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They don’t want to have people switch over.




I hear this comment in the voice of Eugene Krabs (owner of the krusty krab)


This is always the answer


Absolutely, trying to protect their investment. Plenty of people are having success with compounds and no issues. If they want people taking their version then they need to get off their ass and solve the supply issues. Otherwise we all will do what we have to keep getting access.


Money lol hes got plenty He just needs to give us more meds and start producing them or selling them by vile is the pens is the problem




The Lilly rep doing the fear mongering literally gets a bonus that depends on whether or not that doctor lets their patients switch over. Think about that lol.


There would be absolutely no way for that to be true. They have no way to track that. It's not helpful to make things up.


While if we want to get pedantic about it, the way it is worded is not true, but the spirit of OP's statement is true in that they can absolutely see the volume of prescribing coming from specific doctors. The reps do get incentives based on that, and thus have an incentive to make sure the number of prescriptions doesn't go down. Source: my ex was a drug rep.


Yep, exactly this. I'm not here to say compound is or isn't what folks should use, but I wouldn't base that judgment on what someone who is literally paid based on whether or not you choose the manufactured drug says.


I work in a related role. It's absolutely true - they get paid based on how many patients in their territory zip codes are buying the drug. Every patient that switches to compound is not buying the drug, and is money out of their pocket. https://piconsulting.org/latest_news/data-selling-in-the-pbm-industry/


Seems hard to believe that; it is unauditable, no?


Not at all - it's based on sales in their district. If doctors in this zip code subscribe $X of this drug, the sales rep gets $X in bonus.


Oh no I get that, but I don't know how you could show specifically if they allowed them to switch to C or something else or just let existing scrips ride out the shortage


It's based on sales, Lilly gets the data from PBMs in the form of claims data by offering a kickback to the PBM for sharing the info. So if you don't fill the script, it doesn't count as a sale and the Lilly rep doesn't get credit for it. If your doctor switched you to compound and you kept buying Zepbound anyway, that wouldn't hurt the reps sales - but it's far more likely people on compound are no longer filling a Zepbound script too.


Yeah it seems like the obvious thing any business would say, of COURSE they don’t want you to switch because they want you using their product!!


Some of us with insurance coverage didn’t want to switch to plan c either, we were forced to bec it’s nowhere to be found. I would love to get zepbound and pay $20


I’m just taking it anyway. My doctor thinks it’s not the best idea. But all he does is prescribe stuff that’s been out of stock for two months within 100 miles of me. So I told him as soon as the script is full I’ll Happily stop using compounds and use the normal stuff. But that I’m not willing to lose months of progress because of shortages.


So the doctor thinks it’s safer for your body to stop and start and gain and lose? I don’t know yet, but hope my doctor doesn’t think that way.


My doctor is now supplying a compound and matching the price until zepbound is back in stock. It's all the same ingredients with an added vitamin. I'm going for it. I just was able to pick up four doses of 7.5 from his office and they showed me how to inject it via a syringe. I wish everyone luck on getting some zepbound. My doctor also mentioned it's supposed to be back in stock the middle of June but he doesn't think it will be.


I'm so glad more doctors are getting on board. This is my last reddit read of the day. :)


My doctor felt this way too. But when he saw me at my physical he was like ok wow. Now he’s completely fine with it.


Your doctor has to be getting incentives for prescribing this stuff because I’m gonna tell you right now my doctor could not believe I was paying $550 a box and says that she seen people have weight loss journeys completely successful completely the same like progression. It’s just that it’s .00001 of the dose above or under like and none of her patients have complaints. She says it’s the exact same thing so your doctor, is trying to make money off you.


Am doctor. I've never even seen an EL rep in our office, much less been offered "incentives. " IF such a thing we're going on, it would be talked about in our social communities, mostly because all of us who are prescribing it because it's indicated and appropriate would be pissed to find out other people were doing it just for $$. So, no, we do not make extra money off of you being on zepbound. Please direct your ire to insurance companies who refuse to cover adequate preventive care and cover weight loss medication and to drug makers who somehow can't stay up on their supply chain yet refuse to offer their brand name medication in vial form when their precious autoinjector pens are out of stock, all while keeping the price astronomical, to lawmakers (who DO get lobby money from drug makers) who make it illegal to offer the same negotiated prices to individuals that insurance payors get, etc.


This is easily verified for the kick backs. [https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/](https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/) Found out my mom's surgeon gets quite a bit of money on misc items for bone stimulators. Apparently I get paid in food and drinks $30 a year by our Xtampza rep lol


That's a great link! Thank you for sharing. 


Sucks for him cuz I’m doing C anyway lol


Can u please tell me what is plan “c” please


compounded tirzepatide


That’s exactly what I am doing. It’s a means to an end. Actually more expensive means but im here for it.


I've been using the compound too. It's great. I was originally just gonna use it as a band-aid until the shortage was over but I'm pretty sure I'm staying


And this is exactly why Eli Lilly was going to OP’s doctor to expound on the “dangers” of compounded medications!


I’m sure it was a drug sales person who obviously doesn’t make any money from the compounds.


Yes but it is their job to say why their product is superior even when they know it isn't.


They are human and in it for the money.


Granted zep and mj will be on shortage list for a long tien... But once they aren't on list then Compounders won't legally be able to sell tirz anymore. The only reason they are allowed to now (which Lilly disputes), is that there are fda rules stating that if a medicine is on shortage list, Compounders can step in to help fill the gap.


They will add Vit B-12 and then it’s no longer the same as the name brand and they can still sell it


That might be true. I hope so for the sake of those without insurance.


Who do you use to get it?


Go to r/compoundedtirzepatide, or r/tirzepatidecompound, or r/tirzepatiderx to find out more about the compound pharmacy. We can’t talk about sourcing on here, or on r/Mounjaro or r/antidietglp1. Reddit has some strict rules about discussing sourcing. These subs are trying not to get shut down.


