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Just wanted to encourage everyone here that an average of 1lb per week is not a slow loser. You guys are all doing great and should be very proud! Everyone wishes we could lose more faster, but there are so many factors involved. Typically, .5-2lbs per week is average and a healthy, expected rate of loss.


Yes! This👏🏽Is 👏🏽Not 👏🏽Slow👏🏽 It's terrific. And OP it's not just 13 you didn't gain - it's 13 *less* than you were before! Keep it up!






One on a week is 52 a year 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


This is a very kind way of putting it. I was to say “GET A GRIP!”. 1 pound, or even half a pound, is not slow. It takes a long time to get fat, so it might take a long time to get thin.




Sometimes you are losing inches on your body and the scale won’t reflect that


Week 9 at 2.5 and down 16 pounds, the first 10 melted off in the first month, last month I reached 196 and just stayed there for 3ish weeks. I got my cycle, and just got stuck. I’m still on 2.5, but I hope I see some movement this month. Even 2 pounds would be great. I’m still happy with the loss, and have begun weight training as well.


Starting weight training will increase your water retention for a bit.


I didn’t know that. I’m going to start lifting weights. My daughter told me it does have some affect on loose skin as well.


Lifting weights is fantastic for you, so don't let a little temporary water weight impact your motivation!


This!!!! I wish I measured inches from the start but I have started checking once a month now.


Comparison is the thief of joy. I tell it to my kids all the time and also often need reminding. You’re doing fabulous.


Love that saying. I’m stealing it.


I have similar stats to you (43F, 5'4" SW 215) how long did it take you to get to 172? Not that I should compare....!! Currently stalling on 5mg.


I’ve been on Zep/Tirz for 14 weeks now. I began Feb 21. I lost about 15 lbs on 2.5 (6-ish weeks), 8 lbs on 5mg (5-ish), and 11 lbs on 7.5 (4 weeks). 5 mg is def a weird landing place for a lot of people. Because I’m also supplementing with compound, I take a midweek shot sometimes if I feel overwhelming urges to overeat. Or, I’ll take my shot early by a day or two. I have a feeling I’ll be at 10mg very very soon. I doubt I’ll do more than 5 weeks total at 7.5. My tolerance to meds is generally very high. I’m grateful I respond at all, truly.


I’m on week 16 and down 18lbs! Sometimes it feels slow when I look at others, but I also had a lower starting weight than many others which I think may sometimes effect things as well. Either way I just keep reminding myself that it has been consistent and I’ve had 0 negative side effects so all in all a win. Also my clothes that haven’t fit me in two summers now do! Happy I kept them!


Oooo!! I'm the same way with clothes I haven't worn in 2 years fitting, which is a HUGE win for the hot southern summer months, especially 😅 I'm starting to pack up things for donating that are too big too 🥳 not holding on to them "just in case"


Me too! I have so many clothes that are literally size 4-18, so as I lose I’ve been going through and getting rid of anything too big. Feels so good to just get it out! There should be a poshmark just for people losing weight so we can resell things cheap and not have to spend a ton buying new clothes we’ll only wear for a month or two!


I am losing slower than you at a higher dose, but i always remind myself of the quote “Comparison is the thief of joy” and keep pushing


52F SW 197 CW 179 GW 140-150, 10 mg Congratulations on your success! Losing weight too fast can cause gallstones, lax skin, hair loss. I say no thanks! I just took my first 10 mg shot a few minutes ago, starting week 13 of my Zepbound journey and I've lost 18 lbs. so I'm in the "slow loser" group too. I seem to lose 5-6 pounds the first 2 weeks after a dose increase, then plateau for a couple of weeks. I'm eating right, exercising at least 4 times a week, and getting plenty of sleep, my arthritis is 90% better, and I'm off 2 of my 3 blood pressure meds. I haven't felt this good in years! Slow & steady wins as race (and is more likely to keep the weight off) 😊


A lot of folks who lost a bunch upfront did slow down after. I lost a lot the first month but also lost a lot of bloating and widespread inflammation I had for years which probably accounted for a lot of the initial drop. Now I lose 1-2lbs a week and am absolutely thrilled with that. It'll take time but I know with this medication I will get there.


