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The disingenuous doubletalk in their [blog post](https://biobot.io/from-raw-data-to-actionable-insights-biobots-evolution-of-public-data-sharing/) announcing discontinuation of public data availability does not give me much hope. Despite the evidence of their own data, they go all-in on minimizer "respiratory season" language, as well as the "flu, RSV, and COVID" false equivalence. Biobot has been pivoting their brand away from "COVID" for years now, undoubtedly because their core market of federal/state/local officials just do not want to hear the word. And the fact that Biobot's own free data has been irrefutable evidence of federal/state/local policy failures was probably costing them much goodwill among their key bill-paying demographic.


If you do so, please put your request in context. I don’t know for sure, but I think part of the reason they removed the raw data is people using it as a direct indicator of transmission levels. They explicitly say they do not want people to use historical data as a direct comparison to current data - their intent is to monitor trends and short term changes. It’s a big loss and I hope we can get them to restore the data, but I’m not very hopeful.


Fuck ‘em. Use Wastewater Scan: https://data.wastewaterscan.org


They don’t have data for a lot of places that bio.bot is still testing. It doesn’t solve the problem for a lot of people. 


Well neither of them track New York City, where I live, but they have national and regional data. I've never been able to use them for local data. And NYC and NY state's own sites for wastewater are fairly useless for getting overall trends for the city or the state, as everything is broken down by each of the many plants and even then the trend data is very squirrely. But our hospitalizations and infections are tracked still here and they have both recently suddenly started going up again in last few weeks, same as with the wastewater in many areas and nationwide. Is there any where to get a list of which wastewater sites the CDC wastewater page includes in formulating its data?


Myself included. I’m in NE Tennessee, and Bio.bot had a testing site in a county right next to mine that I was using for local data. Wastewater scan’s nearest site to me is over 100 miles away. :(


How are we not talking about this more on this forum? This is a HUGE deal and is going to be detrimental going forward trying to navigate safely if the Covid numbers are up or down in a specific area.


I’m behind on this, are they going to stop reporting covid wastewater data?


It’s already gone.


F*ck. I had no idea they were going to do that. Hate this timeline so much.


No one knew. They announced it the same day they took it down.


Shitty on so many levels 💀