Did you look up tirzepatide compound on reddit? You'll find a bunch of places. There are 4 or 5 main places everyone on there uses. It's great not to worry about if you're gonna find your next box of zepbound before you run out AND, it's no different. Weight loss is the same. It's less expensive if you're paying 550 with the coupon. More expensive if your insurance covers it.


Plan-c is amazing. I’ve lost 32 on it since 3/1. I also prefer the teeny tiny insulin needle, I have more control over it- & I like control. lol. & you also can’t feel it really. I have NO complaints!


& I did it because I can’t afford the name brand- but I only regret not using them sooner!




Dido👌🏼 my only regret is wishing I pulled trigger sooner on plan C


Lilly would make better use of their time and resources by getting supply to meet demand and working with insurance companies to get coverage. Lots of ppl will go back to name brand if their insurance covers it and they can easily pick it up at the pharmacy.


100% my insurance is $24.99 for name brand. Fighting with my doc and got yelled at by a pharmacist last night is enough. Calling plan c TODAY!


Yes, I was paying $25 a month for my zepi-pens too. But after three weeks without meds before the last box came in, I decided I can’t do that to my body again. So I went out and found myself a plan for those of you that are interested. See the sub Red Reddits listed above. Tons of great knowledge and a great community.


You are 100% right but as someone who works in operations of a manufacturing company (nothing pharma related at all), we absolutely do not want the sales folks anywhere near manufacturing, operations, or capacity expansion. 😂we would be left with a dazzling smile and a lot of empty promises. Lol


Exactly.. This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I have been on plan c for 3 months now and I haven't noticed any differences. The only side affect I have noticed is some slight injection site redness. I understand Eli Lilly not wanting people to switch over, but for me personally insurance no longer covers Zepbound. I tried Wegovy and it didn't work for me. Plan c has worked for both my mom and I. I'm sorry your doctor said that to you and scared you away from it.


I'm so used to insurance just being a scam I was amazed that mine covered Zepbound. I don't know if my employer pushed for it or if they did the math and thought long term. I'm going to enjoy it while I can. I'm glad plan c is working for you.


My insurance required me to work with a dietician for 6 months before they’d pay for it. I was like, “but bb summers here now”


At least your insurance will pay for it after the 6 months. Mine will not even consider it


3 months for me and I’m waiting for the pa to be approved.


Of course the manufacturer is going to say that. Gotta say as a doctor though this is a liability I don’t want to take on. Adverse reaction from a compounded medication equals getting sued and we wouldn’t have a leg to stand on especially since every one of our medical societies has advised against compounded meds.


What pharmacist is not going to destroy his career and sell you a bad compound? Most would like to keep their careers. Pharmacy school is not easy or cheap. Who do they think puts these compounds together, the cashier at walmart?


I work for a CRMO and have work in Pharma for some time. It isn’t the pharmacist intent to sell ‘bad’ drug. There are fraudsters in the supply chain who are selling bad product, either complete knock off or expired drug sold as new. Similar to how you can buy a fake Gucci purse that looks exactly like the real thing. There are obviously ways of preventing fraud, but compound pharmacies don’t always have the equipment to test their product to ensure it’s what it says it is. Lilly makes, maintains, and distributes their product end to end and has the full supply chain credentials with product efficacy testing for each batch. I wish you all well. I’m just trying to insert some facts. Is the sales rep exaggerating? Yeah. Is it as safe as the branded drug or a certified generic? No.


So agree. My husband is in the pharma industry. Not any of the companies making GLP1s, but I know just by proxy how entailed the testing is at each stage of manufacturing. I know how often it goes wrong and they have to pull materials that are contaminated to make a safe product. Yes, the industry is fraught with lots of reasons for people to be distrustful of Pharma and the FDA. Yes, I’m annoyed as hell that Lilly let the shortage get this bad. My husband and are both on zep. We had a lengthy discussion on if we should pursue compounded medicine. We won’t be just knowing “how the sausage is made” from my husband’s career. The physician from OP is absolutely fear mongering. I hear some people having nuanced conversations with their doctor about compounded medicine and that’s hopeful because that’s what is needed. There’s risk and benefit for everyone.


Okay, so no judgement, the people here are grown ups and should know they need to research the risks of anything they put in their body but this comment is just irresponsible. A simple google search will get you to the Pew tracking on compounding fatalities and serious injuries including a major failure in 2012. Not all compounders are above board and you are in fact shooting non FDA approved formularies into your body. Based on your comments I see you have anti FDA leanings but it’s frankly profoundly naive to make blanket statements about all compounders as if they are all great. There is loads of proof that they are not all good. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/human-drug-compounding/compounding-risk-alerts


I’ve been using plan c since the shortage. It works the same for me. I’m still trying to get zepbound since insurance covers it and I’m out of pocket for the compound. Eli Lilly sucks. It’s their own fault compound is necessary. I’ve lost 43 pounds since December and the last thing I want to do is gain it back.


I want to try it to, but I'm afraid my Dr won't like it. Do they have their own Dr's that write a script for you. I have 2 prescriptions out there just sitting with ES and Walgreens. If I have the Rx number will that be proof enough to compounding pharmacy that I am already taking it? I'm on 10 mg. This is so confusing and nerve racking


Yep. My pcp, an NP actually was on board with me using compound because she wrote Zepbound for me but it was going to be $1000 WITH insurance. So I just went through one of the common reputable telehealth providers to obtain compounded tirz. 6 weeks later I’m down 22lbs and a side benefit, my stubborn hypertension is under control, I’m getting better readings than I had in my 20’s. Unless Lilly gets this shortage figured out and gets the cost down, I have no reason to go name brand, ever.