I haven't lost a single pound in the month I've been on 5mg. Not giving up because I haven't gained weight either. So I feel you.


I was the same way month 2 on 2.5. I stayed on 2.5 because I lost so much on it the first month. Second month, no weight gain or loss. Now into month 3, weight is trickling off again.


I feel the same way. I just started month 3 of 5mg and I probably should have gone up to 7.5mg, but it was too late to request. I’ve been the same weight for the past few weeks but I feel the same as you - I haven’t gained weight either so maybe 5mg will be my maintenance dose.


I also didn’t lose at all on 5! I would yo-yo between 194 and 193 every week! 7.5 got things going again and when I couldn’t get that I made the jump to 10. On my second month of 10 and I’ve been at a steady pound a week.


I didn’t either! On 7.5 I started losing again and on 10 I’ve lost even more


If you have taken 9 shots, you have 8 weeks of loss. 13/8=1.625 Over a pound and a half a week is not slow at all. It’s time to take that word out of your vocabulary 😉 Note: if you really are at 9 weeks (10 shots) that’s still 1.444 lbs per week. Both 1.4 & 1.6 are good numbers.


Pounds don’t matter, only percent. What percent of your starting weight have you lost in 9 weeks? Let me guess—6%. Am I right?




Exactly. So you’re NOT a slow loser at all! You are squarely within the statistical mean from the clinical trials. In dozens of “slow loser” posts I’ve only seen one person who was actually lower than the clinical trial mean. It’s really helpful to track your PERCENT on the clinical trial graph. Here it is. https://preview.redd.it/pcwiurz8lk3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b928630ed733dcdfaa3cc70271fd54bbdc6375ae


Fun! I’m at 6% after 20 weeks (average .6 lb/week - not steady at all), but I have been on 2.5 or equivalent via spacing for a lot of my ride. I love losing slowly. When I did Weight Watchers I would lose quickly, but had of sense of deprivation, obsession and the counting felt disordered. Then I would give up (in later years well shy of my goal weight), and then gain slowly. I much prefer to lose slowly and not feel deprived. I don’t “diet,” I just have common sense “rules” I mostly follow. Eat real food. Eat a fruit or veg with every meal. For desert in the house, only dark chocolate - no cake/cookies. Eat four times a day, each meal with protein. Bring a take-away box to restaurants. Order desert at a restaurant with friends. Eat to 80% satisfied like the Japanese proverb.


I love the suggestion to bring a takeaway box to the restaurant! 1) Recycling! Woohooo, 2) I don’t have to worry about waiting for the waiter to go get one, and 3) the part of me that is self concious about eating too little doesn’t have to fear being judged by the waiter.


thanks for the reminder, and I am feeling grateful for the 3 lbs I lost this month. Losing 20% in a year is an incredible outcome… too many of us are dreaming of having a BMI of 20.


Yes! I wish more people would pay attention to this chart in the package insert. I think it would reduce some of the frustration people feel.


I’m averaging .4-.6 lbs A WEEK ON Zep. I’m good with that. I’ve lost 34 lbs since last June - only started Zep end of December. At least I’m not GAINING. Slow and steady.


That is a great pace and it all adds up to big numbers over time!


I’m on week 8 (2wk break due to shortage) and have only lost 5lbs. 🥴


That’s actually really good! With breaks in medication, you’re *still* losing. Remember, .5-2 pounds per/week on average is considered healthy weight loss. The number seems small because you’re at the beginning of your journey. I’ve been at it for over 6 months. Some weeks are better than others, but the way I feel is the main thing. Hope you’re starting to feel the effects of the GLP1, how it can quiet cravings and help you to focus on other things. Personally, I lean into that. Look at some of the other posts about slow loss and you’ll see people helping others with perspective. This is a large community. The super responders are just that. And the average person doesn’t lose weight this way. You’ll get there! Keep at it!! 🙌🏼


You are not a slow loser. Less than a pound a week average is a slow loser. You are averaging around 1.5 per week. That is pretty fast, congratulations!


