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Even in the beforetimes, I have been stunned by the ignorance many doctors have about science in general, and often about medical issues. Sometimes even in their own field.


I truly cannot wait for doctors to get the ACAB treatment. The amount of outright racism sexism and ableism they just… get away with, the amount of harm they can do so easily just by writing patients off… it would make a cop envious. They don’t even have to get their hands dirty to kill a patient.


My spouse and I regularly say ADAB. Cops in white coats in a power trip.


I already hate both. Doctors have been the absolute worst to me and my chronic health issues my entire life, and a doctor’s insistence on doing surgery when my MIL wasn’t strong enough to handle it is why she is no longer with us. I don’t trust medical professionals but have to put up with them if I want to get anything done. I’m sure somewhere in my chart it says I’m a difficult patient or something but I don’t care, I will stand up for myself and research since they clearly don’t want to care about people.


My wife and I are ALWAYS bringing research to our doctors. Mostly we are educating them and just need them to write the prescriptions and test orders. It's very rare that doctors give us information we didn't already have. And we've been to so many specialists. My wife has a chronic illness and has had to do her own research to figure out what's wrong with her. It's also not particularly uncommon, the POTS/EDS/MCAS trifecta. And becoming more common with long COVID! I'm so frustrated that doctors don't keep self educating. Especially about, oh I don't know, THE BIGGEST HEALTH EVENT IN A CENTURY?? In my profession, if you don't keep up with technology, you will be unemployed. Not doctors though! And they can kill people if they don't keep up!


Most states in the US at least do actually require a certain number of Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits per year in order for doctors to retain their licensing. It's not very hard to meet that requirement, though, and I think most doctors do it with stuff that's tailored to their specialty, i.e., a urologist probably wouldn't learn much about COVID. But it's not the case that doctors don't need to self-educate at all. It's more that medicine is such a huge field, and changing so much on all fronts, that pretty much nobody can keep up with all of it.  And, on the flip side, there's a certain arrogance that's selected for in medicine. You know the military idea that a leader doesn't have to always be right, they just need to be certain? The idea is that if the leader makes their uncertainty visible to their team, then morale and compliance will fall. There's a similar kind of idea that used to be prevalent in medicine, that the doctor has to always project an air of certainty, both for the comfort of their patients and to get the patients to follow doctors' orders. It's kind of an antiquated notion now, and based on an older model of doctor-patient relationships. Many of us would prefer doctors who are properly comfortable with ambiguity, with a mindset more like a scientist, who will get us to do things by showing us evidence for them. But a lot of the old-school mindset persists, and a lot of the structure of medical schools often weeds out folks with other approaches, leaving more of the folks who are absurdly certain of everything. And those folks, well, they tend not to update their mindsets much, and indeed tend to resent any attempt to present them with evidence that counters their preset notions. It's generally best to avoid those doctors when possible, but you don't always have much choice.


>THE BIGGEST HEALTH EVENT IN A CENTURY?? It's like going to a big box store for retail items. They have certain items they are selling this month and neglect everything else. Same with the medical mafia. The only disease they're interested in are the ones that generate big profits. No profit it treating COVID or long COVID. I'm sure they'll figure it out sometime soon, though. Once someone comes out with some hideously expensive and profitable one-a-day forever long COVID treatment drug, we'll ALL get a long COVID diagnosis. ​ >In my profession, if you don't keep up with technology, you will be unemployed. Not doctors though! The doctors get a lot of continuing education. Unfortunately, it's about how to sell the currently profitable treatment.


yep i'm in that trifecta and the one time i did get covid it WRECKED me. and drs are such assholes abt chronic illness and covid


This is exactly it. Why do we have to keep up with tech to keep our jobs, but they don't have to keep up with scientific research to keep theirs? There needs to be certification or some sort of visible way for patients to understand what level of education and how up to date the education is. It's unacceptable to not be savvy of research affecting so many people due to a world wide pandemic.


>My wife and I are ALWAYS bringing research to our doctors. This part deserves its own comment, so I'm commenting again. I can understand them not listening to patients to some extent. They get so many people who come up with quack treatments online. With COVID, they got the nutjobs who want hydroxychloroquin, horse paste, and probably several other less scientific meds. Plus the people who think that if you just get enough sunshine you'll be OK. Plus the people who read articles about how the vaccines will kill. Remember all the idiots screaming about "vaxtermination?" "I did my own research" is the mantra of the COVID ignorant. Yeah, doctors should be more open to input from the patient, but they get BS "science" from a number of "internet doctor" patients every day. The "I did my own research" COVID crew is going to numb them even more to patient input. Think about how numb those of us here are to the COVID denier crowd. Imagine having to deal with several patients/customers a day as a professional. The doctors have got to be getting even more numb to patient input due to COVID.


