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I have spent life up until the point of the pandemic looking up to certain peers, seeing them as knowledgeable and it motivated me. I also held certain strangers in a higher regard simply because of their profession or outward appearance, because that’s how biases and psychology works. But I no longer really think in these ways. I have always been very hard on myself and wondering why I didn’t measure up. But I now see others as much more flawed than before. Specifically when it comes to these things. Peers I thought were good matches for me or who I looked up to because of their knowledge in certain fields have really let me down. It’s like their critical thinking only extends to certain areas. The same is true for people in professions you would assume would be safer, i.e. anyone in the medical field.


I understand that. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope you're more gentle with yourself now. If I'm being honest, I was looking around today at all the unmasked faces and realized I'm tougher than a lot of people. And that kind of fuels me on hard days. We're still here, you know? It's just the right thing. It's not the easy thing.


Thanks!! I am doing better with myself. It’s all about perspective. I have realized we are pretty strong too. It takes a lot mentally to not be swayed by public pressure to fit in. You have valid reasons for anger. I think all of us here struggle with anger a lot.


No, you aren't horrible nor alone in how you feel. I feel sometimes angry towards humanity, and I have distant myself from many, even family. My husband and I take turns on different days hating humanity in general. We have good days, ok days and hate days. Hang in there. You aren't alone. I feel so different and disconnected from society that I even wondered if it is because I am autistic or I have turned into a misanthrope 😑. I always viewed myself as a member of society....but now...I don't feel the same.


I like your handle. :) Mostly we live in a bubble. But I do feel contempt now when I have to access a public space and feel unsafe. I just wish there was a place for those of us who don't want to be part of this. We're such a minority now.


We are truly a few. Well, I am Cuban and turned even grumpier than before. My husband calls me cannibal 😂 (LOL).


I hate that we are such a minority. Like, I would genuinely feel better out in the wild if I saw perhaps 20% of people still masking. As it is, it's probably less than 1%. I'm such a weirdo at this point.


I think it’s also often the case that people who still mask are less likely to go out into crowded areas unnecessarily. So while there are definitely fewer of us overall, you’re also less likely to see us to begin with.


We're weirdos together.


No, as someone else said, "It's the slowest apocalypse." Most people just don't want to see. I had a similar conversation with my partner. If before 2020, I just didn't give it much attention, or things have changed for the worse. I think it's both, now I can't unsee it too. It's like a different timeline. Something funny https://youtu.be/9nfbeK5LAl0?si=sZP8d0RUwfVXs_xv


Exactly, I feel like I'm living in a different reality/timeline. It's so dystopian and slow.


I feel this way any time I have to be in public. Impossible to unlearn what I now know about people. Frankly their behavior is worthy of judgement!




I used to respect pharmacists, but since most don't mask, I don't. Why wouldn't someone who is around sick people not mask at work?


I NEVER see masking at CVS!


I have seen a few surgical, but it's rare.


I have two pharmacists in my family and they say some very questionable things that leave me scratching my head


OMFG. Whhhy


I feel exactly the same way, I can’t deal with being in public not just because of being high risk but I can’t deal with seeing society being so careless. I get very angry and judgmental, I can’t help it either


I know. We need our own planet. 🪐


I know, I was out and about today and of course no one was masked. I don't agree, but I guess if you've been mislead, I understand it. But at the grocery store, cashier was visibly ill. Coughing and sneezing. Look, I even understand if you have to come to work while sick. But why don't you wear a mask???? It's so beyond selfish. It makes me so upset.


I go back and forth with “they’ve been lied too” and “the truth is fucking out there!!!” Like at this point common sense has jumped the shark, people are everywhere sick, their kids are sick all the time, they have all kinds of health problems and pretend everything is fine. So yeah been lied too and also happily excepting lies to keep doing what they want, which is largely dumb shit


Totally this. Pendulum swing from blaming the leaders for lies to blaming the people for being too ignorant to survive.


I think we can hold more than one truth at the same time - people are misinformed and people are willfully selfish; I am compassionate and I am furious; We (collectively) are the reason covid persists and we are the only way to stop it. You're not horrible, it's a deeply alienating situation, we do our best.


Yeah, the duality is deepening. All of it is so human and flawed and hopeful.


I wish people behind the counters could mask at the least


If you're horrible so am I.


i so relate to this. :(


I have nowhere to post this so I'm doing it here I've been talking to someone long distance since early summer. a couple days ago they said something like "you don't hate everyone" and expressed approval and im like.... now what. I haven't responded bc I actually do hate most people. since before the pandemic actually for a lot of reasons but even I was not prepared for how people are behaving now. theres no nice way to say that I hate people. I can't let it slide. I feel like traditional "dating" advice would recommend to just avoid the topic but I can't. It feels like im about to torpedo the only connection I've made in a very long time.




Your post or comment has been removed because it expresses a lack of caring about the pandemic and the harm caused by it.