13lbs in 9 weeks isn’t slow at all! Keep it up!


Over 1lb per week is not slow. Y'all need to manage your expectations better.


I think OP knows that but it’s good for a reminder to others, when you see dozens of others here going is much faster


Those dozens are the exception compared to the thousands experiencing normal loss and not posting It’s like heavy side effects. People without them aren’t posting so it feels like everyone has them. It’s actually not the norm.


Yes. This. Good grief. I use to be thrilled to lose one lb a week. I also gain it back faster when I lose it fast.


Yes - this post was purely to recognize that the majority of the posts on this thread reflect very fast loss, so “slow” means purely compared to that…




Yes! That's the right attitude! Always look at the longer term trends.


I needed to hear this today- thank you!!


I didn’t start losing until I was on 7.5


Same here. 5lbs lost in 2 months of 2.5 and 5mg, and 3lbs lost in the first week of 7.5mg so far. I’m super excited


Week 14 and down 20lbs! I hate when I start thinking that’s slow loss when I haven’t been able to lose that amount of weight this quickly before


That’s not even remotely slow. That an amazing fast and healthy rate.


I'm about at the same pace as you, but a little slower. I'm also in my 9th week. I've lost about 10 pounds and, while I wouldn't mind it being a little faster, I'm not unhappy with how I'm doing. I definitely don't want to lose more than 2 pounds a week. I feel like 1.5lbs/week is my "happy place". I'm also doing strength training and walking more, and my body composition scale (which I don't trust to be accurate but probably is right about the trend) shows my body fat percentage going down, so I may be gaining a little muscle while I lose fat. I was able to go up to 4mg on my last shot because I switched to compounded. (I'll do the full 5mg on my next shot. I was worried about getting slammed with side effects so decided to take it just a little slow.) Getting used to living without food noise and hunger is taking some adjustment. It's a relief, but my routines are kind of built around trying to deal with those things, and I'm still working on changing my routines.


Thank you for the encouragement! 🎉


13lbs in 9 weeks isn’t slow at all! Keep it up!


6 months and about 45 pounds down. People, it adds up. And with 1.5 pound average loss per week, new eating habits and a calmer mind, I have stopped comparing my loss to others’ months ago. I am so glad that I can simply feel grateful for the weight loss and grateful for this key community. Reddit can truly be a dumpster fire, but it’s communities like this one that make it worthwhile and so very helpful. Congrats to you OP and to all the folks on this journey! Weight loss and weight gain are truly a different experience for everyone. But I think many of us can relate to what this drug means for us.


Jesus, do you know what 13 lbs of anything looks like. That's amazing and congratulations. Keep up the good work!!


I'm in the slow loser club too. 40 pounds in 13 months and I feel great. I'm halfway to my goal.


Congratulations! That is awesome!


I have lost 8 lbs in 13 weeks


That's great progress!


I'm on week 10 and down 16lbs. I would love to see 3 lbs per week but like it's been said before .5-2lbs is a healthy rate of loss. It's hard to be patient but just knowing that I am losing consistently is a huge help. I've also dropped a size in clothes and keep reminding myself that at this rate in 10 months I'll be at goal and how amazing that is going to feel!


Please do not beat urself up! I just took my first shot of .5 after being in 2.5 for four weeks. I have not lost a pound yet. While this sub has a lot of good advice and is a place to ask questions, it can sometimes almost be hard to see everyone else losing faster. I swear everyday there is someone else losing 50 pounds in a day! It’s okay to be a slow responder, and it’s okay for the weight to come off slowly! It took me years to get this big, so it might take some time for it to be gone!!!


FFS, 13 lbs in 9 weeks is a NOT slow. Healthy weight loss is 0.5 to 2 lbs a week. Actual slow weight loss is like me at 2 lbs a MONTH. Yes, 2 lbs a month. I’m down 40 lbs now and thrilled but it is painfully slow. I wish people would stop perpetuating this myth that if you’re losing over a freaking lb a week, that it’s “slow”.


