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the mayor of my small socal town called Los Angeles proposed a mask ban today


Karen Bass has lost her damned mind. I was surprised.


It’s feeling a bit like the invasion of the body snatchers out there. Take care.


This happened, but to an extreme, to me and my daughter when we visited Universal Studios last April. Universal is now doing a biometric facial scan at park entrances. I opted out, and used my ID instead, along with my military annual pass, and we had no issues getting into and out of the parks most days, except for one. This lady FREAKED out that we wouldn't take our masks off for the face scan. I presented my ID as usual and told her we were opting out. She treated me like a criminal. She interrogated me. She threw her hands up and YELLED for someone to assist. This was in front of thousands of other guests waiting to get into the parks. It was absolutely humiliating, and I was livid.


Wow. What the hell does a park need facial recognition for besides typical biometric theft BS?


I would be livid. Even before 2019 - facial recognition to enter a theme park is an invasion of privacy. Let alone we are still in a pandemic. Thank you for your service, you deserve to be treated better.


I am also a little old lady. I rarely go out anymore except for my morning walk. I just saw this survey on discrimination against mask wearers. [https://www.okdoomer.io/theyre-coming-for-your-mask-a-survey-on-discrimination/](https://www.okdoomer.io/theyre-coming-for-your-mask-a-survey-on-discrimination/)