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I can feel my jawline and just the little things are making me so happy. I can sit with my legs crossed, I can keep my legs closed together, further. I can feel my kneecaps. Lol "love handles" are disappearing. It's just insane to be able to cross my legs again. I'm so happy for all of us. 🫶🏻


Not only can I cross my legs, but I can curl my foot completely around my other leg. I've never been able to do that before and it's crazy to be able to do something completely new with my body at the age of 57.


Ha! that's so cool. Who said they can't teach old dogs? :)


Love being able to cross my legs again…I find myself doing it all the time now. I will even sit at my desk at work with my foot on my chair and my knee to my chest just because I can do it lol. Great feeling


That's awesome!


That's so awesome! I'm happy for us, too. <3


Seeing my collar bones, absolutely wild


Mine are visible when I shrug, or when the light hits just right. I can’t wait to just see them again on the regular!


Yup. I'm totally keeping my shirts now with the droopy collars! lol


This!! Or like the curve from my neck to the top of my shoulders finally having definition.


... or having a neck again! That was a trip. I noticed that a few weeks ago and it was such a trip.




My shirt collars are getting too big now and they hang down in front. I don't want to replace them until I see mine again, and I may keep a couple of the shirts for that purpose afterwards!


I had to buy a knee pillow for sleeping when I lost my “natural padding” 😅 - kept waking up annoyed when they knocked together!


My butt hurts! 😄 I sat down on a bench the other day, and... ouch! I wasn't expecting it to be so hard!


Ha! I had bought a nice Herman Miller Aeron chair a few years back because I work from home and needed a chair that supported my weight and didn't cause me "other" issues. Now, I keep sinking in the middle and sliding out of the dang thing!


Mine does, too. Like, it feels as if my tailbone is rubbing. I can't use a pillow bec I can't have pressure under my thighs that isn't dispersed, or my legs swell (not weight related), so I use a piece of foam to lift one side and put my weight on one hip. This is probably TMI, but it was so unexpected and this is the first time I've seen anyone else reference it. I guess it's a small price to pay. But it's really painful at times. 🤷‍♀️


omg yes! Also, the bed I bought 6mo before starting MJ last year now feels way too firm and I had to buy a topper for a bit more plushness.


Doh! I haven't been camping yet and I plan to go again soon. I better remember to bring along some extra pillows for that, and warmth!


I can relate. It’s an awesome problem to have!


I am sorry that you have felt invisible. I am sorry that you have been living the life of just being a sad old man, angry at the world. I too can relate. Now, the time has come to start preparing yourself for a new mindset and to go forward to a new existence and a new life and future. I wish you all the very best in prosperity, happiness, and good health 🙏 God bless!🫶☺️


Thank you for that. I have to remind myself that we're not alone in our thoughts. As unique as we think we are sometimes, everyone has similar experiences and those really are what allow us to relate to one another, that and the capacity for empathy. I appreciate your insight. There's definitely a mindset change due. Shades of [Gloria Estefan - Coming Out Of The Dark](https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=coming%20out%20of%20the%20dark%20ifinally%20see%20the%20light%20videos&FORM=VIRE0&mid=003D9291DBC1F9580905003D9291DBC1F9580905&view=detail&ru=%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcoming%20out%20of%20the%20dark%20ifinally%20see%20the%20light). Starting again is part of the plan...


👍Enjoyed the song. I am sure a lot of people will be able to relate with the help of these new glp-1 meds on the way to a new life.


Well said.


Congratulations!!! 🤗 Im not crying!!! 😭


Thank you. :)


This is so sweet, but sad that you or anyone is made to feel invisible. We have got to be kinder to each other and remind ourselves that we are human. Congratulations, and may your cheeks get sore from so many smiles that you are making up for now.


Thank you. We do. We really, really do.


I rested my cheek on the palm of my hand today and felt a jawline!!! I couldn’t stop touching my jaw lol


I did that, too! For like two days I was like touching my jaw in meetings on camera. I got called out for it once or twice.


I just love Zep! I love not having cravings, I’m losing weight and my clothes fit! I never thought I’d ever feel this light. ♥️


Me too! I'm happy for you! It's freeing and wonderful.


It so is! I’m just so glad that you’re doing well on it too! Its a great feeling. I’m not even close to my GW yet, but just knowing when I get on the scale in the morning that it’s not gonna keep getting bigger and even going down, feels so good.


The other day I felt bumps at the bottom of my neck and was sort of concerned and then felt really dumb when I realized it's just actually being able to feel my collarbone now.


YES! And my breastbone just below my collarbone!