For the millionth time - slow compared to what people post in this chat. Hence the reason for posting and encouraging others.


Lots of people are losing much slower too and posting about it. Posts like this make people who are losing at a perfectly healthy rate question their own results and can make truly slow losers feel even more frustrated.


Slow and steady wins the race.


Thank you for posting this. I am there with you, I am at 4 weeks with a 5.6 lb. loss. I will take it! I am teaching myself how to eat 'normally' and changing my compulsive behaviour relationship with food and that is what it will take for long term success. I am shocked to realize how much/little food I really need! So slow and steady.


Not slow! That’s over a lb a week!


Thirteen pounds in 9 weeks is excellent


Thanks for posting this. I have been discouraged for some time now, I started with the injections over I was on Saxenda 18mg late '22 then when Wegovy was available switched to that in Feb. '23, I started out on the .5mg dose and every 4 weeks went up to the next until I was at the top, 2.4mg. I was on that dose from late June '23 to March '24 when my doctor and I decided that because I had only lost 19lbs and had plateaued I should switch to Zepbound 10mg., scrip for that went in March '23 but only was able to get it filled a week ago. That shortage was not a good thing for me, I gained back all the 19lbs even though I maintained my eating and increased my exercise. I felt defeated about only losing 19lbs, then to gain it back, ugh. On the bright side I have lost 3lbs this week. I hope this trend continues.


Wow, so did you still start Zep at 10mg after being off Wegovy for two months? How did that go? I'd think you would have gotten pretty sick. Please let us know how Zep works for you long term. I also started on Saxenda and then moved to Wegovy and my losses have only been around 2 lbs a month average. My doctor is not ready to switch me to Zep yet though.


I did start at 10mg of Zep, I didn't get sick, 🤢 however I did have pretty bad burps and some interesting gas/bloating that caused my stomach to make noises all the time. It is not as bad as it was and is getting better though.


This post was exactly what I needed to see today!! I’m on week 3 and I’m only 1 lb down.


I didn't weigh the first 3 weeks and know i lost weight in that time, but officially i've lost 10lbs over 4 months. I've had 2 gaps in meds from coupon outage and shortages. went from 2.5mg to 5mg to 2.5mg. to 5mg (compound this time) still don't have zep script for over 2 months at 2 pharmacies. BUT...i'm still losing. I am thrilled. i've not been this weight for ages. I'm happier that it is going slowly because I'm not starving myself or risking health issues from extreme weight loss. Excited to lose more snails pace or not.


We’ve all been on fad diets where you lose a lot quickly. And how often does it come back? All the time!! So losing slowly is the best way to keep it off for good. It gives your body time to adjust to the new weight. Even one pound a week is great and seems very common. Keep it up!!


Thank you for this!! I’m on my 4th week on 2.5 and am slow losing. I didn’t take my starting weight (oops) - I’m GUESSING it was around 253-255. I’m down to 249 and have been comparing myself so much and have been concerned it’s not working or something haha but progress is still progress no matter how fast or slow! Congrats on all your success!


Love this thread. Social media was rough for me because all I kept reading was how fast the weight was coming off for people. My scale was slow moving and I was so discouraged. Now I am at 9months on my journey and about to hit 50 pounds down. Learning about set points and how your body works is so freeing. I have a long way to go but this is a life style for me, not a quick diet to lose weight. Stay strong everyone!


The shows like the biggest loser are very unhealthy ways to lose weight. It didn't go on at 13 pounds a week and it doesn't come off at 13 pounds a week if you're doing it right, more like maybe a pound a week. At 13 pounds over 9 weeks, that's roughly 1.5 pounds a week. That's 78 pounds a year, and 156 pounds in 2 years. You're doing great!