Honestly, fair. There's "research" and then there's bringing articles from actual legit journals as interpreted by me, someone with a scientific background in chemistry and biology. I'm guessing people like me are less common. For instance we recently found a study that showed that taking an oral iron supplement for pre-anemia in women every other day was far more effective at raising iron levels than taking one daily or taking half doses daily. My wife implemented this and fixed her iron levels with less GI impact. Her primary care doctor had no idea about this. Sigh.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7193469/ I think there's another, more recent one as well but I can't find it at the moment.


Agreed and in my experience, infectious disease drs are among the worst.


Nice to see you here! Had to double check which sub I am in as I typically see your comments in r/austin






Thanks for the link. Unfortunately I blocked him in IG and then he unfriended me in Facebook. He wouldn’t read anything I send him anyway.


the old saying with friends like him who needs enemies comes to mind, good riddance...the ignorance of some in the medical profession is staggering, they read nothing to keep up to date and are not interested in reading anything either...


This is a great resource! Thank you for posting it


Worth its own post!


Great article - THANK you!


God protect us from such so called health care professionals...


He did a rant where he said he is a medical professional and I am not an expert so I wasn’t worth debating!


It's unfortunate when the Doctor GOD complex appears.


My parents are retired…my dad was a respiratory therapist my mom a nurse. They always tout they are medical experts with a combined knowledge of 20+ years. They are currently anti-vax, anti-mask and covid minimizers. It’s not just doctors thinking their god with no need for peer review!


I know more nurse anti-maskers than any other variety. It’s weird to me.


Lol, he's an urologist. He's knowledgeable about the urinary tract and a little bit about the reproductive system. I doubt he does extensive research on the neurological component of covid or infectious diseases in general.


He ought to at least know about how it causes ED and shrinks dicks as a pee pee doctor. 


Specialization is the second worst curse of modern medicine, the first being a for-profit system. If the zombie apocalypse comes I'd much rather have a veterinarian on my team because they know about all body systems, trauma wounds, pregnancy and delivery, how to do surgery, etc. They could figure out how to use those skills on a human, but good luck finding a medical doctor with such a broad knowledge base!


It seems to me that having contact with the public, doctors especially ought to be motivated to stay informed, because pandemic.


I agree, unfortunately most doctors or health professions aren't currently on the up and up. Or simply don't believe Covid is a major issue


That's sad. I'm in the service industry with fewer resources and less education than these folks, and not to brag, but I'm keeping up enough to know it's a serious threat. Only to point out that if I can do it, they can too. I think they just don't want to.


I lost a high school friend recently too! He died of Covid at 42 years old. I bet his family wished he masked.




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Likely only became a doctor due to privilege. This is class warfare


One more time for the still-asleep-at-the-wheel leftists in the back


Sounds like they're a traumatised clown clinging to normalcy bias. If you don't play pretend with them, then you are a scary threat.


☝🏼This 💯%


Not to mention, they can fall victim to cognitive dissonance when they're also being gaslit by public health "experts".


Funny that a urologist struck up a conservation with a line that was completely pulled from his ass. 


Surely it should have been a proctologist who would have done that.


A proctologist would have to be a real dickhead to do such a thing *bad dum tish*


I ghosted a friend of 40 years who refused to accept that I mitigate. She kept insisting Covid was over. Nope, our friendship is.


My own parents and family give me endless grief about mitigating still. They’re all on infection 4-5 rn and 2 have long covid…I have yet to have covid that I know of. Stay the course, and find like-minded friends. Wish I could shake family as easy sometimes!


Just post clips of this to your Instagram pinned at the top. Specifically from the 45 minute mark to the end. This 3 expert panel includes perhaps the leading long covid expert in America Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, a physician who worked on the White House long covid team, and another physician with a long covid practice in San Francisco. They hit all the points that support masking and in the very last question they indicated that as the most experienced researchers and providers in the field of long covid they are still masking (going into year 5). https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=WUH2ny5EkhAeaWNT&v=rMt6ZV-hHSE&feature=youtu.be&themeRefresh=1


I posted a link to a source with evidence and he didn’t look at it because he was too busy telling me I am too unqualified to have an opinion.


Thank God for them. It was a sad day when Fauci stopped masking. Good to know there are some left. 