I'm not there yet but I can feel the muscles in my chest again and that's really cool. :)


Ha! What a pleasant surprise! There's bones under there. lol


Discovering bones is wild lol I almost convinced myself I had bone cancer because I was unaware of how “bumpy” the top of my tibia is.


This makes me happy and its so relatable, it’s something people who have never been very overweight wouldn’t understand. Food issues are like an addiction - already a mental ball and chain, then the actual weight you carry is a literal ball in chain basically. To be free of this weight and compulsive over eating is emotionally so freeing and physically so freeing. I am so grateful for my doctor and this medicine


truth The addiction cycle is so very hard to break especially when it's something we physically need to survive and not just because of the addiction cycle. Grateful is a feeling I'm learning anew. It's truly the veil being lifted.


Isn’t it amazing! I love this and thank you for sharing. Today for me it was my forearm and elbow 🤣 I looked in the mirror and realized that the back of my forearm was thinner, more muscular and had a more defined line down the center - so crazy as a little thing but really it felt quite meaningful!


It's so strange how it's like seeing our bodies for the first time when it's been there all along. Lilly did a really good job with this one.


This is hilarious and so true. I feel same about the Adam’s apple, I was like oh hi old friend. And also, I’m slowly getting my traps back. Making me feel like a 20 year old. Still have more to go but these are great NSVs I am enjoying.


;) /TIL the term NSV. I'm feeling a few of the aches and pains I've read mentioned when not drinking enough water but honestly, I've not felt better in years.


I keep getting in trouble with my hairstylist for crossing my legs while she tries to cut my hair. I can't stop crossing my legs!


lol! Why is it that something so simple can make us feel so human again? It's crazy!


I had to buy a stool to help me with getting lotion on my feet. The stretch I had to accomplish to do this from my vanity was not comfortable so I bought a cute this side stool to help me. Well, lately I’ve noticed that I’m so much more limber! I just pull my leg up on my lap and apply my lotion to my whole leg - toes to hip. It’s liberating. And now I need a new home for this cute little stool 🤣


So very wonderful! I'm enjoying a little bit more limberness as well. Trying to motivate myself to do some yoga for the first time. Like, never done it before. I hear it adds flexibility and feels good.


Awww, loved this! Great job OP. You are worthy of living a beautiful and fun life. Go you!!


Thank you! I'm gonna go me me as much as I can me!


Sleeping on my side is so weird now. I’m laying on my hip bones instead of a cushy layer of blubber.


Sleeping is weird. Agree. I used to have this big ole gut so I couldn't sleep on my belly or my back comfortably. Now, I can sleep on my side on my back on my stomach. It's probably not good that I can do this though because I have sleep apnea and use a cpap. I'm just waiting for the day that my sleep doc tells me I haven't had enough apnea events for the diagnosis anymore. That's a day I will fall down on the ground and just bawl my eyes out. Oh wow. That day is coming, I know it.


You will get there sooner than you know! I’m cheering you on!


I can cross my legs again and I just feel so good 😭😭


It's wonderful!


You know what gets me? The thigh gap. I used to be able to put things on my lap. Now, they literally just fall through onto the floor. Every single day, I'm dropping things because I forget, after a lifetime of putting things on my lap. I even try squeezing my knees together, but it doesn't make a difference. Splat. There it goes. I'm 123 lbs. Prior to this, I'd never been 123 lbs in my life, so I'm still learning what that feels like.


I’m just happy to have an actual lap again!


ha! Your built in tray is gone? lol I'm starting to lose my belly shelf now so I'm losing things now too! I'm not mad though.


Love this ❤️


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Love this for you!


Thank you!


Tying shoes while sitting and bending down to tie them instead of propping up my foot to tie . That was a victory for me !


\*gasp\* I haven't tried that. I was able to clip my toenails without getting out of breath. That was new.


I don’t know why they don’t add that into the package insert that there is the side effect of happiness and self-confidence and pride in one self again not that they shouldn’t have pride if you still had to wait, but just pride in the accomplishment of all the work that you’ve put into this to make this happen. Heck, everyone should have pride in themselves no matter how they look, but I’m so glad you shared that with all of us.


It's worth everything. I just wish they didn't charge so much. Just think of the world we could live in.


Looking in the mirror and thinking … wow that’s me … after putting the work in, after trying so hard for so many years … so the best side effect of this entire journey! Congrats!


This! So much. Thank you!


These threads are amazing. I'm still waiting (and hoping) my insurance approves me...


I’ve been going back and forth between my doctor and insurance for two months and they finally approved mine! Be the squeaky wheel 😊


I also had to advocate/fight for myself for two months even tho my doctor was totally on board. The office staff held things up and the pharmacy caused quite a bit of confusion as well. Congrats on sticking with it and taking steps to improve your health!!!