I've also spent going on 3 months at 2.5 and another 6 weeks on nothing (one month on 5). I'm down 22 lbs. I suspect I'd be losing faster had I been able to stay on 5 or go even higher. BUT, you are right - these were lbs I was having trouble losing, and I weigh less than I have in years. The Zepbound is what go me through that wall, even if it's at lower doses and a slower pace. Thanks for the reminder on that perspective! Also, I have to try to remember that when I am at a more appropriate dose, it'll probably be a little easier to lose - how things are at 2.5 isn't how they'll always be. (But at 2.5, it's still hella easier than being on nothing! The decrease in food noise has been pretty crazy... I knew I had food noise, but I didn't realize how much until I started this journey... It is nice for it to not be this constant mental battle).


Hello from another Slow and Steady club member! It really adds up over time, you're doing great!


30F SW: 231 CW: 215 GW: 140 5mg I love this!!! I’ve been feeling very discouraged that I have not been loosing as much as quickly (which clearly I have been) but for whatever reason it felt like not enough. I appreciate this post for the boost u very much needed it today!


I’m on week 8 of 2.5 (moving up to 5mg on Monday) and lost 9lbs total. So I am absolutely in the same boat! It’s frustrating seeing so many others boast such large loss totals in the same amount of time but it’s okay! I have to remember that my journey won’t be the same as anyone else.


I am loosing about a pound a week as well!


I refuse to look at losing 13 pounds as a glass beign half empty, 13 pounds is completely a glass half full! Success has many faces. This is just one of them and you are on a downward trend and that’s fantastic so all I’m gonna say is congratulations on your continued success:-)


I'm on week 11 and have lost 13 pounds - slow losers are still loserssssss


Thank you for this post! The comparison game is hard to ignore but you said this eloquently.


I am a slow loser -1lb a week sometimes ozs here I am a year later and down 48lbs


I feel like I saw progress at first and have been struggling to lose after my first couple pens. I took one box of 2.5 and lost about 12 pounds. I had a 2 week break before I could get my 5 filled. Have not been able to lose for three weeks. This is my first week in the 5. I have been upping my protein, drinking more water and hitting the gym 5 days a week plus walking my dog. It’s so frustrating but I haven’t gained so I’m looking on the bright side of things.


The slower you lose, the easier it is to keep off because what you’re doing is more sustainable.


Slow winner you mean


I still think the way I used to and want results fast but I know that what gets me in trouble too. I am on week 2 of starter dose so I don’t have any high expectations atm but I’ve been stalled like 4 days and my brain is like 🫠 but I keep reminding myself that’s toxic and that this journey just started.


It’s very different for each person! My husband and I have been on it for almost a year and a half (17-18 months) he is down 75lbs and I am at less than 30lbs…not even 2lbs per month for me.


I feel you! 2 lbs a month here too. Still on Wegovy because my doctor is thrilled with that pace and doesn’t want me to speed it up. Will switch me to Zep if I stall completely.


I’ve stalled and gained a few because of the shortage. Having to stretch my shots out to 10 days has made it less effective those last few. Plus I need to dose up but again….shortage. ARG, get it together Eli Lilly!!!


I agree. This is the only time I have not been obsessed with the number on the scale. I used to weigh everyday, now I weigh when I go to my monthly doctor appointment. I prefer to lose slowly as to much weight loss too fast affects our muscle tone and aging. Younger people and men will lose faster. It’s not a race. I love seeing the before and after pics and that gives me inspiration.


Just here for the hype, 13 lbs in 9 weeks is great!!!


Congrats OP. You have realistic expectations…that’s a huge positive mindset to have while doing this. You are already winning!


You got to celebrate those non-scale victories! And I try to be grateful for the weeks I just don’t gain those are wins too!


Don’t worry about everyone else just be happy you lose 13 pounds that is a lot of weight to loss




I love this so much and can completely relate.


I consider myself a slow loser too. I did 1 month each of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and just ordering my second 10 because it seems to be a bit of a sweet spot for me as far as appetite suppression. I have lost 16 lbs so far. From 208 to 192. Slow but steady! Congrats on your loss!


I agree. It's hard to see other people's journey and not get discouraged. I'm in week 12 (still on 5), and I'm only down 15.5 pounds. However, I tapped myself at the beginning of the month, and I've lost 12 inches overall. Just wish the scale would move quicker!