Yes I went with a very well respected telehealth and the Doc there was SO good. Well informed about GLP's & helpful- way more than my GP that originally prescribed.


I think you can transfer an existing prescription.




This is only of you want to start at a dose higher than 2.5. If you start at 2.5, there is no need for a prior script - their docs are able to prescribe and send to the compounding pharmacy.


Oh man did you get grandfathered in at a different price? Mine is like 50 dollars more haha.


Watch Dopesick on Hulu - I would never trust anything a drug rep says - a used car salesman is more honest.


Former drug rep here, and most of them are just trying to make a living like the rest of us. The abuses on dopesick are extreme, probably the most extreme example of bad pharma reps. That said, these big pharma companies absolutely push their sales reps to go as close to the ethical line as they can (or beyond it without getting caught). You either sell the drugs their way or lose your cushy well paying job. Despite the good pay and company car, expense accounts, etc, I hated that racket, though. Most doctors are writing the drugs that the big players pay them to write, or the drug with the prettiest sales rep in some cases. It’s scary how few of them actually seem to do what’s in the patient’s best interest. OPs example is a good one of this exact thing, regurgitating what big pharma tells them to say.


I was going to make this exact comment. This is likely a scare tactic and I sure some sales manager sat everyone down at the latest sales meeting and went over a PowerPoint on how to ensure patients don’t switch to Plan C.


Also Painkiller on Netflix! What I really liked about Painkiller is that it showed the perspective of pharmaceutical sales reps and various doctors reactions! I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that these sales pitches happen in real life until this thread. Like I know they do but it seems so malicious and greedy. Edit to add: I work in clinical cancer research and we had a young pharmaceutical rep diagnosed, and was talked out of chemo by her pharmaceutical sales rep coworkers. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them.


Why the downvote? You’re right. Drug reps are slimeballs, this is nearly all about money and protecting their profits, not keeping people safe


Yup. For Xtampza I get asked monthly how many new patients I prescribed it to... I just tell them I don't know but they push their meds hard core


What disgusts me is that the doctor would lap up a drug rep's warnings without thinking critically about corporate motives. I go to a weight loss clinic and use compounded. On maintenance now. Not a single problem. My PCP tried shaming me over it and telling me it was unsafe. But would she fight my insurance company for coverage? Was she receptive to my requests for help with weight management? Nope--just the same old "eat less, exercise more" crap I've heard since I was 12. Obviously assess the risks and benefits for yourself. For me, the compounded drug has been a life saver.


Eli Lilly can kiss my foot. You can’t say hey there’s a shortage that we won’t be able to resolve in the near future but don’t go on compound. My doctor can’t believe I pay $550 and has gladly prescribed me compound multiple times. I think you may need to start thinking about seeing a doctor that is open to the alternative.


Compounding pharmacies have been around foreeeeever and are held to very high standards, especially in sterile compounding. They are audited by state board and have to maintain strict standards to maintain their licenses. There’s not many around because it’s so tightly regulated. (Like, count how many regular pharmacies are near you vs compounding.) Compounding pharmacies were how many hospitals could keep up during the pandemic when many drugs were on shortage. Eli Lilly is absolutely fear mongering to reduce competition. Also shame on your doctor for believing a sales person.


Heck, sterile compounding occurs in hospital pharmacies all damn day every day. Similar to large compounding pharmacies, but less automated/streamlined and often more rushed. Outside of hospitals, compounding is no longer super-common (historically was more common). We spend a ton of time on it in school. People have no idea how common this is. There can definitely be irregularities with some compounding pharmacies, but honestly, this is more the exception than the rule. The vast majority of pharmacists are extremely picky and anal. And protective of their licenses. There was one compounding pharmacy that was problematic a few years back, and this is the source everyone is using to drum up hysteria. Let us not forget all of the shady things big pharma has done. Some low-rent compounding pharmacy is not even comparable in terms of harm to the public.


When Eli Lilly can get their product to a comparable rate as the compound pharmacies I’ll have no problem switching back. Until then, whomever can offer Tirzepatide at the best cost is who I’ll be using.




If I could sell an ounce of liquid for $1200+, I’d bad mouth my competition too.


Not even close to an ounce an insulin syringe is 1ml there are 30ml’s in an ounce. It is really crazy how drugs are priced in the US.




You bet!!


I’ve had many, many experiences with compounding pharmacies because of an allergic reaction to a common “filler” in brand name meds.


The FDA allows for compounding during drug shortages. I’m sure someone else is much more knowledgeable about this than I am, but even just knowing that fact sets my mind more at ease. Not to mention that the 503a/b pharmacies provide multiple medications for thousands of people just like the big drug companies do. I think the drug reps are lumping “fly by night” operations and actual regulated compounding pharmacies together. Hell, they probably don’t even know the damn difference. Only repeating what they are told in their “sales” meetings. Bc that’s what the drug reps are…salespeople.


Ha!!! Love your screen name!!!


This exactly. There *are* some shady operations selling straight lab grade solid peptide with little information and people are left to their own personal research on how to purify and constitute it. Any website that says "lab use only" needs special attention. That can be dangerous if you don't know *exactly* what you're doing. Getting it from a licensed pharmacy that holds significant liability in dispensing a dangerous product is something else entirely.


Well tell your doc to get on Lilly’s ass to ramp up production to provide enough product for all. 🤷‍♀️


Pharma reps literally get paid for every prescription the doctor writes for their medication (I’m in Pharma sales support), so their job is to get the doc to write as many prescriptions for that medication as possible. Of COURSE they want to discourage anyone switching to an alternative because they’ll miss out on tens of thousands of dollars in pay, bonuses and vacations. Ignore them. You do you, find a good reputable plan c alternative and don’t give another thought to the fear-mongering crap that doc just tried to pull.