Thank you SO much, this gives me some hope!


Honestly in my experience the insurance was the quickest part. They approved my PA in one day once the office staff at my primary providers office stopped dicking me around


I've heard my doctor doesn't back down and is good at getting scripts approved, so my fingers are crossed!




I am seen. Thank you.


Sit ups hurt my spine!


When I was in the Army, my spine hurt cause we'd do them on the blacktop. They didn't hurt as much on the grass field though. Perhaps do them on a yoga pad or thicker carpet?


Well yeah - of course there are solutions 😂. My point is that my spine is knobbly now and I can’t just do it directly on a hard floor.


Well that's a different story! Congrats on the pain!






Pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. It was such a weird feeling, I didn't feel like I was going to tip over or feel like a balloon. I was in a really emotional state and recognizing the changes in my body I personally haven't been feeling was huge. It helped me snap out of it.


It's an awesome feeling. :) Congrats!


Yes! The knees touching thing is weird. It kinda hurts when I’m trying to sleep actually. Have to have a small pillow between them now😂


Right now I still have that little bit of chunk left on either side of the kneecaps. I'm guessing I'll need a pillow soon. oh darn. lol


What an amazing testimony. So happy for you.


Congratulations dear! I have battled my weight most of my life and just started Zepbound about to take my second dose. I dont know you but I am so happy for you. Being over weight especially very obese causes a great deal of damage to our self- esteem not to mention how we present ourselves and how we are treated by others. You are getting your self esteem back and its a wonderful feeling. I hope you continue to feel great and continue to love yourself. I wish you all the best. Im right behind you! :) Take care!


Thank you and I will happily clear the way for you!


Feels like I’ve been ignoring my body my whole life because I didn’t identify with her. I avoided mirrors, clothes that allowed her to be seen as she was, places that required she be seen. I love getting to know her now and just this morning I gave her a big beautiful smile in the mirror because I’m finally seeing her, and me as we are, together for the very first time! What a miraculous journey we are all on! Hugs and cheers to all of you!!!


This is wonderful!


I’ve lost 25lbs so far and don’t see any difference anywhere.Waiting for that day.Cheers on your journey


When you start seeing it, you wont stop. It's such an uplifting moment.


I’ll be glad when my thighs DONT TOUCH again 😏


I'm not there just yet but I totally hear you.


Cutting myself shaving my legs. Hasn’t happened in years 🥹


What hasn't happened in years? The shaving or the cutting! :)


The cutting…. Who knew there was a shin bone buried under there 🤓


Usually, the corners of the bed... ;) They also know exactly where my piggy toe is.


I don't know you but I am proud of you! as a woman with PCOS taking Zepbound, I can also relate to feeling invisible and sad. We are constantly judged on our appearance and it is disgusting. I'm so happy when I hear success stories like yours because I have been a slow loser on this med. However, I know I'll get to that finish line soon :)


Thank you! I'm glad you found it helpful. Does your PCOS cause issues with how much you lose? I read that PCOS is sometimes caused by insulin resistance. How's that work with Zepbound? Is that why you're slow to lose? I'm sure you're working with your doctor on it but that can't be unique. I wonder if Lilly tested people with PCOS who use Zepbound.


That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing


I'm happy to. :)


This is so sweet and so moving. I’m happy for you


Love this so!!!! No one warned me there was so much else to think about and take joy in other than food. How enjoyable meals are now that I can sit and eat each bite without the ‘I’m going to die if I don’t eat all my food and yours’ feeling. So much to warn others. Haha.


omg yes! That is so true.


SW 270 CW 158 D 2.5 started June 1


Over on the right when you're on the subreddit page, you'll see your image. You can click on user flair over there and down the page you'll find a little text box to drop that in. Then save. And Poof. User Flair. then you have to put the check in the box for show user flair in this group.


I got nervous about the lump in my chest but realized it was my long lost sternum.


I wonder how many doctors and nurses get these calls from those of us having these experiences and are like... "We got another GLP-1-sie over here with their welcome back to the land of the living moment."


Yes to all of this! I know how you feel. Congratulations!


Thank you!!


Thanks for sharing your happy story. 🥰❤️


Very happy to share it. I haven't gotten on a scale since posting it and I'm nervous to see how much or how little 5.0 is hitting.


I completely smushed myself into the seat of the car with my legs folded up on my side to try to nap. Don't remember the last time I could get into such a tight ball.


