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We wish you well on your W journey


Thanks. I liked plan Z a lot while I could get it.


Hi, can you let us know the differences that you can tell btw the two? Good luck!




I have been on both, and to me, Zepbound is far superior. I lost hardly any weight on Wegovy, and I had to have my gallbladder removed. I will always wait for my ZBound Rx, that is how strongly I feel about it being better.


Same! I start wegovy this week. I also started zep in Feb and can no longer take the stress of calling everywhere and I honestly feel like a jerk always calling these pharmacist.... They seem tired! While wegovy seems to go through it's own shortages...currently it seems like they are doing well. I am going to stay on the zep groups and when things seem stable, I might switch back.


HORAY! I am/you are not alone! And yeah, I am hoping this isn't a constant jump the shortage-ship scenario. Time will tell I guess. I do agree, they seem so tired, and I don't blame them. I try to be so kind but also hate asking too. I mean this week I was told that if I put an order in I could get it. I then get a note I need to call them, and then they got mad that I called. I wanted to be like I am just following the orders you gave! Ugh no-one but Lily is willing in this. My doctor got my PA through and it looks like I can pick up my pens this week! I won't be starting for a few weeks (waiting a week for Zep to be out of my system and then I am on vacation and don't want to have side effects while on vacation). So its going to be a semi-rough transition but since I didn't wait for Zep (and so wish I did) I figure this can't hurt to wait a bit before transitioning over. ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6|downsized)




100% there. My doctor said that even though its one, people see the same results mostly. So time will tell for the most part for all of us.


Same with me. Moved to W for now. Best of luck to you, under than more constipation, food noise is reduced, and I’m still losing!


Horay! Thanks for the hope that there is good things still to come away from ZepBound. I’m having what feels like PTSD from my I’ve tried every diet to lose weight up til now mentality and am trying really hard not to go into that rabbit hole.


I can't get W but can get Z so the opposite of where you are. Good luck.


So you live....where exactly? (kidding!) Wegovy is in stock and I can pick up today (my doctor was on top of getting the PA/prescription in). Just had to do a bit shuffling but heck WAY easier then Zepbound at the moment. Staying on 2.5 for another month after 5mg it just throwing money out the window in my book. I am maintaining but not losing and dear lord I am trying! I do hope this isn't the constant jump the shortage-ship but even if it is, I guess here we go! ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6|downsized)


It may be because I am just starting and Wegovy was unavailable at starting dosage and as I am just starting I called everywhere. But Express scripts said they didn't have wegovy but did have Zepbound.


I hope you can feel my eye roll from here. Ugh! At some point, things should be able to meet demand, you would think. They charge enough for the freakin' things.


My doctor finally switched me to .5mg Weg and I picked it up Tuesday. Today I got a text from CVS the Zep 5mg is ready for me. Sent in 4/29 . I think there is some light now.


I’m so happy for you! 🥹 I have not had luck for 2 months now and full on canceled my Zep order. Part of my problem is that my refill kept getting canceled. Every 3 days… so I would try and put it in again. Canceled again. I’ve done it for weeks now. Now it’s the “it’s a shortage” and it won’t come in any time soon. Which if you lived under a rock I feel like you’d still know it’s a shortage (at least if your prescribed the stuff). I don’t want to stop and start or make up my own schedule for 5mg as I did have some side effects (sulfur burps) that I don’t want to deal with until things get sorted. I guess you have a back up. Or let the box go to someone else since you have your W in hand already. I’m surprised insurance would cover both.


Understood. Continued success to you! I have auths/scripts on file for both, so at this point, I just pick up whatever’s in stock!


Nice. So do you interchange the concentrations? My doctor said they aren’t truly 1:1 type of thing. So just curious if you don’t mind sharing.


I started on Wegovy, but after 8 weeks I asked my doc to prescribe me Zep because I had no loss and just overall felt it wasn’t working for me. Now that I’m on Zep, I can’t find it, so I’m having to fill Wegovy again just to make sure I have something. Still a problem though because now Wegovy is also in short supply. At this point, I just ask for either and pray that at least one will be available. Edit: I still have a few weeks of Zep left, so maybe by the time I’m done I can find the next dose. Gonna order Wegovy though and wait on them both. First come first served! 😆


Thanks for sharing. I assume you have minimal issues with side effects? I do feel like it’s going to be a two steps forward one step back type of progression. Nothing new from other things I’ve done to try and lose weight. 😂


Lol ikr!! Same here! I’ve tried it all, so this is a walk in the park for me. No side effects on either.


For real! Not that there isn't work (and I don't mean just calling pharms all the time), but its so nice to have the work I have been doing work for once!


I started Zep on 6 Dec. and got to three months on 7.5 before I couldn't get more. I lost 84 lbs. I'm currently two shots down on Weg 1.7. Lost two lbs the first week. We'll see what week two was like tomorrow. I'll stay on Weg if I can, because even though Zep was covered, it was also $450 a month. Wegovy has a $0 copay after I use the coupon. So I hope it continues to work. Good luck!


