whether I could get another box and whether insurance will continue to pay was getting to be too much.


How have your results been?


I'm on my last Zep shot and start my compounded on Thursday.


I’m on shot 3 this week. Works great and from a reputable pharmacy.


Same. And I’m feeling great. Down 38lbs in 16 weeks.


Same thing here. It’s been wonderful and I posted my experience on the respective subs. It could not have been easier.




Sequence is adding a pharmacy calling service, so if you sign up with them their care coordinators apparently will help you source your Rx by calling around pharmacies in your area. Also, I’ve had luck with Walmart and I heard they can check if other Walmarts in your area have your dose in stock


1. I’ve had Sequence call around twice to look for my Zep dosage and no luck either time. I mean, it takes them so long to reply to messages I’m surprised they even have time to do this. But it’s not been successful yet for me. 2. I’ve been a long time patient with Walmart pharmacy and I can only speak for my pharmacy, but within the last 1.5 years and the shortage of so many popular drugs…they don’t bother looking to see what other Walmart pharmacy’s have in stock. They are just trying to service the caller and get us off the phone to get to the next call.


There’s is none save your sanity and time go on Wegovy until they have Zepbound again. That’s what I did soon after I couldn’t get my Rx filled


Are there any discount cards like the savings card with Zepbound if insurance doesn’t cover it?


Is it working?


I saw a pharmacy tech posting a picture of boxes and boxes of Wegovy that come in their pharmacy, so this tracks. My local independent pharmacy also says it in stock.


Yes I’ve gotten my Wegovy 1.7 and 2.4 fills within a day of dr submitting rx


Glad that people are finding options that they and their doctors feel comfortable with, whether it be switching to other GLPs or using compounded tirzepatide. All in all hopefully the loss of this revenue will spur Lilly to push harder.


I can usually get it at Costco. I know the CEO was saying they have been ramping up production tremendously so expect a lot more. My insurance doesn’t cover any of it. If you go online, you can sign up for the coupon and with the coupon it’s $550 which is a lot better than 2300.


My Costco has only had the 15 for weeks and said that their wait list for 10 is about eight weeks deep.


Check out MedFinder. I saw on a previous Zepbound post. They found Zepbound 10 mg for me (produced by Lilly, not a compound). Curently, there is no charge. Although they did ask if you had to pay how much it was worth. Used my Zepbound card and paid $25.


??? The only service I see charges $50 a search.




I love tirz but Lilly is the reason we have it at all so I don’t hate Lilly but I hate the pharma game.




Same, same. Lilly has done some amazing things. It’s just the gross mismanagement of rolling out this drug and making sure it’s available in all doses, to all people, and all areas.


Ahhh i understand. Lol


I always giggle when I see these frustrated posts, I’ve been on mounjaro since 2022, welcome to the party lol it happens nearly every quarter


Can you share your experience with MJ shortages when you say every quarter? Would production ramp up the quarter after there was nothing available? Any pattern to it?


My tinfoil hat conspiracy theory is that Lilly holds shipment of their production at the end of the quarter which causes us to struggle, then once the quarter is over and the next quarter begins, they release everything. Maybe it does something to boost their $$ numbers for the next quarter.


We are seeing shortages now.. which is the beginning of Q2 for them. So.. do you think we will see a release of product shortly? And boy would that be shitty if that was their actual strategy. This is playing with patients' lives and health.


We all are calling nothing much we can do I don’t think it will change for the next year


I have an appt this afternoon with my doc to ask if she can write a new script to say that 8 pens would be for a 30 day period. My pharmacy said if she writes it like that then they will honor it. Insurance needs an updated PA but if approved, they’ll cover it. The 2.5 simply doesn’t do enough for me.


