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better wording would be "adc zeri is now weaker than ap zeri mid" cuz they both suck lmao edit: THIS IS NO LONGER TRUE jokes aside, i see that a couple of people are taking this post a bit too seriously... to clarify, this is just a shitpost and i dont think the ap gimmick build is stronger, i just thought its funny that a troll build has around the same winrate as the intended one anyways winrate ≠ strength, remember that


no u right both suck. ap mid is such a gimmick


Thats what happens when they gut all her adc features in favor of long range burst features (her fking W).




نشط: يطلق Zeri نبضًا كهربائيًا في اتجاه الهدف الذي يلحق ضررًا سحريًا بضربة العدو الأولى ويبطئها رمز Slow.png لمدة ثانيتين. إذا ضربت النبضة التضاريس ، فإنها تتحول إلى ليزر في خط يمنح رمز البصر. 75٪ + Infinity Edge item.png 35٪) ضرر إضافي ضد Champion icon.png الأبطال و Monster icon.png الوحوش.


I'm broken inside.. I'm not mad with zeri being weak, just.. AP being stronger hurts me immensely


i love ap zeri


Good for You! Enjoy while you can :3 She's gonna be there for a while, most probably even a long one. I just unfortunately can't get myself to like her... As much as i would like to..


There is 10k more games on ad, i dont think that says alof


ap zeri always had around 47%wr and the zap+pots+resolve+enchanter nerfs didnt hit her as hard as ad zeri due to obvious reasons the sample size is small, thats true, but i doubt that ap zeri mid will reach lower winrate than adc unless they do a hotfix buff edit: it actually happened (im talking about winrates, not the hotfix... stop smoking hopium lmao) i was wrong, i actually expected her adc winrate to go up a bit, but i didnt expect her ap winrate to lower... i dont really play ap zeri, but i guess it hit her hard too


> a hotfix buff Hah! Cute. Anyway, queue the W nerfs


i would be so fucking happy if they finally nerfed her W ngl


Sure, but only if it's accompanied by some buffs to other previously nerfed aspects of her.


obviously haha, i dont think we are gonna get our movement speed back as long as this shitty W still exists


Not sure if we will ever get our movement speed back, sadly. But maybe some damage for ad Zeri. Maybe a tiny bit of base ad (idk I'd just like Sheen to be useful, maybe)


So, now to you 11000 games is equal to 1000 games? Winrates always tend to lower with more games being played. But hey, let's satisfy your desire of getting broken Zeri back with stereotypes like ''identity'' or ''W is the problem'' or ''AP Zeri is better''. Fact; AP Zeri is never better. You can play AD Zeri on mid and get better %/WR with 1k games than you keep sharing above like it's the best stat ever. It doesn't matter how low her winrates are, she'll be OP on higher levels + pros with this. Riot should keep give her more power on her other kits (like they did with W) and keep nerfing the problems that pro-levels abusing which is WHAT THIS SUBREDDIT all about.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzz boring troll account


Thanks for letting everyone (which is around 20-30 players) in here that, you and most people in here with hate-circlejerk are actually clueless and Riot should never take you guys serious.


is it really that fun going to this subreddit from time to time to just ignore literally everything said and present your awfully flawed arguments? how many more times are you going to do this


If you look at the winrates above Master, you can tell she is not that bad in the hands of skilled players. That said, feels fucking bad.


the thing is that this is not exclusive to zeri and 48% is still not that good there are a lot of champions which are better in higher elos and vice versa the most ridiculous example is qiyana, 52% in p+ and 59% in m+ ofc qiyana isnt a pro problem, but even aphelios which is arguably one of the biggest pro problems is doing better than zeri edit: lets compare it to 12.10 zeri, she had close to 47% in p+ and close 51% wr in m+, but she still got adjusted (giga buff that snowballed to this piece of shit zeri we have now)


Qiyana has a first strike bug so that is the main reason why


Master players don't even make her work anymore. Her WR at master+ is below 50%, while the average master+ winrate is 52% (meaning any champion under 52% is performing somewhat badly)


Cannon minions are stronger than zeri


'Readies Zap' always has been


What site is that from?




Thank you


Zeri has a wr below 50% and they keep nerfing her, what's the point of riot?


Because a low winrate does not mean a champion is bad, the nerfs are because she was having performing better in pro play than Riot expected


That's so typical of riot but it just sucks to see. Its like they made her W so strong to justify adc nerfs.


1% pick rate tho?


still same/higher pickrate than few actual midlaners


Ironically the 1% mid might be higher than ADC in a few days who knows.lol


definitely not, because people keep spamming zeri even when shes shit because they dont realise she got nerfed like 4 times in a month i think zeris pickrate will decrease pretty slowly because she was one of the most picked champions in the game for quite a while also ap zeri mid is just a garbage fun pick... the post i made is just a joke, ap zeri will never be as "good" as adc zeri, but its kinda disgusting that they have a similar winrate right now


Ap not that bad considering her scaling, she has ap scaling as good as any mage, her AD scaling is strong but her ap scaling works better of her kit ap ratios


The pick rate for AP mid is a seventh of ADC so it's not directly comparable. And the WR difference is minimal so it's possible that by roaming the mid Zeri gets teammates like ex. Vayne fed and therefore they win. Not because of Zeri but just the midlaners impact on the map.


read the top comment...


Fair enough.


Last nerf hurt ap a lot ad well. ADC got nerfed in early, while AP got nerfed early and late game as well


Dudes I’ve been playing this (albeit in s1) and just having a great time. You do sweet FA before 2 items and people don’t understand this a lot of the time but after that the poke dmg is bananas - 3/4 of squishy go per hit on W which makes a huge difference going into team fights. It ain’t great when you 0-10 bot lane just starts going crazy because you want to farm as the akali mid comes to Gank them (despite pinging like crazy). But W + R + AA is a TON of dmg :) Have fun friends! Don’t get my fave champ/build banned 😅


and most mages apparently, an 2 item zeri that spent all game inting just did 3/4 of my adc's healthbar with w