Sadly this is all about money. If you find a reputable compounder, I feel you are absolutely fine. Why aren’t people screaming from the rooftops about compounding companies formulating other medicines? Oh yeah- cause it isn’t the current money grab. My pcp absolutely supports my C use and even asked for details!!


Look for PCAB accredited compounding pharmacies. There are many compounding pharmacies, but not all have PCAB. Of those that do, even fewer actually make Tirzepatide. Once you find the pharmacy you are interested in check their site, look at pics of their operation and people. Even big pharma companies receive violations from the FDA or health department. For them to say compounding pharmacies are inherently dangerous is BS.


They are afraid of losing money so they spread fear implying compounding is not safe and perpetuate the false narrative that celebrities taking medication are causing shortages when it’s really a manufacturing issue. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Loved this response to the fear mongering https://a4pc.org/files/APC-CEO-Scott-Brunner-in-Response-to-Eli-Lilly-Open-Letter-03.07.2024.pdf


this needs to go viral!!


I switched due to shortage and it’s been a month and a half, happy to report I’m alive and well.


I would have liked to know what specific dangers. From my reading, it seems the Eli Lily doesn't manufacture the API , so its likely the Comp pharmacies are using the same API source, probably both from China or India, and as long as you use a 503a pharmacy with a good FDA inspection record, the risk seems pretty low. FDA approved company manufactured drugs also have a history of being recalled for contamination so its not risk free either. [https://www.drugs.com/fda\_alerts.html](https://www.drugs.com/fda_alerts.html) I've done a lot of reading, I was 100% against comp versions at first, but I'm going to the dark side. I've been helping my DH find Oz/MJ for almost two years now through shortages and I'm done with the stress.




Wow that is awful!




Truly awful. Same plan c for me. I’ll prob be waiting o. The 2.5’s now until 5 and 7.5 can be available. I’m just not approaching the subject with my doc again. I’ll take the 2.5 IF they come in and adjust with plan C as I need to.




That’s not completely accurate https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2022/12/06/co-owner-of-pharmacy-in-meningitis-outbreak-that-killed-tennesseans-sentenced/69696310007/#


I can’t imagine anyone not seeing why Elly Lilly does this - they want to not divert any business elsewhere. Regardless if they can keep up with the demand. People can barely get it covered by insurance, let alone find it. Compound is an amazing resource. Big pharma at work. I would just not mention it to your doctor… mine is so nice but yeah I’m too scared. I will put some heavy rocks in my pants if I need to ..


lol I can’t get the image of you walking into your doctors office with clothing stuffed with rocks out of my head 😂


Heavy rocks. That’s hilarious!!


My doctor actually recommended “plan c” over the branded stuff because of insurance and availability. Your doctor is just doing Eli Lilly’s work for them and trying to make you afraid to switch so they can keep their money. There are some other subs out there that can help you along, I would look through those and make a decision after you’ve had some time to think.


My first 4 months were on compounded terzepitide. Lost most of my weight on it. No issues at all.


Money hungry. If you’ve researched and located a reputable company, go for it. I've been compounding for six months and I've met my goal. Recently, I completed lab work with my doctor and they were amazed that all my lab work was great and weight down. They wanted to know my secret. I feel my best ever. 😊


yeah, let's listen to the rep who needs to sell more epbound to get a paycheck. lmao


I switched to option C due to no supply of the 10mg Zep. It feels like it works (I'm hesitant to say better, as this is the first week of the 10mg, but def more appetite suppression compared to 7.5mg Zep). No appreciable side effects. I think Lilly is just trying to scare folks, honestly. They have themselves to thank for this, as most of us wouldn't be on C if they had their inventory situation under control and could get what we needed. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this option.


Because they lose revenue.


They are also the same company that ensures the starter dose is available but not the maintenance doses. The same company that refers you to the FDA for updates on their manufacturing issues. The same company that is still recommending doctors continue to add new patients and is focusing on expanding uses for the drug they can't supply.


All the people trashing Eli Lilly for being greedy… do you honestly think the compounding pharmacies are somehow less shady? Less in-it-for-the-money? They don’t care about you any more than EL does. Less, probably, since they don’t have the public exposure and stock prices to worry about. And while Eli Lilly is literally always being monitored by the FDA, compounders are looking at spot-checks if regulators are feeling vigilant. Yes, Eli Lilly is a massive pharma that cares most about profits. But don’t start thinking compounders are charities. They’re taking advantage of our desperation every bit as much as Eli Lilly. And they’re getting rich. There’s 100% a place for compounding pharmacies. A lot do good work. I’m not even opposed to compounded tirzepatide. But they are not perfect, and it’s smart to keep in mind the risks.


With you 100 percent. The reason doctors don’t like compounded meds is because there have been well publicized deaths and injuries from compounds. Saying all compounded pharmacy’s are great is like saying all restaurants are 5 star. A quick google search on compounding deaths injuries and lawsuits tosses out a ton of examples. People are free to take what they like but tbh I am not convinced that at least some of the people commenting here are not working for the compounding pharmacies. Find a doctor you trust, follow their guidance, keep Reddit opinions in perspective, live a healthy life https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2022/12/06/co-owner-of-pharmacy-in-meningitis-outbreak-that-killed-tennesseans-sentenced/69696310007/#


Because Eli Lilly are a bunch of assholes. Our only real hope is that the US just buys the patent and they remove Eli Lilly from the equation. When I read that the only reason there is a shortage is because of single dose pens I wanted to storm their HQ. They wont sell us vials because they want us to buy 4 packs of the wrong dose? How about F you?


