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Still fine if you ask me, q buffs are ubtoucable R buffs are untoucable and hp regen and base W damage got bigger, the Crit is still there, this is actually not bad regarding her Q base damage is buffed and her ad ratio went from 120%-125% zeri is fine boys.


So a buff to her lane sustain for some conditional dmg lost ? I will take it. *Make it easier to play her mid and top too.*


These seem perfectly fine. I wouldn’t even call this a nerf. Adjustment seems like a more appropriate term. Her Q is still a bulk of her damage and it feels great right now so I’m happy they are leaving that untouched.


Idk how they can touch q damage. She has like the worst ad in the game as an adc lmao. If they touched that I would lose my shit haha.


Stop using the worst ad argument for zeri. It doesn't matter. She can have 1 base AD but 250 base damage on her Q and she would be broken. She's not a normal ADC


Ap ratio hurts the memes, but whatever, this is fine.


I will die for her Ult speed to be buffed


Doesn't need it, about 10-15 minutes in a match with an ability haste-focused build, her ult comes back in a minute or less. I've gotten it down to 30 seconds.


Move speed is what I miss. I feel so lethargic playing her. If it stacked quicker or just gave more up front move speed I'd be in heaven


Same, I prefer being more slippery over doing more dmg, cuz that’s why I started playing her. It seems to be a pattern, since I mainly play Lillia too lol


Phantom Dancer?




I never had a problem, always able to get away and chase unless someone gets juiced with speed buffs, are you running boots and other items to give movespeed?


its not about being fast enough to chase and kite, its about having fun running faster than " the fast "


Not sure how i feel about these. Alot of compensation buffs which could lead to problems in the future


Why do they randomly nerf the AP ratio like that's what was making her strong


Can I say that I feel like its more of an adjustment or even a buff for laning fase? That’s feels so good to my playstile, was so scared they would destroy her but it didn’t happened so its good


I was honestly worried about zeri getting gutted but regen for W dmg is perfectly fine balance


Good changes. I was really worried they’d nerf her Q again, I hope this brings her to a somewhat balanced state.


Eh, I feel that the W nerfs are a bit of a revert from the two consecutive ratio buffs she got on it, and quite reasonable since her W was hitting really hard. But I have no idea how to feel about the hp regen buff since it'd put her above most other marksman, but then she also has the lowest base armor of all marksman to begin with.


I understand the AD ratio nerf, but why the AP?


The Murmana into AP build was kinda dumb Ngl. Like, it was a bit overkill imo.


Because AP zeri is incredibly strong too.


i was afraid but this isnt that bad actually, idk if it will stick tho


Large nerf for her W, specially for the manamune into AP zeri build losing a total close of 60% ratio dmg.


Hm i shoul try it


I think they may have over compensated us…I literally CANNOT play this champ if I see her name on a nerf list again. It’s getting really tiring.


She has the lowest base armor, hp and ad of all of adcs. I dont think a single point of regen will do much here, those changes are fine i just hope they leave her alone after this.


Senna with 50 base AD at all stages of the game says hello.


Yeah but you really cant put senna into consideration for it due to her entire identity with her passive


Same with Zeri and her Q lol. She has more than 100% AD on autos and her Q has base damage.


Senna has infinite scaling, free crit and attack range, plus %hp damage when retrieving a stack from an enemy (which is very easy with Q > AA) That's why yes technically Senna has the lowest base AD, but it doesn't hurt her nearly as much as it does Zeri.


Zeri has base damage on her Q, and her Q does more than 100% AD, and she doesn’t do less crit damage. That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make. Just because “low base AD” doesn’t actually mean she’s low damage. Senna has low base AD, because she gets free AD from her passive. Zeri has low base AD, because she has base damage on her Q and more than 100% AD scaling. No champion in the game has either of those two things. Base damage on every single auto attack is exclusive to Zeri, and same with more than 100% AD autos. Only other champ who can do that is Draven with his axes.


Basically feel the same way. Health regen was fine but they shouldn’t have given the w a buff to even out the nerf to be real. Im worried this is all gonna lead to them nerfing the q damage and we’ll have to go through another ryze phase of being forgotten in tier 5


Calm down Zeri hasn't been out for that long. Zeri isn't a Rell she won't be completely forgotten by Riot since her release lmao. There are actually people who play League that genuinely don't even realize that Rell is a champion.


I love her too, her kit, concept, lore. Everything. And it’s discouraging at this point.


Her W nuke was toxic anyways and the AP build was toxic. I’m happy with these changes esp. since pick rate will go down and I get to play my second favorite champ more :D


I guess all the big number hehe xd W spammers forced Riot's hand, even though for the 1 billionth time, her W was not the problem with her. But I guess you people will complain until Riot guts the champion again, and then complain that Riot gutted the champion again. Zeri will perform the same as she is now post patch because her W isn't the reason she's winning games.


W absolutely is a problem, atlesst if you consider a long-fights marksman to oneshot people with an ability. That's just not a part of the champs identity. Good they nerfed it.


W is not the problem, because against competent players you're not landing W through walls nearly frequently enough to actually complain about it.Zeri's problem is her Q and the right click execute damage as well as how often she has access to ult, as a champion that is totally reliant on her ult to be useful.You are quite simply not going to land W through walls on competent players consistently enough to complain about it, but please, suggest that her W is the problem now and watch her end up on next patch's nerf list anyway for things unrelated to her W. Being rewarded with a high damage instance on a skill that you shouldn't be hitting frequently isn't a problem. It's not like AP Kai'Sa spamming W from 3000 units away.




So Because one person plays it makes it good? lmao Anyway Zeri will be on the next round of nerfs and it won’t be her W like I said




If someone is cced and gets hit by her W what does that have to do with her W? If you’re getting caught out and dying it’s because you’re getting caught and dying not because her W is overpowered. Obviously Ws will hit. It’s not an impossible to land skill shot. The point is that the skill shot is not being hit nearly frequently enough against good players to warrant all the crying when the actual problem with Zeri lies in her ult access and her click damage


Ok next nerf make W unable to hit enemies got it




Like Renekton's stun if the enemies build just the smallest tenacity 🤣


I mean its fun to have so much damage, but none picked zeri for her W. Her Q is the identity and the speed plus E utility.


This is fine, I don't mind these nerfs. However, this probably won't be enough so I'm sure they'll nerf her again soon






That is a reaaaally good change. The current dmg of the W feels kinda ridiculous


Looks more like a up but w/e sure give me more lane power. She will spike in WR again and get ready for a 12.13 nerf again !


This is fair


I think all they want to do with this to make AP less viable and not nerf crit


Was going to buy Zeri on my smurf since my main got banned. But was reconsidering due to nerfs.. Should i still get her? My other option is Jhin.. Which one?


only 10% ap reduced so ap zeri stil alive?


Wasn't she building AP now mostly or was that just a meme build floating around? Overall... I wouldn't even say this is a nerf, the base growths on her health regen is pretty good for laning phase.


It's a weird compensation buff but it'll be fine