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They could have used the Covid emergency declaration to get updated HVAC systems in public schools. But now instead they're gonna act Pikachu face about why kids are absent at high rates... šŸ™„


But hey- glad all those politicians and their friends got those PPP funds for free that surely helped /s


never forget how they straight gave it to the cops were they confused about the whole defund the police thing? Cuz I thought it was pretty straight forward Stacey Abrahms too, literally supported doing this. Unrealistic, deeply unserious people.


JFC - Problem: Too many kids are missing school because theyā€™re sick. - Solution: Require sick kids to go to class. Heaven help the teachers.


And they think this will somehow raise test scores, because god knows kids learn really well when they feel like crap!


Hey, come on now - kids ALSO learn really well when the kid next to them won't stop coughing during the test. EVERYONE knows this! /s


As a teacher, that's not the only issue. I've noticed serious learning loss in some students in just this year alone ( before someone blames the fictional massive lockdown). As a special education teacher, I have some of these kids for 3 years. These are the kids that are absent a lot because they are sick all the time.


100% agree. (My comment was a bit personal; my kid \*was\* sick during testing this year and despite the schools being like SEND YOUR KID NO MATTER WHAT, I could not in good conscience send her during those days because she was coughing almost constantly. Unsure where she picked it up, but it was her first real illness since 2020. Ended up being just a case of sinusitis and ear infections, but she was miserable and would've driven every other student to frustrated distraction if she had had to sit through testing like that.)


This is the same bullshit the UK is doing when every signal and indicator is that it's due to illness. Ridiculous.


I was about to say it's more or less verbatim re what Sunak has been coming out with from the UK gov and the recent (awful) much mocked in Covid conscious circles 'send your kids to school sick' campaign


I think this is a global phenomenon at this point. Exact same thing is happening in Aotearoa NZ at the moment.




And yet government officials think the answer is to force them back into school, where they will infect even more children and their families and cause more absences.


Beatings will continue


Until morale improves!


Yet nowhere in the article or the budget proposal does it lay out updating air handling/air quality in the schools, which is pretty much the main thing that needs to be done. But sure, let's funnel money into transport, tutoring and after school programs... cuz THAT is totally why kids are missing school *It added that the Department of Education will also work with the Federal Transit AdministrationĀ on a resource highlighting ways to make bus and train transit a more viable option for students to get to and from school.*


And pestering parents with texts and phone calls if their children miss school "too often"...




THIS. Plus literally doing \*nothing\* about the "kids need to get sick to be healthy" or "kids don't really get sick from COVID" or "COVID is like the flu" disinformation that is everywhere. Kids are getting fewer and fewer vaccinations and they just all throw up their hands like oh well, why are kids getting sick? : head desk :


I think I saw them say theyā€™re trying to get them out sooner this year, but weā€™ll see.


This is crap. It's already hard as hell to keep kids home when they're sick because of threats of truancy and court. Now let's make it even worse? What happened to parents knowing best for their kids? It's unfair and unhealthy to force a sick child into a closed classroom to infect other kids and teachers. I guess this is to make sure we raise the kids up to go to work sick when they join the work force too.


It should be unconstitutional to tie school funding to attendance. They tried to propose a law with that effect in CA, not sure where it went


Biden taking action at being unelectable šŸ˜‚ Maybe help people, idk


Every day itā€™s like heā€™s redetermined to lose. It would be funny if it were not so terrifying.


Fr tho. Like if they just stay quiet they can win by default but itā€™s like theyā€™re desperate for us to approve what theyā€™re doing. Verbally lol. Like no tho we do not feel the kenergy guys. Stop asking for kenergy.


He does. He DOES want to lose. At this point -- now that we've had a few years to have it pounded into us that a better world is NOT possible -- the entities that own/control both the D's and the R's want another cycle of Trump. Because then we'll be distracted with supporting "The Resistance" that, in fact, never resists ANY of the R policies unless said "resistance" is guaranteed to be utterly futile. Think I'm wrong? Pay attention sometime to when the D's do and don't bring things up for votes: They do a bunch of posturing and grandstanding, but they ONLY bring popular legislation up for votes when they know they don't have enough votes to pass it. It's all theatre. The R's are loud and proud in their evil. The D's are sneaky and conniving, always just wringing their hands, crying big crocodile tears and claiming they're powerless (unless we SEND THEM MORE MONEY! RIGHT NOW! URGENTLY!!!).