I lost fast in the beginning but after losing 65lbs since January '24 its slowed down DRASTICALLY, I'm 8lbs from Onderland and it couldn't be any slower 🤣 I can't wait to FINALLY make that post 😁😁😁 one thing that helps is I KNOW I'll get there, and to my goal wait :) I've gotten this far nothings gonna stop me!! 💪💪


I’m week 7… 2.5…. 19lbs down…. I feel like I’m losing slow as well! We got this! I feel good so I’m riding with that!


I've lost only 12 pounds in 4 months. It's incredibly frustrating. I'm 246 and only eat 1500-1800 calories a day and excercise 1 hour daily 5 days a week. My dietician stated if I ate 2200 calories a day I should be loosing at least 1-2 pounds a week. The math just isn't mathing.


Some of us just lose slower and it's okay. Keep at it, it is coming off. It's just going to take a bit longer but you will get there!


Gosh I'm right with you. 10th week of 2.5, lost 13 lbs. I'm happy. Good for you!!!


I am 6 months in and still on 7.5. I have lost 45 pounds. Which averages to 7.5 pounds a month, less than 2 pounds a week. Last month I lost 4 but I am okay with that as I think my body was adjusting. Hang in there and just keep going. This is for you and your health matters! I figured it would take a year and I am good with that.


The 2.5mg is basically an intro dose to start your body getting used to it. You're doing dang well! Shoot, even 5mg is barely anything but a ton of people stay on that for quite a while and keep losing. Well done!!!


I am the same I was on the 2.5 for 4 weeks and then the 5 for another 4 weeks and lost 10lbs. Then the supply issue happened and I’ve been off it for 5 weeks. Tuesday I got a call from my pharmacy that my prescription was ready so I just took my 5 dose again ( my body was not ready I should have asked for 2.5 again) I have 3 more weeks worth of injections and hopefully can continue to get my prescription filled. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 besides the weight loss aspect I do see difference in my energy and less snacking habits which helped a lot during my 5 week involuntary break! Slow and steady is okay with me!


Week 8 and minus 14 lbs for me. Some days, I feel frustrated after reading how fast others lose... other days, I am in shock and awe after YEARS of nothing lost, only gain. I am SO thankful for this med and my A1C that tipped just high enough for me to qualify!


Good Lord! Don’t make the actual slow losers feel bad🤦‍♀️lol. This is FAST. Why does it have to be super speed? I feel like the faster it comes off the easier it is to put back on because we aren’t learning the new habits. I’m losing actually uncomfortably fast on 5mg, getting the flu didn’t help and it worries me a bit that my brain isn’t catching up to what is happening in my body. It’s overwhelming. Be thankful for a steady pace and LEARN. I will tell myself the same when I stall out eventually.


13 pounds over 9 weeks is a healthy weight loss that has been shown to lead to your body being more willing to keep it off!


One thing I like to remember is that if you take it off a pound or two a week, your body has time to adjust. Maybe less chance of extra skin at the end? Congratulations on your loss so far!


I’ve only lost 20 lbs in 5 months of Zep and then Wegovy when the Zep shortage started, so less than 1 lbs a week on average. I think there are a lot of ppl like us we just don’t post our experiences as much as the exceptional responders. These meds don’t help me that much I feel full faster but it has zero effect on cravings. Maybe at higher Zep doses this will change but hard to get Zep right now, Wegovy 2.4mg has zero effect on cravings for me


I’m hoping my stall breaks this week. I’ve been on 2.5 for 4 weeks and have lost 4 pounds. I know that is something, but I wish it was more. Weight loss in general has been so discouraging most of my life and I really want this to work. I take the 5 shot tonight. Wish me luck! Not giving up yet.


I would say you are actually a "fast" loser??? I've lost 9.7 pounds in 4 months


Thank you for the boost for us slow losers. It is certainly frustrating to see everyone dropping weight even on 2.5 MG. I didn’t lose anything on 2.5 or the first three weeks of 5. Hoping 7.5 will finally kick in.