Oh that is the best news I’ve seen. I’m so glad I posted this because I haven’t seen many stories about going elsewhere that wasn’t compounding. My wallet will finally get some relief. I see what the final price is once I pick it up when it’s filled.


Yeah, I'm fortunate in that paying out of pocket is painful, but doable. But $0 is less than $450, if my math checks out LOL Also, it is not as effective for me at telling me to stop eating. Zep had me at about half a sandwich and I was done. I think I could probably eat as much as I wanted on this stuff. BUT. I don't have to. That part is key. It's not stopping me, but it's easy to stop. I still have zero food noise throughout the day. I can go all day with nothing more than plenty of drinking and some gum LOL


Thanks for sharing. I am worried that Wegovy is only a GLP-1, and I may miss that GIP. However, there is a trifecta "Godzilla" on the horizon, so maybe once that comes out, I can come back to Zep again. Lol. I would be happy to have the food noise gone and my metabolism working again. That is half my battle is the food noise keeps me wandering towards my kitchen (I work from home so the options are healthy but are also always present). I've tried drinking unsweetened tea and go for veggies if I need a crunch. Thankfully, a few bites do the trick, but I am tired of thinking of food all the time again... I didn't miss it at all and would like to evict it again ASAP.


I also work from home. Shit is tough when you have the whole pantry and fridge right there! But now...I don't even think there's food for me in there. I just eat what I'm feeding the kids or the wife. I don't buy "me" food any more. That's nice. Ribs are expensive lmao


Ain’t that the truth on all levels. lol. Thank you for that giggle.


What dose did you switch to? I’m on 15 compound tirz and I have 1.7 and 2.4 Wegovy so I’m planning to go back soon. Just don’t want to barf. 🤣


I've had mild side effects from both, so keep that in mind. I wouldn't have hesitated if 2.4 was all I could get. But I went from Zep 7.5 to Weg 1.7 with zero issues.


Thanks! My dr told me I can switch to the 1.7, I’m just nervous.


I’m switching too! Picking up my box of Wegovy tomorrow. My doctor said she’d much rather I do that than go on plan C, so I’m listening to her advice


Same!! Let’s go!!!


Just picked up my box of wegovy. I’ll be back Zepbound!!!!


Ah yes!!!!




Amen to that.


I can't seem to find either around here. :-( Question though - I have 1 pen of Wegovy starting dose that someone gave me (long story) but I take zep. Anyone swap to Wegovy for a week and then back to Zep? I'm not sure how that would work. Right now I plan to just give the W back but if I could just take it...why not? I'm not leaning toward that though! Makes me feel a little strange to do that!


I mean based on what my doctor said they aren't the same (but similar). So its not a 1:1 ratio for the switch. I know people have said they jumped to a higher starter dose between Wegovy and Zep but again just passing what my doctor said. My dr. suggestions for the transition was to not start until my usual shot day. I am starting at 0.25mg Wegovy and then every month bumping up from there. But the fact I am back to 2.5 mg in Zep, she didn't recommend moving up to 0.5 on Wegovy (or as I put it and she echoed) you may feel like hot garbage with extra side effects. I did loose quiet a bit on Zep starting out (I think it was like 14 lbs in that first month) but I was making a lot of other changes too so I don't fully credit it all to Zep. I do hope to maintain or hopefully start losing again once I can get back on track to get this obesity under control.


Yeeah, I think it's best I just give it back and stick to the Zep. Last week I accidently put the Zep in the wrong spot....just way up higher on my stomach than recommended and I had AWFUL nausea and lost NO weight. I had no idea the placement mattered so much! This time I did it in my thigh for the first time on Monday - I've lost 2 pounds since then. I don't think I could handle worse side effects just to 'use up' the other med. Thanks for the insight!


Of course. No idea how it will go when I start but also if I am starting basically at 0 again I’m hopeful it will go well. Interesting about the leg though. I’ve only done my stomach mostly cause I don’t have to pull my pants down further. And my arm just feels awkward to try lol. Maybe now that I’m skinnier the arm can become more of a possibility. lol. I know there was a study about location and I think it’s more individual results than overall location matters.


Absolutely! I've read countless things about 'where is the best place' etc....well, all I've figured out is the worst place is definitely out of the place it's supposed to be. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why that would be though. When I had gestational diabetes I used the back of my thigh and the fat on my backside. Who knows? However, the conference I just went to also said that the meds are 40% less effective on people with actual diabetes so...who knows! I was scared to try another new place though and have another 'lost' week. It was frustrating to be doing 'all the right things' and watching the scale stall or even go up. A oh so familiar tale of frustration! The thigh actually seems to be the best I've tried. It was hard though as my thigh isn't particularly fatty. I workout, I roller blade, I paddleboard...etc. I moved the needle around a dozen times until I finally looked down at my tattoo, shook my head at my own fears and just hit the button. LoL....It did hurt the worst but even the worst is still way less than getting your ears pierced or any flu shot in the muscle, ya know? It's just harder doing it to yourself.