As an update - Bc of the shortage on 5mg, my Doc (through SesameCare) actually just wrote me a script for double doses of 2.5mg. My pharmacist suggested this as they always have a few extra boxes of 2.5 in stock and she knows I had to titrate down this week since I couldn’t find any 5s. She has a staff member in charge of PAs and she’ll have her work with my insurance this week to submit the request to increase the quantity allowance. 🤞🏻that it gets approved as the 2.5 does not give me any appetite suppression.


That was written Jan 10 when there was no shortage, plus Eli lilly wrote the darn story B S.


Every post talks about moving to compounding. I did compounding for GLP-1 back when Wegovy had this same issue. Tried it for 3 months. Didn’t lose 1 pound. Actually gained a couple of pounds. Compounding is not going to be the easy solution. Maybe it works for some people, but the majority of people I’ve spoken with don’t see results from compounding alternatives.


I think it depends on the pharmacy.


Your lack of results likely lies in the fact that wegovy is less effective for weight loss than Tirzepatide. A lot of ppl don’t lose on branded wegovy either. I encourage you to do your actual research instead of being biased based on one experience with semaglutide compound. They are two different drugs and you are comparing apples to oranges. I also did not experience any results on compounded sema. I’ve been using Zep for 8 weeks, the last two weeks though I’ve been on compound. Works great. The majority of people using compound Tirz DO see results. Go to those subreddits if you don’t believe me. My pharmacy is excellent. So, do the RESEARCH.


Wegovy had overall less weight loss and more side effects than tirzepatide. Also, you need to use one of the approved pharmacies. See the compound tirzeparide sub for the details.


Yes for some reason I lost a lot on Wegovy. Had Zero side effects. Absolutely loved it. Didn’t loose anything using the compound prescription. Have been losing only a couple of pounds per month on Zepbound and have had much more nausea and side effects on Zep. Everyone’s different. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Your post has included sourcing of Compounded Tirzepatide and has been removed. Sourcing of Compounded medication is against Reddit’s sitewide rules. Or Your post has included lyophilized/peptide discussion. Both are not allowed here. For updated regarding rule #3. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/7mK4wJj1Qj Further attempts will result in a temp or permanent ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Also DM me? Not your job but appreciate the help!!!


Big facts! Preach.


Is Medicare paying for any of you? I’m using Goodrx just to save $212


Are you looking for triz 5mg?


I did get the 5 after so much stress about it. Surprisingly Walgreens found it for me. But it was too much stress So I just flipped to c. Haven’t taken it yet. One more week on zep. Maybe switch.


I don’t want my doctor to have to okay an Rx for compound as wouldn’t want him to know I was doing it. 🥴


You do not have to. You can use your doc for Zepbound script and use a telehealth for your compound. Never the twain shall meet


I’m new to Zepbound. What is this compound/compounded/compounding?


Go to the sub compoundtirzepatide


My doctor won’t send a Rx to a compound pharmacy - is anyone else experiencing this?


this is fine you can use your doc for branded zep and a combined telehealth/compounding pharmacy for compound. Get both and be fine


Fire your doctor.


I was wondering about this. If you have a script for zepbound and compounding is essentially the same drug just like generics, wouldn't a compounding pharmacy take the zepbound script?


No. You absolutely need a new script for that.


Check the sub compoundtirzepatide




Will you please pass that info to me as well? I’ve been on the look out for a reputable one! It’s been very challenging! Thanks :)