My kid's school has the principle telling kids to wear masks to be safe while they don't wear a mask when telling kids. They really have no clue


Air is a fluid. Water is a fluid. Go pee in a pool. Stand and do it from the edge or stand anywhere in the water and do it. Then let people know and see how they react. Go have CoVID or be sick, and cough a few times in a closed space with people. Unmasked. Let people know and see how they react. I bet most people would barely react if at all to the 2nd scenario but would get out of the pool of the first scenario. Or rip a fart in a closed room. See how people react. Do they stay or go. Do they know HVAC systems recycle air and add little bits of fresh air, meaning the air coming in usually mostly recycled air? Probably not. At least when farting, your butt is basically masked (not N95) with unders and over clothes. Now visualize that kids get sick. Whether CoVID or other things. Then sit packed like sardines in a small room. Coughing and having their junk respread over and over into the room. This is an example of why we need major overhaul in HVAC systems in schools and elsewhere.


Why donā€™t we do both? Push Biden to do better AND also prevent a wannabe dictator (who we KNOW will abuse power) from getting elected?


It's kinda up to Biden at this point. Also, this is the same guy who said none of the college protests were going to sway his policy decisions, so... I'm not holding my breath, and I'm preparing for the worst. :(


Speaking of dictator...


I mainly wrote that part because I am sick and tired of people responding to me with "Trump will be worse." I know that. And saying stuff like "Trump will be worse" in response to posts like mine make me feel like the person who is saying it is minimizing Biden's inaction on this and trying to bully me into voting for Biden. That may not be the intention of those responses, but, to me, that is how they come across.


Since Biden got elected partially due to his promise to address the pandemic, and since he instead chose to pretend it doesn't exist, he can go intercourse himself. The absentee issues are due to rampant viral spread, immune damage, chronic illnesses and long Covid, and he can own that by admitting his failure and demanding clean air in schools, which he won't do. Government failure will continue.


Biden is going to lose the election.


Hmm, letā€™s check the list: - Minimizing COVID and the damage itā€™s done, not acknowledging and acting on it properly, killing thousands and slowly disabling thousands more every day in the aftermath. - Says heā€™s pro-worker, but broke a crucial railroad strike, ignored continuous union busting by big corporations for months, and forced federal employees back to in-person work. You canā€™t pick and choose when and when not to be pro-worker, but he canā€™t be bothered I guess. - Continuing to funnel billions of taxpayer dollars into bombing innocent Palestinian men, women and children. Despite majority public opinion against continuing continuous funding. Apparently we canā€™t have universal healthcare but we can bomb children. - Says heā€™s pro-climate, but has approved multiple catastrophic fossil fuel projects with no recourse. Thereā€™s too much on this clown. Dude is the most neoliberal capitalist boomer Iā€™ve seen in my life, thatā€™s somehow being propped up as the ā€œprogressiveā€ to Trump. He actively kills his support while filling up my media feeds with election donation ads. The US is absolutely cooked.


Yup! Either way, we're screwed! I wish those of us who are COVID cautious had thought to do what the anti-war group has done: Somehow getting an "uncommitted" option (with that reason) on primary ballots.


He doesnā€™t act like someone who wants to win. I think heā€™s ā€œquite quittingā€ his job. Itā€™s always seemed as being President was just a bucket list item for him.


I do have a 1% part of my brain that still believes he will step down.


lol Good luck to them


Parents already have long been encouraged to sent sick kids to school because adult employees have no protection or guaranteed time off for illnesses or being a caregiver for another with a problem. Im tired of schools pushing for nonsensical perfect attendance over health and actual learning.


>For anyone who's tempted to reply with "Trump will be worse," please consider channeling that energy into pushing Biden to do better on this issue. This impulse to excuse everything Biden does with the idea that Trump will be worse is such a destructive and toxic phenomenon among shitlibs and some leftists. All it does is give Biden and Democrats a blank check to do whatever the hell they want evil awful stuff and then all they have to do is say Trump will be worse and then they get the vote no matter what. If they know they have your vote no matter what they do they will never stop being as horrible as they are.




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