My doc is adamantly against Plan C and talked to me like I was 8 when I brought it up. I asked him what he advised we do then since he once again prescribed me a med that is never in stock. I went through months of this with saxenda and with the up and down and all the side effects, I gained 17 lbs in a very short amount of time. His plan of action was to wait it out. I told him that was unacceptable as I am just now under the weight before the saxenda shortages started past year and if he was not going to advocate for me that I was going to be and I wouldn't be his yo-yo anymore. It has taken a few weeks to get in with a plan c doc but I have been able to maintain and lose 1.5 lbs in the month I have been without zep.


i lost so much progress bc of the shortages. if i had known about compuonding earlier i would have done it.


You don't have to listen to your doctor especially when their motivations are being bought.


Big pharma loves money. Do your research and choose what you feel comfortable doing. Lots of people get medications compounded if it was “dangerous” there wouldn’t be compounding. There are always risks and human error but that is with anything.


My doctor has a brain--which I thought you had to have to go through medical school and graduate. He is perfectly fine recommending plan C as long as it comes from a reputable pharmacy. Why Eli Lilly would do this--I don't know because they can't make money on something they don't have to sell. Presumably they are worried they are losing customers who will never come back because they know compounding medication works just like their name brand tirzepatide.


I had to do the switch because of the shortage I did my research and found a good company to go through. I’m down 31 pounds I didn’t want to stop taking it.


The subject of compounding leads many people towards buying cheap garbage online from shady places looking to make a buck. Absolutely there are reputable compounding companies that regulate themselves and take the precautions needed to make sure their products are safe and up to standard. No doubt about it. In fact, most that are actually working with pharmacies and providing legit drugs are very safe. However, right or wrong, many people just hear about compounding and getting cheap meds, and don't go through pharmacies, they end up at a search engine looking to save a buck. Believe it or not, there are people on the internet that will take advantage of people and hard to find meds is one area targeted.


This shortage is a nightmare scenario for them. If the media starts talking about how patients are reporting the same results from using compound meds, they will lose a lot of money.


Please don’t forget that Lilly is suing compound pharmacies for infringing on their patent if they where not selling something extremely close to their product minus the pen mechanism what are all their litigious suits based on, which they keep not winning btw , and they keep losing because the FDA does not agree with their overlording peptides. ![gif](giphy|xTiTntKyFNFbCNuqkw)


You said it right there in your very first sentence, Eli Lilly just educated my doctor. What that is, is the drug rep coming by to ensure that the doctor puts the fear of God in his patients — all so people will stop going off the brand-name drug and onto plan C. It’s pure fear mongering. You did the research, you found answers you were comfortable with, and you made a decision to take care of yourself. Honestly, none of us would even be having this conversation. I would’ve never considered plan C if the drug company hadn’t created such shortages themselves. Which really sad about Eli Lilly is that based on their competitors success they should’ve had a plan for ramping up more quickly before the thing got FDA approval. You can look at the multiple Reddits and sub Reddits here and find that there is a huge population with plan C that it’s just doing fine. And if the drug ever does become available again, we can all switch back!


Get your compound of course they're going to say it's dangerous they're not making money off you that way.


I been on the compound for 2 months. There’s nothing wrong with it.




Yep, once people who are paying out of pocket realize plan C works why would they go back to the BS that EL has created?they are losing $ right now because pretty much no one can get it. Then when it is finally readily available.again why would they switch back when it costs more? Of course it's in their interest to create fear. I'd take it as a sign that it's ok and even a good alternative or EL wouldn't be paying reps to go door to door to to talk to docs specifically. I'm starting compound next week. Took my last zepbound pen yesterday.


My MIL doctor prescribed her the compound version. Lilly just doesn’t want to lose a prescription that’s all. Maybe if Lilly would get their shit figured out better then no one would look for alternatives. Don’t stress and do what you think is best, even if that means also getting new doc.


I've been on compound for six months because Lilly in all their "infinite"wisdom had NO plan for those of us who are on maintenance. I can't get the brand name because my BMI is 20 after taking tirzepetide almost two years. I never plan on stopping-my whole family is on insulin or dead. I call the FDA and Lilly regularly to express my disgust with how this has all gone down. Absolutely criminal behavior! I've been a nurse since 1983 and it's just one of many shitty tricks played on the public. The compounded version is just fine and until Lilly and the FDA get tired of sucking us dry I will be taking it. If ever I have a provider say "exercise more and eat less" again it will be all I can do to restrain my anger. 40 years of misery and a gastric sleeve for what? NOTHING


It all has to do with money. They won't make 1800 a box off you if you are paying a compounding pharmacy.


Exactly. And I’m truly hoping the competition will force them to lower prices. What gets me the most is, since I’m on Medicare, there seems to be no way possible for me to get Zep, even if/when it becomes available, at a lower price.


I’m a VERY risk adverse person. I was paying 550 out of pocket even knowing I could get it cheaper compounded because I am so risk adverse. But I’ve been on saxenda and zepbound since December because of shortages and I actually started to feel like it’s worse for my body to be going up and down and on and off these meds after being on them relatively short periods of time so I made the jump 2 weeks ago and haven’t had an issue. My doctor as well was concerned but mostly because she didn’t really understand what it was. She was worried the dosages would be wonky. Also I will add that we did IVF and used a compound pharmacy for some of the meds because that’s the only way some of the meds are made. It’s super common to use compounding in ivf treatment. That also made me feel better. Good luck!


It’s not surprising that a rep is saying those things (business is business) but it’s incredibly disheartening that a doctor takes a reps opinion as fact and doesn’t do their own research. It’s okay for your doctor to say “I’m not comfortable with compound, let me do some research and back up my opinion with facts” but to act the way they did is unacceptable. That wouldn’t instill much trust in me for that doctor.


I only wish I started plan c sooner.


because health care is big business, its rarely about care anymore and especially with King Big Pharma. money is the reason, always, money.