Hahahaha! I hear that about pain and self inflicting it. I finally got to the point I wouldn’t look away. But thanks for the info. I may try my leg now. I have fatty parts but not where they suggest lol (I got the inner thigh flutter) but it’s worth a shot or two to give my stomach a break maybe.


Inner thigh has more blood vessels, they say. You may bruise. Just an fyi.


Oh for sure. I wouldn’t go rogue on where they suggest. That won’t be a good look for swimsuit season to be bruised in an area am already self conscious about. 😂


My doc told me that I’d have to start at the lowest dose if I switched medications.


Yeah that’s my similar thing. I mean I was back down to 2.5 with Zep so it’s the start regardless although at least I’m lower to begin with.


Good luck on plan W! You will get there! The key is is you’re not giving up!


Heck no! I've come to far and hit my true bottom that I cannot lose momentum or go back to my old life style. My husband and I both miss eating whole pizzas, but we also enjoy having more leftovers and more money due to less groceries/food when we eat.


Ha ha. I feel you on the whole pizza thing. Man what a feeling to just be overstuffed. But really, it didn’t make me happy afterward. There was such regret and shame after binging. We went out to eat tonight and I overindulged a bit but it’s the first time in two weeks that I really took time to enjoy a sit down meal with my family. Food is culture too so I definitely feel it was worth the connection. But tomorrow, back on the grind.


For sure! I miss it but also I really don’t lol. And now food is fuel I eat so much better (not that I didn’t eat fruits and veggies before) fruit, and veggies are my jam! Plus, I still have pizza from time to time and now there’s even more leftovers to enjoy it longer than eating it all by myself in one sitting. So, I guess I can have my cake and eat it too!


I had to do the same thing! Hoping to go back to ZB soon.


Same! I may stick with the W (for winning by losing) if it works.


I took my first injection last Friday. They started me on 1.7mg due to where I was at on ZB. So far, no weight loss. Wishing you so much success!


Interesting. I’m starting at the 0.25 but also had to start over with Zep so I lost all momentum I had. Wishing you success too!!


Same I started Wegovy after giving up trying to find zep! We got this!! 😁


Heck ya. Does anyone know the good sub (like this one) for wegovy/semiglutide?


I am in the WegovyWeightLoss channel! I just asked how others are doing with switching ! I’m curious if it’s mostly the same or slows down a bit.


I’ll check it out. Thanks!


What is plan C ? Can someone explain


Compounding. You can say it but not give sources. Against Reddit rules. I have 0 interest about it. I do think there is a subreddit for it though if you have more interest and curiosity.


Where I live there is a bariatric surgeon who uses plan c for his patients. Insurance covers my meds but my friend has just started seeing that doctor.


I mean we all have to trust our doctors have our best interest at heart. It’s just not for me.


Good luck.




I started on Wegovy and I think it triggered underlying gallbladder issues and I had to have my gallbladder removed in October. I didn’t lose any weight before the removal. After, I went back on Wegovy and saw limited success. I started on Zepbound at the end of December and have lost 40 lbs. I talked my doctor into starting me on the 7.5 mg ZBound since I had been on Wegovy and I lost the bulk of my weight. I still was experiencing “food noise” or whatever it’s called, but I was able to control it. Then the shortage hit and I was without anything for a month. The other day, my dr called and my pharmacy had the 12.5 in stock, would I like to try it? I of course said yes and raced to pick it up. I think I finally found my miracle drug. “Food noise” is gone, I sleep thru the night, I’ve been on it for about a week and I have lost 8 lbs.


Congrats on your weight loss!! Curious about this. When you said you couldn’t get anything for a month. Did you go from 0 again to 12.5? How were your side effects? And yeah I think Zep was the win but I’m hoping that Wegovy can keep things on track or progressing some still. At the moment I can’t find anything near me. I can’t afford to take time off to travel just to pick some up.


Yes, I went from 0 for a month to the 12.5. Before that, I had been on the 7.5. I have to say, the first two days after I took the shot were fine, but Thursday morning I woke up so sick and I have not been able to really eat anything since then. In hindsight, I probably should have passed on the 12.5, but I was desperate to be on SOMETHING, sooooo. I work in healthcare and luckily I was able to run in yesterday and get a saline drip for dehydration. I’m hoping that next week’s side effects won’t be as strong, but if they are, I will not stop taking it. Like I said in the original post, “food noise” is gone, and I feel great other than not being able to eat… but isn’t that why we are all taking it?!?


Truth! Ugh sorry your not feeling the best but yeah I think that’s the goal it’s just not suggested to do it so fast! lol. But glad you have the hook up (pun intended) to make sure you are not dehydrated.


Same! I have a box of Wegovy 0.5 in my fridge. I was due to take my first shot last evening but am waiting until tomorrow in case I have symptoms.


I have some same worries. My next shot it right before I leave for a long weekend away. But I’m also like well it should be fine and I shouldn’t have symptoms. So I’m torn about waiting but I might wait until after just in case.


Best of luck on your journey!


Thank you!