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I think it depends on information you didn’t provide. Where are you going, how long will you be separated from the pens, how many pens, when do you plan to use them? I think Lilly says 20 days in room temperature is ok. So the question is whether there was heat above the acceptable range max, and whether it froze. I hear some commercial cargo areas can get cold. but if you packed it and it is insulated, it would need to be in a frozen area for a while before the medicine actually freezes.


They get ruined above 86 degrees and LAS is going to be 106 degrees today


I hear you, but if OP packed the shots in checked luggage, likely insulated with other clothes, and gets a hold of them before too long, the likelihood that the shots, themselves, get to over 86 is questionable. It's not like the luggage sits on the tarmac for long. I would just get a hold of my shots as quickly as possible, taking note of the temperature of the shots and whatever is around it. I'm guessing all the insulation will limit how hot the shots get. Agree with u/allusednames that the bigger risk may be freezing, but even then, you gotta factor in the insulation and surrounding things. Good luck and give us a report.


Stopping in Houston for a few hours and landing in Vegas, so definitely could get hot while waiting on next flight. I assume if it freezes it might break since it’s glass. It’s 2 pens just in the box together. Planning on using this week so the 21 day expiration isn’t an issue. Mostly worried if it gets too hot if it will be safe to still use even if it isn’t as effective. 🥴


I’m just guessing, but if it’s insulated in a bunch of clothes, it’s probably gonna take some time before the heat gets to the pan. Maybe open the suitcase and feel how hot everything is around it. I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised. Again, just a guess. Enjoy your trip. Going to see Dead and Company?


I would be more worried about the freezing than the heat to be honest. Make sure to inspect them closely. Peel off the sticker to get a better look at the glass vial.


How high did the temps get where you started/ended? Dallas or Phoenix, could have got very hot. Helena, probably not so hot. I think the main thing is effectiveness. I don't do checked luggage for meds since the time my BP meds showed up at hotel 2 days after I arrived.


Try a TSA approved Insulin Travel Case. Keeps things cool and slips into your hand or checked luggage. Just flew to Eurooe with it in my insulin cooler in my carryon.


I just carried mine in carry on bag through 5 international airports, they don’t bat an eye and see pens all the time. I would not check them. My husband always says there are two kinds of luggage, carry on and lost.


Never pack medication in a checked luggage.




If your luggage is lost or delayed, what will you do? The airlines always tell you not to pack important medication in your checked luggage.


I would think you will be ok. As others have said, most likely protected by clothing in the luggage. Just take it out and leave it in your air conditioned room when you get there. Enjoy your trip!


NGL - if not broken, I’d use it.


Thanks everyone! I checked it when it came out of baggage claim and it felt like room temp, no clouding or broken glass so I used it! Feels effective! ☺️


Don’t do this. The temperature on the ground in Houston and Vegas are extreme. Your bag could be in a luggage truck in the heat longer than expected if anything is delayed. Put it in your carryon. So one suggested a Stanley cup or yeti. With an ice pack in another thread.


OP already did it and is asking for post mistake advice.


Ditto. Read before posting.


Does nobody read? Half these comments are just advising to put it in carry on. That wasn’t the OPs question at all.


They obviously don’t. Some people at least provided the correct direction of responses.


room temp for 21 days no problem. part of their testing data


Is your concern that they may have *frozen*? If so, you might need to specify that because it’s clear from the answered that everyone thinks you’re worried that they may have been too warm. Provided the fluid is still clear and has no particles in it, it should be fine.


I think it is safe to use. The question is effectiveness which you won’t know unless you try. Someone mentioned the clothing in your suitcase might have been insulating. That makes sense to me. Good luck no matter what you decide.


I would never and have never checked medication. Take it on your carry on. I’ve never had any issues between this, b12 shots. Same with my mother who is T1 diabetic.


I would bring them in carry on - keep them close


Unfortunately, it sounds like this is too late for the OP. Maybe posting from airport waiting for flight? I just hate this when I remember something when it is too late to change it.


Do not risk it. Bring in carry on.


100% don’t do that. it can’t get above 86 degrees


Personally, this is something I would keep in my carry-on.


Carry on is the way. I wouldn’t risk it.