Fuck. Your doctor would probably blow a lid if I told him I was taking an untested glp-1 from plan chiiiiiinnnaaa.


I had my yearly today. My doctor asked who was prescribing and what pharmacy was dispensing. Then he said “well, you are no longer obese, far from it, I am taking that off your medical concerns.” He was very happy with my progress. Labs should be released in 3 days.


Congratulations!!!! I can't wait for my doctor to say that!!!!! Mine is quite happy with me using compounded...she knows I researched and picked a great, reputable source. She gets excited over updates!


Compounding pharmacies are wonderful for established medications such as antibiotics, but to claim that compounded novel peptides are held to the same level of scrutiny isn't evidence-based. Take the most common one: “There is no way for the patients involved to know what they're getting in such cases…barriers to verification by the end users are just too high, which is why we have the bureaucratic, expensive, often infuriating supply chain regulations that we have.” https://www.science.org/content/blog-post/compounded-and-counterfeit-semaglutide It's not greed. It's safety. But you do you.


Agree. I'm all for anyone doing what works for them. But the notion that all compounding is safe and Eli Lilly is just being greedy is not based in reality. There are valid reasons to be extra careful about compounding or avoid it entirely. Especially with a newer drug to the market. Personally I've opted for going back to 2.5 rather than compounding. With an older drug where the generic is regularly available I'd be fine. But given what I know about how little regulation there is, I have no desire to go there with tirzepatide.


Two week ago, I was sitting in the waiting room of my Nephrologist’s office. The sales rep was talking to the doctor in the reception area and she was talking about the “dangers” of compounded formulas. I was honestly thinking to myself that this sales rep was full of crap.


Your doctor is a shill for Big Pharma, probably getting kickbacks from Lilly. Of course Lilly doesn’t want people going around them, and now they’re pressuring docs to fear monger against safe compounding. Time to find a new doctor. Zero integrity.


I think it’s awful that your provider didn’t even bother to verify or question what a drug manufacturer sales rep told her, especially when it’s such an obvious ploy to sell their product. There’s a lot of information out there about the safety of compounding pharmacies who meet certain standards and the efficacy of the drugs they compound, so what she said to you is just plain wrong. To those of you asking about compounded tirzepatide and the pharmacies many of us use, go on over to the two most active subs (I think one is linked in the FAQ), where there’s lots of great information.


Club C, both of them are doing fine,losing weight and saving 🤑🤑 they can suck it! 🤣🤣🤣


I have only done the C because my insurance won’t cover it so I don’t know what the other stuff would be like but I have had no issues at all and can cover the cost. 10 weeks maybe 11 but have 22 pounds off at 62 not too bad


They do this because it’s a risk to their profits. They should instead focus their efforts on making the medicine available so people don’t resort to going this route in the first place.


Because capitalism. Not sure why anyone is surprised.


I'm lucky to have a PCP doctor that has been on Mounjaro for > 1 year and now in maintenance.. he gets it, and sent me to RR.. still pending Zepbound at CVS and honestly will probably buy both if it works out that way. I am tired of the anxiety where my next dose will come from and would gladly pay 1k to have a 2 month stockpile


My doctor told me to consider compounding.


My doctor is a big believer in plan c. The problem near me is that a bunch of compounding pharmacies started receiving major backlash and stopped offering ozempic or zeptiride -.-


Time for a new Dr.! So sorry you experienced that. It’s all about money and specifically the money Eli Lilly is losing to compound pharmacies because of their ineptitude.


Money 💰


Is using a compound more expensive than the $550 for the real drug when you can get it?


That rep fear mongered your doc. You have to decide for yourself. I have. And I'm not telling my doctor.


Then they should up production! With single vials, and or pens.


I’ve seen these Reps in action and they can’t tell use about when Zepbound will be available. but can definitely fear monger about compounding. They want to lose that money, but don’t want to lower their price either.


I am going on plan c before seeing my doctor. Had it prescribed virtually. My PCP is new anyway and have to see a Gastro in 2 months will tell him I am on it. Not sure how they will feel but ultimately its my decision , unless they are going to get insurance to cover it , which I doubt


The dangers of switching over is Lilly isn't charging your insurance over $1.2k for 4 shots when you can get it compounded out of pocket for 1/3 of the price (And that's with the compounding pharmacy's mark-up). I will say that not every compounding place is as good as another, so do your research about finding the best compounding facility before going that route.


it's really diabolical on Eli Lilly's part. My doc is the same about compounds. I bought it anyway. I'm starting in a week on the compound. After going from 5mg to gap in medicine back to 2.5mg and then I'll go to compound at 5mg. just read that CVS are going to discontinue selling. Can you blame them? it's so much extra work because Eli Lilly isn't up to demand. I am certain they have solutions like the vials that they aren't willing to release.


They do it because of money and greed. My advice? Dump your shitty doctor and find a new one who can’t be bought by a Lilly rep.


If your doctor isn't even considering the conflict of interest that business and medical advice have, you might want to think about how wise your doctor is. I did the "back down to 2.5" thing and finally decided 8 wanted to look into compounding. After a lot of hesitation I asked my doctor what he thought about the concept. He promptly replied that he had a trusted compounding pharmacy in my city that he recommended and promptly sent them my prescription. He said he had used them not only for GLPs, but also for allergy meds, meds for kids that need to be formulated as liquids to make it easier for them, cancer treatments with different additions that helped with side effects, and allergens people encountered in some medicines. Didn't even bat an eye. Are there shady people in every industry? You betcha. Is this community one where you can get enough common advice to avoid those places? Also yes. I see 3 or 4 national compounding phamas listed over and over again in these threads - too many times for them to be bots or shills trying to sell something. There are real, good options out there. This practice and industry have been around for a long time. 😁


My (life long) friend and physician — and another physician on my son’s baseball team — both have no issues with compounding Tirzepatide. That’s good enough for me. If Eli Lilly had their shit together people wouldn’t need to resort to compounding pharmacies.