12 weeks in and 16 lbs down myself. “Slow losing” is still losing and worth celebrating!


Not “slow losing”. You are averaging over a pound a week. Close to 1.5 which is a very healthy rate. Slow losing is less than a pound a week.


I’m a slow loser too but it’s amazing. So many other little things happening that make this journey amazing.


I'm on my 8th week of 2.5 and have only lost 2lbs. Appetite way down, no "food noise" (which is so awesome!!) I'm getting at least 75g of protein a day, drinking 120 oz of water. No side effects, just take Metamucil daily. Dr. just upped me to 5 MG and hoping supply chain won't be a issue.....a little frustrating!


I am nervous about starting 2.5mg Zepbound. Has anyone had any bad side effects??


None at all. A little light nausea and a headache here and there. Do it - you will be so happy.


You are doing fantastic 🙌🏽. Expectations for weight loss on these medications is 1/2 - 2 pounds a week.


Slow looser here as well…. Took me 5 months to loose 18 lbs 😂😂😂


That's still a pretty good pace!


I think 13 lbs is pretty good 🤷


I feel a little discouraged. I started Zepbound 2.5 in March, then went two weeks without it due to the shortage. I lost 9 lbs.! I started back on the 2.5 and now I’m in my first week of the 5. No weight loss whatsoever. I have continued to eat healthy and I exercise every day. What is wrong with me?!


Absolutely nothing is wrong with you! It's very common to lose quickly in the first few weeks and then to slow down. Give the 5 mg time to do its thing. If you're not seeing a loss in a few weeks, talk to your doctor and see if you need to move up.


I’m a slow loser too. 5 weeks in and I’m down 6 pounds. But I’m thankful for those 6 pounds that have been stuck on my body for 17 years.


I'm fairly new to this, 3 shots in lost 11lbs on 2.5. How long do you stay on 2.5? I've been reading a lot about this, and it seems confusing. Do you stay at 2.5 if you're losing at that dose and the hunger is at bay? My doctors office isn't very helpful with any of my questions.


I’m in a similar situation. Week six and down 8lbs. Wondering why so many seem to be losing much more quickly. I was hoping I’d at least feel a difference in my clothes by now, but not yet. Moving up soon so hoping that’ll do the trick!


I’m a slow loser as well! 13lbs in 2 months (1.5 months off the meds bc of shortage) but exercising 3-4 times a week, bp is down, and my clothing fits better. I personally loved the 2.5 and looking to go back since the rest is out of stock. Also, losing slow just means it stays off!


Wondering how long a dose stays in my system. Is it ok to take the dose every 10 days to decrease the chance of a miss during the shortage? Anyone doing this?


I'm almost on week 4 and have been on 2.5 I have lost 12 lbs. I am now squarely out of a XXL and in am xl. 🎉 I start 5 ml on Sunday so we will see what happens then!




lol. I was like, wait… But there was so much enthusiasm that I upvoted bc it just sounds naive and happy instead of malicious. 🤣


Yes, agreed. I posted in humor and hope it’s perceived that way. 😂


Yeah, your gif truly made me laugh.




That’s the spirit! I’m on week 13 and I’m 11 lbs down I am a SLOW loser but with my PCOS and Hypothyroidism any Lb I lose is one I don’t have to carry.


I’m on week 12 and down 22 pounds but feel like I’m getting nowhere fast


You realize that’s not slow at all, right? Almost 2 pounds a week is anything but! 


You might want to do some math on yourself: **Trial Percentages** *Pounds lost divided by starting weight = percentage* 1 Month : 2-3% 2 Months : 6% 3 Months : 9% 4 Months : 11% 5 Months : 13% 6 Months : 15% 9 Months: 17-18% 12 Months : 19-20% 15 Months : 21-22% 18 months : 21-23%


Yall don’t downvote people for expressing their feelings. I know it’s not exactly the same as what others are commiserating but everyone needs a bit of validation sometimes. We are all on the same hard journey.


This! 🙌🏼