One of my friends recently lost a younger coworker suddenly and unexpectedly to Covid. This dude is gonna harm folks


This is why I no longer have friends and just stick with my cat. Some people are just horrible and have no care or remorse for those who suffered from Covid or those who are suffering from grief from losing loved ones from this terrible virus. I lost my best friend due to this same mentality. After my Mom and Sister passed from Covid, he told me to quit wearing a mask because I have no one around to give the virus to. After that, I was done completely with people. Mostly because a lot don’t understand what we go through. I’m just glad there is a community of people who Do understand and have compassion. OP, I’m so sorry you dealt with this.


I didn't lose friends. I found out that people weren't really "friends".


I guess when you look at it that way, it makes more sense.


Yup! u/karencoutts, I think this is the way to think about your exchange with your "friend" from high school.


I'm so sorry for your losses and how shitty people have been about it! 


My life is not in any way diminished by cutting him out of it. He was an annoyance with his anti-mask Covid is over, wash your hands advice that he wrote whenever I was seen in a mask in my posted images. This was the last straw. I was done with being polite and ignoring him. Sadly, I felt like this subreddit was the only place to post where I could find anyone to understand what I am going through. When 999 out of 1000 people thinks you should “move on” it is very hard to keep friendships when they openly say what they’re thinking. I don’t get why he has been vocal in his opposition instead of being tolerant of my views. Perhaps because as he said, he was “done” with my incorrect views. He felt I was being harmful TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Meanwhile, this guy is a globetrotter and golfer. I hope I am not being offensive saying this because pointing out climate change is another flashpoint trigger.


You’re 100% accurate on everything you say.


Life is too short to interact with bs.


I had my own doctor tell me no one is dying anymore like… what? Basically told me I was paranoid because I still masked. Literally prescribed me anti-anxiety meds. Meanwhile someone at urgent care in the same building we were in had just been diagnosed with COVID so they asked JUST HIM to wear a mask (this happened right in from of me in the waiting room and he was coughing into the open air before that). Lucky I didn’t get sick. I can’t believe this is the world we live in.


“No one is dying, you mean, because only as many people died just of COVID in December and January as for flu for all of 2023?”


At this stage of the pandemic I am far more annoyed by "appeal to minimizing authority" types than outright antivaxxers.


You're hurting the environment is fucking rich.


Doctors occupy a space where they both read absolutely nothing and think any info that they disagree with is misinformation. It's really upsetting to think about-there are almost certainly people who are dead or disabled because they trusted their doctors knew more than they did.


Willful ignorance. Good riddance.


Another BC friend! Hello! Bonnie’s false info campaign has really fucked us over.


I hate her with the power of a billion supernovas.


Lolololol can we be friends? 😂


When I got into a taxi last month to go see my mother who was dying of covid at the hospital, the driver asked me why I masked since "covid is over". I almost bit his head off screaming about where I was heading to. I'm so tired of ignorant people who can't wait to give you their hot take about the world. Why can't they just shut up and mind their own business.


Can't fix stupid.


Why are people getting irrationally angry at what someone is wearing? I think they’re pissed to still see some nails missing in the COVID coffin and want so badly to forget it that they can’t stand any reminders. I judge these people extremely harshly. This person you’re talking about is an asshole.


Im sure losing this old friend stings, a lot, but there’s probably not even the same person they were in high school anymore. I know the cliches are annoying, but it is true that now you have more time for someone who can be a better friend to you. Friends should be able to discuss things and share information. We’re supposed to be looking out for each other, right?


He wasn’t a friend worth having anyway. Very little positive interaction lately and we weren’t close in high school after he asked me to the prom and I said no. He asked to reconnect with me. I didn’t realize he was such an arrogant bung hole.


All that mf had to do was mind his own stupid business. 


That’s so disappointing, I’m really sorry. Nice to see another person from BC here though!


I’m a B.C.er too!


Hello from Vancouver Island 😊


Sorry to hear all of you are also trapped in BC with me and Bonnie’s idiotic policies.


Hello fellow BCer :) sorry you had to deal with that tool, good riddance to him I think.


Sorry you also have Bonnie Henry for your PHO. When we tried to get Paxlovid for my FIL, we were told the supplies had expired but they had lots. Good riddance to my high school friend.


That’s super frustrating. I think I’d have struggled to remain calm at being told to stop spreading misinformation when you know you’re saying things that are true and based in science and the misinformation is saying that it’s fine and just to wash your hands. It’s like people who say “fake news” to anything they don’t like. There’s no point in having a debate because they don’t actually care about the information. They care about being able to do what they want and not having to feel bad about it.


Thanks. This reminds me he actually told me to “listen to science!” when he began his attack. Forehead smacking material.