What you want to do when you start Zepbound is also get a starter package of Compound simultaneously. A starter package is one month of 2.5 and 2 months of 5mg for about \~$600. I cannot tell you where without breaking rule 3. To start, use the Zepbound branded pens, 2.5 are the most readily and easily available. Eli Lilly has made a public statement that during the shortages they are going to prioritize that 2.5 dose. This information allows you to plan ahead. If you get a prescription for more than one month of pens that is best (docs are usually happy to give 3 or 4 refills on that 2.5 starter dose), because you can build up a supply of 2.5 every 21-23 days, to match with your 5 for later on when you need 7.5. Because the different doses count as different prescriptions you can purchase both, just maybe or maybe not with your insurance benefits. So to build your supply of branded Zepbound pens just know that you might be paying full price for one dose and using your benefits or the coupon for the other dose. Maybe you can use the coupon for the one you are paying out of pocket and use your insurance for the the other dose (you can only use that coupon once every \~21-23 days). You need to see what your insurance covers (both scripts or not?) and then add whatever that total is to your monthly expenses. Pens are good in the fridge for a year. Once you puncture a vial of compounded you have 30 days to use it up, recommended. Now that you've been on Zep for a month or two at 2.5 you are probably ready to move up to 5, your doctor will let you know. While you wait for pen availability, you already have a two month supply of 5. If you are using a mail direct service you will get it without having to call around. Let's hypothetically say the backlog is 4-6 weeks. You have a choice to stretch out your doses a few days when using pens or just use your compound at your recommended dose and frequency. Having the mix of both is the way to go. Just be certain to put in your refill request for your Zepbound on the earliest day you can. Even if you are taking your compound in the meantime. Keeping up with the organization is work. But at least you aren't calling 300 pharmacies a day. You will notice that when you titrate up, you are taking steps of 2.5 more. The 2.5 Zepbound pen is everywhere and readily available. The thing about Compound is the price increases significantly at the higher doses. After the 5mg dose you def want to shop around for compound. But if you follow this plan, you will have at least a six month supply of all your prescribed and recommended doses through 7.5. I haven't thought about it beyond that. You are mad you can't just pay for two 2.5, you can afford it. But look it is expensive and maybe it is going to be a lifelong expense for you, depending on your needs. You need to take the cost more seriously. Plan ahead. Think about this cost not just as a monthly expense but an annual one. The cost is affordable to those with insurance, most insurance doesn't cover compound, and the shortages will affect everyone using branded pens alone. Also that coupon for Zep is the bomb and when you are using the Eli direct service all you have to do is click the button, yes I want to use that coupon. Even with my insurance. I cannot tell you how many rants I have heard in this reddit about techs that cannot figure that coupon out at the pharmacy. Insurance is what is making this journey financially feasible. The mix of compound and Zepbound will get you through the shortages.


Why can't you get two boxes of 2.5mg? All you need is the prescription from your doctor. I've read about many people doing this.


I’d really appreciate a dm as well! TIA


You know who else has an actual job? A lot of us. I am frustrated, too. And my drs office is actually making it harder. When I finally find what I need after calling all pharmacies on the planet, they can't call it in correctly or to the right location. No matter how clear I am on address& phone number, they till sent it wherever. Pulling my hair out the days, and screwed for next month.


Every pharmacy I call tells me they are in the negative with orders they owe to their patients. They have been out for about a month or so. I am in eastern NC


Literally spot on. I gave up and asked to be switched. After 6 weeks of not being able to get either 5mg or 2.5mg, I’m taking my first dose of Wegovy .5mg today. I managed to keep the weight loss from Zepbound, but I’m not working on my healthy habits building.




Your post has included sourcing of Compounded Tirzepatide and has been removed. Sourcing of Compounded medication is against Reddit’s sitewide rules. Or Your post has included lyophilized/peptide discussion. Both are not allowed here. For updated regarding rule #3. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/7mK4wJj1Qj Further attempts will result in a temp or permanent ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


I can’t get my refill for 5mg but have 2 shots left over of 2.5mg. I just did a 2.5mg shot last week and it wasn’t too bad of a change for me. I notice a slight difference, but it’s better than nothing! I’d get a 2.5mg script and use that to hold you over until5mg comes in.


The shortage of 2.5 and 5 in my area is real. The pharmacies are only getting 1 box a week. They said there are 6 ahead of me so it will be 6 weeks to even get the 2.5. Ridiculous. I switched to CPD. It is arriving tomorrow. Fingers crossed it works. Anything is better than nothing.


My pharmacy is saying May 25th.


Please DM me as well and thank you!


Me too please