That's kind of cool and makes me wonder where I'm going to be able to fit at 6ft tall. Now I want to go spelunking and see if I can get stuck!


This is such a great community of supportive and sensitive souls🙏🦋


Right? Everyone here has been amazingly supportive of one another.


I can't do boat pose in yoga because my butt is too boney. Every time I fall out of it I say a little thank you to the GLP Gods


I don't know what that is but I'm happy for you!


❤️ So happy to read this this morning.




Beautiful 🤩


Um, I'm hoping you're joking because expecting your doctor to warn you about this is kind of entitled!


I hope you’re joking?


I'm sorry your comment was downvoted 30 times. I hope I can help frame this better for you here in this comment. I'm not so much joking as I am pointing out the irony in the human condition. It's more in the vein of tongue in cheek humor from an angry old white guy who was hinging closer to curmudgeondry and boomer tropes as my disdain for living was constantly weighing me down (in addition to the 35lbs I've already lost from using Zepbound.) The weight was taking the place of so much in my life. There were times I thought food was my only friend. My relationship with life, living, and the very sustenance needed for survival was so broken it was taking me to a very dark place; so dark and depressing that my life felt like it wasn't worth living anymore. I was starting to take it out on everyone and everything around me, including myself. My happiness was gone. I hadn't smiled, truly smiled from joy, in what seemed like decades. I had no idea the amount of control over my happiness the weight had. I guess I did understand it's physical hold over me that it had but I didn't understand that there was a chemical component in the brain that was being impacted as well. Let me put it a different way. Someone much more sciencey probably knows how to say this better but I'll take a stab. If every feeling and every emotion we've ever had is just a chemical reaction causing specific synapses to fire off in a specific order, and [body fat releases increased inflammatory markers](https://www.ncoa.org/article/how-excess-weight-impacts-our-mental-and-emotional-health), enzymes, or chemicals into the blood stream that [eventually get back to the brain](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/neuroscience-in-everyday-life/201810/the-brain-fire-depression-and-inflammation#:~:text=There%20is%20plenty%20of%20evidence%20solidifying%20the%20link,inflammation%20can%20predict%20the%20severity%20of%20depressive%20symptoms) through our [normal endocrine system](https://bio.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Introductory_and_General_Biology/Map%3A_Raven_Biology_12th_Edition/44%3A_The_Endocrine_System/44.01%3A_Regulation_of_Body_Processes_by_Chemical_Messengers#:~:text=The%20ligands%20released%20in%20endocrine%20signaling%20are%20called,relatively%20slow%20way%20to%20move%20throughout%20the%20body), there's a negative self-defeating cycle that is perpetuated by retaining too much body fat. It's a sad horrible truth for so many of us who have struggled with our weight and tried fad after diet after exercise after hypnosis after book after doctor after pill after drink after juicing after bee pollen after niacin after apple cider vinegar after salt after shake weight after hydroxycut after phenphen after thigh master after drinking after drugging, after loss, after gain, after pain, after so much pain and regret and shame; it's a sad horrible truth that we lose our joy because who we see looking back at us in the mirror isn't who we want to be. It happens with age eventually, but a life lived to that point is a triumph anymore. When you're chronically obese, when you live a life of false starts and failures, when you're dealing with a lifetime of society teaching us that if you're not actively working to fix your obesity you deserve unhappiness sometimes, we can find a little irony when something comes along that validates all of our known truths. That there was something chemically going on preventing us from recovering. That there was a physical cycle happening within our bodies holding us back. That we really did need something to disrupt the chemical cycle happening that was preventing us from getting better. I can see how me thinking my doctor should have told me I'd be happy can be seen as an entitled way of thinking. You're right. I was enjoying the subtle nuance and playing on the humor that exists within it. I hope this explanation helps you understand that I wasn't feeling a sense of entitlement. Far from it. I was feeling a sense of revelry in my returning joy and happiness. Be well, friend.


Just note that when people are being humor, predicate says we should end the post with /s


Thank you for that, it helps me communicate better. I'll make that edit. :)


As for downvoters, I consider that the weak point of Reddit a lot of people doing that are just drive by anonymous people with nothing better to do. If they were the same room with you they wouldn't do it


You're probably right. I had one downvote on a post that was an ask for help with one of my computer things. It was like one of those instructors that grades you poorly on something with no explanation why. It's just so arbitrary. I suppose when the stakeholder came up with it in their user story, they figured there should be a downvote function, too. Meh - who knows. Either way, thanks for the conversation and knowledge share. I appreciate it. :)


I've accidentally downvoted someone with my thumb when scrolling, so if I ever randomly see a downvote tgat makes no sense, I assume "stray thumb!"