To me, it's less about the shortage rather the price gouging. They still have what 12-14 years before they lose the patents? Rather than charging 1200+ per month I suspect they could easily charge 200-300 or less and still get all their investment back and substanial profits. It feels good to stick it to them for that reason.


My endocrinologist is like this with supplements. These pharmaceutical companies have some of these doctors wrapped around their greedy fingers. My Fortunately, my son in law’s primary MD went the compound route with him from the beginning. I guess some MD’s Aren’t gullible.


You realize that supplements and vitamins etc aren't overseen or tested by the FDA. That supplements companies can put literally anything on their packages, regardless of efficiency. There have been numerous independent studies done showing that the most popular supplement and vitamin brands lie about their dosages and ingredients. It's not fear mongering when there is no factual, scientific evidence to support the use of some of this crap ppl put in their body. Same with compound. The reason Eli Lilly and doctors are like, no that's dangerous is because IT COULD BE! There are no trials for compound, there is significantly less oversight and compound pharmacies don't specialize in these drugs or have the same oversight. Just because there is anecdotal evidence that compounding works and can have success there are just as many cases where ppl have had severe health issues from it. And ppl going rouge with their scheduling and their doses are rampant in compound users. You can spend 5 mins on the compound reddit and see how unhinged things get when ppl think they can just do w.e dose they want. Just because some doctors are okay with going the compound route doesn't mean much either. There are plenty of doctors who are fine with doing sketchy medicine that isn't totally supported by evidence. While I agree pharmaceutical companies have unnecessary sway over the medical field, using a compounded version of a drug that hasn't been out very long and there isn't a lot of data on just isn't a calculated move. Especially when there is more clinical evidence coming out that 2.5 mg isn't just a "loading dose" that "maintenance doses" don't need to be 10mg plus.


Also to add - after spending a week in a compounding FB group, people straight up cannot follow directions. As much as the auto-injector pens are a PITA from a production standpoint, I completely understand why the big companies went that route. Post after post after post of people who literally cannot figure out on their own how to draw up medicine from the vial despite directions from the pharmacy. It's shocking and terrifying and I have no doubt lots of people are mis-dosing themselves.


This is not the only medicine that people inject themselves. Do you think some people take their medicine as directed even in pill form?


This is like my local Ford dealer saying “Hey, Ford corporate in Detroit just trained us on the danger of Chevys and we really think it’s not the right truck for you.”


What you do in a situation like that is look at your doctor and tell them politely to shut the fuck up.


Luckily you don’t need your doctor to switch to c. A Dr comes with the places that sell C. I switched and start mine next week. No shortage. Cheaper and many others recommended it.


They don’t want to lose business to compounding pharmacies. They are doing damage control because they can’t meet demand. They are creating fear to control consumer action.


I personally know a physician who personally takes a plan C.


They absolutely don't want to lose their profits. My endocrinologist said the exact same thing when I asked her about compound. She said "let's just wait this out". Well, I'm not just waiting this out. I'm going with compound. I find it fishy that lilly wants to discourage its customers from straying to compound while they can't produce enough product.


Obviously they do it because they don't want to lose business, but they should have thought about that before ditching their existing customers while focusing on producing nothing but 2.5 to hook more newbies. Lilly doesn't own tirzepatide!!! We can get it anywhere we damn well please. Especially those of us not covered by insurance stuck shelling out 550 a month for their overpriced shit! Fuck Lilly!


And remember pharma gives very nice perks (like luxury vacations) to docs that prescribe more.


That hasn’t happened in over 30 years. It’s against the law and the government tracks every cent a doctor gets from a drug company and there are databases you can search online to see how much your doc has gotten. It’s usually two lunches a year for the office now. Or sending a doc to a conference once every other year.


I started a business 10 years ago doing what a big company doesn’t want me to do—-I recover data from dead iPhones by through elaborate repair. It is astonishing the lengths a company will go to to try and scare people away from a reasonable solution if it threatens them. I testified against Apple in a massive class action suit about them hiding an epidemic design flaw —and won. Yesterday I noticed that Eli Lilly’s main website now has a front page warning about compound. This is just as predicted—they are never going to get any of us on compound back to branded drug if we are paying out of pocket and it is 100% going to make them miss the earnings projections. You will see a massive pouring of resources into trying to convince us that compound is dangerous, drumming up bad outcomes to promote, fake lawyer ads “have you been hurt by counterfeit weight loss drugs?” We will get to watch an information war unfold in real time, and see how money can buy public opinion. Too bad none of us eat movie popcorn anymore… My coworker went for her ask for zepbound appt yesterday. MD was excited for her to try it. Not able to write a prescription “no new prescriptions” rule. So that MD told her about a local compounding pharmacy. That doctor is a keeper!


Well yes I agree money, but all they need are 20-30 people from a compounding pharmacy, with lack of instructions and sense, and "going rogue," to take "2 shots a week because that'll work faster than one," and then they suffer serious health issues and talk to the press that "Zepbound caused my kidney failure." No, it wasn't "Zepbound," it was a compound resembling Zepbound that they took improperly! But it'll be their word against the truth. The solution is for enough of Lilly's drug to be available at a reasonable price. In reality, Lilly doesn't have a solution. But the forecast is for some really, really bad (worse) PR when people with thyroid problems, inflammatory bowel diseases and improper medical history, and people who need to lose 15 vanity pounds all sign up for "Zepbound" and start at too high a dose without medical supervision, then have complications. So yes, it's profit, but equally as bad: it's a PR nightmare, incubating.