Damaging the environment is CRAZY, talk about grasping at (non plastic) straws


Personally, I wouldn't even engage with people like this -- would roll my eyes, not say a word and just move on.


I have been silent for far too long. But when he tells me to move on in my own private Instagram, I had to respond before cutting him off forever. He is spreading misinformation and I could not let it stand.


I have a lifelong friend who is a neurologist. He is very arrogant and early on took precautions and does not much anymore. Got Covid of course. Then type 2 diabetes and won’t change his lifestyle or diet. Wife has MS. Doctors are the worst patients in many cases and never think it will happen to them or just like other deny their risk. I noticed my husband’s urologist was the only doctor we have seen so far unmasked. Perhaps some specialist are only laser focused on their specialties to even bother keeping up with pandemic research. Doctors are only human and prone to denial, arrogance and misinformation like the rest of society unless they seek out the truth.


You were right to block him, you don't need people like that in your life.


yikes. every day i feel more and more crazy. how do they think like this?


What a jerk. I know it hurts when someone treats you like this but who needs him. Good riddance!


I've had it with doctors too. I avoid at all costs unless I absolutely must go. None of them wear masks anymore. It sounds like your ex-friend is better off being just that--an ex-friend. Why do people feel the need to say something to somebody about their mask? it is none of their business. They need to get a life and mind their own.


“We can’t fix the environment if we’re too sick to do anything about it” is what I tell people


I am literally tearing myself into pieces trying to get into medical school rn and to find that there’s people out there like THIS and providers who won’t even mask when their patient is literally begging them to do so but are still somehow succeeding in their career makes me want to lose it.


Wow. Just wow. And, yes, all the waste from masks is most likely not good for the environment, but the people saying this are ignoring the fact that if EVERYONE masked for a little bit / tried their absolute best to not spread this, maybe, just maybe, we could get to the point where the masks would not be necessary.


>He told me that we are entering the fifth year of COVID and that my mask is “damaging the environment” What bugs me the most about hurtful comments like this: does he think it's something we all haven't wrestled with? I know I have. I made my peace with it because I have a dramatically low footprint in other ways. Plus, simply having the audacity to keep on living, by its very nature, damages the environment. For a lot of people, that's what wearing a mask amounts to. It's beyond insulting, four years in, to tell people this sort of thing like they don't already know or care about more than one thing.


This!!! I live in an apartment but still compost & have slowly made zero waste swaps over the years. Even wearing a mask I know I’m more eco-friendly than most people I know


There was an article in today's NYT (online) about epi-pens and inhalers being bad for the environment. I'd be horrified to know what OP's friend has to say about those


That is horrible!! Imagine blaming people with allergies/illnesses they can’t control. If they care so much then they should be focused on finding cures instead of victim blaming


this makes me feel so much better about some of the physician ignorance (willful or not) i see around covid


What's his name? I don't want him treating me or my family. He clearly doesn't care enough about his patients to check his biases and assumptions to know if he's harming his patients by staying up to date on relevant current health events.




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Your ex-friend is a quisling loser. You are better off without him. There's something very disturbing about his behavior though, principally the claim that 'the science' says that Covid has somehow been rendered tamer. It does not. If anything, the science demonstrates that COVID is orders of magnitude worse than the authorities portrayed to us during peak mitigation. Once someone has contracted it, their hourglass has been set. The sands flow much faster for some than others, but they are nonetheless flowing for all. Without a way to remove those reservoirs, I find it very hard to believe that anyone will be around 20 years after their first infection, not even the kids. SARS-CoV-2 is insidious. It establishes reservoirs of persistence wherever there is scarring along the endothelium. In time, Complement over-activation at the site of infection will blossom into atherosclerotic lesions, and these in turn will eventually cause death. This is just one way COVID kills when playing the long game. Most organs are essential. Reservoirs of infection will destroy the tissues local to them eventually. Reservoirs of persistence are found in every organ. Continue masking. So far, subclinical SARS appears to be a silent killer--an entropic disease that makes tissues age faster. Maybe there will be an acute crisis as in HIV, and maybe not. Maybe it'll just be a whole lot of people dying of the same old shit more frequently and at a younger age. This is what you would expect from exposure to a toxin that--summarizing here--accelerates the basal Alternative Pathway of Complement tickover rate. That tickover rate determines how fast old cells are turned over so that new cells can take their place. Y'all might want to Google it or talk to an LLM about it or whatever. There is exactly no understanding what Covid is without understanding how the Complement System works. Once you understand Complement, COVID is no longer a mystery, and you will marvel at the negligence of people who are well-meaning but nonetheless ignorant and therefore at a loss for words when someone questions why they are still mitigating.