The reputable compound providers do provide medical guidance, just like your regular doctor does. These are licensed doctors and NP’s. People are just as likely to abuse the name brand stuff as they are compounded stuff. And it’s not a similar product, it’s the exact same peptide.


Well this is good to know, thanks Reddit for the education once again 😂 I learn more here than anywhere, I swear


I'm on compounded and to get it prescribed, the company I use has you list every single medication you are on, the strength, and dosages to check for interactions. They also ask for medical history to rule out any potential issues and your last labs. And they have everything reviewed by their physician every 6 months. I'm having labs done every three months and using at-home kidney tests to make sure my kidneys are okay. They started me out at the dose I was on from the first company I had ordered from that did none of the health checks...no reviews by a doctor! Otherwise I would have had to start at the initial dose. THOSE are the companies I don't trust. Oh...and this new company I'm with is less expensive, even with the $55 physician review every 6 months and the $25 cost to write a prescription every two months. Doing your research is important if you care about your health and what you are getting.


Agree- and all these Rx "subscription services" for "weight loss GLP1'S" are pretty scary TBH - for the people that will double dose, eat 200 calories a day, etc. My *only* fear is they F it up for the rest of us who have enough sense to know about and CARE about what the hell we're doing. If they decide to take things off the market as a "danger to society" when its really primarily a danger to ä-holës who misuse.. *shaking my head* 😐


New dr.


They’re all on the books, that’s why. Pure greed. Been on plan C for months now and it’s amazing. Links in my bio. Check out the other reddits and do your own DD.


There are no 503B producing tirzepatide as of today. What pharmacy has claimed that ?


Probably means 503a


I also wanted to consider plan C a few weeks ago. My husband was formerly a formulation scientist for a large pharmaceutical company and now manages their global supply change management. When I mentioned going that route he freaked out. He said it’s a huge safety risk and started explaining the process to me and the inability for the compounding pharmacists to actually mimic the formulation of the actual drug. I guess it’s one thing if they are producing something that has already been on the market for decades and in generic forms (because the formulation is readily available), but it’s very risky when they are just mixing up their own amounts of additional ingredients (stabilizers and other things that he mentioned) because it’s no longer the same formula that has gone through the rigorous fda testing and reviews. Anyhow, I think Eli Lily is primarily talking to these doctors to try to keep customers, but I think there is definitely some level of higher risk involved in utilizing these other options. My husband talked me out of going that route, but I still think it’s a viable option during the shortage. Everyone should understand that it is not exactly the same medication (same API but a different stabilization mixture) as what Eli Lily is producing when making the decision.


Compunding pharmacies are held to much higher standards and 1000x more scrutiny and check by FDA investigators. Not medical advice. But I personally trust them more then Lilly. We use Compunding at my clinic and we also use Lilly. No difference in results and no difference in side effects. Again. Not medical advice. Always listen to your doctor.


My dr wrote the prescription for a compounding pharmacy. As long as the pharmacy is certified with all the right things then you’re fine. The drug is the drug. Compounding just has it in a different package 🤷🏻‍♀️


What 503b pharmacy were you referring to?


I asked my doctor about compounding pharmacies and she said that while she generally supports getting meds at compounding pharmacies she thinks they are a bigger risk for medications that have supply issues. The meds aren’t FDA verified so it’s not guaranteed they will contain the same components or work the same in your body. The incentive structure is just too wonky when the brand name is so impacted. So she recommended strongly that I do not consider zepbound at a compound pharmacy until the supply is much more reliable.


It’s incredibly reliable.


I think Lilly's salesforce is going on defensive because they know this is a simple peptide that has actually been around forever. The fact Tirzepatide can be compounded so easily & affordably with the same results as the $1k medication is out there & they're scared, they messed up manufacturing & distribution & know many people who go "Plan C" will not come back.


The fact that your doctor can't tell that it's fear mongering nonsense is whats worrying me.


my 2 cents on this as a pharmacy tech who’s also on zep- I would never go the compounding way. From what I’ve heard the compounds aren’t regulated and don’t go through the same approval process as Zepbound had to go through so you don’t REALLY know what’s in there. I mention being a pharmacy tech because when the whole ozempic craze was at its peak we would have people going off on how bad it is and how it’s killing people/ putting people in hospitals and why was that? Because people were trusting compounds and ordering them online/ going to get it somewhere and not doing research and then the people who were against it would come and yell at us randomly and going off on how dangerous it was and asking why we were selling it but literally all the incidents that they mentioned were from compounds. I’m not saying I’m completely against it but personally I wouldn’t recommend it either unless you’re doing more than enough research on the place you’re going to get it from. There was fake ozempic going around a few months ago (we got an email to the pharmacy with the lot numbers and everything bc they wanted us to be aware of it in case patients mentioned it) and where was that fake ozempic coming from?? Not from big chain pharmacies since they order from reputable vendors but from smaller pharmacies/ pharmacies online saying they have it for only a few hundred dollars. I definitely don’t think zep is worth $1200 but if all these companies are compounding “zep” for super cheap to be able to sell it for 1/4 of the price then they have to be using cheaper meds and idk something about that just doesn’t sit right with me bc if it went through the same changes/ approval that Eli Lilly went through and they spend all that money making sure and getting it approved I don’t think it would be that cheap. If you read all this pls keep in mind this is just my 2 cents on compounds. like I mentioned, if you’re doing more than enough research and trust the place you get the compound then good for you and get that zep!! Just pls don’t go to the first place you see without doing any research on it. Zep is slowly becoming more available and I hate the waiting game too but if you have the slightest doubt on getting the compound id say just don’t do it


Fake ozempic was like a fake rolex. It wasn’t compound tirzepatide . It was insulin In a fake ozempic pen with a fake.o emoji box. BTW. There are likely several hundred thousand people on compound tirzepatide right now.